Zufallsbefunde in der Skelettradiologi - Original PDF
Zufallsbefunde in der Skelettradiologi - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jürgen Freyschmidt خلاصه: Vorwort Die sich in der Radiologie schon längst etablierte und ständig weiter zunehmende Bilderflut sowie die Modalitäten und Erfolge der Krebstherapien mit ausgedehnten prätherapeutischen und langfristigen Nachsorgeuntersuchungen führen zwangsläufig zur Aufdeckung von immer mehr Zufalls- und Nebenbefunden, die vor allem dem Nichtspezialisten in der Skelettradiologie erhebli- che interpretatorische Probleme bereiten können. Doch wie geht man damit um? Sicherlich nicht, indem man die Bilderflut durch mehr oder weniger ungezielte zusätzliche Unter- suchungsverfahren ausweitet und damit unter Umständen neue Zufallsbefunde kreiert. Das gilt besonders für hoch sensitive aber weniger spezifische Modalitäten. Der anspruchsvolle und präzise Radiologe wird vielmehr ein ergänzendes Verfahren einsetzen, das – an der anatomischen Struktur des Zufallsbefunds orientiert – eine höhere Spezifität besitzt und zu einer begründeten und klinisch brauchbaren Diagnose führt. Der häufig angewendete Trick, sich der Verantwortung zu entziehen und eine histologi- sche Abklärung zu empfehlen, sollte gemieden werden. Denn die histologische Interpretation des Pathologen kann in der Skelett- radiologie nur so gut sein, wie der radiologische Befund klar und richtungsweisend ist. Ich betätige mich seit vielen Jahren als Konsiliarius in der Ske- lettradiologie. Das eingesandte Krankengut besteht zu etwa 50 % aus klinisch asymptomatischen Zufallsbefunden, hinter denen benigne Knochentumoren und tumorähnliche Läsionen, Erkran- kungen im Frühstadium, Teile einer systemischen Erkrankung, ungewöhnliche Normvarianten und vieles mehr stecken können. Es wird an mehr als 160 Fällen und fast 100 differenzialdiag- nostisch passenden Kasuistiken aufgezeigt, wie man professionell an solche Befunde unter Einbeziehung der individuellen Situation des Patienten herangeht, welche Relevanz sie haben und welche sinnvollen Empfehlungen man zum weiteren Prozedere geben kann. Mein Dank für die Überlassung der besonderen Fälle gilt den Kollegen CA Dr. med. Jürgen Wiens, Wolfsburg (Fall 22), Dr. med. Thomas Grieser, Augsburg (Fall 30), Professor Dr. med. Michael Laniado, Dresden (Fälle 34, 61), Privt.-Doz. Dr. Sönke Langner, Greifswald (Fall 45) und CA Dr. med. Nils H. Goecke, Wildes- hausen (Fall 131).
Radiologische Diagnostik Abdomen und Thorax - Original PDF
Radiologische Diagnostik Abdomen und Thorax - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gabriele A. Krombach Andreas H. Mahnken خلاصه: Ultraschall, CT (Computertomografie) und MRT (Magnetreso- nanztomografie) sind die wichtigsten Modalitäten zur Unter- suchung der Kopf-Hals-Region. Gemäß den Leitlinien der Deut- schen Röntgengesellschaft (AG Kopf-Hals-Diagnostik) wird die MRT bei Verdacht auf suprahyoidale Tumoren aufgrund ihres gu- ten Weichteilkontrasts eingesetzt. Die CT kommt bei infrahyoidal gelegenen Tumoren zur Anwendung, da sie aufgrund der gerin- gen Untersuchungszeit im Vergleich zur MRT deutlich weniger artefaktanfällig ist. ●HMerke Bei der CT führt ein langes Zeitintervall nach Kontrastmittelinjek- tion (60–80 s) zur besseren Darstellung von Tumoren. Für die MRT ist gemäß den Empfehlungen der AG Kopf-Hals- Diagnostik der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft die Durchführung mindestens folgender Sequenzen erforderlich: ● koronare fettunterdrückte T2w (T2-gewichtete) Sequenz (STIR [Short-Tau Inversion-Recovery]) mit einer Schichtdicke von 3–5 mm ● axiale T2w Sequenz mit Fettunterdrückung mit einer Schicht- dicke von 3–4 mm ● axiale und koronare native T1w (T1-gewichtete) SE-Sequenz (Spin-Echo-Sequenz) ohne Fettsättigung mit einer Schichtdicke von 3–4 mm ● axiale und koronare fettunterdrückte T1w SE-Sequenz nach i. v. (intravenöser) Kontrastmittelinjektion
Innovation and Regional Technological Convergence Theory and Evidence - Original PDF
Innovation and Regional Technological Convergence Theory and Evidence - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Tomasz Kijek • Arkadiusz Kijek • Anna Matras-Bolibok خلاصه: The concept of income convergence has drawn the attention of many economists involved in the growth debate (Alataş, 2021). Recent theories of growth and empirical studies suggest that heterogeneity with respect to technological conditions in general and total factor productivity—TFP in particular are identified as the most decisive factors for the rate of income convergence of countries (Islam, 2003). Apparently, depending on whether initial TFP differences decrease or increase over time, income convergence or divergence may be a matter of fact. This has directed researchers’ attention to the concept of technological (TFP) convergence. Although many empirical studies try to find the answer to the question of technological convergence at the country level (Dowrick & Nguyen, 1989; Wolf, 1991; Dougherty & Jorgenson, 1997; Tebaldi, 2016; Rath & Akram, 2019), regional technological convergence is the research area of relatively modest exploration. However, this situation started to change, since the importance of technological convergence and its determinants have progressively gained attention in both the scientific and the policy domains at the regional level (Rodil-Marzábal & Vence- Deza, 2020). In the context of the Lisbon Agenda (European Council, 2000) and the Europe 2020 strategy (Commission of the European Communities, 2010) goals of making Europe and its regions the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economies in the world, it seems crucial to find whether innovation, regarded as the main driver of regional TFP growth (Dettori et al., 2012), can stimulate technolog- ical convergence and under what conditions
Transportation Systems for Tourism - Original PDF
Transportation Systems for Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: M. R. Dileep · Francesca Pagliara خلاصه: The term “transportation system” is usually referred to the equipment and logistics of transporting passengers and goods. It covers the trips by all means of transport, from cars and buses to boats, aircraft, and even space travel. The objective of a transportation system is to coordinate the movement of people, goods, and vehicles in order to use routes most efficiently. When implemented, transportation systems seek to reduce transport costs and improve delivery times through effective timetabling and route management. Periodic re-evaluations and the development of alternative routes allow for timely changes to the transportation system to for increasing the efficiency. A standard transportation system will usually feature multiple timetables designed to inform the user of where each vehicle in the fleet is expected to be at any given point in time. These timetables are developed alongside an array of route plans designed to coordinate vehicle movements in a way that prevents bottlenecks in any one location. The main benefit of implementing a transportation system is delivery of goods and users to their destinations in a timely manner. This, in turn, increases the effi- ciency of vehicle use, as the same vehicle can be used for “multi-drop” jobs, such as bus services or home delivery networks, far more effectively when their routes are planned in advance rather than being generated “on the fly”. Transportation systems are developed in a wide variety of sizes. Local transport networks spanning the bus network for a city and its suburbs are common, as are country-wide delivery networks for haulage firms. Airlines use international transportation systems to coordinate their flights. The larger the distance being covered, the more effective the use of vehicles when a transportation system is used.
Degrowth Decolonization and Development When Culture Meets the Environment - Original PDF
Degrowth Decolonization and Development When Culture Meets the Environment - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Milica Koˇcovi ́c De Santo · Stéphanie Eileen Domptail خلاصه: Degrowth Decolonization and Development offers a collection of seven original case study analyses, followed by a synopsis of concepts contributing to decol- onize development by shaking the hegemony of the Western paradigm. The partici- pating researchers met when presenting their work in Decolonization and Degrowth panels within two International Degrowth Conferences held in July (organized by Manchester University together with the Ecological Economics conference) and in August 2021 in The Hague, Netherlands. Ranging from cultural studies, critical development studies, cultural policy, cultural political economy, political economy, heterodox economic approaches, eco-feminist political ecology, to anthropology and sociology, the collection of chapters provides a broad interdisciplinary oversight of the contemporary (developmental, environmental, economic, social, cultural) chal- lenges. Precisely this interdisciplinary approach facilitates the understanding of the critical contemporary context with its complex intermingling of (positionality) crises. Our multiple analyses of Western thought, capitalist and patriarchal systems rooted in case studies depict rebellions to this hegemonic system and challenge it from complementary angles, which is the reason why we found the degrowth as most suitable framework to understand the current contemporary context and seek for post-growth alternatives. The first chapter introduces the most important concepts such as: permanent crisis, modernity and colonnialism, with associated dichotomies encaptured in the Western paradigm. We embrace the position that colonialism is not derivative but constitutive of modernity as “there is no modernity without colonial- ism” (Mignolo and Walsh 2018: 4; 107) and modern capitalism, where the cultural potential for radically necessary changes is essential—as a driver of the degrowth forces that reflects the eternal relations between man and natur
Quantitative Models in Life Science Business - Original PDF
Quantitative Models in Life Science Business - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jung Kyu Canci · Philipp Mekler · Gang Mu خلاصه: The pharmaceutical industry is a key, yet complex sector within the global econ- omy. Organizationally, its complexity is outlined by an involved business model, an intricate organizational structure, and a challenging environment. Economically, the pharmaceutical industry has been characterized by high profit margins; this mainly as a result of substantial research and development (R&D) investment and its legal protection by patents. Over time the original situation has evolved further, gener- ating two major types of pharmaceutical firms: originators and generic producers. High R&D investment is a characteristic of the originator pharmaceutical companies which produce patent-protected drugs, as well as biotech specialists which produce biologics. The generic producers, on the other hand, do not incur the initial R&D expenses (or less so) and in general produce drugs lacking patent protection. On top of this now traditional set, new segments have arisen in the pharmaceutical indus- try, comprising services in or around the traditional drug industry, e.g. diagnostic or data-oriented endeavours.
Law and Economic Development - Original PDF
Law and Economic Development - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kaushik Basu · Ajit Mishra خلاصه: CHAPTER 1 Introduction Kaushik Basu and Ajit Mishra In recent decades and especially in the last few years, we have witnessed several dramatic changes in the global economy. The rise of artificial intelligence, digital technology, and mega platforms that collect data and facilitate trade is changing the landscape of economics. Rapid globaliza- tion since the end of World War II, with a pick-up in pace over the last three to four decades, has created new challenges for law and regulation since increasingly contentious conflicts arise, which span multiple coun- tries and legal jurisdictions. With new technology and globalization, the demand for traditional labor has been declining, creating new societal tensions and political polarization. Digital technology is giving rise to massive economies of scal
The Political Economy of Reforms and the Remaking of the Proletarian Class in China, 1980s–2010s - Original PDF
The Political Economy of Reforms and the Remaking of the Proletarian Class in China, 1980s–2010s - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Shan Shanne Huang خلاصه: CHAPTER 1 Introduction On 1 July 2021, Xi Jinping stated in his speech at the conference of cele- bration of the one-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that the Reform and Opening Up and socialist modernisation is one of the greatest achievements of the CCP.1 In the speech, he said the People’s Republic of China (PRC) “achieved the implementation from the highly centralised planned economic system to the dynamic system of a socialist market economy” (shixian le cong gaodu jizhong de jihua jingji tizhi dao chongman huoli de shehui zhuyi shichang jingji tizhi). Raised up in 1978, the Reform and Opening Up (gaige kaifang ) has lasted for 44 years now, as has the state’s reform of the economic system. As Xi mentioned in his speech, due to the reform of the economic system, China has become the second-largest economy in the world
Delegate Apportionment in the US Presidential Primaries A Mathematical Analysis - Original PDF
Delegate Apportionment in the US Presidential Primaries A Mathematical Analysis - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael A. Jones · David McCune · Jennifer M. Wilson خلاصه: The purpose of this book is to examine the mathematics of the delegate allocation process in the US presidential primaries. The US presidential primaries are a series of state elections held every four years that determine the Democratic and Republican Parties’ nominees for president in the general election. Presidential candidates in each party are awarded delegates based on their shares of the vote in each state contest. At the end of the primary season, each party holds a national convention. The candidate with a majority of state delegates, after one or more rounds of voting, is selected to be the party’s nominee for president. From a mathematical standpoint, the question of how to allocate delegates is largely a problem of apportionment. Apportionment problems arise when a fixed quantity (such as a number of delegates) must be divided among several constituents (such as candidates) in proportion to some attribute (such as vote share), so that each portion is a whole number. Since delegates are individuals and cannot be divided, their allocation is a matter of apportionment. Apportionment or similar allocation problems occur at multiple stages in the delegate selection process from determining how many delegates each state receives, and how they should be divided between statewide and district delegates, to determining what happens after each primary when the delegates must be awarded to the candidates based on how well they do in the election. Apportionment has been well-studied in the context of allocating state represen- tatives to the US House of Representatives in proportion to state populations. It has also been widely analyzed for its role in proportional representation systems where party seats are awarded to parties based on the vote distribution. It is less well-known in the case of apportioning delegates in the US primaries. Thus the examination of apportionment applied to delegate allocation involves both an identification and anal- ysis of new apportionment methods as well as an evaluation of old and new criteria by which to evaluate their properties. The goal of this book is to do both. We have spent several years researching delegate allocation in presidential primaries and were inspired to write this volume because of the interesting aspects of apportionment arising in this context. The book’s vii viii Preface origin can be traced to 2016, when we observed that the 2016 Georgia Repub- lican party adopted an apportionment method for its state primary that was unique and perhaps the most interesting method we had encountered. This motivated us to investigate the methods used by other state parties, many of which are new, and to consider how the allocation of delegates is affected by elimination thresholds—the minimum levels of support required to receive delegates—and the overall structure of the state delegates selection plans in which delegates are apportioned based on vote distributions in each district and statewide. This led us also to consider how the goals of delegate apportionment differ from that of house or party apportionment— most noticeably in that the state primaries occur over time, and that the end result is not political representation but the declaration of a winner. This means that the usual criteria for evaluating apportionment need to be rethought in an effort to deter- mine what features of traditional apportionment theory are most relevant to delegate apportionment and which features are not.
Living Better Together Social Relations and Economic Governance in the Work of Ostrom and Zelize - PDF
Living Better Together Social Relations and Economic Governance in the Work of Ostrom and Zelize - PDF
نویسندگان: Stefanie Haeffele · Virgil Henry Storr خلاصه: olitical economy is a robust field of study that examines the economic and political institutions that shape our interactions with one another. Likewise, social economy focuses on the social interactions, networks, and communities that embody our daily lives. Together, these fields of study seek to understand the historical and contemporary world around us by examining market, political, and social institutions. Through these sectors of life, people come together to exchange goods and services, solve collective problems, and build communities to live better together. Scholarship in this tradition is alive and thriving today. By using the lens of political and social economy, books in this series will examine complex social problems, the institutions that attempt to solve these prob- lems, and the consequences of action within such institutions. Further, this approach lends itself to a variety of methods, including fieldwork, case studies, and experimental economics. Such analysis allows for deeper understanding of social phenomena, detailing the context, incentives, and interactions that shape our lives. This series provides a much-needed space for interdisciplinary research on contemporary topics on political and social economy. In much of academia today, scholars are encouraged to work independently and within the strict boundaries of their disciplines. However, the pursuit of understanding our society requires social scien- tists to collaborate across disciplines, using multiple methods. This series provides such an opportunity for scholars interested in breaking down the boundaries of disciplines in order to better understand the world around us

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