Degrowth Decolonization and Development When Culture Meets the Environment - Original PDF

دانلود کتاب Degrowth Decolonization and Development When Culture Meets the Environment - Original PDF

Author: Milica Koˇcovi ́c De Santo · Stéphanie Eileen Domptail

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Degrowth Decolonization and Development offers a collection of seven original case study analyses, followed by a synopsis of concepts contributing to decol- onize development by shaking the hegemony of the Western paradigm. The partici- pating researchers met when presenting their work in Decolonization and Degrowth panels within two International Degrowth Conferences held in July (organized by Manchester University together with the Ecological Economics conference) and in August 2021 in The Hague, Netherlands. Ranging from cultural studies, critical development studies, cultural policy, cultural political economy, political economy, heterodox economic approaches, eco-feminist political ecology, to anthropology and sociology, the collection of chapters provides a broad interdisciplinary oversight of the contemporary (developmental, environmental, economic, social, cultural) chal- lenges. Precisely this interdisciplinary approach facilitates the understanding of the critical contemporary context with its complex intermingling of (positionality) crises. Our multiple analyses of Western thought, capitalist and patriarchal systems rooted in case studies depict rebellions to this hegemonic system and challenge it from complementary angles, which is the reason why we found the degrowth as most suitable framework to understand the current contemporary context and seek for post-growth alternatives. The first chapter introduces the most important concepts such as: permanent crisis, modernity and colonnialism, with associated dichotomies encaptured in the Western paradigm. We embrace the position that colonialism is not derivative but constitutive of modernity as “there is no modernity without colonial- ism” (Mignolo and Walsh 2018: 4; 107) and modern capitalism, where the cultural potential for radically necessary changes is essential—as a driver of the degrowth forces that reflects the eternal relations between man and natur

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Abstract This chapter brings degrowth into conversation with Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay, an alternative to development from Ecuador. The Anthropocene is a crisis marked by multiple ecological crises, but also by dualistic and hierarchical struc- tures of oppression. It’s a civilisationary crisis that needs to be confronted in all its intersecting dimensions. Anthropocentrism is one of the defining features of this new geological epoch, and stands in the way of more profound socioecological transformations towards ecological sustainability and social wellbeing. This chapter therefore generates an inter-epistemic dialogue between Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay, an Andean-Amazonian conceptualisation of Good Living, and degrowth, a social movement from the Global North that advocates a democratic and redistributive reduction of affluency-based consumption and production patterns in line with social and ecological boundaries. The chapter is based on research carried out in Ecuador in 2020 into Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay in practice. The dialogue between these two projects serves to overcome remnants of anthropocentrism in degrowth thought and practice. Reciprocal practices with the non-human world, observed in Ecuador, can give impetus to the cultural direction of socioecological transformation processes, alongside socioeconomic reforms and policies

چکیده فارسی


چکیده این فصل به گفتگو با Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay که جایگزینی برای توسعه از اکوادور است، می‌پردازد. آنتروپوسن بحرانی است که با بحران های زیست محیطی متعدد، اما ساختارهای دوگانه و سلسله مراتبی سرکوب مشخص می شود. این یک بحران تمدنی است که باید در تمام ابعاد متقاطع آن با آن مقابله کرد. انسان محوری یکی از ویژگی های تعیین کننده این عصر جدید زمین شناسی است و مانع از تحولات اجتماعی-اکولوژیکی عمیق تر به سمت پایداری اکولوژیکی و رفاه اجتماعی می شود. بنابراین، این فصل گفت و گوی بین معرفتی بین Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay، مفهوم سازی آند-آمازونی از زندگی خوب، و رشد زدایی، یک جنبش اجتماعی از شمال جهانی که از کاهش دموکراتیک و توزیع مجدد الگوهای مصرف و تولید مبتنی بر رفاه حمایت می کند، ایجاد می کند. مطابق با مرزهای اجتماعی و زیست محیطی. این فصل بر اساس تحقیقات انجام شده در اکوادور در سال 2020 در Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay در عمل است. گفتگوی بین این دو پروژه در خدمت غلبه بر بقایای انسان محوری در اندیشه رشد و عمل است. اقدامات متقابل با جهان غیرانسانی، مشاهده شده در اکوادور، می تواند در کنار اصلاحات و سیاست های اجتماعی-اقتصادی، انگیزه ای به جهت گیری فرهنگی فرآیندهای دگرگونی اجتماعی-اکولوژیکی بدهد.


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Milica Koˇcovi ́c De Santo
Institute of Economic Sciences
Faculty of Dramatic Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
Stéphanie Eileen Domptail
Institute for Agricultural Policy and Market
University of Giessen
Giessen, Germany
ISBN 978-3-031-25944-9 ISBN 978-3-031-25945-6 (eBook)
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
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