Research Methods in Family Therapy, Second Edition - Original PDF
Research Methods in Family Therapy, Second Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Douglas H. Sprenkle PhD, Fred P. Piercy PhD خلاصه: In this widely adopted text and professional reference, leading contributors provide the knowledge needed to design strong qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method studies; analyze the resulting data; and translate findings into improved practices and programs. Following a consistent format, user-friendly chapters thoroughly describe the various methodologies and illustrate their applications with helpful concrete examples.
Health and Wellness Tourism - Original PDF
Health and Wellness Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Melanie Smith, László Puczkó خلاصه: Health and Wellness Tourism takes an innovative look at this rapidly growing sector of today's thriving tourism industry. This book examines the range of motivations that drive this diverse sector of tourists, the products that are being developed to meet their needs and the management implications of these developments.A wide range of international case studies illustrate the multiple aspects of the industry and new and emerging trends including spas, medical wellness, life-coaching, meditation, festivals, pilgrimage and yoga retreats. The authors also evaluate marketing and promotional strategies and assess operational and management issues in the context of health and wellness tourism.
Strategic Management in Tourism (Cabi Publishing) - Original PDF
Strategic Management in Tourism (Cabi Publishing) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Luiz Moutinho خلاصه: This book contains coverage and analytical discussion of the three key areas of contemporary tourism management: evaluation of the most important global trends in tourism;
Dismantling the Ketogenic Diet - What diet is best for me by Dr Nicholas Gonzales MD ( pioneer in pancreatic enzymes natural cancer cure ) - Original PDF
Dismantling the Ketogenic Diet - What diet is best for me by Dr Nicholas Gonzales MD ( pioneer in pancreatic enzymes natural cancer cure ) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Dr Nicholas Gonzales, Nicholas Gonzales, William Donald Kelley خلاصه: During a postgraduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered the father of immunology, he completed a research study evaluating an aggressive nutritional therapy in the treatment of advanced cancer. His nutritional research received substantial financial support from Proctor and Gamble and Nestlé. Results from a pilot study published in 1999 described the most positive data in the medical literature for pancreatic cancer.
Long Term Properties Of Polyolefins - Original PDF
Long Term Properties Of Polyolefins - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Barbro Löfgren, Esa Kokko, Jukka Seppälä (auth.), Ann-Christine Albertsson (eds.) خلاصه: B. Löfgren, E. Kokko, J. Seppälä: Specific Structures Enabled by Metallocene Catalysis in Polyethenes.- H. Knuuttila, A. Lehtinen, A. Nummila-Pakarinen: Advanced Polyethylene Technologies.- Controlled Material Properties.- C.J.G. Plummer: Microdeformation and Fracture in Bulk Polyolefins.- S. Al-Malaika: Perspectives in Stabilisation of Polyolefins.- P. Eriksson, K. Jacobson, T. Reitberger, B. Stenberg: Chemiluminescence as a Tool for Polyolefin Oxidation Studies.- M. Hakkarainen, A.-C. Albertsson: Environmental Degradation of Polyethylene.- S. Karlsson: Recycled Polyolefins Material Properties and Means for Quality Determination.- S.M. Desai, R.P. Singh: Surface Modification of Polyethylene.
Mastering Family Therapy: Journeys of Growth and Transformation - Original PDF
Mastering Family Therapy: Journeys of Growth and Transformation - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Salvador Minuchin, Wai-yung Lee, George M. Simon خلاصه: A master class in family therapy--now updated with an additional ten years' case experienceFew people have had as profound an impact on the theory and practice of family therapy as Salvador Minuchin. As one commentator put it, "Memories of his classic sessions have become the standard against which therapists judge their own best work." This new edition of the classic, Mastering Family Therapy, offers beginners and experienced practitioners alike the opportunity to learn the art and science of family therapy under this pioneering clinician and teacher.In elegant clinical interplays, Minuchin, his colleagues Wai-Yung Lee and George Simon, and eight advanced students provide answers to such critical questions as:* What does it take to master the art of family therapy?* How do I create an effective personal style?* How can I become an instrument for growth for troubled families?This updated Second Edition features:* An overview and critique of new models of treatment in the field, especially evidence-based models of family treatment* New case material highlighting the impact of societal context on families* Minuchin's conceptualization of a four-step process of family assessment, including how history can impact current family functioningA new and thoroughly revised version of the classic text, Mastering Family Therapy, Second Edition is essential reading for all those who practice, study, or teach family therapy.
Japan's Great Stagnation: Financial and Monetary Policy Lessons for Advanced Economies - Original PDF
Japan's Great Stagnation: Financial and Monetary Policy Lessons for Advanced Economies - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael M. Hutchison, Frank Westermann خلاصه: Experts on the Japanese economy examine Japan's prolonged period of economic underperformance, analyzing the ways in which the financial system, monetary policy, and international financial factors contributed to its onset and duration.
English for Everyone - English Grammar Guide - Original PDF
English for Everyone - English Grammar Guide - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Diane Hall, Susan Barduhn خلاصه: A self-study English grammar guide using innovative visual learning methods to make even the trickiest points easy to understand, for the approximately 1 million adults in the United States learning English as a second language. Suitable for English-language learners of all levels, from beginner to advanced, and even experienced English speakers looking for a reminder of key language points, English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide is an intuitive way to study English grammar. Clear illustrations put learning points in context and make them easy to remember, and simple graphics and annotated sample sentences break down grammar constructions, making even difficult points easy to follow. English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide covers the language skills, vocabulary, and grammar needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL. All learning is practiced across speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises, offering rounded preparation for work, travel, study, and exams. Download the free app and practice online with free listening exercises at www.dkefe.com.
Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama - Original PDF
Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Scott Giacomucci خلاصه: Is the first book on the intersection of the fields of social work, sociometry, and psychodrama Provides an overview of integrated sociometry and psychodrama tools into practice Summarizes Moreno’s work on sociometry, psychodrama, and group psychotherapy Is an open access book
Becoming a Neuropsychologist - Original PDF
Becoming a Neuropsychologist - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John A. Bellone , Ryan Van Patten خلاصه: ther, related professions. Provides a road map with clear steps delineating how to become a research and/or clinical neuropsychologist Disseminates practical, concrete advice for how to best navigate the neuropsychology training process and avoid common pitfalls/barriers that arise along the path Provides a resource for college professors, advisors, counselors, and mentors to assist in advising students regarding career planning

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