Research Methods in Family Therapy, Second Edition - Original PDF

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Author: Douglas H. Sprenkle PhD, Fred P. Piercy PhD

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In this widely adopted text and professional reference, leading contributors provide the knowledge needed to design strong qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method studies; analyze the resulting data; and translate findings into improved practices and programs. Following a consistent format, user-friendly chapters thoroughly describe the various methodologies and illustrate their applications with helpful concrete examples.

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One of our main hopes in editing the second edition of Research Methods in Family Therapy is to enhance the status of research in the field, while also making the science of marriage and family therapy (MFT) more accessible to clinicians and students. Over the course of its history, the field of MFT has had an ambivalent relationship with re- search. On the one hand, the early family therapy pioneers considered themselves to be “researchers,” and both Wynne (1983) and Haley (1978) claimed that in the early days there was no distinction between therapists and researchers. Such notables as Lyman Wynne, Murray Bowen, Theodore Litz, Gregory Bateson, Don Jackson, Jay Haley, and others came to family therapy though studying interactional patterns asso- ciated with problem families (Broderick & Schrader, 1981; Sprenkle & Moon, 1996). As the field has developed, it has always had an active (if small) research tradition— and, based on a thorough review of outcome research in the field (Sprenkle, 2002), one could make a case for the claim that some of the effectiveness research in MFT is among the most impressive in the clinical social sciences. On the other hand, one can also make a case that although MFT is now more than 60 years old, the growth of the field has depended more on its intuitive appeal than on solid research evidence for its efficacy (Nichols & Schwartz, 1995). One ex- planation may be that the field’s leaders were often highly charismatic individuals who were less interested in authenticating their claims than in building a following. An- other explanation may be that the master’s degree was established early (1970) as the minimal entry point into the field, and most master’s-degree programs (with notable exceptions) have not offered rigorous research training. As the field grew, it also seemed to attract predominantly practically oriented clinicians who had neither the time nor the inclination for the laborious research enterprise. One study noted that over 80% of the members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) work in settings that can be considered predominantly clinical (Sprenkle, Bailey, Lyness, Ball, & Mills, 1997).

چکیده فارسی


یکی از امیدهای اصلی ما در ویرایش ویرایش دوم روش‌های تحقیق در خانواده‌درمانی، ارتقای جایگاه تحقیقات در این زمینه و در عین حال قابل دسترس‌تر کردن علم ازدواج و خانواده درمانی (MFT) برای پزشکان و دانشجویان است. رشته MFT در طول تاریخ خود رابطه ای دوسوگرا با تحقیق داشته است. از یک طرف، پیشگامان اولیه خانواده درمانی خود را «محقق» می دانستند و وین (1983) و هیلی (1978) هر دو ادعا کردند که در روزهای اولیه هیچ تمایزی بین درمانگران و محققان وجود نداشت. افراد برجسته ای مانند لیمن وین، موری بوون، تئودور لیتز، گریگوری بیتسون، دان جکسون، جی هیلی و دیگران با مطالعه الگوهای تعاملی مرتبط با خانواده های مشکل دار به خانواده درمانی آمدند (برودریک و شریدر، 1981؛ اسپرنکل و مون، 1996). . همانطور که این زمینه توسعه یافته است، همیشه یک سنت تحقیقاتی فعال (اگر کوچک) داشته است - و بر اساس بررسی کامل نتایج تحقیقات در این زمینه (اسپرنکل، 2002)، می‌توان این ادعا را مطرح کرد که برخی از تحقیقات اثربخشی در MFT یکی از چشمگیرترین تحقیقات در علوم اجتماعی بالینی است. از سوی دیگر، می توان این مورد را نیز مطرح کرد که اگرچه MFT اکنون بیش از 60 سال از عمر آن می گذرد، رشد این رشته بیشتر به جذابیت شهودی آن بستگی دارد تا شواهد تحقیقاتی محکم برای اثربخشی آن (نیکولز و شوارتز، 1995). یک توضیح ممکن است این باشد که رهبران این رشته اغلب افراد بسیار کاریزماتیکی بودند که کمتر به تأیید ادعاهای خود علاقه داشتند تا دنبال کردن. توضیح دیگر ممکن است این باشد که مدرک کارشناسی ارشد در اوایل (1970) به عنوان حداقل نقطه ورود به این رشته ایجاد شد، و اکثر برنامه های کارشناسی ارشد (به استثنای استثنائات قابل توجه) آموزش تحقیقاتی دقیقی ارائه نکرده اند. همانطور که این رشته رشد کرد، به نظر می رسید که پزشکان عمدتاً دارای گرایش عملی را نیز جذب می کند که نه زمان و نه تمایلی برای کار تحقیقاتی پر زحمت داشتند. یک مطالعه اشاره کرد که بیش از 80 درصد از اعضای انجمن آمریکایی ازدواج و خانواده درمانی (AAMFT) در محیط هایی کار می کنند که می توان آنها را عمدتاً بالینی در نظر گرفت (اسپرنکل، بیلی، لاینس، بال و میلز، 1997).


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Publisher: The Guilford Press, Year: 2005

ISBN: 1572309601,9781572309609

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Contents PART I. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. Pluralism, Diversity, and Sophistication in Family Therapy Research 3 DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE and FRED P. PIERCY CHAPTER 2. A Graduate Student Guide to Conducting Research in Marriage and Family Therapy 19 LENORE M. MCWEY, EBONY JOY JAMES, and SARA A. SMOCK PART II. QUALITATIVE METHODS CHAPTER 3. Let’s Get Grounded: Family Therapy Research and Grounded Theory 41 SILVIA ECHEVARRIA-DOAN and CAROLYN Y. TUBBS CHAPTER 4. The Use of Phenomenology for Family Therapy Research: The Search for Meaning 63 CARLA M. DAHL and PAULINE BOSS CHAPTER 5. Focus Groups in Family Therapy Research 85 FRED P. PIERCY and KATHERINE M. HERTLEIN CHAPTER 6. Action Research Methods in Family Therapy 100 TAI J. MENDENHALL and WILLIAM J. DOHERTY CHAPTER 7. Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software: General Issues for Family Therapy Researchers 119 JENNIFER L. MATHESON xv CHAPTER 8. Bridging Research: Using Ethnography to Inform Clinical Practice 136 CAROLYN Y. TUBBS and LINDA M. BURTON CHAPTER 9. Feminist Autoethnography 155 KATHERINE R. ALLEN and FRED P. PIERCY CHAPTER 10. Performance Methodology: Constructing Discourses and Discursive Practices in Family Therapy Research 170 SALIHA BAVA CHAPTER 11. Future Directions for Qualitative Methods 191 RONALD J. CHENAIL PART III. MIXED METHODS CHAPTER 12. Survey Research in Marriage and Family Therapy 211 THORANA S. NELSON and DAVID D. ALLRED CHAPTER 13. The Delphi Method 238 LINDA STONE FISH and DEAN M. BUSBY CHAPTER 14. Task Analysis of Couple and Family Change Events 254 BRENT BRADLEY and SUSAN M. JOHNSON CHAPTER 15. Program Evaluation Science and Family Therapy 272 JAY A. MANCINI, ANGELA J. HUEBNER, ERIC E. MCCOLLUM, and LYDIA I. MAREK PART IV. QUANTITATIVE METHODS CHAPTER 16. Clinical Trials in Marriage and Family Therapy Research 297 KEVIN P. LYNESS, STEPHANIE R. WALSH, and DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE CHAPTER 17. Meta-Analysis in Family Therapy Research 318 KAREN S. WAMPLER, ALAN REIFMAN, and JULIANNE M. SEROVICH CHAPTER 18. Economic Evaluation Methodology for Family Therapy Outcome Research 339 DAVID P. MACKINNON CHAPTER 19. Approaches to Prediction: Correlation, Regression, and Classification Techniques 368 DOUGLAS K. SNYDER and LAUREL F. MANGRUM xvi Contents PART V. ADVANCED QUANTITATIVE METHODS CHAPTER 20. Multilevel Growth Modeling in the Context of Family Research 405 MARGARET K. KEILEY, NINA C. MARTIN, TING LIU, and MEGAN DOLBIN-MAC NAB CHAPTER 21. Covariance Structure Analysis: From Path Analysis to Structural Equation Modeling 432 MARGARET K. KEILEY, MARY DANKOSKI, MEGAN DOLBIN-MAC NAB, and TING LIU Index 461

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