Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
نویسندگان: M. Kimberly MacLin خلاصه: PART I Basic Principles in Experimental Design Some people dread taking the research methods course required for most psychology majors. I’m not sure of all the reasons why, but for many they fear the course. It often has a lab compo- nent; at some universities it is worth more credit than regular content courses. It simply often has the reputation of being “hard.” Instead, for a moment, consider that research methods is exciting! It provides you the tools to be able to conduct your own research. Finally, you are in charge and you can study what you want to know. You are explorer, scientist, puzzle solver. The frst half of this book (Part I) introduces to you the basics of scientifc inquiry, including what science is and how psychological science is a subset of it. We’ll discuss how to distinguish between facts, theories, and speculation and how each are useful for developing research questions. We’ll cover the basics of the scientifc method, the specifcs of experimental design, and a review of other non-experimental research methods (so you know when it is appropriate to choose the experiment). You will be given insight into how to fnd and read the literature in psychology as well as how to plan, design, and carry out research. We will also cover the rules and procedures designed to ensure sound, ethical, and meaningful research. Throughout this material, you’ll be exposed to examples from the psychological literature that will allow you to see concepts and principles as they play out in real research studies. And in one particu- lar chapter (Chapter 7) you’ll be prompted to critically analyze experimental designs that have conceptual or technical faws. Being sensitive to mistakes will help you avoid them yourself
Exporting the European Convention on Human Rights - Original PDF
Exporting the European Convention on Human Rights - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Maria-Louiza Deftou خلاصه: As for the right to protect one’s private and family life, as enshrined in Article 8 ECHR, the CJEU provided the very first explicit reference to the ECHR in Rutili v Minister for the Interior�53 In casu, the Convention was conceived as a source of inspiration as well as a human rights standard for determining the legality and legitimacy of the acts of Member States applying EU law. Therefore, the CJEU applied the ECHR as a clear human rights standard to also interpret the ‘public policy’ exception to the free movement of workers, justifying Member States to restrict this freedom only to the extent authorised by the ECHR, that is, when it is necessary for the protection of the interests of national security or public safety ‘in a democratic society’.54 This landmark case illustrates how the CJEU has progres- sively shaped its autonomous human rights case law, inspired, though, by the ECHR and by the common constitutional traditions of EU Member States.55 The Luxembourg Court established a much broader human rights review over their actions and paved the way for a much clearer reference to the Convention’s provi- sions as a material source of EU legal order, rather than a source of inspiration.56 Nonetheless, besides the consensus in this field, conflicts and inconsistencies between the two European jurisdictions have not been sidestepped. The main preoccupation of the following section is thus to unveil the extent to which the CJEU has directly referred to ECHR norms to protect private and family life57 with regard to the most controversial fields of data protection and migration/ asylum cases.
Housing Policy in the United States Fourth Editio - Original PDF
Housing Policy in the United States Fourth Editio - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Alex F. Schwartz خلاصه: 1 Introduction In its preamble to the 1949 Housing Act, Congress declared its goal of “a decent home in a suit- able living environment for every American family.” In the more than 60 years since this legisla- tion was passed, the federal government has helped fund the construction and rehabilitation of more than 5 million housing units for low-income households and provided rental vouchers to nearly 2 million additional families. Yet, the nation’s housing problems remain acute. In 2017, 44.7 million households lived in physically deficient housing, spent 30 percent or more of their income on housing, or were homeless (U.S. Census Bureau 2018; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 2018). Put differently, about 113 million Americans—around 35 per- cent of the nation’s population and more than triple the 28.5 million lacking health insurance in 2017 (Berchick, Hood, & Barnett 2018)—confronted serious housing problems or had no housing at all.1 This book tells the story of how the United States has tried to address the nation’s housing problems. It looks at the primary policies and programs designed to make decent and affordable housing available to Americans of modest means. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of these policies and programs and the challenges that still remain. The book takes a broad view of housing policy, focusing not only on specific housing subsidy programs, such as public housing, but also on the federal income tax code and regulations affecting mortgage lending, land use decisions, real estate transactions, and other activities integral to the housing market. Some of these broader aspects of housing policy provide financial incentives for investments in affordable housing, others attempt to make housing available to low-income and minority households and communities by penalizing discriminatory practices and through other regulatory interventions. Put simply, then, this book is about policies and programs designed to help low-income and other disadvantaged individuals and households access decent and affordable housing. It examines programs and policies that subsidize housing for low-income households or that attempt to break down institutional barriers, such as discriminatory practices in the real estate industry that impede access to housing. The book is intended to be a general overview of housing policy. It is beyond its scope to delve deeply into programmatic details or to cover all aspects of the field in equal depth. The focus is on federal and, to a lesser degree, state and local programs and policies that subsidize housing for low-income households or otherwise attempt to make housing accessible to this population. Much less attention is given to policies concerned with the physical aspects of housing, such as design standards and building regulations—except when they are explicitly employed to promote affordable housing. The book does not examine in detail the operation of housing markets or pro- vide a comprehensive legislative history of housing policy.
Integral Waterproofing of Concrete Structures - Original PDF
Integral Waterproofing of Concrete Structures - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Maher Al-Jabari خلاصه: Concrete is the most popular construction material, which has a widespread range of structural applications, under numerous environmental conditions and under various levels and types of mechanical loads. It is used in buildings, infrastruc- tures, dams etc. Its suitability and durability require a set of mechanical, physi- cal, and chemical characteristics in order to extend its service life. Concrete durability is defined according to Concrete Terminology by American Concrete Institute (ACI) [1], as “the ability of concrete to resist weathering action, chemi- cal attack, abrasion, and other conditions of service.” This performance is simply based on concrete chemistry. Concrete durability properties are determined by its chemical structure and porosity. These structural characteristics are determined by cement components and their reactions with water. Understanding concrete durability problems and solutions requires a sufficient knowledge about concrete chemistry.
Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis--Lessons from a Master - Epub + Converted Pdf
Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis--Lessons from a Master - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Brad Gilbert خلاصه: Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis--Lessons from a Master by Brad Gilbert (Author), Steve Jamison
Iron Oxides by Damien Faivre - PDF
Iron Oxides by Damien Faivre - PDF
نویسندگان: Damien Faivre خلاصه: As the name of the book “Iron oxides: from nature to applications” suggests, iron oxides are not only widespread in the environment, but also widely used by mankind in a variety of applications (Figure 1.1). Both this ubiquitous presence in nature and the utilization as tools have been established for cen- turies and are still valid today. The first illustrative examples of iron oxides certainly are compass needle or rust (Figure 1.2). Iron oxides are present in solid, liquid, and gaseous environments, with respective examples such as rocks, as mineral inclusion in swimming bacteria or in aerosols. Depending on the type of use, several sources of iron oxides exist. Applications range from the heavy steel production to medicine and art. The different aspects of mineral formation and their use as well as modern characterization techniques are reviewed in this book
Mechanics of elastic structures : classical and finite element methods - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
Mechanics of elastic structures : classical and finite element methods - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
نویسندگان: Eisley خلاصه: Mechanics of elastic structures : classical and finite element methods by Eisley, Joe
نویسندگان: David Bloome, Stephanie Power-Carter, W. Douglas Baker, Maria Lucia Castanheira, Minjeong Kim, and Lindsey W. Rowe خلاصه: This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the use of microethno- graphic discourse analysis for researching, theorizing, and reconceptualizing the uses of language and literacy in educational settings. The authors apply an ethnographic perspective to discourse analysis to emphasize how teachers and students use spoken and written language to construct knowledge, opportunities for learning, and social relationships. The authors demonstrate how micro- ethnographic discourse analysis at different levels of scale can provide deeper understandings into the nuanced, complex social interactions and relationships that exist in and across educational contexts, including meaning-making, lit- eracy practices, power relations, and the social construction of personhood. Each chapter offers philosophically and theoretically grounded principles for using microethnographic discourse analysis and example cases that reflect the principles presented. Ideal for researchers, teacher educators, and teachers, this essential text on discourse analysis, languaging, and literacy provides a ground- ing to further examine critical questions challenging educators.
Arvid Schors Doppelter Boden. Die SALT-Verhandlungen 1963-1979 - Original PDF
Arvid Schors Doppelter Boden. Die SALT-Verhandlungen 1963-1979 - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jörg Später خلاصه: Initiativen zur Reduzierung der nuklearen Bedrohung hatte es seit Be- ginn des Kalten Krieges immer wieder gegeben. Die USA hatten bereits 1946 unter dem Eindruck der Atombombenabwürfe über Hiroshima und Nagasaki den Baruch-Plan vorgelegt. Er sah die Errichtung einer internationalen Körperschaft vor, der ein globales Monopol für die militärische Nutzung der Atomkraft zukommen sollte. Dieses Konzept einer vollständigen nuklearen Abrüstung scheiterte am Widerstand der Sowjetunion, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt den USA nukleartechnisch unter- legen und deshalb nicht bereit war, eine Vereinbarung zu schließen, die das US -amerikanische Atomwaffenmonopol auf Jahre hin festgeschrie- ben hätte.1 Mit ihrem ersten erfolgreichen Atomwaffentest brach die Sowjetunion 1949 schließlich dieses amerikanische Monopol.2 Während der 1950er Jahre begann auch sie stärkeres Gewicht auf Atomwaffen und ballistische Raketen zu legen
Dynamic Détente. The United States and Europe, 1964–1975 - PDF
Dynamic Détente. The United States and Europe, 1964–1975 - PDF
نویسندگان: Stephan Kieninger خلاصه: Détente seemed to prolong the division of Europe. It seemed to make America lose sight of its mission. From the perspective of its critics, détente allowed for the Soviet Union’s arms buildup in the 1970s, and it allegedly precipitated America’s decline in the wake of the Vietnam War. That is the traditional Cold War narrative.1 This book tells a different story though. I argue that the power of dynamic détente policies transformed Europe in the shadow of the military status quo. This study depicts the origins and the implementation of American policies to overcome Europe’s division peace- fully through the kind of dynamic détente that was codified in the Helsinki Final Act of 1975. I emphasize that the transformative effects of the Helsinki Accords had been envisaged since the 1960s: Lyndon Johnson’s bridge build- ing and Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik were the forerunners for the Helsinki pro- cess. Johnson and Brandt were eager to foster liberalizing changes in Eastern Europe through an expansion of East-West communication. The assumption was that the Communist rules were prepared to open up their systems gradu- ally for freer movement of people, information, and ideas provided that they were granted international security

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