Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF

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Author: M. Kimberly MacLin

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PART I Basic Principles in Experimental Design Some people dread taking the research methods course required for most psychology majors. I’m not sure of all the reasons why, but for many they fear the course. It often has a lab compo- nent; at some universities it is worth more credit than regular content courses. It simply often has the reputation of being “hard.” Instead, for a moment, consider that research methods is exciting! It provides you the tools to be able to conduct your own research. Finally, you are in charge and you can study what you want to know. You are explorer, scientist, puzzle solver. The frst half of this book (Part I) introduces to you the basics of scientifc inquiry, including what science is and how psychological science is a subset of it. We’ll discuss how to distinguish between facts, theories, and speculation and how each are useful for developing research questions. We’ll cover the basics of the scientifc method, the specifcs of experimental design, and a review of other non-experimental research methods (so you know when it is appropriate to choose the experiment). You will be given insight into how to fnd and read the literature in psychology as well as how to plan, design, and carry out research. We will also cover the rules and procedures designed to ensure sound, ethical, and meaningful research. Throughout this material, you’ll be exposed to examples from the psychological literature that will allow you to see concepts and principles as they play out in real research studies. And in one particu- lar chapter (Chapter 7) you’ll be prompted to critically analyze experimental designs that have conceptual or technical faws. Being sensitive to mistakes will help you avoid them yourself

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SCaleS of MeaSureMent Determining the proper scale or level of data measurement will help you decide which statistical analysis to use. The four levels of measurement that are commonly accepted and used are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio (Stevens, 1946). Both nominal and ordinal are qualitative, while interval and ratio are quantitative. The more elaborate analyses (parametric) such as the F-test and t-test require quantitative data, while other generally less powerful nonparametric data analyses, like chi- square (χ2) and Spearman’s rank correlation, use categorical data. nominal Data classifed as nominal have the least amount of restrictions, are generally used as labels to denote categorical data or class members, and have no mathematical properties. An example of nominal data as a categorical label would be numbers assigned to a variable such as GENDER, where 1 = male and 2 = female. Since these numbers only represent labels and not values, assigning the numbers 17 to male and 4 to female would have no effect on the categories. Rather than assign- ing a number to a category, alphanumeric characters may suffce, as in the case of a variable for LEVEL OF STUDY, where L = low and H = high. Nominal data are also used to identify individual class members. Often numbers are assigned to participants in a research study. These numbers can be interchanged as long as each participant has a unique number (e.g., the variable ID NUMBER). Analysis on nominal level values is limited to procedures such as chi-square (χ2) and to descriptive statistics such as frequencies and mode. We can only determine how many members fall under each class. Nominal data are often used as the independent variable to separate class members when comparing performance on tests or other dependent (outcome) variables. Understanding what test to run on your data frst requires that you understand what type of data you have. Data can be classifed in several ways, but in general data are continuous or categori- cal. The numbers that represent continuous data are inherently meaningful (e.g., someone can be 11 years old, 66 years old or 33.5 years old). With categorical data, the numbers act as a placeholder and aren’t inherently meaningful (e.g., we might code male as 1 and female as 2 when entering data from a survey). Those numbers could easily be 11 and 22 because it is an arbitrary decision about what number to assign to that particular category, in this case gender. Just knowing this allows you to make some preliminary decisions about data analysis.

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مقیاس های اندازه گیری تعیین مقیاس یا سطح مناسب اندازه گیری داده ها به شما کمک می کند تصمیم بگیرید از کدام تجزیه و تحلیل آماری استفاده کنید. چهار سطح اندازه گیری که معمولاً پذیرفته شده و مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند عبارتند از: اسمی، ترتیبی، فاصله و نسبت (استیونز، 1946). اسمی و ترتیبی هر دو کیفی هستند، در حالی که فاصله و نسبت کمی هستند. تحلیل‌های دقیق‌تر (پارامتری) مانند F-test و t-test به داده‌های کمی نیاز دارند، در حالی که سایر تجزیه و تحلیل‌های داده‌های ناپارامتریک کمتر قدرتمندتر، مانند مجذور کای (χ2) و همبستگی رتبه اسپیرمن، از داده‌های طبقه‌بندی استفاده می‌کنند. اسمی داده های طبقه بندی شده به عنوان اسمی کمترین محدودیت را دارند، معمولاً به عنوان برچسب برای نشان دادن داده های طبقه بندی شده یا اعضای کلاس استفاده می شوند و هیچ ویژگی ریاضی ندارند. نمونه‌ای از داده‌های اسمی به‌عنوان یک برچسب طبقه‌بندی می‌تواند اعدادی باشد که به متغیری مانند جنسیت اختصاص داده می‌شوند، که در آن 1 = مرد و 2 = زن. از آنجایی که این اعداد فقط نشان دهنده برچسب ها هستند و نه مقادیر، اختصاص اعداد 17 به مرد و 4 به زن هیچ تاثیری بر دسته ها نخواهد داشت. به جای تخصیص یک عدد به یک دسته، کاراکترهای الفبایی ممکن است کافی باشد، همانطور که در مورد یک متغیر برای LEVEL OF STUDY، که در آن L = کم و H = زیاد است. از داده های اسمی نیز برای شناسایی اعضای کلاس استفاده می شود. اغلب اعداد به شرکت کنندگان در یک مطالعه تحقیقاتی اختصاص داده می شود. این اعداد را می توان تا زمانی که هر شرکت کننده یک شماره منحصر به فرد (به عنوان مثال، متغیر ID NUMBER) داشته باشد، تعویض کرد. تجزیه و تحلیل مقادیر سطح اسمی به رویه هایی مانند مجذور کای (χ2) و به آمار توصیفی مانند فرکانس ها و حالت محدود می شود. ما فقط می توانیم تعیین کنیم که چه تعداد عضو در هر کلاس قرار می گیرند. داده های اسمی اغلب به عنوان متغیر مستقل برای جداسازی اعضای کلاس هنگام مقایسه عملکرد در آزمون ها یا سایر متغیرهای وابسته (نتیجه) استفاده می شوند. درک اینکه چه آزمایشی باید ابتدا روی داده‌های خود اجرا شود، مستلزم آن است که نوع داده‌های خود را بدانید. داده ها را می توان به روش های مختلفی طبقه بندی کرد، اما به طور کلی داده ها پیوسته یا مقوله ای هستند. اعدادی که داده های پیوسته را نشان می دهند ذاتاً معنی دار هستند (به عنوان مثال، فردی می تواند 11 ساله، 66 ساله یا 33.5 ساله باشد). با داده‌های طبقه‌بندی شده، اعداد به‌عنوان یک مکان‌دار عمل می‌کنند و ذاتاً معنی‌دار نیستند (به عنوان مثال، هنگام وارد کردن داده‌ها از نظرسنجی، ممکن است مرد را 1 و زن را 2 کدگذاری کنیم). این اعداد به راحتی می توانند 11 و 22 باشند زیرا این یک تصمیم دلبخواه در مورد اینکه چه عددی به آن دسته خاص اختصاص داده می شود، در این مورد جنسیت است. فقط دانستن این موضوع به شما امکان می دهد تا در مورد تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها تصمیمات اولیه بگیرید.


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Ninth edition published 2020
by Routledge
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© 2020 Taylor & Francis
The right of M. Kimberly MacLin to be identifed as author of this work has
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First edition published 1971 by Harper Collins
Eighth edition published 2008 by Pearson
Library of Congress Cataloging- in-Publication Data
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ISBN: 978-0-367-40652-3 (hbk)
ISBN: 978-0-367-40654-7 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-0-367-80828-0 (ebk)
Typeset in Palatino
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viii CONTENTS field-Based studies 17 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology 17 Archival research 19 Correlational studies 19 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Body Image 20 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Teen Pregnancy 21 CASE STUDY | Perception 21 survey research Methods 21 the Building Blocks for scientifc Ideas 22 facts, theories, and speculation 22 Development of Hypotheses in Experimental Psychology 22 A final Note 23 2 tHE PsyCHoLogICAL LItErAturE: rEADINg for uNDErstANDINg AND As A sourCE of rEsEArCH IDEAs 24 Hunches, Ideas, and the Psychological Literature 24 sources of Information 25 Books and Journals 25 The Internet 26 Electronic Databases: Indexes, Abstracts, full text 27 How to Search a Topic 28 reading and understanding Psychological Articles 28 Organizing Articles 29 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Deception 30 Annotated Bibliographies 30 A final Note 30 3 BAsIC ExPErIMENtAL DEsIgN IN PsyCHoLogy 31 the Logic of Experimental Design 31 operational Defnitions 32 Independent and Dependent Variables 33 Experimenter-Manipulated Independent Variables 35 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Social Cognition 35 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Person Perception 36 Experimenter-selected Independent Variables 37 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Gender Differences 37 Experimental and Control groups 38 CASE STUDY | Perception 38 CASE STUDY | Clinical Psychology 39 CASE STUDY | Conditioning and Learning 40 Within- subject Control 40 ixCONTENTS the two Meanings of Control 41 A final Note 42 4 ADVANCED DEsIgN tECHNIquEs 43 factorial Designs 43 CASE STUDY | Behavioral Psychology | Learning 44 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Attitudes and Dissonance 45 Complex factorial Designs 47 statistical signifcance 48 Cognitive Psychology | Memory and Pattern recognition 48 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Territoriality 49 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Memory 49 quasi-Experimental Designs 51 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology 52 functional Designs 53 small n Designs 53 CASE STUDY | Behavioral Analysis | Schedules of Reinforcement 55 CASE STUDY | Clinical Psychology | Schizophrenia 56 generalization of results 57 A final Note 57 5 usINg ExPErIMENtAL DEsIgN to CoNtroL VArIABLEs 58 Controlled Contrasts 58 scientifc Inferences 58 types of Control 59 Holding Conditions Constant 60 Experimental Paradigms 61 Model 1: Between-subjects Design 61 Model 2: Matched-subjects Design 62 Model 3: Within-subjects Design 63 Model 4: factorial Design 64 use of treatment and Control groups 65 Control Problem: operational Defnitions and Lack of Control 67 CASE STUDY | Experimental Psychology | Sleep Learning 67 Control Problem: Extraneous Variables 68 CASE STUDY | Behavioral Psychology | Social Deprivation and Social Reinforcement 68 Control Problem: Confounding Variables 70 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Word Perception and Recognition 70 x CONTENTS Control Problem: one-trial Learning 71 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Associative Learning 71 A final Note 72 6 CoNtroL of suBjECt VArIABLEs 73 Equality of subjects in treatment groups 73 random selection 74 random Assignment 74 Matching subjects 76 CASE STUDY | Perception 78 Within- subject Control 78 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Educational Psychology | Learning 80 subject Loss (Attrition) 80 CASE STUDY | Program Evaluation 80 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Relationships | Twin Study 81 A final Note 82 7 DEsIgN CrItIquEs 83 Experiment Brief | Neuroscience | Learning 84 Experiment Brief | Comparative Psychology | Hunger and Aggression 85 Experiment Brief | Consumer Psychology | sensation and Perception 85 Experiment Brief | Cognitive Psychology | Learning theory 85 Experiment Brief | Personality Psychology/self-Esteem and school success 85 Experiment Brief | Biological Psychology | Biofeedback 86 Experiment Brief | Personality Psychology | Motivation and Learning 86 Experiment Brief | Cognitive Psychology | Punishment and Learning 86 Experiment Brief | social Psychology | Attitudes 86 Experiment Brief | Clinical Psychology | schizophrenia 87 Experiment Brief | Clinical Psychology | Parenting and Mental Illness 87 Experiment Brief | Behavioral Psychology | Learning 87 Experiment Brief | Health Psychology | Industrial organizational Psychology | Workplace Health Hazards 87 Experiment Brief | social Psychology | Advertising and social Infuence 88 xiCONTENTS Experiment Brief | Cognitive Psychology | teaching of Psychology | Learning 88 Experiment Brief | Clinical Psychology | Drug treatment and schizophrenia 88 Experiment Brief | Comparative Psychology | Behavioral Psychology | Learning 88 Experiment Brief | Cognitive Psychology | Perception | object recognition | Learning 89 Experiment Brief | Educational Psychology | Personality Psychology 89 Experiment Brief | Cognitive Psychology | Creativity and Intelligence 90 Experiment Brief | Developmental Psychology | social Psychology 89 Experiment Brief | social Psychology | group Processes 89 Experiment Brief | Clinical Psychology | therapy outcomes 90 Experiment Brief | social Psychology | Political Psychology 90 Experiment Brief | social Psychology | Health Psychology 91 Experiment Brief | Cognitive Psychology | Perception and Learning A final Note 91 91 8 EtHICs of ExPErIMENtAL rEsEArCH 92 Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct 92 Preamble 93 General Principles 94 Principle A: Benefcence and Nonmalefcence 94 Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility 94 Principle C: Integrity 94 Principle D: Justice 94 Principle E: Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity 94 Section 3: Human Relations 94 Section 7: Education and Training 95 Section 8: Research and Publication 95 research with Human Participants 98 Institutional review Boards (IrBs) 99 Ethical Compliance Checklist 100 Case studies 100 CASE STUDY | Personality Psychology 100 CASE STUDY | Health Psychology 101 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Morality 101 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Memory 101 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Decision Making 102 xii CONTENTS CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Developmental Psychology 102 CASE STUDY | Industrial Organizational Psychology 102 CASE STUDY | Social Psychology | Attitudes 103 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Eyewitness Memory 103 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Learning 104 A final Note 104 9 tHE rEsEArCH ProCEss 105 Doing science 105 getting Ideas 105 open science Movement 107 Pre-registration 108 Practical Considerations 109 Consider a Replication Study 109 Evaluating Research Resources and Needs 109 Funding Research 110 Grants 110 securing Institutional review Board (IrB) Approval 112 Performing a Pilot Experiment/study 113 Conducting your Experiment 113 Analyzing your Data 113 Writing a research Paper 115 Writing Style 115 guidelines to reduce Bias in Language 117 Plagiarism revisited 120 Parts of a Manuscript 120 Title Page 121 Abstract 121 Introduction 122 Method 122 Results 123 Discussion 123 References 123 Appendix and Supplemental Materials 123 sample Manuscript 123 subjects or Participants? 130 reporting Data 130 Quantifying Observations 130 Statistics 131 Bar Graphs or Histograms 131 Planning a research Project 107 xiiiCONTENTS Figures and Functions 131 Illustrations 131 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Face Recognition 132 submitting your Manuscript 132 CASE STUDY | Cognitive Psychology | Memory 133 CASE STUDY | Comparative Psychology | Memory 134 Conference Presentations 135 Poster Sessions 136 A final Note 138 PArt II ANALysIs of ExPErIMENts 139 10 tHE LooK of LoVE 143 Introduction 143 special Issue | Multiple Experiments 143 Analysis 144 11 EMotIoNs AND CHroNIC fAtIguE 153 Introduction 153 special Issue | Within and Between subject factors 153 Analysis 155 12 tEMPErAturE AND LoNELINEss 169 special Issue | replication 169 Analysis 170 13 VIoLENt MEDIA 185 Introduction 185 special Issue | Multiple studies 185 special Issue | Creation of stimulus Materials 185 14 AggrEssIoN AND sCHIzoPHrENIA 193 Introduction 193 special Issue | single subject Design 193 Analysis 194 15 WorKPLACE DEVIANCE 200 Introduction 200 special Issue | Conducting research online 200 Analysis 201 xiv CONTENTS 16 CoNtroLLINg rACIAL PrEjuDICE 211 Introduction 211 special Issue | special Apparatus (fMrI) 211 Analysis 212 17 CHILDrEN’s rEAsoNINg 225 Introduction 225 special Issue | Children as research Participants 225 18 fALsE CoNfEssIoNs 234 special Issue | Applications to the real World 234 special Issue | Deception and Confederates 234 Introduction 234 Analysis 235 19 ANDrogENs AND toy PrEfErENCE 242 Introduction 242 special Issue | subject Variables 242 special Issue | “Politically Incorrect” findings 242 special Issue | Programmatic research 243 20 LANguAgE- trAINED CHIMPANzEEs 253 Introduction 253 special Issue | using Animals in Psychological research 253 Analysis 255 21 PEEr ExCELLENCE AND quIttINg 266 Introduction 266 special Issue | Manipulation Checks 266 22 rEMEMBErINg AND EyEs 282 special Issue | small n Designs 282 special Issue | Psychophysical research 282 special Issue | special Apparatus: Eye tracking 282 Analysis 283 23 NoN- suICIDAL sELf-INjury 290 Introduction 290 special Issue | random selection and random Assignment 290 special Issue | Attrition 290 xvCONTENTS 24 PoLICE rEsPoNsEs to CrIMINAL susPECts 309 Introduction 309 special Issue | studying Complex social Behavior in the Laboratory 309 special Issue | research questions from the real World 309 Analysis 310 25 sLEEP LEArNINg 317 Introduction 317 special Issue | Null findings 317 A fINAL, fINAL NotE 324 APPENDIx A: CoMPutAtIoNAL ProCEDurEs for BAsIC stAtIstICs 325Otto MacLin APPENDIx B: stAtIstICAL tABLEs 341 Glossary 347References 355Name Index 360Subject Index 362

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