Chile Since Independence - Original PDF
Chile Since Independence - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Leslie Bethell خلاصه: Chile Since Independence brings together four chapters from Volumes 3, 5, and 8 of The Cambridge History of Latin America to provide in a single volume an economic, social, and political history of Chile since independence. Each chapter is accompanied by a bibliographical essay.
An episodic history of mathematics. Mathematical culture through problem solving - Original PDF
An episodic history of mathematics. Mathematical culture through problem solving - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Steven G. Krantz خلاصه: An Episodic History of Mathematics delivers a series of snapshots of the history of mathematics from ancient times to the twentieth century. The intent is not to be an encyclopedic history of mathematics, but to give the reader a sense of mathematical culture and history. The book abounds with stories, and personalities play a strong role. The book will introduce readers to some of the genesis of mathematical ideas. Mathematical history is exciting and rewarding, and is a significant slice of the intellectual pie. A good education consists of learning different methods of discourse, and certainly mathematics is one of the most well-developed and important modes of discourse that we have. The focus in this text is on getting involved with mathematics and solving problems. Every chapter ends with a detailed problem set that will provide the student with many avenues for exploration and many new entrees into the subject.
Hope and Fear: Modern Myths, Conspiracy Theories and Pseudo History - Original PDF
Hope and Fear: Modern Myths, Conspiracy Theories and Pseudo History - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ronald H. Fritze خلاصه: Description: A myth-busting journey through the twilight world of fringe ideas and alternative facts. Is a secret and corrupt Illuminati conspiring to control world affairs and bring about a New World Order? Was Donald Trump a victim of massive voter fraud? Is Elizabeth II a shapeshifting reptilian alien? Who is doing all this plotting? In Hope and Fear, Ronald H. Fritze explores the fringe ideas and conspiracy theories people have turned to in order to make sense of the world around them, from myths about the Knights Templar and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, to Nazis and the occult, the Protocols of Zion and UFOs. As Fritze reveals, when conspiracy theories, myths, and pseudo-history dominate a society’s thinking, facts, reality, and truth fall by the wayside.
Christianity in Late Antiquity, 300-450 C.E.: A Reader - Original PDF
Christianity in Late Antiquity, 300-450 C.E.: A Reader - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Bart D. Ehrman, Andrew S. Jacobs خلاصه: Christianity in Late Antiquity, 300-450 C.E.: A Reader collects primary sources of the early Christian world, from the last "Great Persecution" under the Emperor Diocletian to the Council of Chalcedon in the mid-fifth century. During this period Christianity rose to prominence in the Roman Empire, developed new notions of sanctity and heresy, and spread beyond the Mediterranean world. This reader incorporates standard texts--from authors such as Athanasius, Augustine, and Eusebius--in the most recent translations and also includes less familiar texts, some of which appear in English translation for the first time. Presented in their entirety or in long excerpts, the texts are arranged thematically and cover such topics as orthodoxy, conversion, asceticism, and art and architecture. The editors provide introductions for each chapter, text, and image, situating the selections historically, geographically, and intellectually. Christianity in Late Antiquity, 300-450 C.E.: A Reader highlights the ways in which religion and culture were mutually transformed during this crucial historical period. Ideal for courses in Early Christianity, Christianity in Late Antiquity, and History of Christianity, this reader is an excellent companion to Bart D. Ehrman's After the New Testament (OUP, 1998) and an exceptional resource for scholars.
The Commentaries of C. Julius Caesar. The Civil War (1877) - Original PDF
The Commentaries of C. Julius Caesar. The Civil War (1877) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Moberly C. . خلاصه: n editing Caesar's ' Bellum Civile,' there is little to add to the sketch of his character as a writer given in the Preface to the Clarendon Edition of the 'Bellum Gallicum.' The same admirable simplicity of style pervades the two works; both furnish the best of all models for the Latin language considered in its noblest light, as an organ, that is, not for word-painting, but for the expression of true occurrences in the most natural way possible
Nazi Soundscapes - Original PDF
Nazi Soundscapes - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Carolyn Birdsall خلاصه: Following the formation of the German National Socialist Party in the 1920s, various forms of sound (popular music, voice, noise and silence) and media technology (radio and loudspeaker systems) were configured as useful to the partys political programme. Focusing on the urban soundscape of Düsseldorf, the author makes a persuasive case for investigating such sound events and technological devices in their specific contexts of production and reception. Nazi Soundscapes identifies strategies for controlling space and reworking identity patterns, but also the ongoing difficulties in manipulating mediated sounds and the spaces of listening reception, whether in the home, workplace, the cinema, public rituals or with wartime siren systems. The study revises visualist notions of social control, and reveals the disciplinary functions of listening (as eavesdropping) as well as the sonic dimensions to exclusion and violence during Nazism. An essential title for everyone interested in the links between German political culture, audiovisual media and urban history, Nazi Soundscapes provides a fascinating analysis of the cultural significance of sound between the 1920s and early 1940s.
The Textual Tradition of Plato’s Timaeus and Critias - Original PDF
The Textual Tradition of Plato’s Timaeus and Critias - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jonkers, Gijsbert خلاصه: In The Textual Tradition of Plato's Timaeus and Critias, Gijsbert Jonkers presents a new examination of the medieval manuscripts of both Platonic dialogues, an overview of the ancient tradition and a vast collection of ancient testimonia.
A History of Chile, 1808–2002 Second Edition - Original PDF
A History of Chile, 1808–2002 Second Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: SIMON COLLIER, WILLIAM F. SATER خلاصه: A History of Chile chronicles the nation's political, social, and economic evolution from its independence until the early years of the Lagos regime. Employing primary and secondary materials, it explores the growth of Chile's agricultural economy, during which the large landed estates appeared; the nineteenth-century wheat and mining booms; the rise of the nitrate mines; their replacement by copper mining; and the diversification of the nation's economic base. This volume also traces Chile's political development from oligarchy to democracy, culminating in the election of Salvador Allende, his overthrow by a military dictatorship, and the return of popularly elected governments. Additionally, the volume examines Chile's social and intellectual history: the process of urbanization, the spread of education and public health, the diminution of poverty, the creation of a rich intellectual and literary tradition, the experiences of middle and lower classes and the development of Chile's unique culture.
The ethical soundscape: cassette sermons and Islamic counterpublics - Original PDF
The ethical soundscape: cassette sermons and Islamic counterpublics - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Charles Hirschkind خلاصه: Charles Hirschkind's unique study explores how a popular Islamic media form—the cassette sermon—has profoundly transformed the political geography of the Middle East over the last three decades. An essential aspect of what is now called the Islamic Revival, the cassette sermon has become omnipresent in most Middle Eastern cities, punctuating the daily routines of many men and women. Hirschkind shows how sermon tapes have provided one of the means by which Islamic ethical traditions have been recalibrated to a modern political and technological order—to its noise and forms of pleasure and boredom, but also to its political incitements and call for citizen participation. Contrary to the belief that Islamic cassette sermons are a tool of militant indoctrination, Hirschkind argues that sermon tapes serve as an instrument of ethical self-improvement and as a vehicle for honing the sensibilities and affects of pious living.
When Someone Dies: A Children’s Mindful How-To Guide on Grief and Loss - Epub + Convetred Pdf
When Someone Dies: A Children’s Mindful How-To Guide on Grief and Loss - Epub + Convetred Pdf
نویسندگان: Andrea Dorn خلاصه: When Someone Dies: A Children’s Mindful How-To Guide on Grief and Loss by Andrea Dorn

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