HISTORY by John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert - Original PDF
HISTORY by John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert خلاصه: From the time of the earliest English settlements in America, men and women of many sorts have been writing history. No one group has ever had a monopoly of the production of competent histories. Leadership in setting standards, however, has usually belonged to a particular class. Twice this leadership has changed hands. During the seventeenth century the best history was written by Puritan clergymen and by lay officials associated with them in creat- ing a new Zion in the wilderness. They wrote hastily, in whatever moments they could spare from active labors in behalf of the Puritan cause. Their history was a further extension of scripture: a chronicle of God's inscrutable will working within their own community. Clergymen long remained one of the most numerous species of his- torical writers, but their importance diminished as the church ceased to form the cultural center of American life. In the eighteenth century, patrician historians came to the fore. The growth of private wealth allowed a margin of leisure time for their studies. The weightiness of history appealed to the strong sense of social responsibility that characterized many American gentlemen; to them the historian was the ultimate human judge of men and events. They strove-without always succeeding, of course-to play a judicial role fairly and impartially, for the patrician, untrammeled by religious orthodoxy, prided himself on his independence of mind. He participated in a wide, transatlantic literary culture and wrote for an unspecialized, cultivated audience.1 During the greater part of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the patrician historian held the center of the stage, and in the works of Thomas Hutchinson, Charles Gayarre, Francis Parkman, Henry C. Lea, and others, his history reached a high level of accuracy and distinction.
Imagining Prostitution in Modern Japan, 1850–1913 - PDF
Imagining Prostitution in Modern Japan, 1850–1913 - PDF
نویسندگان: Ann Marie L. Davis خلاصه: 1 O ne Introduction On a mid-winter morning, some months after the death of the Meiji Em- peror on July 30, 1912, daily newspapers across Japan informed the na- tion that an “unprecedented manuscript,” written by a prostitute under the pseudonym Wada Yoshiko, was arriving at bookstores everywhere. It was called Yūjo monogatari (A Prostitute’s Tale) and was published by Bunmeidō Press.1 The news of Wada’s accomplishment was so wide- spread that for the rest of the week, it attracted an unusual procession of visitors to her pleasure quarters in Naitō-Shinjuku, a famous commuter town located on the outskirts of Tokyo. Journalists lined up to interview her, current patrons came to congratulate her, and new potential clients showed up to set eyes on her.2 In her sequel, Yūjo monogatari, zoku-hen (A Prostitute’s Tale, Part II), published less than a year after the first book, Wada describes this mo- ment as a set of mixed blessings (see figure 1.1). At first, she encountered unrelenting scorn and criticism from her immediate circle of managers, colleagues, and patrons. After the book was released, the madam of the brothel harshly condemned her for divulging private information about their clients. Her book revealed unsavory details about the conditions of the syphilis hospital where the prostitutes went for regular mandatory health exams and were confined if found diseased. Given her negative exposé, the director of the hospital came to the brothel to denounce Wada for staining his good reputation. Although Wada was careful not to reveal any names, she had disclosed job titles, and therefore, the madam rea- soned, anyone could identify the director or other brothel affiliates men- tioned in her book. In response, the madam demanded that Wada issue an immediate apology and retract some of the sections of her publication. Prostitutes in the brothel shunned Wada, too, for sharing details about their district clients and destroying their mutual trust.
Arvid Schors Doppelter Boden. Die SALT-Verhandlungen 1963-1979 - Original PDF
Arvid Schors Doppelter Boden. Die SALT-Verhandlungen 1963-1979 - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jörg Später خلاصه: Initiativen zur Reduzierung der nuklearen Bedrohung hatte es seit Be- ginn des Kalten Krieges immer wieder gegeben. Die USA hatten bereits 1946 unter dem Eindruck der Atombombenabwürfe über Hiroshima und Nagasaki den Baruch-Plan vorgelegt. Er sah die Errichtung einer internationalen Körperschaft vor, der ein globales Monopol für die militärische Nutzung der Atomkraft zukommen sollte. Dieses Konzept einer vollständigen nuklearen Abrüstung scheiterte am Widerstand der Sowjetunion, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt den USA nukleartechnisch unter- legen und deshalb nicht bereit war, eine Vereinbarung zu schließen, die das US -amerikanische Atomwaffenmonopol auf Jahre hin festgeschrie- ben hätte.1 Mit ihrem ersten erfolgreichen Atomwaffentest brach die Sowjetunion 1949 schließlich dieses amerikanische Monopol.2 Während der 1950er Jahre begann auch sie stärkeres Gewicht auf Atomwaffen und ballistische Raketen zu legen
Hans Kelsen Biographie eines Rechtswissenschaftlers by Mohr Siebeck - Original PDF
Hans Kelsen Biographie eines Rechtswissenschaftlers by Mohr Siebeck - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mohr Siebeck خلاصه: Im August 1964 trat der deutsch-amerikanische Politikwissenschaftler Hans Mor- genthau an die Rockefeller Foundation mit der Idee heran, der weltberühmte Jurist Hans Kelsen solle an den Comer See nach Italien fahren, wo die Foundation noch heute die Villa Serbelloni besitzt, und dort »an intellectual history of his life and times« verfassen. Die Rockefeller Foundation war allerdings skeptisch, ob der bereits 83-jährige Gelehrte, der zu jener Zeit in Berkeley in Kalifornien lebte, überhaupt noch im Stande sei, nach Europa zu reisen und eine derartige Arbeit zu schreiben. 1 Morgenthau meinte hierauf, dass die Biographie ja auch in Berkeley verfasst werden und man Kelsen eine Sekretärin beistellen könne, wofür er Helen Smelser, die Frau des in Berkeley unterrichtenden Soziologieprofessors Neil Smelser vorschlug, zumal diese schon früher mit Kelsen zusammengearbeitet hatte. Tatsächlich gewährte die Rockefeller Foundation in der Folge einen Grant in Höhe von $ 3.500,–, sodass die Arbeiten beginnen konnten.
Darwin and Catholicism BY Caruana - Original PDF
Darwin and Catholicism BY Caruana - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Louis Caruana خلاصه: Charles Darwin (1809–82) explained the history and variety of life on earth in terms of evolution. He formulated his ideas for the first time in his book On the Origin of Species, published in 1859. His theory brought together under one explanation the innumerable different phe- nomena observable in the organic world, and suggested moreover that the difference between humans and non-human animals was a difference in degree rather than one of kind.1 Because of this, philosophical and theological debates soon became inevitable. What had been formulated as a new scientific theory quickly developed into a new philosophical and cultural paradigm with repercussions in ethics, anthropology and theology.
Justice matters: legacies of the Holocaust and World War II - Original PDF
Justice matters: legacies of the Holocaust and World War II - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mona Sue Weissmark خلاصه: In the fall of 1992, in a small room in Boston, MA, an extraordinary meeting took place. For the first time, the sons and daughters of Holocaust victims met face-to-face with the children of Nazis for a fascinating research project to discuss the intersections of their pasts and the painful legacies that history has imposed on them.
The Carpet Wars: From Kabul to Baghdad: A Ten-Year Journey Along Ancient Trade Routes (1st American ed.) - Original PDF
The Carpet Wars: From Kabul to Baghdad: A Ten-Year Journey Along Ancient Trade Routes (1st American ed.) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher Kremmer خلاصه: This book provides revealing, often first-hand portraits of warlords such as Ahmad Shah Masood, the Lion of Panjsher, of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and of Pakistan's President, General Pervez Musharraf. The real stories of the lands of the ancient silk route, however, are accessed through Kremmer's obsession with the carpets of the region.
Carpet Ride to Khiva - Original PDF
Carpet Ride to Khiva - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher Alexander خلاصه: t is an unforgettable true travel story of a journey to the heart of the unknown and the unexpected friendship one man found.
The Mythology of Plants: Botanical Lore from Ancient Greece and Rome - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
The Mythology of Plants: Botanical Lore from Ancient Greece and Rome - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
نویسندگان: Annette Giesecke خلاصه: The Mythology of Plants: Botanical Lore from Ancient Greece and Rome by Annette Giesecke
Chile: The Other September 11: An Anthology of Reflections on the 1973 Coup (Radical History) - Epub + Converted PDF
Chile: The Other September 11: An Anthology of Reflections on the 1973 Coup (Radical History) - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Ariel Dorfman , Pilar Aguilera , Ricardo Fredes خلاصه: “A fast and powerful read, and its themes are still relevant today… and shows vividly the suffering others have endured at our hands, the same sort of suffering our government has pledged to fight… This book is the kind of true testimonial that all Americans should read.”—Clamor “A worthwhile compilation for libraries and bookstores seeking titles on the subject.”—Criticas This anthology reclaims the date of September 11 as the anniversary of the U.S.-backed coup in Chile in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet against the popularly elected Allende government. Contributors include Ariel Dorfman, Pablo Neruda, Salvador Allende, Fidel Castro.

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