Dostoyevsky, or The Flood of Language - Orginal Pdf
Dostoyevsky, or The Flood of Language - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Julia Kristeva خلاصه: Dostoyevsky, or The Flood of Language (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism) Kindle Edition by Julia Kristeva (Author), Rowan Williams (Foreword), Jody Gladding
The Sinner and the Saint: Dostoevsky and the Gentleman Murderer Who Inspired a Masterpiece - Epub + Converted Pdf
The Sinner and the Saint: Dostoevsky and the Gentleman Murderer Who Inspired a Masterpiece - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Kevin Birmingham خلاصه: The Sinner and the Saint: Dostoevsky and the Gentleman Murderer Who Inspired a Masterpiece Kevin Birmingham
نویسندگان: Philip S. Gorski AND Samuel L. Perry Foreword by Jemar Tisby خلاصه: I thought I had endured the worst racism that Christians could spew at me. Then came November 2016. In a bracing turn of events, a minority of voters elected Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States. To add to the head- spinning element of the moment, exit polls showed that white evangelical Christians who voted had pulled the lever for Trump at a rate of about 81 percent. I remember staying up late on election night as the results rolled in. I sat alone, my wife having long since gone to bed with the resolution that seeing the results live on television would not change the outcome. It was dark and I was toggling my eyes between the television screen and the Twitter feed on my phone. When it was clear that Trump had won, it became nearly impossible for me to grab and hold onto a single thought as my mind and emotions struggled to keep up with this new development. Finally, a feeling of dread settled over me as I reckoned with the fact that a blatant opponent of racial justice would soon occupy the highest political office in our nation. Then my thoughts focused on matters closer to home: my church. I attended a congregation that was predominantly white and evangelical. By the percentages and from my own interactions with them, I knew that many of my fellow churchgoers had voted for Trump. I couldn’t shake the pain I felt. I had made no secret about my concerns about this man, particularly his long record of trafficking in racial stereotypes and coddling racists. How could I go to church that Sunday with people who so clearly misunderstood and perhaps even dismissed my reality as a Black person in America? How could I sing, pray, and exchange pleasantries with folks who seemed not to care what their favored politician’s plans would mean for me, my family, our community, and our country? I knew I wouldn’t be able to fake it, and I didn’t want to try.
Relaying Cinema in Midcentury Iran Material Cultures in Transit - Original PDF
Relaying Cinema in Midcentury Iran Material Cultures in Transit - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kaveh Askari خلاصه: 1 Midcentury Film companies in Iran in the early 1960s did not always pay careful attention to their design elements, but Azhir Film had the ambition to bring its films, and especially its new release Zarbat (The Strike, Khachikian, 1964), into the world of midcentury cinema with a memorable design scheme. The film’s creators did not realistically expect it to produce revenues outside of Iran, although they teased this possibility in the press as the project moved through various stages of its production. 1 The primary aim, rather, was to create a certain kind of cinematic experience when the film was released. The release called upon modern design’s global ambitions at a time when packing movie houses in Tehran still typically meant securing a well-traveled film print. A stubborn disagreement between filmmakers had left a lot riding on this particular crime thriller. Film studios in Iran tried to avoid compet- ing releases, but this time, during a coveted release slot after the start of spring and the Iranian New Year, two producers refused to compro- mise. The Strike, produced by Josef Vaezian and directed by Samuel Khachikian, each of whom was coming off of a string of successful films, would be released the same week as the rival producer and for- mer Khachikian collaborator Mehdi Missaghieh’s Ensan- ha (Human Beings, Aghamaliyan). Industry professionals debated the ethics of this in the press, but neither producer would move aside. 2 The Strike’s dis
Better for All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Racial Purity - Epub + Converted PDF
Better for All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Racial Purity - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Harry Bruinius خلاصه: On a cloudy afternoon on October 19, 1927, as a chilly autumn wind swept down off the Blue Ridge Mountains, rattling the windows of the infirmary at the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-minded, Dr. John H. Bell jotted a few notes about an operation he had performed earlier that day. He was the superintendent of this sprawling institution, a campus of regimented brick dormitories and rolling farmland set amid the bluffs overlooking Lynchburg, and one of the country’s finest. The morning’s procedure was simple, and dozens of such operations had taken place here over the years. But for this patient he wrote with particular care, since it was a case that might draw a bit of attention. “Patient sterilized this morning under authority of Act of Assembly in 1926, providing for the sterilization of mental defectives, and as ordered by the Board of Directors of this institution,” he wrote. “She went to the operating room at 9:30 and returned to her bed at 10:30, recovered promptly from the anaesthesia with no untoward after effects anticipated. One inch was removed from each Fallopian tube, the tubes ligated and the ends cauterized by carbolic acid followed by alcohol, and the edges of the broad ligaments brought together with continuous suture. Abdominal wound was united with layer sutures and the approximation of the closure was good.
Darwin: Portrait of a Genius by Paul Johnson - Epub + Converted PDF
Darwin: Portrait of a Genius by Paul Johnson - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Paul Johnson خلاصه: All his life, Charles Darwin believed that inheritance was much more important in shaping a man or woman than education or environment. Nature rather than nurture was formative, in his view. Though he knew nothing of the science of genetics, and never used the word gene, which is first recorded in English in 1911, more than a quarter- century after his death, he is a classic case of genetic inheritance. Indeed, two of his grandparents and his father can reasonably be classified as geniuses. His paternal grandfather, Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802) came from an old family of modest landowners. After Cambridge, he trained as a doctor in Edinburgh, and then practiced in Litchfield, Dr. Johnson’s town (they did not get on). He was successful and had many patients, easily earning £1,000 a year, a handsome income then. News of his skill reached the ears of George III, who invited him to come to London as the royal doctor. But Dr. Darwin declined. The Hanoverian royals were slow at paying their doctors. In any case, Darwin was happy as he was, combining a busy provincial practice with poetry and science. The symbol of this dualism was his coach, which he designed himself. It was fitted up with a writing desk, a skylight, and a portion of his library, so that he could carry on his intellectual pursuits while going on his daily round of professional calls.
From Darwin to Derrida Selfish Genes, Social Selves, and the Meanings of Life - Epub + Converted PDF
From Darwin to Derrida Selfish Genes, Social Selves, and the Meanings of Life - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: David Haig خلاصه: Evolutionary theory can be a nasty business. Perhaps it has something to say about human nature. Most scientifically respectable evolutionary theories wear garments of math. I think of mathematical models as disciplined metaphors. We use x to represent something in the world, say slugs, and y to represent something else, say lettuces, then we analyze the relation of x to y using mathematics. We imagine that slugs and lettuces behave like x and y in the model, and then we use how x and y behave in the model to understand how slugs and lettuces behave in the world. Nobody can argue with mathematical models—that is one of the points of using mathematics—but there can be endless arguments about what you put into a model and what you leave out, and endless arguments about what the model means, because metaphors can be interpreted in many ways. I am not criticizing the use of metaphors—far from it, they are essential. All that we know about the world is metaphor. Our perceptions are a virtual reality, not the thing in itself but something that stands in the place of the thing. Phenomena are metaphors used to comprehend things. Don’t worry, this book contains almost no mathematics; but, if you don’t like metaphor, then this is probably a good time to return the book and ask for a refund.
HISTORY by John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert - Original PDF
HISTORY by John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert خلاصه: From the time of the earliest English settlements in America, men and women of many sorts have been writing history. No one group has ever had a monopoly of the production of competent histories. Leadership in setting standards, however, has usually belonged to a particular class. Twice this leadership has changed hands. During the seventeenth century the best history was written by Puritan clergymen and by lay officials associated with them in creat- ing a new Zion in the wilderness. They wrote hastily, in whatever moments they could spare from active labors in behalf of the Puritan cause. Their history was a further extension of scripture: a chronicle of God's inscrutable will working within their own community. Clergymen long remained one of the most numerous species of his- torical writers, but their importance diminished as the church ceased to form the cultural center of American life. In the eighteenth century, patrician historians came to the fore. The growth of private wealth allowed a margin of leisure time for their studies. The weightiness of history appealed to the strong sense of social responsibility that characterized many American gentlemen; to them the historian was the ultimate human judge of men and events. They strove-without always succeeding, of course-to play a judicial role fairly and impartially, for the patrician, untrammeled by religious orthodoxy, prided himself on his independence of mind. He participated in a wide, transatlantic literary culture and wrote for an unspecialized, cultivated audience.1 During the greater part of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the patrician historian held the center of the stage, and in the works of Thomas Hutchinson, Charles Gayarre, Francis Parkman, Henry C. Lea, and others, his history reached a high level of accuracy and distinction.
Imagining Prostitution in Modern Japan, 1850–1913 - PDF
Imagining Prostitution in Modern Japan, 1850–1913 - PDF
نویسندگان: Ann Marie L. Davis خلاصه: 1 O ne Introduction On a mid-winter morning, some months after the death of the Meiji Em- peror on July 30, 1912, daily newspapers across Japan informed the na- tion that an “unprecedented manuscript,” written by a prostitute under the pseudonym Wada Yoshiko, was arriving at bookstores everywhere. It was called Yūjo monogatari (A Prostitute’s Tale) and was published by Bunmeidō Press.1 The news of Wada’s accomplishment was so wide- spread that for the rest of the week, it attracted an unusual procession of visitors to her pleasure quarters in Naitō-Shinjuku, a famous commuter town located on the outskirts of Tokyo. Journalists lined up to interview her, current patrons came to congratulate her, and new potential clients showed up to set eyes on her.2 In her sequel, Yūjo monogatari, zoku-hen (A Prostitute’s Tale, Part II), published less than a year after the first book, Wada describes this mo- ment as a set of mixed blessings (see figure 1.1). At first, she encountered unrelenting scorn and criticism from her immediate circle of managers, colleagues, and patrons. After the book was released, the madam of the brothel harshly condemned her for divulging private information about their clients. Her book revealed unsavory details about the conditions of the syphilis hospital where the prostitutes went for regular mandatory health exams and were confined if found diseased. Given her negative exposé, the director of the hospital came to the brothel to denounce Wada for staining his good reputation. Although Wada was careful not to reveal any names, she had disclosed job titles, and therefore, the madam rea- soned, anyone could identify the director or other brothel affiliates men- tioned in her book. In response, the madam demanded that Wada issue an immediate apology and retract some of the sections of her publication. Prostitutes in the brothel shunned Wada, too, for sharing details about their district clients and destroying their mutual trust.
Arvid Schors Doppelter Boden. Die SALT-Verhandlungen 1963-1979 - Original PDF
Arvid Schors Doppelter Boden. Die SALT-Verhandlungen 1963-1979 - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jörg Später خلاصه: Initiativen zur Reduzierung der nuklearen Bedrohung hatte es seit Be- ginn des Kalten Krieges immer wieder gegeben. Die USA hatten bereits 1946 unter dem Eindruck der Atombombenabwürfe über Hiroshima und Nagasaki den Baruch-Plan vorgelegt. Er sah die Errichtung einer internationalen Körperschaft vor, der ein globales Monopol für die militärische Nutzung der Atomkraft zukommen sollte. Dieses Konzept einer vollständigen nuklearen Abrüstung scheiterte am Widerstand der Sowjetunion, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt den USA nukleartechnisch unter- legen und deshalb nicht bereit war, eine Vereinbarung zu schließen, die das US -amerikanische Atomwaffenmonopol auf Jahre hin festgeschrie- ben hätte.1 Mit ihrem ersten erfolgreichen Atomwaffentest brach die Sowjetunion 1949 schließlich dieses amerikanische Monopol.2 Während der 1950er Jahre begann auch sie stärkeres Gewicht auf Atomwaffen und ballistische Raketen zu legen

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