Principles of Modern Communication Systems - Epub + Converted Pdf
Principles of Modern Communication Systems - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Samuel O. Agbo خلاصه: Principles of Modern Communication Systems BY Samuel O. Agbo; Matthew N. O. Sadiku
Examining THE NUCLEAR WEAPON-FREE ZONE and International Relations Through Theoretical Lenses - Original PDF
Examining THE NUCLEAR WEAPON-FREE ZONE and International Relations Through Theoretical Lenses - Original PDF
نویسندگان: A.Odonbaatar J.Mendee خلاصه: In this paper, we use the theoretical approaches of realism, liberalism and constructivism to examine international relations and the nuclear weapon-free zone process and how these approaches help us predict the future. We explain the importance of establishing a nuclear weapon-free zone unit at Mongolia’s National Security Council or within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote this important initiative domestically, bilaterally and multilaterally.
NUCLEAR AUTHORITY The IAEA and the Absolute Weapon - Original PDF
NUCLEAR AUTHORITY The IAEA and the Absolute Weapon - Original PDF
نویسندگان: ROBERT L. BROWN خلاصه: Theory of authority -- The birth of the IAEA, 1945/1961 -- The adolescence of the agency, 1962/1985 -- The IAEA challenged, 1986/1998 -- Nuclear authority, 1998-2013.;Robert L. Brown has written both a history of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and an analysis of how it has transformed from a weak agent of multilateral cooperation into a strong international nuclear authority over the past two decades. Today, it is one of the most powerful international organizations of any kind, with the ability to inspect and judge member states' nuclear programs and to issue rules and commands regarding nuclear issues. The IAEA also plays an important role in counterproliferation enforcement. Brown argues that the IAEA has been able to acquire power over states on nuclear issues because states have realized that they need, for both political and technological reasons, the IAEA to supply nuclear policy cooperation and to be an agent for nuclear safety and security. The IAEA is in the news on an almost weekly basis, and this book will provide the most in depth and up-to-date overview of the organization. The book will also explain the puzzle of why states would collectively create an agent to help them cooperate, only to see that agent acquire power over them.
Nuclear Weapon Reliability Definition - Original PDF
Nuclear Weapon Reliability Definition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: R. L. Bierbaum, J. J. Cashen, T. J. Kerschen, J. M. Sjulin, D. L. Wright خلاصه: Abstract The overarching goal of the Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear weapon reliability assessment process is to provide a quantitative metric that reflects the ability of the weapons to perform their intended function successfully. This white paper is intended to provide insight into the current and long-standing DOE definition of nuclear weapon reliability, which can be summarized as: l%e probability of achieving the specified yield, at the target, across the Stockpile-To-Target Sequence of environments, throughout the weapon’s lifetime, assuming proper inputs. This paper discusses the historical and academic bases for this definition and the larger Department of Defense (DoD) use planning context for the DOES reliability metric. Details and examples of each of the elements of the definition of reliability are provided. Finally, the historical evolution of uncertainty statements for DOE weapon reliability assessments is described. Current and future challenges for the nuclear weapon reliability community, including extended weapon lifetimes and reductions in the stockpile surveillance test program, are identified and discussed.
Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World? (Routledge Global Security Studies 20) - Original PDF
Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World? (Routledge Global Security Studies 20) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Sverre Lodgaard خلاصه: This book examines the current debate on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, notably the international non-proliferation regime and how to implement its disarmament provisions. Discussing the requirements of a new international consensus on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, this book builds on the three pillars of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT): non-proliferation, disarmament and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. It reviews the impact of Cold War and post-Cold War policies on current disarmament initiatives and analyses contemporary proliferation problems: how to deal with the states that never joined the NPT (India, Pakistan and Israel); how states that have been moving toward nuclear weapons have been brought back to non-nuclear-weapon status; and, in particular, how to deal with Iran and North Korea. The analysis centres on the relationship between disarmament and non-proliferation in an increasingly multi-centric world involving China and India as well as the US, the European powers and Russia. It concludes with a description and discussion of three different worlds without nuclear weapons and their implications for nuclear disarmament policies.???????????? This book will be of great interest to all students of arms control, strategic studies, war and conflict studies, and IR/security studies in general Sverre Lodgaard is a Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo
Universalizing Nuclear Nonproliferation Norms: A Regional Framework for the South Asian Nuclear Weapon States - Original PDF
Universalizing Nuclear Nonproliferation Norms: A Regional Framework for the South Asian Nuclear Weapon States - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Adil Sultan خلاصه: This book suggests a new bargain between the NPT nuclear weapon states and the non-NPT nuclear weapons possessor states, mainly India and Pakistan, through a regional arrangement to help move towards universalization of the nuclear nonproliferation regime. The author analyses nuclear proliferation drivers to understand why states acquire and justify possession of nuclear weapons even though most nuclear weapon states no longer are faced with an existential threat to their national security. This study also identifies various challenges being faced by the NPT based nuclear nonproliferation regime, which if left unaddressed, could unravel the nonproliferation regime. It also offers the history of confidence building measures between India and Pakistan, which could be a useful reference for negotiating a Regional Nonproliferation Regime (RNR) in the future.
Strategy in the Second Nuclear Age: Power, Ambition, and the Ultimate Weapon - Original PDF
Strategy in the Second Nuclear Age: Power, Ambition, and the Ultimate Weapon - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Toshi Yoshihara, James R. Holmes خلاصه: A "second nuclear age" has begun in the post-Cold War world. Created by the expansion of nuclear arsenals and new proliferation in Asia, it has changed the familiar nuclear geometry of the Cold War. Increasing potency of nuclear arsenals in China, India, and Pakistan, the nuclear breakout in North Korea, and the potential for more states to cross the nuclear-weapons threshold from Iran to Japan suggest that the second nuclear age of many competing nuclear powers has the potential to be even less stable than the first. Strategy in the Second Nuclear Age assembles a group of distinguished scholars to grapple with the matter of how the United States, its allies, and its friends must size up the strategies, doctrines, and force structures currently taking shape if they are to design responses that reinforce deterrence amid vastly more complex strategic circumstances. By focusing sharply on strategy―that is, on how states use doomsday weaponry for political gain―the book distinguishes itself from familiar net assessments emphasizing quantifiable factors like hardware, technical characteristics, and manpower. While the emphasis varies from chapter to chapter, contributors pay special heed to the logistical, technological, and social dimensions of strategy alongside the specifics of force structure and operations. They never lose sight of the human factor―the pivotal factor in diplomacy, strategy, and war.
How Nuclear Weapons Spread: Nuclear Weapon Proliferation in the 1990s (Operational Level of War) - Original PDF
How Nuclear Weapons Spread: Nuclear Weapon Proliferation in the 1990s (Operational Level of War) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Frank Barnaby خلاصه: HOW NUCLEAR WEAPONS SPREAD The production of the first nuclear fission chain reaction in 1942 ushered in a new era in history and science. With both detrimental and beneficial effects, the nuclear age had begun—an age which would have far-reaching effects on the lives of subsequent generations. In How Nuclear Weapons Spread, Frank Barnaby examines the implications of nuclear weapons, and considers the close relationship between peaceful and military nuclear programmes. The book looks in detail at the nuclear programmes of Third World countries which have or could soon have the bomb, such as Israel, Pakistan and India, as well as those which are thought to be developing their nuclear capabilities—such as Iran and North Korea. Even more alarming is the threat that terrorists might acquire nuclear weapons. Frank Barnaby assesses the reality of this risk, and considers methods of checking the spread of these weapons. The book also contains detailed descriptions of the components needed for nuclear fission and thermonuclear weapons, and discusses the need to test these weapons, as well as the difficulties of disarming and disposing of nuclear materials. How Nuclear Weapons Spread will be of great interest to students of International Politics, International Relations and Strategy Studies. Frank Barnaby is a former Guest Professor at the Free University in Amsterdam and a former Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. He is currently a defence analyst and is the author of many books, including Star Wars, 1987, The Automated Battlefield, 1987 and The Role and Control of Weapons, 1992.
Apocalypse Never: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World - Original PDF
Apocalypse Never: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Tad Daley خلاصه: Apocalypse Never illuminates why we must abolish nuclear weapons, how we can, and what the world will look like after we do. The twenty-first century has ushered in a world at the atomic edge. The pop culture days of Dr. Strangelove have been replaced by the all-too-real single day of 24. Tad Daley has written a book for the general reader about this most crucial of contemporary challenges. Apocalypse Never maintains that the abolition of nuclear weapons is both essential and achievable, and reveals in fine detail what we need to do--both governments and movements--to make it a reality. Daley insists that while global climate change poses the single greatest long-term peril to the human race, the nuclear challenge in its many incarnation--nuclear terror, nuclear accident, a nuclear crisis spinning out of control--poses the single most immediate peril. Daley launches a wholesale assault on the nuclear double standard--the notion that the United States permits itself thousands of these weapons but forbids others from aspiring to even on--insisting that it is militarily unnecessary, morally indefensible, and politically unsustainable. He conclusively repudiates the most frequent objection to nuclear disarmament, "the breakout scenario"--the possibility that after abolition someone might whip back the curtain, reveal a dozen nuclear warheads, and proceed to "rule the world." On the wings of a brand new era in American history, Apocalypse Never makes the case that a comprehensive nuclear policy agenda from President Obama, one that fully integrates nonproliferation with disarmament, can both eliminate immediate nuclear dangers and set us irreversibly on the road to abolition. In jargon-free language, Daley explores the possible verification measures, enforcement mechanisms, and governance structures of a nuclear weapon–free world. Most importantly, he decisively argues that universal nuclear disarmament is something we can transform from a utopian fantasy into a concrete political goal.
The Treaty of Pelindaba on the African Nuclear-weapon-free-zone - Original PDF
The Treaty of Pelindaba on the African Nuclear-weapon-free-zone - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Oluyemi Adeniji خلاصه: When the world formally entered the nuclear weapons age in August 1945 with the launching by the United States of America of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,1 most of Africa was under colonialism. Since the imperial powers were also the Allied Powers on whose behalf the most destructive element of the atom was unleashed on Japan, its effect in hastening the end of the Second World War was the only immediate impression. The universal euphoria over the end of the war, however, soon gave way to great concern about the future consequences of the wider use of atomic weapons. The United Nations, which was established in order to avert a future world war, had elaborated its charter unaware of the new weapon.2 The effectiveness of the new Organization was hinged on the system of collective security, which would deter aggression and therefore maintain international peace and security. The appearance of the atomic weapon on the scene introduced a new situation which could render the system of collective security very difficult, if not impossible, to implement. The United Nations General Assembly was therefore obliged at its first meeting to give the highest priority to laying down principles for disarmament that had not been spelt out in the Charter.3 Thus, in the first resolution it adopted, the General Assembly established the Atomic Energy Commission, which was charged with making specific proposals for the elimination of atomic weapons and all other weapons of mass-destruction from national armaments.4

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