Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare - Original PDF
Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Lynn Gitlow, Kathleen Flecky خلاصه: The changes we have all seen in technology and corre spondingly with assistive technology in the past 10 years are mind‐boggling. Futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil (2000) stated early in the twenty‐first century that com puters are 100 million times more powerful than they were 50 years ago. The exponential growth of computer capacity that Kurzweil and others predicted in the late 1990s continues to advance and has the potential for improving all aspects of life (Diamandis and Kotler 2014). These exponential changes in technology make it hard to keep up with the latest innovations. For example, one of the chapter authors worked in an assistive technology laboratory in which serial port add‐ons to computers evolved into Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports rendering the former connections and their attachments obsolete within in less than five years. Currently, com puters no longer come with disk drives and all of the software one needs to load on the computer comes from the cloud. Vicente (2006) stated, “... more and more technology is being foisted upon us at a faster and faster pace” (p. 13). In addition, technology is clearly a necessary part of our lives. For many of us, it is difficult to remember a time when cell phones, laptops, or navigation devices were not available to those who could afford it. Furthermore, the convergence of multiple technologies into a single, small, handheld device such as a smart phone is common as part of our work and personal experiences
Construction Management JumpStart The Best First Step Toward a Career in Construction Management (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
Construction Management JumpStart The Best First Step Toward a Career in Construction Management (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Barbara J. Jackson خلاصه: Introduction Congratulations! You are about to embark on an adventure. This book is about the processes, the people, and the practices that we call construction management—a term and a profession that may be unfamiliar to many people. Construction, as most individuals understand it, is an activity or a series of activities that involves some craftspeople, building materials, tools, and equip- ment. But you will learn that there is a great deal more to it than that. If you think that construction is all about brawn and not much about brains, then you probably haven’t been paying very close attention to what has been going on in the built environment in the past several decades. Buildings today can be very complicated, and the building process has become extremely demanding. It takes savvy professional talent to orchestrate all of the means and methods needed to accomplish the building challenge. This book’s focus is not on construction per se. Its focus is on the construction process and those individuals who manage that process. Construction manage- ment involves the organization, coordination, and strategic effort applied to the construction activities and the numerous resources needed to achieve the building objective. Construction management combines both the art and science of building technology along with the essential principles of business, management, computer technology, and leadership. Construction management as a profession is a relatively new concept, which may explain why you have not heard of it before. Up until the 1960s, the management tasks associated with large construction projects were typically handled by civil engineers. But in 1965, faculty from nine universities gathered in Florida to form the Associated Schools of Construction. What started as a movement to upgrade the status of construction education at universities evolved into a standardized construction management curriculum leading to an exciting new career choice, one for which there was increasing demand. Men and women who love the idea of transforming a lifeless set of plans and specifications into something real—a single-family home, a high-rise office building, a biotech facility, a super highway, or a magnificent suspension bridge—had found an educational program that provided both the academic course work and the practical management tools needed to plan, organize, and coordinate the increas- ingly complex construction process. If you are one of the many individuals who desire the intellectual challenges of architecture, engineering, technology, and business, yet long to be outside in the thick of things, getting your hands dirty and ultimately producing a tangible result—something of lasting value—then construction management might just be the ticket for you
Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media by Chuan-Yu Wu - Original PDF
Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media by Chuan-Yu Wu - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Chuan-Yu Wu خلاصه: In numerical simulations of dense two-phase flow involving particulate materials the Discrete Element Method (DEM) has proved particularly effective in capturing the complex hydrodynamics of the solid phase. 1 DEM-based granular solid dynamics, including collisions and persistent contact with elaborate force-displacement laws, friction and cohesion have shown to be superior to traditional fluid-like, continuum approaches, which typically require coarse approximations and the introduction of artificial variables like solids pressure and viscosity. However, computational limitations of DEM models do not allow adding also the burden of flow simulations resolved at the level of particle-particle interstices, so that typically an averaged scale approach, with computational cell sizes of the order of a few particle diameters, is used. 2 .3 As a consequence, formulations of the drag force acting on individual particles are required to close the set of equations to solve for the solid and fluid phases. While many drag force models for monodisperse systems have been proposed in the literature, as discussed below, expressions for such force on a particle in a multi-particle system is currently the subject of extensive research work
Housing Policy in the United States Fourth Editio - Original PDF
Housing Policy in the United States Fourth Editio - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Alex F. Schwartz خلاصه: 1 Introduction In its preamble to the 1949 Housing Act, Congress declared its goal of “a decent home in a suit- able living environment for every American family.” In the more than 60 years since this legisla- tion was passed, the federal government has helped fund the construction and rehabilitation of more than 5 million housing units for low-income households and provided rental vouchers to nearly 2 million additional families. Yet, the nation’s housing problems remain acute. In 2017, 44.7 million households lived in physically deficient housing, spent 30 percent or more of their income on housing, or were homeless (U.S. Census Bureau 2018; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 2018). Put differently, about 113 million Americans—around 35 per- cent of the nation’s population and more than triple the 28.5 million lacking health insurance in 2017 (Berchick, Hood, & Barnett 2018)—confronted serious housing problems or had no housing at all.1 This book tells the story of how the United States has tried to address the nation’s housing problems. It looks at the primary policies and programs designed to make decent and affordable housing available to Americans of modest means. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of these policies and programs and the challenges that still remain. The book takes a broad view of housing policy, focusing not only on specific housing subsidy programs, such as public housing, but also on the federal income tax code and regulations affecting mortgage lending, land use decisions, real estate transactions, and other activities integral to the housing market. Some of these broader aspects of housing policy provide financial incentives for investments in affordable housing, others attempt to make housing available to low-income and minority households and communities by penalizing discriminatory practices and through other regulatory interventions. Put simply, then, this book is about policies and programs designed to help low-income and other disadvantaged individuals and households access decent and affordable housing. It examines programs and policies that subsidize housing for low-income households or that attempt to break down institutional barriers, such as discriminatory practices in the real estate industry that impede access to housing. The book is intended to be a general overview of housing policy. It is beyond its scope to delve deeply into programmatic details or to cover all aspects of the field in equal depth. The focus is on federal and, to a lesser degree, state and local programs and policies that subsidize housing for low-income households or otherwise attempt to make housing accessible to this population. Much less attention is given to policies concerned with the physical aspects of housing, such as design standards and building regulations—except when they are explicitly employed to promote affordable housing. The book does not examine in detail the operation of housing markets or pro- vide a comprehensive legislative history of housing policy.
Integral Waterproofing of Concrete Structures - Original PDF
Integral Waterproofing of Concrete Structures - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Maher Al-Jabari خلاصه: Concrete is the most popular construction material, which has a widespread range of structural applications, under numerous environmental conditions and under various levels and types of mechanical loads. It is used in buildings, infrastruc- tures, dams etc. Its suitability and durability require a set of mechanical, physi- cal, and chemical characteristics in order to extend its service life. Concrete durability is defined according to Concrete Terminology by American Concrete Institute (ACI) [1], as “the ability of concrete to resist weathering action, chemi- cal attack, abrasion, and other conditions of service.” This performance is simply based on concrete chemistry. Concrete durability properties are determined by its chemical structure and porosity. These structural characteristics are determined by cement components and their reactions with water. Understanding concrete durability problems and solutions requires a sufficient knowledge about concrete chemistry.
Essentials of Flow Assurance Solids in Oil and Gas Operations Understanding Fundamentals, Characterization, Prediction, Environmental Safety, and Managemen - Original PDF
Essentials of Flow Assurance Solids in Oil and Gas Operations Understanding Fundamentals, Characterization, Prediction, Environmental Safety, and Managemen - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Abdullah Hussein خلاصه: ntroduction Oil and gas were formed over millions of years from the dead bodies of plankton (tiny marine organ- isms). These prehistoric dead plankton and their naturally engineered product have dominated and shaped modern times into “the Great Oil Age,” as McKenzie-Brown, Jaremko, and Finch titled their book on the subject [1]. Petroleum shapes our modern times in two main ways: first by serving as the main source of energy, and secondly by being the raw material for thousands of products that play critical roles in modern civilization. Fossil fuels still constitute the major global source of energy, despite the recent advances in renew- able sources of energy. Fossil fuels represent 85% of global primary energy consumption [2,3], with oil remaining as the most used source in the energy mix (33%–34%), as shown in Fig. 1.1. The global consumption of and demand for hydrocarbons (oil and gas) outweigh that of other sources of energy such as coal, nuclear, and renewable energies, due to the fast-growing population and newly emerging technologies. The global energy demand is projected to more than double by 2050 due to the growth in population and economies [4]. The demand for gas is growing faster than the demand for oil, especially in developing countries [5,6]
Das Europäische Parlament 1979–2004 by Verlag W. Kohlhammer - Original PDF
Das Europäische Parlament 1979–2004 by Verlag W. Kohlhammer - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Verlag W. Kohlhammer خلاصه: 2004, Brüssel, 7.00 Uhr: Der Schuman-Kreisel, einer der Hauptverkehrskno- tenpunkte im Europadistrikt, wird wie fast jeden Morgen von hunderten Au- tofahrern1 , nicht zuletzt Angestellten und Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments (EP), durchfahren und überlastet. Haben sie ihn passiert, ragt auf der rechten Seite das imposante Gebäude der Europäischen Kommission in die Höhe, ein paar Straßen weiter die Gebäude des Europäischen Parlaments. Als Metapher für Selbstfindung und Selbstorganisation lässt sich das frühmorgend- liche Treiben auf den Straßen unmittelbar vor den europäischen Institutionen lesen. Darin ist es vergleichbar mit der Selbstfindung und Selbstverortung, die das Europäische Parlament seit 1979 zu jener Institution machten, die wir heute kennen. 2004, Brüssel, 7.00 Uhr, Rue Wiertz: Noch ist es still vor den Gebäuden des Europäischen Parlaments. Hohe Glasfassaden auf der einen Seite und ein im- posanter, säulenumkränzter Eingang auf der anderen Seite flankieren die sehr klein erscheinende Rue Wiertz. Ein schmaler Durchgang führt zu den neuesten Gebäuden über der Gare du Luxembourg. Glasbrücken verbinden alle Bauten miteinander. Die ersten, in Anzüge und Kostüme gekleideten Personen, aber auch die in Jeans und mit Laptop unter dem Arm, laufen auf den Eingang zu, die obligatorische Security-Card bereitwillig gezückt. In der Eingangshalle tref- fen Abgeordnete, Praktikanten und persönliche Referenten aufeinander, um ihren Arbeitstag zu beginnen. Für die Verwaltungsangestellten hat er längst be- gonnen. Alles läuft in festen Bahnen ab, die den Menschen außerhalb des Par- laments jedoch technisch, hochbürokratisch und weit weg von ihrem eigenen Alltag erscheinen mögen
Messages, Signs, and Meanings: A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication - Original PDF
Messages, Signs, and Meanings: A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Marcel Danesi خلاصه: This text is designed to provide a basic introduction to semiotics and communication theory, with plenty of examples from, and applications to, popular culture. It aims to make accessible the technical and often abstruse subject matter of sign theory in practical ways, with illustrations in such areas as myth. storytelling, television, advertising, clothing, and architecture. Without overwhelming, this introduction allows students and interested general readers to get a comprehensive look at what semiotics and communication theory are all about. Messages, Signs, and Meanings can be used directly in introductory courses in semiotics, communications, media, or culture studies. Additionally, it can be used in courses dealing with cognate areas of investigation (psychology, mythology, education, literary studies, anthropology, linguistics) as a complementary or supplementary text. The text builds upon what readers already known intuitively about signs and then leads them to think critically about the world in which they live--a world saturated with images of all kinds that a basic knowledge of semiotics can help filter and deconstruct. The text also provides opportunities for readers to do ''hands-on'' semiotics through the exercises and questions for discussion that accompany each chapter. Biographical sketches of the major figures in the field are also included, as is a convenient glossary of technical terms. The overall plan of the book is to illustrate how message-making and meaning-making can be studied from the specific vantage point of the discipline of semiotics. This third edition also includes updated discussions of information technology throughout, focusing especially on howmeanings are now negotiated through such channels as websites. chat rooms, and instant messages.
Microbiology Handbook: Dairy Products - Original PDF
Microbiology Handbook: Dairy Products - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Rhea Fernandes (Editor) خلاصه: Milk and dairy products form a central part of the human diet, as they are rich in nutrients. On the other hand, because of their high nutrient value, they favour rapid microbial growth. In some cases, this microbial growth is beneficial, while in others it is undesirable. Dairy products may be contaminated with pathogens or microbial toxins; therefore, the microbiology of these products is of key interest to those in the dairy industry. 'Microbiology Handbook - Dairy Products' provides readers with an easy-to-use reference to microorganisms found in milk and dairy products. The handbook covers: initial microflora; sources of contamination; effects of processing on the survival and growth of microorganisms; spoilage; and hazards identified with the consumption of these products.
Successful Stock Signals for Traders and Portfolio Managers: Integrating Technical Analysis with Fundamentals to Improve Performance + Website - Original PDF
Successful Stock Signals for Traders and Portfolio Managers: Integrating Technical Analysis with Fundamentals to Improve Performance + Website - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Tom K. Lloyd Sr. خلاصه: Relative strength performance versus the Standard & Poors (S&P) 500 Index is the key to analyzing any large-cap (capitalization) stock, and is revealing when viewed in Exhibit 1.3. In this chapter, we will exploit the easiest and most powerful examples of technical analysis signals that tracked the demand that took Apple price up so dramatically. Relative strength is simply the comparison of a stock’s price movement to the price movement of the index. This is a simple, straight forward arithmetic ratio. It is then plotted and shown in Exhibit 1.3 as “AAPL: $SPX.” Notice the uptrend in the line created when the stock price is doing better than the index. As long as this line is in an uptrend, it classifies the stock as one that is outperforming the index. The trend line is calculated as a 20-week EMA. If you want to outperform the index this is the signal to watch.

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