Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media by Chuan-Yu Wu - Original PDF
Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media by Chuan-Yu Wu - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Chuan-Yu Wu خلاصه: In numerical simulations of dense two-phase flow involving particulate materials the Discrete Element Method (DEM) has proved particularly effective in capturing the complex hydrodynamics of the solid phase. 1 DEM-based granular solid dynamics, including collisions and persistent contact with elaborate force-displacement laws, friction and cohesion have shown to be superior to traditional fluid-like, continuum approaches, which typically require coarse approximations and the introduction of artificial variables like solids pressure and viscosity. However, computational limitations of DEM models do not allow adding also the burden of flow simulations resolved at the level of particle-particle interstices, so that typically an averaged scale approach, with computational cell sizes of the order of a few particle diameters, is used. 2 .3 As a consequence, formulations of the drag force acting on individual particles are required to close the set of equations to solve for the solid and fluid phases. While many drag force models for monodisperse systems have been proposed in the literature, as discussed below, expressions for such force on a particle in a multi-particle system is currently the subject of extensive research work
Ecologies of Socialisms - Original PDF
Ecologies of Socialisms - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Germany, Nature, and the Left in History, Politics, and Culture خلاصه: Eli Rubin and Scott Moranda Introduction Is Germany the “Greenest nation” as Frank Uekötter has provocatively asked?1 Forget the Berlin Wall, forget the Cold War, World War II, the Nazis, the Holocaust, the Kaiserreich, and forget the storied history of the Social Democratic Party – the SPD. Germany is now the nation of separated trash, solar panels and wind power. The only Wende people talk about now, in relation to Germany, is the Energiewende. And perhaps, that is part of the point. The Energiewende provides for a national identity that generates warm, positive press and seemingly avoids the more divisive and troubling aspects of past markers of Germanness. Even if the reality of the “greenest nation” is more complicated, it is undeniable that Germany has been at the center of the global history of environmentalism. Scientific conservation had deep roots among the forest- ers, urban planners, and other technical experts of Wilhelmine Germany who had outsized influence on Progressive reformers in the United States and British civil servants across their Empire.2 German-speakers also shaped Romanticism, ecology, and notions of holistic interconnectedness, most importantly in the figure of Alexander von Humboldt, whose Kosmos had a global influence.
English Advanced to Proficiency Vocabulary (Complete Edition) - Original PDF
English Advanced to Proficiency Vocabulary (Complete Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Premier English Learning Publishing خلاصه: Important Words and Phrasal Verbs You Should Know to Write and Speak Like a Well-Educated Native Speaker
Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
نویسندگان: M. Kimberly MacLin خلاصه: PART I Basic Principles in Experimental Design Some people dread taking the research methods course required for most psychology majors. I’m not sure of all the reasons why, but for many they fear the course. It often has a lab compo- nent; at some universities it is worth more credit than regular content courses. It simply often has the reputation of being “hard.” Instead, for a moment, consider that research methods is exciting! It provides you the tools to be able to conduct your own research. Finally, you are in charge and you can study what you want to know. You are explorer, scientist, puzzle solver. The frst half of this book (Part I) introduces to you the basics of scientifc inquiry, including what science is and how psychological science is a subset of it. We’ll discuss how to distinguish between facts, theories, and speculation and how each are useful for developing research questions. We’ll cover the basics of the scientifc method, the specifcs of experimental design, and a review of other non-experimental research methods (so you know when it is appropriate to choose the experiment). You will be given insight into how to fnd and read the literature in psychology as well as how to plan, design, and carry out research. We will also cover the rules and procedures designed to ensure sound, ethical, and meaningful research. Throughout this material, you’ll be exposed to examples from the psychological literature that will allow you to see concepts and principles as they play out in real research studies. And in one particu- lar chapter (Chapter 7) you’ll be prompted to critically analyze experimental designs that have conceptual or technical faws. Being sensitive to mistakes will help you avoid them yourself
Exporting the European Convention on Human Rights - Original PDF
Exporting the European Convention on Human Rights - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Maria-Louiza Deftou خلاصه: As for the right to protect one’s private and family life, as enshrined in Article 8 ECHR, the CJEU provided the very first explicit reference to the ECHR in Rutili v Minister for the Interior�53 In casu, the Convention was conceived as a source of inspiration as well as a human rights standard for determining the legality and legitimacy of the acts of Member States applying EU law. Therefore, the CJEU applied the ECHR as a clear human rights standard to also interpret the ‘public policy’ exception to the free movement of workers, justifying Member States to restrict this freedom only to the extent authorised by the ECHR, that is, when it is necessary for the protection of the interests of national security or public safety ‘in a democratic society’.54 This landmark case illustrates how the CJEU has progres- sively shaped its autonomous human rights case law, inspired, though, by the ECHR and by the common constitutional traditions of EU Member States.55 The Luxembourg Court established a much broader human rights review over their actions and paved the way for a much clearer reference to the Convention’s provi- sions as a material source of EU legal order, rather than a source of inspiration.56 Nonetheless, besides the consensus in this field, conflicts and inconsistencies between the two European jurisdictions have not been sidestepped. The main preoccupation of the following section is thus to unveil the extent to which the CJEU has directly referred to ECHR norms to protect private and family life57 with regard to the most controversial fields of data protection and migration/ asylum cases.
Fluent English Vocabulary - Epub + Converted PDF
Fluent English Vocabulary - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Premier English Learning Publishing خلاصه: luent English Vocabulary 2022 Complete Edition Important Words, Phrasal Verbs, and Idioms You Should Know to Write and Speak English Fluently
Game storming by Dave Gray Sunni Brown James Macanufo - Epub + Converted PDF
Game storming by Dave Gray Sunni Brown James Macanufo - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Dave Gray Sunni Brown James Macanufo خلاصه: Imagine a boy playing with a ball. He kicks the ball against a wall, and the ball bounces back to him. He stops the ball with his foot and kicks it again. By engaging in this kind of play, the boy learns to associate certain movements of his body with the movements of the ball in space. We could call this associative play. Now imagine that the boy is waiting for a friend. The friend appears, and the two boys begin to walk down a sidewalk together, kicking the ball back and forth as they go. Now the play has gained a social dimension; one boy's actions suggest a response, and vice versa. You could think of this form of play as a kind of improvised conversation, where the two boys engage each other using the ball as a medium. This kind of play has no clear beginning or end; rather, it flows seamlessly from one state into another. We could call this streaming play. Now imagine that the boys come to a small park, and that they become bored simply kicking the ball back and forth. One boy says to the other, "Let's take turns trying to hit that tree. You have to kick the ball from behind this line." The boy draws a line by dragging his heel through the dirt. "We'll take turns kicking the ball. Each time you hit the tree you get a point. First one to five wins." The other boy agrees and they begin to play. Now the play has become a game; a fundamentally different kind of play. What makes a game different? We can break down this very simple game into some basic components that separate it from other kinds of play.Imagine a boy playing with a ball. He kicks the ball against awall, and the ball bounces back to him. He stops the ball with hisfoot and kicks it again. By engaging in this kind of play, the boylearns to associate certain movements of his body with themovements of the ball in space. We could call this associativeplay.Now imagine that the boy is waiting for a friend. The friendappears, and the two boys begin to walk down a sidewalktogether, kicking the ball back and forth as they go. Now theplay has gained a social dimension; one boy's actions suggest aresponse, and vice versa. You could think of this form of play as akind of improvised conversation, where the two boys engageeach other using the ball as a medium. This kind of play has noclear beginning or end; rather, it flows seamlessly from one stateinto another. We could call this streaming play.Now imagine that the boys come to a small park, and that theybecome bored simply kicking the ball back and forth. One boysays to the other, "Let's take turns trying to hit that tree. Youhave to kick the ball from behind this line." The boy draws a lineby dragging his heel through the dirt. "We'll take turns kickingthe ball. Each time you hit the tree you get a point. First one tofive wins." The other boy agrees and they begin to play. Now theplay has become a game; a fundamentally different kind of play.What makes a game different? We can break down this verysimple game into some basic components that separate it fromother kinds of play.
HISTORY by John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert - Original PDF
HISTORY by John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert خلاصه: From the time of the earliest English settlements in America, men and women of many sorts have been writing history. No one group has ever had a monopoly of the production of competent histories. Leadership in setting standards, however, has usually belonged to a particular class. Twice this leadership has changed hands. During the seventeenth century the best history was written by Puritan clergymen and by lay officials associated with them in creat- ing a new Zion in the wilderness. They wrote hastily, in whatever moments they could spare from active labors in behalf of the Puritan cause. Their history was a further extension of scripture: a chronicle of God's inscrutable will working within their own community. Clergymen long remained one of the most numerous species of his- torical writers, but their importance diminished as the church ceased to form the cultural center of American life. In the eighteenth century, patrician historians came to the fore. The growth of private wealth allowed a margin of leisure time for their studies. The weightiness of history appealed to the strong sense of social responsibility that characterized many American gentlemen; to them the historian was the ultimate human judge of men and events. They strove-without always succeeding, of course-to play a judicial role fairly and impartially, for the patrician, untrammeled by religious orthodoxy, prided himself on his independence of mind. He participated in a wide, transatlantic literary culture and wrote for an unspecialized, cultivated audience.1 During the greater part of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the patrician historian held the center of the stage, and in the works of Thomas Hutchinson, Charles Gayarre, Francis Parkman, Henry C. Lea, and others, his history reached a high level of accuracy and distinction.
Imagining Prostitution in Modern Japan, 1850–1913 - PDF
Imagining Prostitution in Modern Japan, 1850–1913 - PDF
نویسندگان: Ann Marie L. Davis خلاصه: 1 O ne Introduction On a mid-winter morning, some months after the death of the Meiji Em- peror on July 30, 1912, daily newspapers across Japan informed the na- tion that an “unprecedented manuscript,” written by a prostitute under the pseudonym Wada Yoshiko, was arriving at bookstores everywhere. It was called Yūjo monogatari (A Prostitute’s Tale) and was published by Bunmeidō Press.1 The news of Wada’s accomplishment was so wide- spread that for the rest of the week, it attracted an unusual procession of visitors to her pleasure quarters in Naitō-Shinjuku, a famous commuter town located on the outskirts of Tokyo. Journalists lined up to interview her, current patrons came to congratulate her, and new potential clients showed up to set eyes on her.2 In her sequel, Yūjo monogatari, zoku-hen (A Prostitute’s Tale, Part II), published less than a year after the first book, Wada describes this mo- ment as a set of mixed blessings (see figure 1.1). At first, she encountered unrelenting scorn and criticism from her immediate circle of managers, colleagues, and patrons. After the book was released, the madam of the brothel harshly condemned her for divulging private information about their clients. Her book revealed unsavory details about the conditions of the syphilis hospital where the prostitutes went for regular mandatory health exams and were confined if found diseased. Given her negative exposé, the director of the hospital came to the brothel to denounce Wada for staining his good reputation. Although Wada was careful not to reveal any names, she had disclosed job titles, and therefore, the madam rea- soned, anyone could identify the director or other brothel affiliates men- tioned in her book. In response, the madam demanded that Wada issue an immediate apology and retract some of the sections of her publication. Prostitutes in the brothel shunned Wada, too, for sharing details about their district clients and destroying their mutual trust.
Iron Oxides by Damien Faivre - PDF
Iron Oxides by Damien Faivre - PDF
نویسندگان: Damien Faivre خلاصه: As the name of the book “Iron oxides: from nature to applications” suggests, iron oxides are not only widespread in the environment, but also widely used by mankind in a variety of applications (Figure 1.1). Both this ubiquitous presence in nature and the utilization as tools have been established for cen- turies and are still valid today. The first illustrative examples of iron oxides certainly are compass needle or rust (Figure 1.2). Iron oxides are present in solid, liquid, and gaseous environments, with respective examples such as rocks, as mineral inclusion in swimming bacteria or in aerosols. Depending on the type of use, several sources of iron oxides exist. Applications range from the heavy steel production to medicine and art. The different aspects of mineral formation and their use as well as modern characterization techniques are reviewed in this book

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