Fluent English Vocabulary - Epub + Converted PDF

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luent English Vocabulary 2022 Complete Edition Important Words, Phrasal Verbs, and Idioms You Should Know to Write and Speak English Fluently

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Vocabulary Ablaze Meaning: Burning very strongly; brightly colored. Example: Our house was ablaze in a few minutes; the street was ablaze with lights. Abound in Meaning: Filled; contains a very large amount of something or someone. Example: Our river abounds with fish. Absolve Meaning: To free someone from guilt or blame. Example: I absolve you from responsibility; I absolve you from all your sins. Abstain from something Meaning: Intentionally avoid doing something because it's bad for you. Example: My doctor ordered me to abstain from alcohol. Acclaim Meaning: Public approval; public praise. Example: His work as a teacher was highly acclaimed. Accomplice Meaning: One who helps another to commit a crime. Example: She was her husband's accomplice in the robbery. Accustomed Meaning: Familiar with something; customary; usual. Example: John quickly became accustomed to new job. Address oneself to something Meaning: Fully focus on something. Example: I need to address myself to the current problems. Adhere to something Meaning: To obey a rule, contract, or law; act as required; continue to support or believe in something. Example: They failed to adhere to the terms of our contract; we adhere to this law for a reason; Erica adheres to a strict diet. Alleviate Meaning: To make something easier to deal with or endure; to make something less intense or severe. Example: Alleviate the pain; alleviate his suffering; alleviate the problem. Allow for Meaning: To include something in a plan or calculation. Example: You should allow for delays when planning a journey to Brazil. Allude Meaning: To mention someone or something in an indirect way. Example: Did she allude to her hope of being chief executive officer? Allure Meaning: The quality of being charming, exciting, or interesting. Example: The allure of Paris; the allure of diamonds. Amusing Meaning: Entertaining and funny; causing laugh; providing entertainment. Example: Amusing story; amusing anecdotes. Anachronistic Meaning: Outdated; not attributed to the correct historical period. Example: The costumes were anachronistic for a Renaissance play. Angle for Meaning: Attempting to get something indirectly by hinting or suggesting. Example: Dina’s been angling for an invitation, but I don’t want her to come. Anguish Meaning: Mental or physical pain; extreme unhappiness. Example: She anguished over her failure. Appertain to something Meaning: Relate to; be connected with. Example: These dresses appertain to last year's collection. Arguably Meaning: Something that may be argued or shown by argument. Example: The film is arguably a potential film of the year. Argue down Meaning: To beat someone in a discussion or argument. Example: He tried to buy a new car, but I argued him down. Atone for something Meaning: To show that you are sorry for doing something bad; to compensate. Example: John promised to atone for his crime. Atrocious Meaning: Of a very bad quality; shockingly bad or wicked. Example: Conditions in the prison were highly atrocious. Attrition Meaning: Making something weaker; reducing something's strength; gradually destroy something. Example: Attrition of human rights; a war of attrition. Augment Meaning: To make something greater or stronger by adding something to it. Example: To augment the family income; to augment the army; to augment the work force. Back out Meaning: Decide not to do what you agreed to do. Example: The buyer backed out of the deal. Back to square one Meaning: Back to where you started without making any progress. Example: Fiona's startup didn't work, so she had to go back to square one. Bank on Meaning: Expecting something to happen and relying on it to happen. Example: Our entire team is banking on him to save the match. Bear on something Meaning: To have an effect on something; influence something; relate to something. Example: Emotions did not bear on our decision. Beat around the bush Meaning: To talk around a subject without getting to the main point. Example: Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Beat someone to the draw Meaning: To do something before someone else; to accomplish something quicker than someone else. Example: John was just about to answer Jack's question when Ron beat him to the draw. Bias Meaning: To favor one person or thing over another in an unfair manner. Example: Students accused their teacher of being biased in grading. Bilk Meaning: Deceive or cheat; to get money from someone in a dishonest way

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۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

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