SOLIDWORKS 2018 Basic Tools (9th edition) - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Paul Tran خلاصه: SOLIDWORKS 2018 Basic Tools is the first book in a three part series
Project Based SOLIDWORKS 2019 - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Kirstie Plantenberg خلاصه: Project Based SOLIDWORKS is specifically designed to complement an engineering graphics course
Principles of Continuum Mechanics: Conservation and Balance Laws with Applications 2nd edition
نویسندگان: J. N. Reddy خلاصه: Continuum mechanics deals with the stress, deformation, and mechanical behaviour of matter as a continuum rather than a collection of discrete particles
Parametric Modeling with SOLIDWORKS 2018 - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Paul Schilling, Randy Shih خلاصه: Parametric Modeling with SOLIDWORKS 2018 contains a series of seventeen tutorial style lessons designed to introduce SOLIDWORKS 2018, solid modeling and parametric modeling techniques and concepts
Murach's PHP and MySQL (3rd Edition) - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Joel Murach, Ray Harris, Anne Boehm خلاصه: I can’t count how many PHP books I have purchased over the years trying to learn the language. Murach’s was the first book that helped me grasp the concepts and got me onto actually scripting in PHP
Learning SOLIDWORKS 2019 - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Randy Shih خلاصه: This book will teach you everything you need to know to start using SOLIDWORKS 2019 with easy to understand, step-by-step tutorials
Events Management 4th Edition
نویسندگان: Lynn Van der Wagen خلاصه: Events Management: for tourism, cultural, business and sporting events, 4e is a holistic text designed for the Diploma in Events Management and Advanced Diploma in Events Management and is the essential text for anyone wishing to work in the field of event management.
Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019 - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: David Planchard خلاصه: Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019 and video instruction is written to assist students, designers, engineers and professionals
نویسندگان: Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris خلاصه: Gain a solid foundation in database design and implementation with the practical and easy-to-understand approach in DATABASE SYSTEMS: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, AND MANAGEMENT, 12E
Psychometrics: An Introduction 3rd Edition
نویسندگان: R. Michael Furr خلاصه: Using a meaning-based approach that emphasizes the "why" over the "how to," Psychometrics: An Introduction provides thorough coverage of fundamental issues in psychological measurement.
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