High-energy ball milling Mechanochemical processing of nanopowders - Original PDF
High-energy ball milling Mechanochemical processing of nanopowders - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Małgorzata Sopicka-Lizer خلاصه: Nanotechnology is an area of science and technology where dimensions and toler- ances in the range of 0.1 nm to 100 nm play a critical role. Nanotechnology encom- passes precision engineering as well as electronics, electromechanical systems and mainstream biomedical applications in areas as diverse as gene therapy, drug deliv- ery and novel drug discovery techniques. Nanostructured materials present exciting opportunities for manipulating structure and properties at the nano scale and the ability to engineer novel structures at the molecular level has led to unprecedented opportunities for materials design. This new book provides detailed insights into the synthesis/structure and property relationships of nanostructured materials. This is a valuable book for materials scientists, mechanical and electronic engineers and medical researchers.
OET Optometry_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
OET Optometry_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
نویسندگان: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) خلاصه: OET is an international English language test that assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals seeking to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. It provides a validated, reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – with the emphasis on communication in healthcare professional settings. OET tests candidates from the following 12 health professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology and Veterinary Science. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for their OET test. Language proficiency and test taking skills For more information about OET including the latest test dates and a complete list of test locations and preparation providers, as well as access to our free test preparation package Start for Success, visit the OET website: www.occupationalenglishtest.org About the test OET assesses listening, reading, writing and speaking. There is a separate sub-test for each skill area. The Listening and Reading sub-tests are designed to assess the ability to understand spoken and written English in contexts related to general health and medicine. The sub-tests for Listening and Reading are common to all professions. The Writing and Speaking sub-tests are specific to each profession and are designed to assess the ability to use English appropriately in the relevant professional c
OET Dietetics_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
OET Dietetics_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
نویسندگان: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) خلاصه: OET is an international English language test that assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals seeking to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. It provides a validated, reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – with the emphasis on communication in healthcare professional settings. OET tests candidates from the following 12 health professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology and Veterinary Science. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for their OET test. Language proficiency and test taking skills For more information about OET including the latest test dates and a complete list of test locations and preparation providers, as well as access to our free test preparation package Start for Success, visit the OET website: www.occupationalenglishtest.org About the test OET assesses listening, reading, writing and speaking. There is a separate sub-test for each skill area. The Listening and Reading sub-tests are designed to assess the ability to understand spoken and written English in contexts related to general health and medicine. The sub-tests for Listening and Reading are common to all professions. The Writing and Speaking sub-tests are specific to each profession and are designed to assess the ability to use English appropriately in the relevant professional c
Messverfahren und Klassifikationen in der muskuloskelettalen Radiologie - Original PDF
Messverfahren und Klassifikationen in der muskuloskelettalen Radiologie - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Simone Waldt Matthias Eiber Klaus Wörtler خلاصه: Vorwort „Die besten Bücher sind die, von denen jeder Leser meint, er hätte sie selbst machen können.“ Blaise Pascal, französischer Mathematiker, Physiker und Philosoph (1623–1662) In kaum einer Subdisziplin der klinischen Medizin findet man wohl eine solch verwirrende Vielzahl von Messver- fahren und Klassifikationssystemen wie in der orthopädi- schen Diagnostik. Ganz sicher aber sind es genug, um als Radiologe, Orthopäde oder Unfallchirurg nicht immer alle Methoden und Referenzwerte „im Kopf“ haben zu können. Dieses Problem ist, wie auch die Idee zu diesem Buch, nicht neu. Als ich während meiner Ausbildung an der Universität Münster begann, mich mit der orthopädischen Radiologie zu beschäftigen, existierte an unserem radiologischen Skelettarbeitsplatz als wichtiges Utensil ein Aktenordner, der als Loseblattsammlung Kopien aus unterschiedlichs- ten Lehrbüchern und Zeitschriften enthielt. Die von mei- nen Vorgängern zusammengetragenen Blätter fassten in ungeordneter Folge wichtige Messungen und Klassifika- tionen zusammen, die zwar mehr oder weniger häufig eingesetzt wurden, aber offensichtlich nur schwer in das Langzeitgedächtnis des jeweiligen Befunders zu überfüh- ren waren. Das im Laufe der Jahre durch Gebrauchsspuren recht unansehnlich gewordene Lehrwerk wurde von mei- nen damaligen Kollegen und mir schlicht der „Ordner“ genannt, als unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel angesehen, arg- wöhnisch gehütet und ständig um weitere Seiten und An- merkungen ergänzt. Eine ganz ähnliche Sammlung, allerdings in elektroni- scher Form, wurde später an der Technischen Universität München von Assistenzärzten des Skelettarbeitplatzes er- stellt. Diese erreichte zwar nach meinem persönlichen Empfinden nie den Charme des alten „Ordners“, hatte je- doch bezüglich Modernität, Ordnung und Verfügbarkeit und letztlich auch unter hygienischen Gesichtspunkten Vorteile. Außerdem stellt sie den direkten Vorläufer dieses Buches dar. In diesem Buch werden verschiedenste Messverfahren und Klassifikationssysteme aus allen Bereichen der mus- kuloskelettalen Radiologie mit Ausnahme der Frakturleh- re (damit ließe sich ein weiteres Buch füllen) dargestellt, ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit zu erheben. Die Auto- ren haben versucht, nach Möglichkeit auf die Originalpu- blikationen zurückzugreifen, um Fehler durch inkorrekte „Überlieferung“ gebräuchlicher Methoden zu vermeiden. Neben der Erläuterung von Messverfahren und Klassifika- tionskriterien wurde der Versuch unternommen, den tat- sächlichen praktischen Stellenwert der einzelnen Metho- den zu beleuchten. Weitgehend veraltete Verfahren und Systeme wurden gar nicht oder nur mit entsprechenden Anmerkungen in die Sammlung aufgenommen.
The Iron Oxides Structure, Properties, Reactions, Occurences and Uses - Original PDF
The Iron Oxides Structure, Properties, Reactions, Occurences and Uses - Original PDF
نویسندگان: R. M. Cornell, U. Schwertmann خلاصه: Preface to the Second Edition Since this book first appeared, there have been hundreds of new publications on the subject of iron oxides. These have covered a wide range of disciplines including sur- face chemistry, the geosciences, mineralogy, environmental science and various branches of technology. In view of the amount of new material that is available, we decided, that once the copies of the first edition were exhausted, we would prepare a second edition that would incorporate the new developments. As before, our aim has been to bring all aspects of the information concerning iron oxides into a single, compact volume. All the chapters have been revised and up- dated and new figures and tables added. The book is structured according to topic with the same arrangement as in the first edition being followed. In view of the re- cent recognition of the impact iron oxides have on environmental processes, a chap- ter dealing with the environmental aspects of these compounds has been added. The book concludes with a considerably expanded bibliography. We hope that this new edition will continue to be of interest to all those research- ers who, in one way or another, are involved with iron oxides. Numerous persons and institutions from around the world again supplied data, figures, colour pictures and electron micrographs and technical help. These include Dr. H. Chr. Bartscherer (Mçnchen), Mr M. Burlot (Apt), Dr. R. Båumler and Dr. Be- cher (Freising), Mr H. Breuning (Stuttgart), Dr. J. M. Bigham (Columbus, USA), Dr. G. Buxbaum (Bayer), Dr. L. Carlson (Helsinki), Dr. R. A. Eggleton (Canberra), Dr. F. G. Ferris (Toronto), Dr. R. W. Fitzpatrick (Adelaide), Dr. D. Fortin (Ottawa), Dr. M. R. Fontes (Guatemala), Professor R. Giovanoli (Bern), Dr. G. Glasauer (Guelph), Dr. M. Hanslick (Mçnchen), Dr. P. Jaesche (Freising), Dr. A. A. Jones (Reading), Dr. R. C. Jones (Honolulu), Dr. D. E. Janney (Tempe), Dr. R. Loeppert (College Station), Professor S. Mann (Bristol), Dr. E. Murad (Marktredwitz), Dr. H. Maeda (Tsukuba), Professor A. Manceau (Grenoble), Professor E. Matijevic (Potsdam, USA), Mrs U. Maul (Freising), Dr. J. P. Muller (Paris), Muse National de Prhistoire (Les Eyzies, France), Mr R. Miehler (Mçnchen), Dr. T. Nagano (Naka), Dr. H. Naono (Uegahara), NASA (Houston), Professor A. Posner { (Perth), Mrs M. Sauvet (Apt), Dr. N. Sabil (Mçnchen), Dr. P. Schad (Freising), Dr. A. Schei- degger (Zçrich), Dr. T. Schwarz (Berlin), Dr. A. Scheinost (Zçrich), Dr. D. Schçler (Bremen), D. Schwertmann (Freising), Professor H. Stanjek (Aachen), Dr. P. Self (Adelaide), Professor T. Sugimoto (Sendai), Dr. K. Tazaki (Ishikawa), Dr. T. Tessie
نویسندگان: Nima Dehghansai, Ross A. Pinder, and Joe Baker خلاصه: dentifying and developing talented athletes to their fullest potential is a central concern of coaches, sports scientists, and sports policymakers. However, there is currently limited practical and theoretical knowledge for those working in Paralympic sport. A systematic review by our research team (Dehghansai et al., 2017a), for example, highlighted the clear lack of literature examining athlete development. Subsequent studies (Dehghansai et al., 2017b; Dehghansai & Baker, 2020; Dehghansai et al., 2020, 2022, 2021, Houlihan & Chapman, 2017; Patatas et al., 2020, 2022) from research groups around the world have expanded our understanding, and provided the impetus for this book, which aims to synthesize the most up-to-date research with practice across international Paralympic sport systems (e.g., from those in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, United States, Netherlands, and New Zealand). As part of Australia’s preparation for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, two of the authors/editors have experienced first-hand the potential opportunities for supporting athlete development. We have witnessed rapid performance trajectories, the quality and passion of coaches and other practitioners working in this field, and the creativity required to solve problems. We also observed (and experienced) many of the challenges that are highlighted and discussed at length throughout this book. We worked closely with sports which, during this period (i.e., 2016–2021), resulted in athletes winning medals at the 2020 Paralympic Games who were not even participating in that sport during the time of the previous Paralympic Games (i.e., Rio 2016 Paralympic Games
Zufallsbefunde in der Skelettradiologi - Original PDF
Zufallsbefunde in der Skelettradiologi - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jürgen Freyschmidt خلاصه: Vorwort Die sich in der Radiologie schon längst etablierte und ständig weiter zunehmende Bilderflut sowie die Modalitäten und Erfolge der Krebstherapien mit ausgedehnten prätherapeutischen und langfristigen Nachsorgeuntersuchungen führen zwangsläufig zur Aufdeckung von immer mehr Zufalls- und Nebenbefunden, die vor allem dem Nichtspezialisten in der Skelettradiologie erhebli- che interpretatorische Probleme bereiten können. Doch wie geht man damit um? Sicherlich nicht, indem man die Bilderflut durch mehr oder weniger ungezielte zusätzliche Unter- suchungsverfahren ausweitet und damit unter Umständen neue Zufallsbefunde kreiert. Das gilt besonders für hoch sensitive aber weniger spezifische Modalitäten. Der anspruchsvolle und präzise Radiologe wird vielmehr ein ergänzendes Verfahren einsetzen, das – an der anatomischen Struktur des Zufallsbefunds orientiert – eine höhere Spezifität besitzt und zu einer begründeten und klinisch brauchbaren Diagnose führt. Der häufig angewendete Trick, sich der Verantwortung zu entziehen und eine histologi- sche Abklärung zu empfehlen, sollte gemieden werden. Denn die histologische Interpretation des Pathologen kann in der Skelett- radiologie nur so gut sein, wie der radiologische Befund klar und richtungsweisend ist. Ich betätige mich seit vielen Jahren als Konsiliarius in der Ske- lettradiologie. Das eingesandte Krankengut besteht zu etwa 50 % aus klinisch asymptomatischen Zufallsbefunden, hinter denen benigne Knochentumoren und tumorähnliche Läsionen, Erkran- kungen im Frühstadium, Teile einer systemischen Erkrankung, ungewöhnliche Normvarianten und vieles mehr stecken können. Es wird an mehr als 160 Fällen und fast 100 differenzialdiag- nostisch passenden Kasuistiken aufgezeigt, wie man professionell an solche Befunde unter Einbeziehung der individuellen Situation des Patienten herangeht, welche Relevanz sie haben und welche sinnvollen Empfehlungen man zum weiteren Prozedere geben kann. Mein Dank für die Überlassung der besonderen Fälle gilt den Kollegen CA Dr. med. Jürgen Wiens, Wolfsburg (Fall 22), Dr. med. Thomas Grieser, Augsburg (Fall 30), Professor Dr. med. Michael Laniado, Dresden (Fälle 34, 61), Privt.-Doz. Dr. Sönke Langner, Greifswald (Fall 45) und CA Dr. med. Nils H. Goecke, Wildes- hausen (Fall 131).
Financial Innovations and Monetary Reform - Original PDF
Financial Innovations and Monetary Reform - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jean-François Serval · Jean-Pascal Tranié خلاصه: Many economics textbooks have explained the slow transformation from a sub- sistence economy to a barter economy, thus limited by the comparability of the objects or services exchanged. Although an improvement over the subsistence economy, the barter economy remains cumbersome and inefficient, as it requires the simultaneous acceptance of a transaction by both parties with physical delivery. The barter economy eventually gave way to a financial economy that was made possible by the issuance of money, a potentially universal intermediate means of payment, conducive to labor specialization and economic development.1 The Greek civilization and the emerging monetary system that resulted from it led international trade for centuries (from the fifth to the first century BC). Dur- ing this period of antiquity, the countries surrounding the Mediterranean became a world of commercial and industrial competition with the Greeks, the Phoenicians in the west and the Medes on the southeastern border as the players
Understanding Economic Transitions - Original PDF
Understanding Economic Transitions - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Berhanu Abegaz خلاصه: Around 1990, about a quarter of the world’s population lived in middle-income socialist economies and another quarter in high-income and middle-income cap- italist economies. The remainder lived in low-income economies with varying admixtures of planning, markets, and informal exchange institutions. Forty years later, the remaining outposts of socialism are Cuba and North Korea, while a few others (mainly in the former states of the Soviet Union) wallow in the no man’s land of neither functional capitalism nor socialism. The USSR sustained seven decades of statist socialism between 1922 and 1992, Central Eastern Europe (CE) and Southeastern Europe (SEE) for nearly five decades, and China for a little over three decades. By 2000, nearly all have systemically “transitioned” from a centrally-planned economy to some form of a decentrally organized market economy. How and why large parts of Europe, Eurasia, and East Asia transitioned out of the capitalist system in 1917–1952, how they managed to industrialize in non-market settings, and how and why they came back to the capitalist fold are questions comparative economic systems seek to address. Furthermore, this wrenching structural change entailed a concomitant political transition from a monoparty system to an illiberal multiparty system in formerly socialist Europe and the former Soviet Union (FSU). Comparative Economic Systems (CES) focuses on the workings of institu- tional economic mechanisms across economic systems and income levels. CES, at the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels, dwells on the two foundations of an economic system: ownership types for productive assets (state vs. private) and the degree of centralization of decision-making over resource allocation and income distribu- tion (plan vs. market). The conceptual entry points are incentives (known rewards or residual legatee rights) and the sources of discipline (bureaucratic-based or market-based competition). More broadly, Comparative Economics (CE), which is broader than CES, melds the study of economic systems with historical insti- tutionalism and development economics to explore the determinants of prosperity and inequality properties over time and across economic space within a given economic system
Ecological Money and Finance - Original PDF
Ecological Money and Finance - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Thomas Lagoarde-Segot خلاصه: v As early as 1890, the economist Alfred Marshall wrote: ‘Economic condi- tions are constantly changing, and each generation looks at its own prob- lems in its own way’. Our generation, in turn, faces particularly pressing problems: financial crises, the uncertain effects of technological change, widening income and wealth inequalities, rising public and private debts, geopolitical tensions, climate change, degradation of natural systems, etc. One particularly worrying fact is that the ‘Great Industrial Acceleration’ has now been identified as the root cause of a major disruption of the Earth system. This disruption is undermining not only the resilience of our global economy but also life on Earth. As shown in Fig. 1, a simple linear regression between global GDP and kilotons of CO2 emissions shows a correlation coefficient of 0.966. A linear regression between global market capitalization and CO2 emissions also shows a correlation coefficient of 0.960. The accumulation of monetary wealth (through GDP) thus mirrors the unaccounted destruction of ecosystem services, and the accumulation of a colossal energy and ecological debt. The rate of species extinction is now 100 times higher than the average observed over the last 10 million years. Nearly 1 million species are threatened with extinction. Compliance with the Paris Agreement—which commit to keeping global warming well below 2° by 2100—is clearly a civilizational issue that calls for a deep reorientation of our socioeconomic mode

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