Explorations in Marx’s Theory of Price—Why Marx Is Still Relevant for Understanding the Modern Economy Volume I: Money and Money Prices - Original PDF
Explorations in Marx’s Theory of Price—Why Marx Is Still Relevant for Understanding the Modern Economy Volume I: Money and Money Prices - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Howard Nicholas خلاصه: Preface This book is the first volume of a three-volume series borne out of a dissatisfaction I felt after writing Marx’s Theory of Price and its Modern Rivals, 2011. The dissatisfaction came from an awareness that a number of aspects of Marx’s theory of price required greater attention than I was able to accord them in this work. These included his analyses of money, profits, and the cyclical movement of the capitalist economic system. Although I was aware of this neglect while writing the book, I felt it did not do serious damage to my main purpose in writing it; to refute what I considered to be unwarranted charges of unintelligibility, inconsistency, and irrelevance levelled against Marx’s explanation of price. I now feel these omissions are consequential, and undermine my defence of Marx’s theory of price in the book. My hope is that this volume and the next will remedy the shortcomings of Nicholas (2011). As the title of the present work suggests its purpose is to expand on Marx’s theory of price by expanding on his explanation of money. The second volume builds on this by expanding on his explana- tion of profits and the movement of prices over cycles. The third volume extends this explanation to the level of the world market, explaining inter- national value and price, world money and exchange rates, and the cyclical movement of world market prices.
Destructive Coordination, Anfal and Islamic Political Capitalism A New Reading of Contemporary Iran - Original PDF
Destructive Coordination, Anfal and Islamic Political Capitalism A New Reading of Contemporary Iran - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mehrdad Vahabi خلاصه: xi The term Anfal in the title of this book is not familiar for the general readership and its meaning cannot be easily understood by referring to English dictionaries. What is Anfal? If you launch an internet search on Anfal, you will encounter two main strands of literature. The first one relates to the Kurdish genocide by Saddam’s regime in the late eighties, and the second is about the eight Surah (chapter) of the Koran known as ‘Al-Anfal’. As Kurdistan regional government has aptly underlined, in Kurdish society, the word Anfal has come to represent the entire genocide over decades. Anfal was the term used by Saddam Hossein to describe a series of eight military campaigns conducted by the Iraqi government against rural Kurdish communities in Iraq, which lasted from February 23 to September 6, 1988.1 The campaign took its name from Surah al-Anfal in the Koran. Al-Anfal literally means the spoils of war (bounties) and was used to describe the military campaign of extermination and looting commanded by Ali Hassan al-Majid, the cousin of Saddam Hossein. As President of Iraq, Saddam Hossein frequently used religious language when describing the actions of his Ba’athist regime (see Johns, 2006), portraying Arabs as true defenders of Islam and Kurds as infidels.2 
International Labour Mobility How Remittances Shape the Labour Migration Model - Original PDF
International Labour Mobility How Remittances Shape the Labour Migration Model - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Valentina Vasile • Elena Bunduchi Daniel Stefan • Calin-Adrian Comes خلاصه: Migration has become a large-scale phenomenon, which affects all states of the world, regardless of their geographical area or level of economic development, and the ever-increasing number of international migrants has exceeded the growth rate of the world’s population. Therefore, under- standing the role and impact of migration in countries of origin and desti- nation is an important step in ensuring sustainable economic development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. As a result of the increasing attention paid to migration, we consider it very topical to study the impact of the phenomenon on all the countries involved, both those of origin and destination
Manias, Panics, and Crashes A History of Financial Crises Eighth Edition - Original PDF
Manias, Panics, and Crashes A History of Financial Crises Eighth Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Z. Aliber · Charles P. Kindleberger · Robert N. McCauley خلاصه: When this work first appeared, it looked back a long way to the financial crisis of the 1930s and revived interest in an old theme. Few books on the subject appeared during the several decades after World War II, following the spate of the 1930s, because the industry that produces them is anticyclical in character,1 and recessions from 1945 to 1973 were few, far between, and exceptionally mild. This work also looked forward, four years it turned out, to the developing country debt crisis of 1982. In the decades since, 1982 proved just the first of four waves of financial crises. Debtors in three, four, or more countries defaulted at about the same time and the prices of real estate and securities in these countries fell sharply. Each country that experienced a financial crisis also had a recession as household wealth declined in response to the sharp fall in the prices of securities and real estate, and as the banks became much more reluctant suppliers of credit as their own capital was depleted. The Great Recession that began in 2008 was the most severe and the most global since the Great Depression of the 1930
China, Latin America, and the Global Economy Economic, Historical, and National Issues - Original PDF
China, Latin America, and the Global Economy Economic, Historical, and National Issues - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Aaron Schneider · Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira خلاصه: CHAPTER 1 Introduction Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira and Aaron Schneider China has sought to occupy a more prominent global position without upsetting existing international relationships. This has been especially true in Latin America, where the US continues to dominate regional relations as a result of geographic proximity and historical engagement, among other reasons. Still, China is already the top trading partner or among the top trading partners for every country in the region, espe- cially as Chinese growth outpaced the West in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, and China has continued to act as the motor for the international economy after the onset of the 2019 pandemic. Increas- ingly, Chinese capital rivals Western-dominated multilateral, bilateral, and private lenders and investors in the region. To make sense of Chinese “going out” and the response from Latin America, the current projec
Fundamentals_of_Computer_Graphics - Original PDF
Fundamentals_of_Computer_Graphics - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Fundamentals_of_Computer_Graphics خلاصه: Preface This edition of Fundamentals of Computer Graphics includes substantial rewrites of the material on shading, light reflection, and path tracing, as well as many corrections throughout. This book now provides a better introduction to the tech- niques that go by the names of physics-based materials and physics-based ren- dering and are becoming predominant in actual practice. This material is now better integrated, and we think this book maps well to the way many instructors are organizing graphics courses at present. The organization of this book remains substantially similar to the fourth edi- tion. As we have revised this book over the years, we have endeavored to retain the informal, intuitive style of presentation that characterizes the earlier editions, while at the same time improving consistency, precision, and completeness. We hope the reader will find the result is an appealing platform for a variety of courses in computer graphics. About the Cover The cover image is from Tiger in the Water by J. W. Baker (brushed and air- brushed acrylic on canvas, 16” by 20”, www.jwbart.com). The subject of a tiger is a reference to a wonderful talk given by Alain Fournier (1943–2000) at a workshop at Cornell University in 1998. His talk was an evoca- tive verbal description of the movements of a tiger. He summarized his point: Even though modelling and rendering in computer graphics have been improved tremendously in the past 35 years, we are still not at the point where we can model automatically a tiger swimming in the river in all its glorious details. By automatically I mean in a way that does not need careful manual tweaking by an artist/expert. The bad news is that we have still a long way to go. The good news is that we have still a long way to go
The Ethics of Bribery Theoretical and Empirical Studies - Original PDF
The Ethics of Bribery Theoretical and Empirical Studies - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert W. McGee • Serkan Benk خلاصه: he present study is part of a much larger study that examines the ethics of bribery and tax evasion. The bribery studies consist (so far) of two books (McGee & Benk, 2023a; McGee & Benk, 2023y) and many articles and book chapters. Summaries of 28 studies (McGee, 2023a), 24 studies (McGee, 2023b), 44 studies (McGee, 2022a), and 80+ studies (McGee, 2022b) are also available. The tax evasion studies started in 1994 (McGee, 1994) and picked up speed in 1998 when the first book in the tax evasion series was published (McGee, 1998). The second book in the series was published in 2012 (McGee, 2012a). Two more books were recently added to the tax evasion collection (McGee & Shopovski, 2023a, b). Many articles and book chapters on the ethics of tax evasion have been published over the years. Summaries of many of them are available. There are sum- maries of 49 studies that used a survey template that usually consisted of 18 state- ments starting with the phrase, “Tax evasion is ethical if ...” (McGee, 2012b). Another study summarized 23 studies that used World Values Survey data (McGee, 2012c). Other studies summarize 3 studies (McGee, 2012d), 21 studies (McGee, 2022c), 35 studies (McGee, 2022d), 60+ surveys (McGee, 2022e), 70+ theoretical and empirical studies (McGee, 2022f), 100+ studies (McGee, 2022g), 80+ studies (McGee, 2022h), 34+ studies (McGee, 2022i), and 44+ studies (McGee, 2022j). Part II of the book addresses attitudes toward bribery from different religious perspectives. The first chapter in this section provides a comparative study of reli- gious attitudes toward bribery (McGee et al., 2023a). There are also chapters that report on attitudes of Christians (McGee et al., 2023b), Muslims (McGee et al.
Climate Change in Central Asia Decarbonization, Energy Transition and Climate Policy - Original PDF
Climate Change in Central Asia Decarbonization, Energy Transition and Climate Policy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Rahat Sabyrbekov · Indra Overland · Roman Vakulchuk خلاصه: This chapter provides a broad introduction to the impact of climate change in Central Asia, a region that has been experiencing a greater rise in temperatures than other parts of the world. The chapter shows how climate change represents a significant threat to Central Asia, exacerbating existing economic and environmental challenges and fueling regional tensions over resource management. Inefficient water resource management at the national level and limited regional collaboration on the management of water resources, coupled with state capacities that remain insuffi- cient to tackle climate change impacts, compound water-related tensions between the countries in the region. The chapter also shows how decarbonisation efforts in Central Asia are still in their early stages, with coal remaining a primary source of energy. Although the Central Asian countries have announced decarbonisation targets and adopted green economy strategies and programmes to reduce green- house gas emissions, a large-scale clean energy transition remains unlikely in the short term. The chapter concludes by identifying a lack of scholarship on climate change in Central Asia, which limits the development of a coherent approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation and evidence-based decision-making in the region. The chapter argues that a more coordinated approach to tackling climate change across the region is needed, requiring closer collaboration and more effective joint management of natural resources by the five Central Asian states. Finally, the chapter presents the chapters in the rest of the book
Delegate Apportionment in the US Presidential Primaries A Mathematical Analysis - Original PDF
Delegate Apportionment in the US Presidential Primaries A Mathematical Analysis - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael A. Jones · David McCune · Jennifer M. Wilson خلاصه: The purpose of this book is to examine the mathematics of the delegate allocation process in the US presidential primaries. The US presidential primaries are a series of state elections held every four years that determine the Democratic and Republican Parties’ nominees for president in the general election. Presidential candidates in each party are awarded delegates based on their shares of the vote in each state contest. At the end of the primary season, each party holds a national convention. The candidate with a majority of state delegates, after one or more rounds of voting, is selected to be the party’s nominee for president. From a mathematical standpoint, the question of how to allocate delegates is largely a problem of apportionment. Apportionment problems arise when a fixed quantity (such as a number of delegates) must be divided among several constituents (such as candidates) in proportion to some attribute (such as vote share), so that each portion is a whole number. Since delegates are individuals and cannot be divided, their allocation is a matter of apportionment. Apportionment or similar allocation problems occur at multiple stages in the delegate selection process from determining how many delegates each state receives, and how they should be divided between statewide and district delegates, to determining what happens after each primary when the delegates must be awarded to the candidates based on how well they do in the election. Apportionment has been well-studied in the context of allocating state represen- tatives to the US House of Representatives in proportion to state populations. It has also been widely analyzed for its role in proportional representation systems where party seats are awarded to parties based on the vote distribution. It is less well-known in the case of apportioning delegates in the US primaries. Thus the examination of apportionment applied to delegate allocation involves both an identification and anal- ysis of new apportionment methods as well as an evaluation of old and new criteria by which to evaluate their properties. The goal of this book is to do both. We have spent several years researching delegate allocation in presidential primaries and were inspired to write this volume because of the interesting aspects of apportionment arising in this context. The book’s vii viii Preface origin can be traced to 2016, when we observed that the 2016 Georgia Repub- lican party adopted an apportionment method for its state primary that was unique and perhaps the most interesting method we had encountered. This motivated us to investigate the methods used by other state parties, many of which are new, and to consider how the allocation of delegates is affected by elimination thresholds—the minimum levels of support required to receive delegates—and the overall structure of the state delegates selection plans in which delegates are apportioned based on vote distributions in each district and statewide. This led us also to consider how the goals of delegate apportionment differ from that of house or party apportionment— most noticeably in that the state primaries occur over time, and that the end result is not political representation but the declaration of a winner. This means that the usual criteria for evaluating apportionment need to be rethought in an effort to deter- mine what features of traditional apportionment theory are most relevant to delegate apportionment and which features are not.
Make Capitalism History A Practical Framework for Utopia and the Transformation of Society - Original PDF
Make Capitalism History A Practical Framework for Utopia and the Transformation of Society - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Simon Sutterlütti • Stefan Meretz خلاصه: v I do not demand voluntarism nor do I preach an automatism; I rather intend to demonstrate the objective possibility of change and its preconditions. I neither want to paint a utopian picture nor forbid utopian thinking; my aim is to unfold well-founded hope. I neither want to be desperately waiting for the better humans nor seal history’s horrors with man’s evil nature; I rather take humans seriously in their history and their potential. I neither want to waste my life in a never-ending struggle nor bow my head before the overpowering. With confi- dence in existing potential and certainty of well-founded hope, I want to realise human possibilities. For 300 years, capitalism has been turning cooperation into competition, work into exploitation, nature into the insignificant other; it strengthens racism and patriarchy, puts profit before people and, therefore, impedes peace, justice, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Today, when we are facing the risk of a climate crisis, the economic foundation of capitalism makes an ecological restructuring of society impossible. It is time to make capitalism history. To make capitalism history we need an alternative. We cannot demand the end of capitalism without having at least a vague idea of what a soli- dary, free society may look like. This book talks about societal alternatives, which we call utopias, and discusses different ways of how we may reach them. The end of capitalism is a “great transformation” (Polanyi), and such a societal transformation usually involves three aspects: something comes to an end (abolition), something continues (preservation) and something is raised to a qualitatively new level (development)

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