International Labour Mobility How Remittances Shape the Labour Migration Model - Original PDF

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Author: Valentina Vasile • Elena Bunduchi Daniel Stefan • Calin-Adrian Comes

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Migration has become a large-scale phenomenon, which affects all states of the world, regardless of their geographical area or level of economic development, and the ever-increasing number of international migrants has exceeded the growth rate of the world’s population. Therefore, under- standing the role and impact of migration in countries of origin and desti- nation is an important step in ensuring sustainable economic development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. As a result of the increasing attention paid to migration, we consider it very topical to study the impact of the phenomenon on all the countries involved, both those of origin and destination

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emittances were considered current transfers made by migrant residents employed in a foreign country (IMF, 2004), but since 2009 (IMF, 2009), the notion of personal transfers replaces the element of remittances of workers. Unlike remittances, personal transfers are independent of the income source of the transmitting household, of the relationship between households and of the purpose of the transfer, even if it is recognized that personal transfers are usually intended to support relatives in the country of origin of migrants. According to Fig. 2.1, remittances have the following components: Personal remittances Personal transfers Employee compensat   iion Capital transfers between households – Personal transfers are all current transfers made or received by resi- dent households to or from non-resident households (IMF, 2009). Thus, personal transfers include all current transfers which take place between resident and non-resident individuals. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 V. Vasile et al., International Labour Mobility, 6 Personal transfers Employees compensation Capital transfers between households Personal remittances Social benefits Total remittances Capital transfers to non-profit institutions serving households Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving households Total remittances and transfers to non-profit institutions serving households Fig. 2.1 International Monetary Fund presentation of the definition of remit- tances. Source: Based on (IMF, 2009) – Employee compensation refers to the income of frontier, seasonal and other short-term workers who are employed in a non-resident economy and of residents employed by non-resident entities (IMF, 2009). – Capital transfers between households reflect the amount of wealth held by migrants when they change their place of residence from one state to another, thus leading to a change in the assets/liabilities of both countries. Total remittances Personal remittances Social benefits  – Social benefits1 include social security and social assistance benefits. These are current transfers received by migrant households meant to 1 EU law stipulates equal rights for EU migrants in relation to natives in terms of social benefits. In order to benefit from the social benefits offered by EU countries, an EU migrant must be employed, a student or actively looking for a job. In addition, the following factors are taken into account: length of stay; source of income in the case of students; marital status; at the same time, the migrant must demonstrate a degree of attachment to the country of destination.

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انتقالات ارسالی به عنوان نقل و انتقالات جاری توسط ساکنان مهاجر شاغل در یک کشور خارجی در نظر گرفته شد (IMF، 2004)، اما از سال 2009 (IMF، 2009)، مفهوم نقل و انتقالات شخصی جایگزین عنصر حواله کارگران شد. برخلاف حواله‌ها، حواله‌های شخصی مستقل از منبع درآمد خانواده انتقال‌دهنده، رابطه بین خانواده‌ها و هدف انتقال است، حتی اگر مشخص شود که انتقال‌های شخصی معمولاً برای حمایت از بستگان در کشور مبدا مهاجران انجام می‌شود. . بر اساس شکل 2.1، حواله ها دارای اجزای زیر هستند: حواله های شخصی نقل و انتقالات شخصی غرامت کارمندان انتقال سرمایه بین خانوارها - نقل و انتقالات شخصی تمام نقل و انتقالات جاری انجام شده یا دریافتی توسط خانوارهای مقیم به یا از خانوارهای غیرمقیم (IMF) است. ، 2009). بنابراین، نقل و انتقالات شخصی شامل تمام نقل و انتقالات جاری است که بین افراد مقیم و غیر مقیم انجام می شود. © نویسندگان، تحت مجوز انحصاری Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 V. Vasile et al., International Labor Mobility, 6 نقل و انتقالات شخصی کارکنان جبران خسارت انتقال سرمایه بین خانوارها حواله های شخصی مزایای اجتماعی کل حواله ها نقل و انتقالات سرمایه به مؤسسات غیرانتفاعی خدمات دهنده به خانوارها نقل و انتقالات جاری به مؤسسات غیرانتفاعی خدمات دهنده به خانوارها کل حواله ها و نقل و انتقالات به مؤسسات غیرانتفاعی خدمات دهنده خانوارها شکل 2.1 صندوق بین المللی پول ارائه تعریف حواله ها. منبع: بر اساس (IMF، 2009) - غرامت کارکنان به درآمد کارگران مرزی، فصلی و سایر کارگران کوتاه مدت اشاره دارد که در اقتصاد غیر مقیم و ساکنان شاغل در نهادهای غیر مقیم استخدام می شوند (IMF، 2009). – نقل و انتقالات سرمایه بین خانوارها منعکس کننده میزان ثروت مهاجران در هنگام تغییر محل سکونت خود از یک ایالت به ایالت دیگر است و در نتیجه منجر به تغییر در دارایی ها/بدهی های هر دو کشور می شود. کل حواله ها حواله های شخصی مزایای اجتماعی – مزایای اجتماعی 1 شامل مزایای تامین اجتماعی و کمک های اجتماعی است. اینها نقل و انتقالات جاری دریافتی توسط خانوارهای مهاجر است که به 1 قانون اتحادیه اروپا حقوق مساوی را برای مهاجران اتحادیه اروپا در رابطه با بومیان از نظر مزایای اجتماعی تصریح می کند. برای بهره مندی از مزایای اجتماعی ارائه شده توسط کشورهای اتحادیه اروپا، یک مهاجر اتحادیه اروپا باید شاغل، دانشجو یا فعالانه به دنبال کار باشد. علاوه بر این، عوامل زیر در نظر گرفته شده است: مدت اقامت. منبع درآمد در مورد دانشجویان؛ وضعیت تأهل؛ در عین حال، مهاجر باید میزان دلبستگی خود را به کشور مقصد نشان دهد.


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v Contents 1 Introduction 1 Valentina Vasile and Elena Bunduchi References 4 2 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of Remittances 5 Valentina Vasile and Elena Bunduchi Remittances: Conceptual Overview 5 Transfer Channels 8 The Cost of Remittances 12 Instead of Conclusions 17 References 17 3 Migration Theories and the Role of Remittances 19 Elena Bunduchi and Valentina Vasile The Push-Pull Theory 19 Dual Market Theory 21 Rational Choice Theory 22 World-Systems Theory 24 The Theory of Neoclassical Economics 26 Neo-Marxist Theory 27 Migration Network Theory 29 The Institutional Theory 30 Cumulative Causation 31 References 38 vi CoNTENTS 4 Historical Evolution and Trends of the Migration Phenomenon and Remittances 41 Valentina Vasile and Elena Bunduchi The Historical Evolution of Global Migration 41 The Global Migration Phenomenon in 1990–2020 46 Migration at European Union Level 48 The Migration Phenomenon in Romania 52 Trend of the Remittance Flows 58 Conclusions 64 Annexes 65 References 81 5 Remittances vs. FDI: An Open Debate 85 Elena Bunduchi and Calin-Adrian Comes Data Analysis 87 Description of the Methodology and Econometric Model 93 Results and Discussions 94 Partial Conclusions 100 References 101 6 Are Remittances a Real Promoter of Economic Growth in Origin Countries? Case Study: Romania vs. Republic of Moldova 105 Elena Bunduchi Literature Review 106 Data and Methods 109 Part I. Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances in Countries of Origin 111 Part II. Microeconomic Impact of Remittances in Countries of Origin 119 Partial Conclusions 131 Annexes 132 References 135 7 Social Effects of Migration and of Remittances from the Perspective of the Home Country and of the Host Country 139 Elena Bunduchi Social Basis of Migration 139 viiCoNTENTS The Social Impact of Migration and Remittances at the Level of the Country of Origin and Destination 141 Effects at the Level of the Country of Destination 145 Effects at the Level of the Country of Destination 149 Short Appreciations 154 References 155 8 Migration Policies and Remittances, as a Support Factor for Development in the Origin Country 161 Elena Bunduchi and Daniel Stefan The Migration Strategy 161 Mobility and Migration Strategy at EU Level 161 Migration Strategy in Romania 165 Policies on Migration and Remittance Dynamics, as a Support Factor for Development in the Origin Country 168 Networking Organizations 170 Mentoring Organizations 171 Training Organizations 172 Investment Organizations 173 Crowdfunding 175 Instead of Conclusions 176 References 177 9 COVID-19 Boomerang Effect on the Migration Policies of the Country of Origin 181 Elena Bunduchi and Daniel Stefan Introduction 181 Evolution of COVID-19 in Romania 183 Phases of Infection with the New COVID-19 Virus in Romania 184 Migration of Romanian Critical Workers During COVID-19 186 Conclusions 191 Annexes 192 References 195 viii CoNTENTS 10 Migrant Critical Workers During and After COVID-19 Pandemic 197 Elena Bunduchi, Valentina Vasile, Calin-Adrian Comes and Daniel Stefan Status of Migrants at EU Level 198 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mobility of Romanian Migrant Workers 200 How Does COVID-19 Affect Labour Migration Patterns? 207 Conclusions 209 References 210 11 Conclusions 215 Valentina Vasile and Elena Bunduchi

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