Food Security in the Economy of the Futur - Original PDF
Food Security in the Economy of the Futur - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Elena G. Popkova · Bruno S. Sergi خلاصه: Computerized agricultural machinery has simplified and improved the comfort of agricultural labor, providing a significant increase in produc- tivity and production capacity. Internet-based e-commerce has optimized value chains in the agro-industrial sector. State Internet monitoring of the activities of agricultural enterprises has increased the accountability of their activities and the effectiveness of the agricultural policy. As digital agriculture took shape in the late twentieth and early twenty- first centuries, it successfully addressed key food security issues of the time. Countries have had the opportunity to implement ambitious food security doctrines and cover the entire population with nutrition security moni- toring programs. The then-existing demand for food was temporarily covered. However, the situation has changed dramatically as new global challenges to food security have emerged
algrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy - Original PDF
algrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Christophe Béné · Stephen Devereux خلاصه: The key questions which underpin the writing of this collective volume revolve around the concept of resilience and the contribution that this concept plays in the international development agenda, specifically in rela- tion to the issue of food security. Put simply: what does resilience bring that is relevant, useful and different from other previous or contem- porary concepts that have shaped the food security agenda, such as entitlements (Sen, 1981), vulnerability
Rethinking Economics Starting from the Commons Towards an Economics of Francesco - Original PDF
Rethinking Economics Starting from the Commons Towards an Economics of Francesco - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Valentina Rotondi • Paolo Santori خلاصه: What would happen if the economics courses taught in universities focused on the topic of the commons rather than of private goods? What if the former became the main subject of study and the latter the exception in the study of economic science? What if social business, rather than being considered a hybrid form, became the typical approach, with ethical and green finance taking over the financial sector? Is it possible to move away from the primacy of consumers to the preeminence of ethical consumers who express their daily preferences for an inclusive, sustainable, and worker-friendly economic system? These and other questions are the basis of this book, which aims to systematize the academic contribution to the development of the Economy of Francesco (henceforth EOF). EOF is a global movement of young (under 35 years) economists, entrepreneurs, and changemakers who, in 2019, answered Pope Francis’ call to gather in Assisi to rethink and change the global economy. The three pillars of the EOF are Pope Francis, with his social and economic magisterium; the Franciscan economic thought of the late Middle Ages, which is a source of precious knowledge with which to imagine a new economy; and the ideas of the young people thinking, working, and living a new economy. EOF is also a forum for youth-driven inclusive dialogue, stimulating a vibrant global change toward a new economic system, one that should serve everyone, regardless of income, gender, race, class, family, or background, and one in which everyone can thrive and feel included. To achieve this goal, EOF has been structured since the very beginning along 12 thematic “villages,” i.e., working sessions rooted in topics critical for today’s economy. Each thematic village contains a tension in its title, representing the already contemporary eco- nomic systems and the not-yet economy for which the movement advocates (i.e., Agriculture and Justice, Work and Care, Co2 of Inequalities, Women for Economy, Policies and Happiness, and many more)
Capitalism at a Crossroads A New Reset? - Original PDF
Capitalism at a Crossroads A New Reset? - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ali Ari خلاصه: Introduction Ali Ari Abstract Over the last three decades, the world economy has faced several complex and interrelated problems such as global climate change, food and energy scarcity, rising inequality, poverty, and more frequent and severe financial and economic crises. However, the capitalist system has been struggling to bring responses to those increasing problems and uncertainty. This has generated lively debates on the sustainability of the liberal capitalist economic system. Therefore, this book aims first to assess current problems of the world economy from a theoretical and empirical perspective, then to propose plausible answers from different points of view to restore the capitalist economic system. Keywords Capitalism · Sustainability · Growth · Climate change · Global warming · Agriculture · Energy · Inequality · Debt · Financial crises · Financialization · Poverty · Trade wars · COVID-19 · Political crises · Economic security · Artificial intelligence · Technological change · Great reset · Degrowth · Green deals · Solidarity economy · Balance of power · Smart cities
The Pearl of the East The Economic Impact of the Colonial Railways in the Age of High Imperialism in Southeast Asia - Original PDF
The Pearl of the East The Economic Impact of the Colonial Railways in the Age of High Imperialism in Southeast Asia - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Dídac Cubeiro Rodríguez خلاصه: During the last decades of the nineteenth century until the 1930s, economic growth in Southeast Asia (we understand Southeast Asia at the end of the nineteenth century: Burma, British colony, Thailand or inde- pendent Siam, Malaysia British colony, Indonesia or Dutch East Indies, Dutch colonies, Indochina, French colonies and the Philippines, Spanish colonies until the end of the century, and from 1898 onwards, American colonies until independence) was a common fact among the economies of the region, despite finding differences in the growth patterns of different countries. Particularly relevant are the studies of Maddison, who analyze Indochina and the Dutch East Indies (Maddison 1990, p. 364). In the case of the Philippines, the most relevant growth model studies are provided by Hooley, with an attempt to explain the growth of the Philip- pines (Hooley 2005, pp. 464–488) and Booth, who emphasizes the analysis of the impact of the provision of new land for the plantation economy in the Philippine archipelago (Booth 2007, pp. 241–266). It should also be noted that these models often work with partially estimated data for dates for which there are no historical references, particularly when data from more remote areas must be covered. In the case of the Philippines, we have worked with data from engineering and execution projects for the Spanish period, and census data for the North American period
Transportation Systems for Tourism - Original PDF
Transportation Systems for Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: M. R. Dileep · Francesca Pagliara خلاصه: The term “transportation system” is usually referred to the equipment and logistics of transporting passengers and goods. It covers the trips by all means of transport, from cars and buses to boats, aircraft, and even space travel. The objective of a transportation system is to coordinate the movement of people, goods, and vehicles in order to use routes most efficiently. When implemented, transportation systems seek to reduce transport costs and improve delivery times through effective timetabling and route management. Periodic re-evaluations and the development of alternative routes allow for timely changes to the transportation system to for increasing the efficiency. A standard transportation system will usually feature multiple timetables designed to inform the user of where each vehicle in the fleet is expected to be at any given point in time. These timetables are developed alongside an array of route plans designed to coordinate vehicle movements in a way that prevents bottlenecks in any one location. The main benefit of implementing a transportation system is delivery of goods and users to their destinations in a timely manner. This, in turn, increases the effi- ciency of vehicle use, as the same vehicle can be used for “multi-drop” jobs, such as bus services or home delivery networks, far more effectively when their routes are planned in advance rather than being generated “on the fly”. Transportation systems are developed in a wide variety of sizes. Local transport networks spanning the bus network for a city and its suburbs are common, as are country-wide delivery networks for haulage firms. Airlines use international transportation systems to coordinate their flights. The larger the distance being covered, the more effective the use of vehicles when a transportation system is used.
Degrowth Decolonization and Development When Culture Meets the Environment - Original PDF
Degrowth Decolonization and Development When Culture Meets the Environment - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Milica Koˇcovi ́c De Santo · Stéphanie Eileen Domptail خلاصه: Degrowth Decolonization and Development offers a collection of seven original case study analyses, followed by a synopsis of concepts contributing to decol- onize development by shaking the hegemony of the Western paradigm. The partici- pating researchers met when presenting their work in Decolonization and Degrowth panels within two International Degrowth Conferences held in July (organized by Manchester University together with the Ecological Economics conference) and in August 2021 in The Hague, Netherlands. Ranging from cultural studies, critical development studies, cultural policy, cultural political economy, political economy, heterodox economic approaches, eco-feminist political ecology, to anthropology and sociology, the collection of chapters provides a broad interdisciplinary oversight of the contemporary (developmental, environmental, economic, social, cultural) chal- lenges. Precisely this interdisciplinary approach facilitates the understanding of the critical contemporary context with its complex intermingling of (positionality) crises. Our multiple analyses of Western thought, capitalist and patriarchal systems rooted in case studies depict rebellions to this hegemonic system and challenge it from complementary angles, which is the reason why we found the degrowth as most suitable framework to understand the current contemporary context and seek for post-growth alternatives. The first chapter introduces the most important concepts such as: permanent crisis, modernity and colonnialism, with associated dichotomies encaptured in the Western paradigm. We embrace the position that colonialism is not derivative but constitutive of modernity as “there is no modernity without colonial- ism” (Mignolo and Walsh 2018: 4; 107) and modern capitalism, where the cultural potential for radically necessary changes is essential—as a driver of the degrowth forces that reflects the eternal relations between man and natur
Marx, Uno and the Critique of Economics - Original PDF
Marx, Uno and the Critique of Economics - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Thomas T. Sekine خلاصه: Several years ago a young American gentleman came to spend a summer in Tokyo, and during his stay there contacted me hoping to arrange an interview with me; to be centred on my Unoist approach to Marxian economics. While willing to cooperate with him in that project, I was not confident from the beginning that I would be able to produce a satisfac- tory result for him. For I am not the type of person who has ready-made answers to questions that are typically thrown at him/her on the spur of the moment. Nevertheless, we thoroughly enjoyed meeting with each other and got along very well in our personal exchange of views on the subject matter. When he was about to leave Tokyo, I asked him to write down on paper a series of questions that he would have liked to ask me, which would give me the chance to elaborate upon. I thus obtained a series of wonderfully worded and exquisitely phrased questions that would have given me only delight and pleasure to answer. I have revisited these questions over the years and have had time to consider them against the progress my life-long research on Uno’s approach to economics has made since then. I now have a fully extended, more mature version of what makes economics an “objective” knowledge. In both parts, but especially in the first, I made use of the delightful phrasing that my American friend originally employed in posing his apt questions to me. I am grateful for his allowing me to reproduce once again some of his superb style of language in this book
Quantitative Models in Life Science Business - Original PDF
Quantitative Models in Life Science Business - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jung Kyu Canci · Philipp Mekler · Gang Mu خلاصه: The pharmaceutical industry is a key, yet complex sector within the global econ- omy. Organizationally, its complexity is outlined by an involved business model, an intricate organizational structure, and a challenging environment. Economically, the pharmaceutical industry has been characterized by high profit margins; this mainly as a result of substantial research and development (R&D) investment and its legal protection by patents. Over time the original situation has evolved further, gener- ating two major types of pharmaceutical firms: originators and generic producers. High R&D investment is a characteristic of the originator pharmaceutical companies which produce patent-protected drugs, as well as biotech specialists which produce biologics. The generic producers, on the other hand, do not incur the initial R&D expenses (or less so) and in general produce drugs lacking patent protection. On top of this now traditional set, new segments have arisen in the pharmaceutical indus- try, comprising services in or around the traditional drug industry, e.g. diagnostic or data-oriented endeavours.
Income Inequality, Redistribution and Economic Growth - Original PDF
Income Inequality, Redistribution and Economic Growth - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Giuseppe Arbia خلاصه: This book represents the translation of an essay of mine published in Italian in 20161 with three additions. First, given the complexity of the topics discussed in the essay, in this English edition I deemed it necessary to include a new Chap. 1 which constitutes a short illustration of the plan of the book and that aims at introducing the reader to the fascinating issues of economic inequality, of economic growth and to the intricate mechanisms that link them. Secondly, in the first edition of the book, the empirical part obviously focused on Italian datasets and was dedicated to describing the national situation and the recent trends of inequality and growth in the country. Furthermore, a substantial part of the discussion was centred on the analysis of the possible policies aiming at reducing inequality without negatively affecting growth in Italy with specific references to the Italian fiscal system. In contrast, being directed to a more international audience, in this English edition, I suppressed those parts, and I presented a more general picture of growth and inequality worldwide leaving apart any comment on policies that are more country-specific.

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