Food Security in the Economy of the Futur - Original PDF

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Author: Elena G. Popkova · Bruno S. Sergi

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Computerized agricultural machinery has simplified and improved the comfort of agricultural labor, providing a significant increase in produc- tivity and production capacity. Internet-based e-commerce has optimized value chains in the agro-industrial sector. State Internet monitoring of the activities of agricultural enterprises has increased the accountability of their activities and the effectiveness of the agricultural policy. As digital agriculture took shape in the late twentieth and early twenty- first centuries, it successfully addressed key food security issues of the time. Countries have had the opportunity to implement ambitious food security doctrines and cover the entire population with nutrition security moni- toring programs. The then-existing demand for food was temporarily covered. However, the situation has changed dramatically as new global challenges to food security have emerged

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20 D. A. MIRGOROD ET AL. geographical location and a constant population growth. In addition to the internal factors, the problem of Egypt is also aggravated by the external background, which is associated with Ethiopia’s desire to put the Renaissance Dam into operation as quickly as possible and the current high level of conflict in the world. Thus, in the foreseeable future, there is a threat of an unprecedented crisis for Egypt, which may affect not only the country, but also the entire region, as well as have global impli- cations. Accordingly, the problem of Egypt’s food and water security has important scientific and applied significance within the framework of global, regional, and national sustainable development issues. Moreover, the mentioned threat is also connected with the specifics of the Middle East. The high conflict potential of the region will increase significantly if Egypt, which has been relatively stable until now, is not able to ensure its food security. Methodology The subject of this study deals with the general subject-area of sustain- able global development, which required the involvement of an extensive theoretical base on this issue. In this regard, the authors of the work used the works of such scientists as R. Baumgartner [1], R. Kates [2], A. Steer [3], C. Stevens [4], K. Tomislav [5], J. Zhao [6], and some others. In addition, the authors were guided by theoretical developments in the field of food and water security as one of the main components of the problem area of sustainable development—M. Falkenmark [7], A. Gerlak [8], M. Hameed [9], C. Scott [10], M. Taka [11], and M. Zeitoun [12]. It should be emphasized that the study used theoretical developments on the noted problem both in the country itself and in the Middle East for the purpose of situational analysis of the state of food and water security in Egypt. The situation with the access of the region’s population to water and food resources was determined by the works of M. Behnassi [13], R. Hanna [14], J. Saghir [15], and O. Bozorg-Haddad [16]. The authors also used situational analysis of the state of food and water security within the framework of sustainable development issues. Addi- tionally, a predictive method was used. The combination of these methods allowed us to form an understanding of the state and prospects of food and water security in Egypt. 

چکیده فارسی


20 D. A. MIRRGOROD ET AL. موقعیت جغرافیایی و رشد ثابت جمعیت. علاوه بر عوامل داخلی، مشکل مصر با پس زمینه خارجی نیز تشدید می شود که با تمایل اتیوپی برای بهره برداری هر چه سریعتر سد رنسانس و سطح بالای درگیری کنونی در جهان همراه است. بنابراین، در آینده قابل پیش‌بینی، خطر یک بحران بی‌سابقه برای مصر وجود دارد که ممکن است نه تنها کشور، بلکه کل منطقه را تحت تأثیر قرار دهد و پیامدهای جهانی نیز داشته باشد. بر این اساس، مشکل امنیت غذایی و آب مصر در چارچوب مسائل توسعه پایدار جهانی، منطقه ای و ملی اهمیت علمی و کاربردی مهمی دارد. علاوه بر این، تهدید مذکور با ویژگی های خاورمیانه نیز مرتبط است. اگر مصر که تا کنون نسبتاً باثبات بوده، نتواند امنیت غذایی خود را تضمین کند، پتانسیل بالای درگیری منطقه به میزان قابل توجهی افزایش خواهد یافت. روش شناسی موضوع این مطالعه به حوزه موضوعی کلی توسعه پایدار جهانی می پردازد که مستلزم دخالت یک پایه نظری گسترده در این موضوع است. در این راستا، نویسندگان اثر از آثار دانشمندانی مانند R. Baumgartner [1]، R. Kates [2]، A. Steer [3]، C. Stevens [4]، K. Tomislav [5] استفاده کردند. ، جی. ژائو [6] و برخی دیگر. علاوه بر این، نویسندگان با پیشرفت‌های نظری در زمینه امنیت غذایی و آب به عنوان یکی از مؤلفه‌های اصلی حوزه مشکل توسعه پایدار هدایت شدند. فالکنمارک [7]، A. Gerlak [8]، M. Hameed [9]، C. Scott [10]، M. Taka [11] و M. Zeitun [12]. لازم به تاکید است که در این مطالعه از تحولات نظری در مورد مشکل ذکر شده هم در خود کشور و هم در خاورمیانه به منظور تحلیل موقعیتی وضعیت امنیت غذایی و آب در مصر استفاده شده است. وضعیت دسترسی جمعیت منطقه به منابع آب و غذایی با آثار م. بهناسی [13]، ر. حنا [14]، ج. ساغیر [15] و اُ. بزرگ حداد [16] مشخص شد. . نویسندگان همچنین از تحلیل موقعیتی وضعیت امنیت غذا و آب در چارچوب مسائل توسعه پایدار استفاده کردند. علاوه بر این، یک روش پیش بینی استفاده شد. ترکیب این روش ها به ما امکان داد تا درک درستی از وضعیت و چشم انداز امنیت غذا و آب در مصر داشته باشیم.


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Elena G. Popkova
People’s Friendship University
of Russia (RUDN University)
Moscow, Russia
Bruno S. Sergi
University of Messina
Messina, Italy
Harvard University
Cambridge, USA
ISBN 978-3-031-23510-8 ISBN 978-3-031-23511-5 (eBook)
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer
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Contents 1 Transition to Agriculture 4.0 Under the Influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Introduction) 1 Elena G. Popkova and Bruno S. Sergi Part I Digital Agriculture and New Opportunities for Providing Food Security in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 2 Strategic Directions for Smart Agriculture Based on Deep Learning for Future Risk Management of Food Security 9 Elena G. Popkova, Tatiana N. Litvinova, Olga M. Zemskova, Mariya F. Dubkova, and Anna A. Karpova 3 Food and Water Security of the Middle East (the Case of Egypt) 19 Denis A. Mirgorod, Gennadii V. Kosov, Elena A. Soloveva, Alihan M. Israilov, and Alexander A. Pohilko 4 Best Practices and the Digital Model of Agricultural Development in Developed and Developing Countries 27 Elena V. Sofiina, Irina V. Milchik, Igor V. Denisov, and Nadezhda K. Savelyeva v vi CONTENTS 5 Monitoring the Compliance of Today’s Agriculture with Food Security Needs for Sustainable Development 37 Elena A. Bratukhina, Berik T. Beisengaliyev, Anastasia A. Sozinova, and Ksenia V. Borzenko 6 Green Finance: Analysis of Prospects of the Russian Market 45 Olga G. Kantor, Yuliya R. Rudneva, Dmitriy Yu. Dunov, Shakhlo T. Ergasheva, and Boris M. Leybert Part II Prospects for Food Security of the Future Economy in the Transition to Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning 7 Food Security in the Digital Economy: Traditional Agriculture vs. Smart Agriculture Based on Artificial Intelligence 59 Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Vladimir S. Osipov, Tatiana M. Vorozheykina, Veronika V. Yankovskaya, and Igor Yu. Sklyarov 8 Transition from Digital Agriculture to Agriculture 4.0 as the Most Promising Scenario for Ensuring Future Food Security 75 Mikhail S. Kyzyurov, Ayapbergen A. Taubayev, Larissa P. Steblyakova, and Larisa V. Shabaltina 9 A New Level of Food Security as a Result of the Transition of Food-Importing Countries to Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning 85 Anastasia A. Sozinova, Aigul S. Daribekova, Irina P. Lapteva, and Maria V. Makarova 10 Risks of Agricultural Economy and Climate Risk Management for Enterprises of Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning 93 Tatiana N. Litvinova CONTENTS vii 11 Prospects for Using Investment by Agricultural Cooperatives of Kyrgyzstan in the Regional Economy of Central Asia 101 Kalil D. Dzhumabayev, Alymkul K. Dzhumabayev, Shukurali A. Jamalov, Elmira K. Kydykbaeva, and Taalaigul Azamat kyzy Part III Applied Recommendations for Shaping Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning to Ensure the Food Security of the Economy of the Future 12 Advanced Digital Technology in Agriculture and Its Contribution to Food Security 115 Elena V. Karanina, Elena A. Vechkinzova, Yuliya A. Kopytina, and Nurlybek T. Malelov 13 Roadmap for the Transition from Digital Agriculture to Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning in the Economy of the Future by 2030 123 Nazgul S. Daribekova, Marina A. Sanovich, Nadezhda K. Savelyeva, Tatiana A. Dugina, and Anastasia I. Smetanina 14 Automation of Agriculture Based on Deep Learning: Modeling and Management to Improve Quality and Efficiency 131 Natalia V. Przhedetskaya, Eleonora V. Nagovitsyna, Victoria Yu. Przhedetskaya, and Ksenia V. Borzenko 15 Responsible Production and Consumption in Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning for Sustainable Development 139 Yerlan B. Zhailauov, Natalia V. Przhedetskaya, and Vasiliy I. Bespyatykh 16 Agriculture 4.0: Perspectives on Food Security in the Agricultural Economy of the Future 147 Elena G. Popkova and Bruno S. Sergi Index 149

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