Disaster Management and Information Technology Professional Response and Recovery Management in the Age of Disasters - Original PDF
Disaster Management and Information Technology Professional Response and Recovery Management in the Age of Disasters - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Hans Jochen Scholl • Eric E. Holdeman • F. Kees Boersma خلاصه: There is no one single journey when it comes to technology. For those who did not grow up as “digital natives” each has taken their own path in accepting, developing technological skills and expanding them by integrating them into their everyday work environment. Indeed, the journey continues with no hard- set destination before us. We only know that technological development and use of technology continue to expand exponentially with each passing day. What follows is therefore just one American perspective on how the profession of emergency management has adopted technologies over the decades in which the profession has existed. All the while, working daily to plan for, train, and practice for future emergency and disaster response events that are sure to come.
Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare - Original PDF
Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Lynn Gitlow, Kathleen Flecky خلاصه: The changes we have all seen in technology and corre spondingly with assistive technology in the past 10 years are mind‐boggling. Futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil (2000) stated early in the twenty‐first century that com puters are 100 million times more powerful than they were 50 years ago. The exponential growth of computer capacity that Kurzweil and others predicted in the late 1990s continues to advance and has the potential for improving all aspects of life (Diamandis and Kotler 2014). These exponential changes in technology make it hard to keep up with the latest innovations. For example, one of the chapter authors worked in an assistive technology laboratory in which serial port add‐ons to computers evolved into Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports rendering the former connections and their attachments obsolete within in less than five years. Currently, com puters no longer come with disk drives and all of the software one needs to load on the computer comes from the cloud. Vicente (2006) stated, “... more and more technology is being foisted upon us at a faster and faster pace” (p. 13). In addition, technology is clearly a necessary part of our lives. For many of us, it is difficult to remember a time when cell phones, laptops, or navigation devices were not available to those who could afford it. Furthermore, the convergence of multiple technologies into a single, small, handheld device such as a smart phone is common as part of our work and personal experiences
Construction Management JumpStart The Best First Step Toward a Career in Construction Management (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
Construction Management JumpStart The Best First Step Toward a Career in Construction Management (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Barbara J. Jackson خلاصه: Introduction Congratulations! You are about to embark on an adventure. This book is about the processes, the people, and the practices that we call construction management—a term and a profession that may be unfamiliar to many people. Construction, as most individuals understand it, is an activity or a series of activities that involves some craftspeople, building materials, tools, and equip- ment. But you will learn that there is a great deal more to it than that. If you think that construction is all about brawn and not much about brains, then you probably haven’t been paying very close attention to what has been going on in the built environment in the past several decades. Buildings today can be very complicated, and the building process has become extremely demanding. It takes savvy professional talent to orchestrate all of the means and methods needed to accomplish the building challenge. This book’s focus is not on construction per se. Its focus is on the construction process and those individuals who manage that process. Construction manage- ment involves the organization, coordination, and strategic effort applied to the construction activities and the numerous resources needed to achieve the building objective. Construction management combines both the art and science of building technology along with the essential principles of business, management, computer technology, and leadership. Construction management as a profession is a relatively new concept, which may explain why you have not heard of it before. Up until the 1960s, the management tasks associated with large construction projects were typically handled by civil engineers. But in 1965, faculty from nine universities gathered in Florida to form the Associated Schools of Construction. What started as a movement to upgrade the status of construction education at universities evolved into a standardized construction management curriculum leading to an exciting new career choice, one for which there was increasing demand. Men and women who love the idea of transforming a lifeless set of plans and specifications into something real—a single-family home, a high-rise office building, a biotech facility, a super highway, or a magnificent suspension bridge—had found an educational program that provided both the academic course work and the practical management tools needed to plan, organize, and coordinate the increas- ingly complex construction process. If you are one of the many individuals who desire the intellectual challenges of architecture, engineering, technology, and business, yet long to be outside in the thick of things, getting your hands dirty and ultimately producing a tangible result—something of lasting value—then construction management might just be the ticket for you
English Advanced to Proficiency Vocabulary (Complete Edition) - Original PDF
English Advanced to Proficiency Vocabulary (Complete Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Premier English Learning Publishing خلاصه: Important Words and Phrasal Verbs You Should Know to Write and Speak Like a Well-Educated Native Speaker
English C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency Smart Vocabulary (Complete Edition) - Epub + Converted PDF
English C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency Smart Vocabulary (Complete Edition) - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Premier English Learning Publishing خلاصه: Important Words and Phrasal Verbs to Write/Speak Like a Well-Educated Native
English C1 Vocabulary 2022 The Most Comprehensive Advanced English Vocabulary (5th Edition) - Epub + Converted PDF
English C1 Vocabulary 2022 The Most Comprehensive Advanced English Vocabulary (5th Edition) - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Premier English Learning Publishing خلاصه: English C1 Vocabulary 2022 The Most Comprehensive Advanced English Vocabulary (5th Edition) by Premier English Learning Publishing
Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
نویسندگان: M. Kimberly MacLin خلاصه: PART I Basic Principles in Experimental Design Some people dread taking the research methods course required for most psychology majors. I’m not sure of all the reasons why, but for many they fear the course. It often has a lab compo- nent; at some universities it is worth more credit than regular content courses. It simply often has the reputation of being “hard.” Instead, for a moment, consider that research methods is exciting! It provides you the tools to be able to conduct your own research. Finally, you are in charge and you can study what you want to know. You are explorer, scientist, puzzle solver. The frst half of this book (Part I) introduces to you the basics of scientifc inquiry, including what science is and how psychological science is a subset of it. We’ll discuss how to distinguish between facts, theories, and speculation and how each are useful for developing research questions. We’ll cover the basics of the scientifc method, the specifcs of experimental design, and a review of other non-experimental research methods (so you know when it is appropriate to choose the experiment). You will be given insight into how to fnd and read the literature in psychology as well as how to plan, design, and carry out research. We will also cover the rules and procedures designed to ensure sound, ethical, and meaningful research. Throughout this material, you’ll be exposed to examples from the psychological literature that will allow you to see concepts and principles as they play out in real research studies. And in one particu- lar chapter (Chapter 7) you’ll be prompted to critically analyze experimental designs that have conceptual or technical faws. Being sensitive to mistakes will help you avoid them yourself
Plastic hinge based methods for advanced analysis and design of steel frames : an assessment of the state-of-the-art - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
Plastic hinge based methods for advanced analysis and design of steel frames : an assessment of the state-of-the-art - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
نویسندگان: Donald W. White خلاصه: Plastic hinge based methods for advanced analysis and design of steel frames : an assessment of the state-of-the-art - Scanned Pdf with Ocr Donald W. White and W. F. Chen
Handbook of Research on Promoting Higher- Order Skills and Global Competencies in Life and Work - Original PDF
Handbook of Research on Promoting Higher- Order Skills and Global Competencies in Life and Work - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jared Keengwe خلاصه: ABSTRACT Critical thinking and other higher-order thinking skills are key objectives of higher education. Through the development of higher-order thinking skills, students are able to discern information from multiple, often competing sources, make sound judgements, draw conclusions, and enact creative solutions to complex problems. However, faculty can struggle with how to help students develop higher-order think- ing skills, relying instead on transmission of knowledge, focusing on what to learn instead of how to learn. In this chapter, the author provides insights into the connections between using gamification as a pedagogical approach, and the development of higher-order thinking skills. The chapter addresses perspectives on higher-ordering thinking, approaches to gamification in college courses, and concludes with recommendations for faculty in approaching gamification
Statistics for Business & Economics by David_R_Anderson,_Dennis_J_Sweeney - Original PDF
Statistics for Business & Economics by David_R_Anderson,_Dennis_J_Sweeney - Original PDF
نویسندگان: David_R_Anderson,_Dennis_J_Sweeney خلاصه: This text is the 14th edition of STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS. In this edition, we include procedures for statistical analysis using Excel 2016 and JMP Student Edition 14. In MindTap Reader, we also include instructions for using the exceptionally popular open-source language R to perform statistical analysis. We are excited to introduce two new coauthors, Michael J. Fry of the University of Cincinnati and Jeffrey W. Ohlmann of the University of Iowa. Both are accomplished teachers and researchers. More details on their backgrounds may be found in the About the Authors section. The remainder of this preface describes the authors’ objectives in writing STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS and the major changes that were made in developing the 14th edition. The purpose of the text is to give students, primarily those in the fields of business administration and economics, a conceptual introduction to the field of statistics and its many applications. The text is applications-oriented and written with the needs of the nonmathematician in mind; the mathematical prerequisite is understanding of algebra. Applications of data analysis and statistical methodology are an integral part of the or- ganization and presentation of the text material. The discussion and development of each technique is presented in an application setting, with the statistical results providing insights to decisions and solutions to problems. Although the book is applications oriented, we have taken care to provide sound meth- odological development and to use notation that is generally accepted for the topic being covered. Hence, students will find that this text provides good preparation for the study of more advanced statistical material. A bibliography to guide further study is included as an appendix

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