Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering
Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering
نویسندگان: Harold S., thomas K. Sherwood and Charles E. Reed Mickley خلاصه: Applied mathematics has assumed increasing importance to the chemical engineer.
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Second Edition, Four Volume Set Advanced Applications in Remote Sensing of Agricultural Crops and Natural Vegetation)
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Second Edition, Four Volume Set Advanced Applications in Remote Sensing of Agricultural Crops and Natural Vegetation)
نویسندگان: Prasad S. Thenkabail, John G. Lyon, Alfredo Huete خلاصه: Written by leading global experts, including pioneers in the field, the four-volume set on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Second Edition, reviews existing state-of-the-art knowledge, highlights advances made in different areas, and provides guidance for the appropriate use of hyperspectral data in the study and management of agricultural crops and natural vegetation
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice A Practical Approach
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice A Practical Approach
نویسندگان: Virginia Poole Arcangelo خلاصه: Be ready to prescribe and administer drugs safely and effectively—and grasp all the vitals of pharmacology—with the fully updated Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice, 4th edition
Research Handbook of Marketing in Emerging Economies
Research Handbook of Marketing in Emerging Economies
نویسندگان: Marin A. Marinov خلاصه: Recently, emerging economies have contributed significantly to world economic growth and output
Geothermal Well Test Analysis:  Fundamentals, Applications and Advanced Techniques
Geothermal Well Test Analysis: Fundamentals, Applications and Advanced Techniques
نویسندگان: Sadiq J. Zarrouk, Katie McLean خلاصه: Geothermal Well Test Analysis: Fundamentals, Applications and Advanced Techniques provides a comprehensive review of the geothermal pressure transient analysis methodology and its similarities and differences with petroleum and groundwater well test analysis
Comparative Judicial Review (Research Handbooks in Comparative Constitutional Law series)
Comparative Judicial Review (Research Handbooks in Comparative Constitutional Law series)
نویسندگان: Erin F. Delaney, Rosalind Dixon خلاصه: Constitutional courts around the world play an increasingly central role in day-to-day democratic governance
Advanced numerical and theoretical methods for photonic crystals and metamaterials
Advanced numerical and theoretical methods for photonic crystals and metamaterials
نویسندگان: Didier Felbacq خلاصه: This book provides a set of theoretical and numerical tools useful for the study of wave propagation in metamaterials and photonic crystals
Advances in Energy Research. Volume 29
Advances in Energy Research. Volume 29
نویسندگان: Morena J. Acosta خلاصه: In this compilation, the authors develop a modeling approach and formulate global equations.
Discovering GIS and ArcGIS 2nd Edition
Discovering GIS and ArcGIS 2nd Edition
نویسندگان: Bradley A. Shellito خلاصه: Each chapter focuses on using a variety of ArcGIS tools in a real-world context.
Advanced Nanomaterials for Water Engineering, Treatment, and Hydraulics
Advanced Nanomaterials for Water Engineering, Treatment, and Hydraulics
نویسندگان: Tawfik A. Saleh خلاصه: While nanotechnology has been a booming research field for years, the study of how it can be used alongside water engineering has not been deeply explored

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