Urban Infrastructure Globalization / Slowbalization - Original PDF
Urban Infrastructure Globalization / Slowbalization - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Remo Dalla Longa خلاصه: The book addresses the issue of urban infrastructures within globalization. Slowbal- ization is then introduced rather than deglobalization to indicate important variables that could stand in the way of a prevailing reading key in the book. Wiig et al (2022) argue that starting from a volume (Graham, Marvin, 2001 ) the study of infrastructures has been brought to the center of urban studies and has inspired the infrastructural turn within urban sciences. Infrastructures, and urban ones in particular, precisely because of their differentiation, specialisms, formulas and organizational models that underlie their assembly, governance and management have always appeared residual compared to other themes such as the city, urbaniza- tion, the form urban, competitive advantage, applied globalization; or on another more technical side, specialisms such as engineering or other technical disciplines called upon to assemble and update the various infrastructures in various ways. Moss (2020) on Berlin, which tells the story of that city (1920–2020) through infrastructures, removing them from invisibility, may be singular, but it is not. Putting them at the center offers new ideas and angles both from the point of view of economics, finance, assembly technique and above all the spatiality of the city within the different forms of globalization. Today, urban infrastructures are also a fundamental part of the economy and finance and follow their evolution and trajectory. They assume particular impor- tance starting from the conjugation with the term globalization; we have seen a rapid transformation of the interconnected infrastructure precisely with the growth of glob- alization and the global city. The analysis focused more on what has been called the western global city and the context of the brownfield infrastructure
The Relational Governance of Artificial Intelligence Forms and Interactions - Original PDF
The Relational Governance of Artificial Intelligence Forms and Interactions - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Sabine Wiesmüller خلاصه: he book “The Relational Governance of Artificial Intelligence—Forms and Inter- actions” by Sabine Wiesmüller deals both with the theoretical prerequisites and prac- tical possibilities of the governance of “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) in the interplay of social, entrepreneurial, and ethical decision-making logics. In particular, Sabine Wiesmüller’s book aims to contribute to the discussion of a theme that all societies are confronted with today and for which solutions are being sought, namely the complex interactions and network effects of the technological, economic and social aspects of AI. The book focuses on a genuinely interdisciplinary analysis: The overlap and rela- tionalisation between economic, system-theoretical, and ethical language games. Only through such a relationalisation—and this is one of the basic assumptions of the author—can the challenges of the rapidly developing technical and economic possi- bilities, risks, and challenges of artificial intelligence in the economy and society be understood and productively dealt with. The aim of the analysis is therefore twofold: On the one hand, it provides a theo- retical literature reconstruction of the polyvalent forms of governance of AI. On the other hand, it also addresses the practical possibilities for an intersectoral imple- mentation of relational governance of AI. The latter means that the governance of AI must enable and promote the cooperation of the multiple stakeholders involved, especially their interests, resources and decision-making logics. It is therefore about the relational governance of economic and social transactions that relationalise tech- nical logic, economic value creation and ethical demands such as self-interest, trust, integrity and stakeholder legitimacy. In this way, the adaptive approach to uncertainty and process dynamics becomes possibl
The Study of Language seventh edition - Orginal Pdf
The Study of Language seventh edition - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: George Yule خلاصه: GET FASTER Download from an IPFS distributed storage, choose any gateway: Cloudflare IPFS.io Pinata local gateway download from the Tor mirror (make sure you're accessing via Tor) The Study of Language cover Author(s): George Yule Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Year: 2020 ISBN: 1108730701,9781108730709,1108499457,9781108499453 Search in WorldCat | Search in Goodreads | Search in AbeBooks | Search in Amazon.com Description: This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics and all the key elements of language. This seventh edition has been revised and updated throughout, with substantial changes to the chapters on phonetics and semantics, and forty new study questions. To increase student engagement and to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills, the book includes over twenty new tasks. An expanded and revised online study guide provides students with further resources, including answers and tutorials for all tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the study of language.
Intersectionality and Discrimination by Roger White - Original PDF
Intersectionality and Discrimination by Roger White - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Roger White خلاصه: Abstract We begin with a brief discussion of the relationship between social justice and economic justice. This is followed by a presentation of persistent differences in U.S. labor market outcomes. Specifically, we identify significant differences in unemployment rates and hourly wages across race- and sex-based classifications, respectively. We then present unadjusted wage gaps (i.e., raw differences in average hourly wage rates) for several worker groups that correspond to the non-productive personal characteristics we consider in this study. These characteristics include Hispanic ethnicity, nativity, race, and sex. Having motivated our study, we introduce intersectionality and our primary research question: Is wage discrimination intersectional? This is followed by a discussion of why we use the term “discrimination” when referring to differences in wage rates that cannot be explained by differences in workers’ productive character- istics. We conclude the chapter with a roadmap for the remainder of the book
HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Posters - Original PDF
HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Posters - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Constantine Stephanidis, Margherita Antona, Stavroula Ntoa, Gavriel Salvendy خلاصه: 4 P. Asghari et al. 1 Introduction Eye tracking (ET) is frequently used, for example, in behavioral research and human-computer interaction. Eye movement patterns can reveal detailed infor- mation about the user’s cognitive processes, their attention level, or decision- making processes [3,12]. Applications and research based on ET require reliable and robust data [9]. Traditionally, this requires dedicated hardware with high- resolution cameras and infrared illumination to detect corneal reflections [7]. However, dedicated hardware is expensive and thus limits the pervasive use in real-world applications. This situation may change since, propelled by recent advances in deep learning, appearance-based gaze estimation methods that deliver promising results based on low-cost consumer-grade camera inputs start to emerge [2,10,11,21]. These approaches learn to estimate gazes from a video stream based on large-scale data sets and provide 3D gaze vectors or correspond- ing 2D gaze locations on a screen. Furthermore, they do not require any specific external devices and can be used with standalone computers, laptop built-in webcams, or mobile device consumer-grade cameras. This opens up the possi- bility of developing affordable automated intelligent ET solutions for research, commerce, and the general public. On the way to realize this ambition, webcam ET (wcET) has to address several challenges including gaze estimation accu- racy, gaze estimator prediction time, and that gaze estimation quality can be affected by user movements [11]. This paper aims to contribute to the first step toward utilizing wcET as a low-cost pervasive technology by validating the data quality of a state-of-the-art wcET approach in comparison to the performance of an established, commercially available dedicated eye tracking (dhET) system. Accordingly, we address the following research question in our work: How does the gaze estimates of wcET differ from dhET in practical settings regarding accu- racy, precision, and sampling rate? We will further discuss how the limitations of the data quality may affect the performance of wcET applications
Blockchain Technology and Emerging Technologies - Original PDF
Blockchain Technology and Emerging Technologies - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li خلاصه: ID-Based Self-encryption via Hyperledger Fabric Based Smart Contract Ilya Grishkov1, Roland Kromes1(B), Thanassis Giannetsos2, and Kaitai Liang1 1 Cyber Security Group, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands I.Grishkov-1@student.tudelft.nl, {R.G.Kromes,Kaitai.Liang}@tudelft.nl 2 Ubitech Ltd., Digital Security and Trusted Computing Group, Athens, Greece agiannetsos@ubitech.eu Abstract. This paper offers a prototype of a Hyperledger Fabric-IPFS based network architecture including a smart contract based encryp- tion scheme that meant to improve the security of user’s data that is being uploaded to the distributed ledger. A new extension to the self- encryption scheme was deployed by integrating data owner’s identity into the encryption process. Such integration allows to permanently pre- serve ownership of the original file and link it to the person/entity who originally uploaded it. Moreover, self-encryption provides strong security guarantees that decryption of a file is computationally not feasible under the condition that the encrypted file and the key are safely stored. Keywords: Blockchain · IPFS · Self-Encryption · Security · Hyperledger Fabric 1 Introduction The modern world is increasingly adopting blockchain technology. The first major market adoption of blockchain happened in 2009 when Bitcoin was introduced [12]. Interest in blockchain solutions grew over the years and lead to the invention of Ethereum - Bitcoin peer but with support for smart contracts which are digital codes enabling the description of complete business logic [1]. The introduction of smart contracts leads to further development in the field of blockchain and cre- ated demand for more industry-friendly solutions that allow to identify users of the system (Know-Your-Customer, Anti-Money-Laundering). Hyperledger Fab- ric was then introduced as a highly modular permissioned blockchain that allows great customization to suit particular industrial needs [3]. Given its customizabil- ity and modularity, Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a perfect platform for extending it with various trust and privacy preservation solutions
نویسندگان: PETER O’DONOGHUE خلاصه: This introductory chapter introduces sports performance analysis by asking the following questions: What? Why? Who? Where? When? and How? What is sports performance analysis? What are sports performance data and information? Why do we analyse sports performance? Who analyses sports performance? Where is sports performance analysis done? When is sports performance analysis done? How is sports perform- ance analysis done? The answers to these questions are not independent. The reason why sports performance analysis is done and who requires the information can dictate what information is required. The informa- tion required can in turn influence when it is needed and thus when sports performances should be analysed. The time at which information is needed and economic constraints dictate the methods and locations of sports performance analysis tasks. These questions will be answered in turn but readers can expect some necessary overlap between the answers.
Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare - Original PDF
Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Lynn Gitlow, Kathleen Flecky خلاصه: The changes we have all seen in technology and corre spondingly with assistive technology in the past 10 years are mind‐boggling. Futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil (2000) stated early in the twenty‐first century that com puters are 100 million times more powerful than they were 50 years ago. The exponential growth of computer capacity that Kurzweil and others predicted in the late 1990s continues to advance and has the potential for improving all aspects of life (Diamandis and Kotler 2014). These exponential changes in technology make it hard to keep up with the latest innovations. For example, one of the chapter authors worked in an assistive technology laboratory in which serial port add‐ons to computers evolved into Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports rendering the former connections and their attachments obsolete within in less than five years. Currently, com puters no longer come with disk drives and all of the software one needs to load on the computer comes from the cloud. Vicente (2006) stated, “... more and more technology is being foisted upon us at a faster and faster pace” (p. 13). In addition, technology is clearly a necessary part of our lives. For many of us, it is difficult to remember a time when cell phones, laptops, or navigation devices were not available to those who could afford it. Furthermore, the convergence of multiple technologies into a single, small, handheld device such as a smart phone is common as part of our work and personal experiences
Bodily Subjects Essays on Gender and Health, 1800–2000 - PDF
Bodily Subjects Essays on Gender and Health, 1800–2000 - PDF
نویسندگان: racy Penny Light, Barbara Brookes, and Wendy Mitchinson خلاصه: Constant good health is a chimera: the thing we all want, don’t notice when we have it, and mourn when we lose it. Being “healthy” is also something that women and men “do” in different ways. 1 The authors in Bodily Subjects all explore the historical entanglement between gender and health to expose how women and men “did” health in a variety of locations, from the nineteenth-century English Poor Law Union of Stourbridge, an early twentieth-century Aboriginal reserve in Queensland, Australia, to A I D S activists on the streets of Toronto in the 1990s. Our volume takes as its subject how gender is integral to the understanding of health and the way its meaning is embedded in cul- tural contexts connected to place and time. Our title reflects the way in which the body is both a subject of inquiry and a phenomenological experience. There is no “I” without a body and that body, Foucault has argued, is subject to regimes of power. 2 The title, Bodily Subjects, then, should be read in two ways. First, it re- fers to the embodied meanings of health for men and women and how these have expanded over time, from an able body signifying health in the nineteenth century to concepts of “well-being,” a psychological interpretation, which came to dominate health discourse in Western countries by the late twentieth century. Second, it refers to the way in which ill health turns individuals into subjects of the medical gaze. Medical expertise is brought to bear in diagnosing and treating indi- viduals in ways that are seen through the lens of gender
Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media by Chuan-Yu Wu - Original PDF
Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media by Chuan-Yu Wu - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Chuan-Yu Wu خلاصه: In numerical simulations of dense two-phase flow involving particulate materials the Discrete Element Method (DEM) has proved particularly effective in capturing the complex hydrodynamics of the solid phase. 1 DEM-based granular solid dynamics, including collisions and persistent contact with elaborate force-displacement laws, friction and cohesion have shown to be superior to traditional fluid-like, continuum approaches, which typically require coarse approximations and the introduction of artificial variables like solids pressure and viscosity. However, computational limitations of DEM models do not allow adding also the burden of flow simulations resolved at the level of particle-particle interstices, so that typically an averaged scale approach, with computational cell sizes of the order of a few particle diameters, is used. 2 .3 As a consequence, formulations of the drag force acting on individual particles are required to close the set of equations to solve for the solid and fluid phases. While many drag force models for monodisperse systems have been proposed in the literature, as discussed below, expressions for such force on a particle in a multi-particle system is currently the subject of extensive research work

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