Biostatistics A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)(11th Edition)
Biostatistics A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)(11th Edition)
نویسندگان: Wayne W. Daniel خلاصه: The ability to analyze and interpret enormous amounts of data has become a prerequisite for success in allied healthcare and the health sciences
Geocomputation with R
Geocomputation with R
نویسندگان: Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow خلاصه: Geocomputation with R is for people who want to analyze, visualize and model geographic data with open source software
Screens Producing & Media Operations: Advanced Practice for Media Server and Video Content Preparation
Screens Producing & Media Operations: Advanced Practice for Media Server and Video Content Preparation
نویسندگان: Laura Frank خلاصه: Media servers have established themselves as the dominant video playback tool for live events; however, the practice of delivering content to these systems and the structure of the media operations team is still evolving
Improving Aviation Performance through Applying Engineering Psychology:  Advances in Aviation Psychology, Volume 3
Improving Aviation Performance through Applying Engineering Psychology: Advances in Aviation Psychology, Volume 3
نویسندگان: Michael A. Vidulich, Pamela S. Tsang خلاصه: Aviation remains one of the most active and challenging domains for human factors and applied psychology
Advances in Aviation Psychology:  Volume 1 (Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations)
Advances in Aviation Psychology: Volume 1 (Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations)
نویسندگان: Michael A. Vidulich, Pamela S. Tsang, John Flach خلاصه: Aviation remains one of the most active and challenging domains for human factors and applied psychology
Questions That Sell: The Powerful Process for Discovering What Your Customer Really Wants (2nd Edition)
Questions That Sell: The Powerful Process for Discovering What Your Customer Really Wants (2nd Edition)
نویسندگان: Paul Cherry خلاصه: As a salesperson your product knowledge is extensive, but that's not enough. If you fail to ask the right questions - the ones that uncover a customer's real needs - you will never close the deal.
Video Atlas of Anterior Segment Repair and Reconstruction Managing Challenges in Cornea, Glaucoma, and Lens Surgery
Video Atlas of Anterior Segment Repair and Reconstruction Managing Challenges in Cornea, Glaucoma, and Lens Surgery
نویسندگان: Amar Agarwal, Priya Narang خلاصه: The quintessential video atlas on anterior segment surgery from world-renowned pioneer and international experts!Disorders of the anterior segment are a leading cause of ocular morbidity
Electrocardiography in Ischemic Heart Disease: Clinical and Imaging Correlations and Prognostic Implications
Electrocardiography in Ischemic Heart Disease: Clinical and Imaging Correlations and Prognostic Implications
نویسندگان: Miguel Fiol-Sala خلاصه: A fresh assessment of ischemic electrocardiography, its prognostic correlations, and the concepts and principles that underlie its use
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra:  Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares
نویسندگان: Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe خلاصه: This groundbreaking textbook combines straightforward explanations with a wealth of practical examples to offer an innovative approach to teaching linear algebra
Perfect Your German with Two Audio CDs: A Teach Yourself Guide (Teach Yourself Language) (2nd Edition)
Perfect Your German with Two Audio CDs: A Teach Yourself Guide (Teach Yourself Language) (2nd Edition)
نویسندگان: Paul Coggle, Heiner Schenke خلاصه: A language-learning program that provides the extra authenticity you want for your German skills Perfect Your German helps you sound like a native speaker

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