Handbook of Research on Promoting Higher- Order Skills and Global Competencies in Life and Work - Original PDF
Handbook of Research on Promoting Higher- Order Skills and Global Competencies in Life and Work - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jared Keengwe خلاصه: ABSTRACT Critical thinking and other higher-order thinking skills are key objectives of higher education. Through the development of higher-order thinking skills, students are able to discern information from multiple, often competing sources, make sound judgements, draw conclusions, and enact creative solutions to complex problems. However, faculty can struggle with how to help students develop higher-order think- ing skills, relying instead on transmission of knowledge, focusing on what to learn instead of how to learn. In this chapter, the author provides insights into the connections between using gamification as a pedagogical approach, and the development of higher-order thinking skills. The chapter addresses perspectives on higher-ordering thinking, approaches to gamification in college courses, and concludes with recommendations for faculty in approaching gamification
Hans Kelsen Biographie eines Rechtswissenschaftlers by Mohr Siebeck - Original PDF
Hans Kelsen Biographie eines Rechtswissenschaftlers by Mohr Siebeck - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mohr Siebeck خلاصه: Im August 1964 trat der deutsch-amerikanische Politikwissenschaftler Hans Mor- genthau an die Rockefeller Foundation mit der Idee heran, der weltberühmte Jurist Hans Kelsen solle an den Comer See nach Italien fahren, wo die Foundation noch heute die Villa Serbelloni besitzt, und dort »an intellectual history of his life and times« verfassen. Die Rockefeller Foundation war allerdings skeptisch, ob der bereits 83-jährige Gelehrte, der zu jener Zeit in Berkeley in Kalifornien lebte, überhaupt noch im Stande sei, nach Europa zu reisen und eine derartige Arbeit zu schreiben. 1 Morgenthau meinte hierauf, dass die Biographie ja auch in Berkeley verfasst werden und man Kelsen eine Sekretärin beistellen könne, wofür er Helen Smelser, die Frau des in Berkeley unterrichtenden Soziologieprofessors Neil Smelser vorschlug, zumal diese schon früher mit Kelsen zusammengearbeitet hatte. Tatsächlich gewährte die Rockefeller Foundation in der Folge einen Grant in Höhe von $ 3.500,–, sodass die Arbeiten beginnen konnten.
Psychiatric mental health nursing by  Karyn I. Morgan, Mary C. - Epub + Converted PDF
Psychiatric mental health nursing by Karyn I. Morgan, Mary C. - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Karyn I. Morgan, Mary C. خلاصه: Davis Edge is an online platform that affords faculty and students access to over 1,000 NCLEX-style questions, with complete and detailed rationales for all correct answers and incorrect distractors. Davis Edge provides faculty with a powerful assessment tool that seamlessly integrates with learning management systems and gradebooks. As students take quizzes in Davis Edge, the system provides data back to faculty as well, tracking student progress and reporting on areas of student strength and weakness (as individuals and at the cohort level) to assist with remediation. These tools empower instructors to continuously take the vital signs of their students’ performance—Davis Edge’s real-time analysis helps indicate when students are struggling with course content, so faculty can more quickly and easily identify, monitor, and support at- risk individuals, as well as track overall class trends. All questions in Davis Edge are completely different from those in the faculty test bank, so that quizzing and examinations are separate experiences. For students, the Davis Edge platform offers nearly endless opportunities to ensure that they comprehend and retain the information presented in the textbook.
Deutschland in Grün by Frank Uekötter - PDF
Deutschland in Grün by Frank Uekötter - PDF
نویسندگان: Frank Uekötter خلاصه: Das grüne Deutschland hat international unterschiedliche Bewertungen erfahren. Eine freundliche Lesart betont, die Deut- schen hätten ein Niveau des ökologischen Bewusstseins erreicht, von dem sich andere Länder ruhig eine Scheibe abschneiden könnten. Eine weniger freundliche Lesart zieht lieber eine Linie zu den finsteren Kapiteln der deutschen Geschichte, und natür- lich stehen dabei die Nazis an der Spitze der Beliebtheitsskala. Oft stimmen noch nicht einmal die Fakten, und von einer Refle- xion des Gesamtzusammenhangs ist bei solchen Gelegenheiten erst recht keine Rede.6 Während das grüne Deutschland inter- nationale Anerkennung findet, ist seine Geschichte ein Stein- bruch für all jene, denen es vor allem auf eine billige Provokation ankommt.
Colloids and interfaces with surfactants and polymers: an introduction - Original PDF
Colloids and interfaces with surfactants and polymers: an introduction - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jim Goodwin خلاصه: This text is both an introduction to the field and a bridge to the more specialist texts that are available, and includes recent ideas that have been developed on the interactions between particles and the concentrated state. It covers the fundamentals of colloid and interface science, placing emphasis on concentrated systems and the ideas associated with them. Takes a user-friendly, non-mathematical approach Includes the widely used techniques such as rheology in greater depth than other introductory texts Gives many practical examples of colloid and interface science Provides guidance on how to apply new ideas to a number of different systems
Nanocomposites of Polymers and Inorganic Particles - Original PDF
Nanocomposites of Polymers and Inorganic Particles - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Caseri W. خلاصه: This chapter deals with composites comprised of polymers and inorganic nanoparticles of rather uniform shape. Such composites are attributed to the class of nanocomposites because of the small size of the embedded particles, while the polymer phase is continuous. The attribution of particles to the class of nanoparticles is somewhat arbitrary; often particles of dimensions up to 50–100 nm are assigned to this notion, and expressions such as nanosized particles, colloids, or, occasionally, ultrafine particles are also used to designate particles as nanoparticles. The small size of the incorporated particles can induce materials properties which differ from those of related composites containing larger particles, for example, as a result of an extremely large interface area, which can readily amount to 107–109 m2 in a cube meter of nanocomposite, or a markedly reduced scattering of visible light. The latter is important if transparent or translucent materials are required for optical applications. This intensity loss of transmitted light by scattering can be estimated with the equation
Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings for Space and Harsh Environments - Original PDF
Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings for Space and Harsh Environments - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Lieng-Huang Lee (auth.), Lieng-Huang Lee (eds.) خلاصه: New technologies constantly generate new demands for exotic materials to be used in severe environments. The rapid developments of aerospace industries during the last two decades have required new materials to survive extreme high and low temperatures and various radiations. The exploration of new energy sources, e.g., solar and geothermal, has led us to develop new solar collectors and geothermal devices. Even the search for new oils has demanded that we study the corrosive environment of oil fields. In the telecommunication industries, optical fibers have been adopted broadly to replace metallic conductors. However, none of the optical fibers can survive abrasion or corrosion without the application of a coating material. For microelectronics, protection in terms of coatings and encapsulants is deemed necessary to prevent corrosion. One of the major causes of corrosion has been shown to be water which appears to be abundant in our earthly environments. Water can attack the bulk adhesive (or sealant), the interface, or the adherend. Water can also cause delamination of coating film, and it is definitely the major ingredient in causing cathodic or anodic corrosion. Thus, water becomes the major obstacle in solving durability problems of various materials in harsh environments.
Microbiology Handbook: Dairy Products - Original PDF
Microbiology Handbook: Dairy Products - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Rhea Fernandes (Editor) خلاصه: Milk and dairy products form a central part of the human diet, as they are rich in nutrients. On the other hand, because of their high nutrient value, they favour rapid microbial growth. In some cases, this microbial growth is beneficial, while in others it is undesirable. Dairy products may be contaminated with pathogens or microbial toxins; therefore, the microbiology of these products is of key interest to those in the dairy industry. 'Microbiology Handbook - Dairy Products' provides readers with an easy-to-use reference to microorganisms found in milk and dairy products. The handbook covers: initial microflora; sources of contamination; effects of processing on the survival and growth of microorganisms; spoilage; and hazards identified with the consumption of these products.
Successful Stock Signals for Traders and Portfolio Managers: Integrating Technical Analysis with Fundamentals to Improve Performance + Website - Original PDF
Successful Stock Signals for Traders and Portfolio Managers: Integrating Technical Analysis with Fundamentals to Improve Performance + Website - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Tom K. Lloyd Sr. خلاصه: Relative strength performance versus the Standard & Poors (S&P) 500 Index is the key to analyzing any large-cap (capitalization) stock, and is revealing when viewed in Exhibit 1.3. In this chapter, we will exploit the easiest and most powerful examples of technical analysis signals that tracked the demand that took Apple price up so dramatically. Relative strength is simply the comparison of a stock’s price movement to the price movement of the index. This is a simple, straight forward arithmetic ratio. It is then plotted and shown in Exhibit 1.3 as “AAPL: $SPX.” Notice the uptrend in the line created when the stock price is doing better than the index. As long as this line is in an uptrend, it classifies the stock as one that is outperforming the index. The trend line is calculated as a 20-week EMA. If you want to outperform the index this is the signal to watch.
Das große Buch der Markttechnik: Auf der Suche nach der Qualität im Trading - Original PDF
Das große Buch der Markttechnik: Auf der Suche nach der Qualität im Trading - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael Voigt خلاصه: Ort des Geschehens Handelsbüro der Firma E.T.S.I. Invest Ltd. Die Büroräume befinden sich in einer großräumigen alten Villa inmitten eines schönen Gartens und mit Blick auf ei- nen nahe gelegenen See. Die Firma verwaltet seit 18 Jahren Gelder von eng- lischen Institutionen. In diesem Büro arbeiten sechs Händler, weitere sechs sind in einem Auslandsbüro tätig.

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