Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World - Epub + Converted Pdf
Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Carol Pearson خلاصه: Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World by Carol Pearson
Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (10th Edition) [2022] - Original PDF
Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (10th Edition) [2022] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Franklin Demana خلاصه: Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, Global Edition by Franklin Demana (Author), Bert Waits (Author), Gregory Foley (Author), Daniel Kennedy (Author), David Bock (Author)
50 Literacy Strategies Step by Step Fourth Edition - Original PDF
50 Literacy Strategies Step by Step Fourth Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gail E. Tompkins خلاصه: Young children write “All About . . .” books on familiar topics (Tompkins, 2012). They put together a booklet with four or five pages, write a sentence or two on each page, and add illustrations to elaborate the information presented in the text. Stu- dents read the book to the teacher, who helps them elaborate ideas and correct mechani- cal errors before they share from the author’s chair (see p. 10). As they gain experience writing books with one or two sentences per page, students can expand and elaborate the information they share on each page, gradually increasing the length to a paragraph
Darwin: Portrait of a Genius by Paul Johnson - Epub + Converted PDF
Darwin: Portrait of a Genius by Paul Johnson - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Paul Johnson خلاصه: All his life, Charles Darwin believed that inheritance was much more important in shaping a man or woman than education or environment. Nature rather than nurture was formative, in his view. Though he knew nothing of the science of genetics, and never used the word gene, which is first recorded in English in 1911, more than a quarter- century after his death, he is a classic case of genetic inheritance. Indeed, two of his grandparents and his father can reasonably be classified as geniuses. His paternal grandfather, Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802) came from an old family of modest landowners. After Cambridge, he trained as a doctor in Edinburgh, and then practiced in Litchfield, Dr. Johnson’s town (they did not get on). He was successful and had many patients, easily earning £1,000 a year, a handsome income then. News of his skill reached the ears of George III, who invited him to come to London as the royal doctor. But Dr. Darwin declined. The Hanoverian royals were slow at paying their doctors. In any case, Darwin was happy as he was, combining a busy provincial practice with poetry and science. The symbol of this dualism was his coach, which he designed himself. It was fitted up with a writing desk, a skylight, and a portion of his library, so that he could carry on his intellectual pursuits while going on his daily round of professional calls.
Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
Experimental Design in Psychology Ninth Edition A Case Approach - Original PDF
نویسندگان: M. Kimberly MacLin خلاصه: PART I Basic Principles in Experimental Design Some people dread taking the research methods course required for most psychology majors. I’m not sure of all the reasons why, but for many they fear the course. It often has a lab compo- nent; at some universities it is worth more credit than regular content courses. It simply often has the reputation of being “hard.” Instead, for a moment, consider that research methods is exciting! It provides you the tools to be able to conduct your own research. Finally, you are in charge and you can study what you want to know. You are explorer, scientist, puzzle solver. The frst half of this book (Part I) introduces to you the basics of scientifc inquiry, including what science is and how psychological science is a subset of it. We’ll discuss how to distinguish between facts, theories, and speculation and how each are useful for developing research questions. We’ll cover the basics of the scientifc method, the specifcs of experimental design, and a review of other non-experimental research methods (so you know when it is appropriate to choose the experiment). You will be given insight into how to fnd and read the literature in psychology as well as how to plan, design, and carry out research. We will also cover the rules and procedures designed to ensure sound, ethical, and meaningful research. Throughout this material, you’ll be exposed to examples from the psychological literature that will allow you to see concepts and principles as they play out in real research studies. And in one particu- lar chapter (Chapter 7) you’ll be prompted to critically analyze experimental designs that have conceptual or technical faws. Being sensitive to mistakes will help you avoid them yourself
Integral Waterproofing of Concrete Structures - Original PDF
Integral Waterproofing of Concrete Structures - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Maher Al-Jabari خلاصه: Concrete is the most popular construction material, which has a widespread range of structural applications, under numerous environmental conditions and under various levels and types of mechanical loads. It is used in buildings, infrastruc- tures, dams etc. Its suitability and durability require a set of mechanical, physi- cal, and chemical characteristics in order to extend its service life. Concrete durability is defined according to Concrete Terminology by American Concrete Institute (ACI) [1], as “the ability of concrete to resist weathering action, chemi- cal attack, abrasion, and other conditions of service.” This performance is simply based on concrete chemistry. Concrete durability properties are determined by its chemical structure and porosity. These structural characteristics are determined by cement components and their reactions with water. Understanding concrete durability problems and solutions requires a sufficient knowledge about concrete chemistry.
Equity Trading Round-Up: Proposals for Strengthening the Markets - Original PDF
Equity Trading Round-Up: Proposals for Strengthening the Markets - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert A. Schwartz, John Aidan Byrne, Eileen Stempel خلاصه: This book examines the complexity of trading and the creation of liquidity. Titled after the Baruch College Financial Markets Conference, Equity Market Round-Up: Proposals for Strengthening the Markets, this book explores how regulation has a clear impact on market structure and, therefore, how market structure impacts efficient trading and capital formation. The following questions are analyzed: What are the liquidity strategies for pricing and interacting? Is liquidity any more available today for an illiquid stock than it was on the floor of the exchange 20 years ago? How do we cope with the dynamics of a continuous market? How can market structure be improved? What are the effects of high frequency trading? The Zicklin School of Business Financial Markets Series presents the insights emerging from a sequence of conferences hosted by the Zicklin School at Baruch College for industry professionals, regulators, and scholars. The transcripts from the conferences are edited for clarity, perspective and context; material and comments from subsequent interviews with the panelists and speakers are included for a complete thematic presentation. Each book is focused on a well delineated topic, but all deliver broad insights into the quality and efficiency of the U.S. equity markets and the dynamic forces that are changing them.
101 more interventions in family therapy - Original PDF
101 more interventions in family therapy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Adams, Jerome F.;Nelson, Thorana Strever;Trepper, Terry S خلاصه: 1. Don't just do something, stand there / Mark B. White -- 2. Mirroring movement for increasing family cooperation / Daniel J. Wiener -- 3. Seeing the obvious : data collection in therapy / Joellyn L. Ross -- 4. Of clocks and rubber bands : on the use of props in family therapy / Luciano L'Abate -- 5. Know the enemy's strategies and you will know your own power / Joellyn L. Ross -- 6. The race is on! A group contingency program to reduce sibling aggression / Kristin E. Robinson -- 7. Attitude as intervention / William C. Madsen -- 8. Sculpting stepfamily structure / Toni S. Zimmerman -- 9. Taped supervision as a reflecting team / Richard J. Bischoff -- 10. Becoming the "alien" other / Maryhelen Snyder -- 11. Playing baby / Ellen F. Wachtel -- 12. Competing voices : a narrative intervention / Gabrielle Carey -- 13. Start with meditation / Linda G. Bell -- 14. Emotional restructuring : re-romancing the marital relationship / Thomas W. Roberts -- 15. It's bigger than both of us / Carol L. Philpot -- 16. Joining with Jenga : an intervention for building trust with stepfamilies / Wanda Clark -- 17. Crisis intervention with families : a one-down position / Peter J. Jankowski -- 18. Columbo therapy as one-down positioning with families / Peter J. Jankowski -- 19. Seeing change when clients don't / G. Alan Willard -- 20. Making the genogram solution based / Bruce P. Kuehl, Charles P. Barnard, Thorana S. Nelson -- 21. From alienation to collaboration : three techniques for building alliances with adolescents in family therapy / Gary M. Diamond, Howard A. Liddle -- 22. What I needed versus what I got : giving clients permission to grieve / Tina M. Timm -- 23. Starting with the familiar : working with "difficult" clients / Diane R. Gehart-Brooks -- 24. A picture is worth a thousand words : use of family photographs to promote parental nurturance in family therapy with adolescents / Susan K. Mackey -- 25. A fairy-tale ending / Sharon A. Deacon -- 26. The wall of defenses / Sharon A. Deacon -- 27. Single women and the grief circle / Karen G. Lewis -- 28. Slaying the wild things / Debra W. Smith -- 29. The nightmare question : problem talk in solution-focused brief therapy with alcoholics and their families / Norman H. Reuss -- 30. I rewrite with a little help from my friends / Frank N. Thomas -- 31. Time and couples, part I : the decompression chamber / Peter Fraenkel.
Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods - Original PDF
Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael P. Nichols; Sean Davis خلاصه: Long considered the standard of excellence—the best introduction and guide to the practice of family therapy available—this accessible resource explores the rich history and contemporary practice of the entire field. Thorough, thoughtful, fair, and balanced, Family Therapy by Michael P. Nichols presents ideas and techniques that give readers a clear focus on clinical practice. While exploring the history, the classic schools, and the latest developments, this new edition puts an increased, pragmatic focus on clinical practice, which includes discussions of the author's observations of actual sessions with leading practitioners, as well as the best case studies of several invited master therapists. Included are video links, interactive chapter quizzes, new case studies, a new section on the impact of the Affordable Care Act, and many more content changes that bring the reader up to date on the latest and most critical issues in the field of family therapy today. The Enhanced Pearson eText features embedded videos and assessments.
Case Conceptualization in Family Therapy - Original PDF
Case Conceptualization in Family Therapy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael D. Reiter خلاصه: In this highly-anticipated new text for courses in family therapy, key concepts and techniques of the most prominent family therapy models are presented and put into practice. Each chapter utilizes the same unique case family to explore the intricacies of how that model views the theory of problem formation as well as the theory of problem resolution. Readers will work their way through nine engaging theory chapters written from the perspective of the founder. As theories are presented, the development of a case conceptualization will take shape and a deeper understanding of the unique situation of one case family currently having difficulties will be explored and studied, and a solution as to what course of treatment might be most appropriate will be evaluated.

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