ESUS AND JOHN WAYNE How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation - Epub + Converted PDF
ESUS AND JOHN WAYNE How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Kristin Kobes Du Mez خلاصه: INTRODUCTION ON A BITTERLY COLD DAY IN JANUARY 2016, Donald Trump stood on the stage of an auditorium at a small Christian college in Iowa. He boasted of his poll numbers and his crowd sizes. He warned of the dangers posed by Muslims and undocumented immigrants, and he talked of building a border wall. He denigrated American politicians as stupid, weak, and pathetic. He claimed that Christianity was “under siege” and urged Christians to band together and assert their power. He promised to lead. He had no doubts about the loyalty of his followers: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,” he claimed.1 That morning, the Rev. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Dallas, introduced Trump. As a pastor Jeffress couldn’t endorse a candidate, but he made clear that he wouldn’t be there if he didn’t think Trump “would make a great president.” Jeffress wasn’t alone. Already at that point, before the Iowa caucuses at the beginning of February, 42 percent of white evangelicals supported Trump—more than any other candidate. The reason was simple, Jeffress contended. Evangelicals were “sick and tired of the status quo.” They were looking for the leader who would “reverse the downward death spiral of this nation that we love so dearly.”
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
نویسندگان: C.R. Snyder خلاصه: This Handbook of Hope simply would not have happened without a small army of graduate students who, over the past decade, have come into my office one by one and suggested yetanother angle from which we could view hope. In that sense, what has come to be called hope theory has been like a gemstone that, when held to the light, sends shimmers of ideas about yet other possible implications or experiments. I have produced previous theories about reactions to personal feedback, uniqueness seeking, excuse making, and reality negotiation, hue none of chose have continued co produce the sufficiently intriguing questions to get me revved up for yet another experiment. Hope theory has been a great energizer at a time in my life when I have needed it. For the past seven years I have had a severe, unrelenting, and undiagnosed chest pain that is with me from my fim waking moments to the time th.at I slip off into sleep. Although I have been taking powerful pain killers, I think that none of those pills matches the positive effects of my getting lost in theory and research and work- ing with my students. At age 55 (by the time this book is published), I still enjoy the theory and bench science to the same degree that I did as a brand new 27-year- old assistant professor here at Kansas. And so, I have much for which to be th:.ink- ful.
Better for All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Racial Purity - Epub + Converted PDF
Better for All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Racial Purity - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Harry Bruinius خلاصه: On a cloudy afternoon on October 19, 1927, as a chilly autumn wind swept down off the Blue Ridge Mountains, rattling the windows of the infirmary at the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-minded, Dr. John H. Bell jotted a few notes about an operation he had performed earlier that day. He was the superintendent of this sprawling institution, a campus of regimented brick dormitories and rolling farmland set amid the bluffs overlooking Lynchburg, and one of the country’s finest. The morning’s procedure was simple, and dozens of such operations had taken place here over the years. But for this patient he wrote with particular care, since it was a case that might draw a bit of attention. “Patient sterilized this morning under authority of Act of Assembly in 1926, providing for the sterilization of mental defectives, and as ordered by the Board of Directors of this institution,” he wrote. “She went to the operating room at 9:30 and returned to her bed at 10:30, recovered promptly from the anaesthesia with no untoward after effects anticipated. One inch was removed from each Fallopian tube, the tubes ligated and the ends cauterized by carbolic acid followed by alcohol, and the edges of the broad ligaments brought together with continuous suture. Abdominal wound was united with layer sutures and the approximation of the closure was good.
Experiencing-the-Heavenly-Realm by judy franklin - Epub + Converted PDF
Experiencing-the-Heavenly-Realm by judy franklin - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: judy franklin خلاصه: INTRODUCTION Bill Johnson recently said, “One of the greatest needs in the Church right now is a revelation of Heaven. The reason being that God wants to entrust the resources of earth to a people who have their heart anchored in another world.” Throughout this book the “I” refers to the author, Judy Franklin. The exception being Chapters 1 and 28, which were written by Beni Johnson. Heavenly experiences are what this book is about...a heart anchored in another world. Hopefully you will see how you can have a closer relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I will share some of my own heavenly experiences as well as stories of others. In addition, I will outline obstacles to seeing and show you how to have heavenly experiences for yourself.
Absorbable biodegradable polymers - Original PDF
Absorbable biodegradable polymers - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Shalaby W. Shalaby, Karen J.L. Burg خلاصه: Egyptians sutured wounds as early as 3500 B.C. using a variety of natural polymers including treated intestines, which are the early versions of collagen-based surgical gut sutures.1 Synthetic, absorbable polyesters based on 2-hydroxyacetic acids were developed for preparing less tissue reactive alternatives to surgical gut sutures in the early 1970s. In addition to collagenbased polymers, other natural, absorbable polymers, such as albumin, chitosan, and hyaluronic acid and derivatives thereof have been used for many pharmaceutical and biomedical applications for several decades.2 Of these polymers, the application of chitosan and hyaluronic acid–based polymers has received a great deal of attention in the past 15 years for use in controlled drug delivery systems, tissue repair, tissue engineering, and controlling certain biological events.
Sociology and Philosophy - Original PDF
Sociology and Philosophy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Emile Durkheim خلاصه: First published in English in 1953, this volume represents a collection of three essays written by seminal sociologist and philsopher Emile Durkheim in which he puts forward the thesis that society is both a dynamic system and the seat of moral life. Each essay stands alone, but their connecting thread is the dialectic demonstration that a phenomenon, be a sociological or psychological one, is relatively independent of its matrix.
Markets in Early Medieval Europe: Trading and 'Productive' Sites, 650 - 850 - Original PDF
Markets in Early Medieval Europe: Trading and 'Productive' Sites, 650 - 850 - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Katharina Ulmschneider; Tim Pestell خلاصه: Major sites such as Hamwic and Dorestad typically dominate any discussion of early medieval trade and emporia - this study is altogether atypical in many ways. Comprising nineteen papers taken from a conference held at Worcester College, Oxford in 2000, the focus here is very much on the smaller, more rural trading centres and inland markets of Northern Europe. The contributors reflect very different approaches to the material, including studies that examine up-to-date historical, archaeological and numismatic evidence from Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden dating from the 7th to 9th century. The authors consider the rather controversial use of metal-detecting in identifying and defining new sites and patterns of interaction and exchange, highlighting its positive contribution. Contributors include Mark Blackburn, David Griffiths, Lars Jorgensen, Michael Metcalf, Julian D Richards, Peter Sawyer and Astrid Tummuscheit.
Trading For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) - Original PDF
Trading For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Grayson D. Roze, Lita Epstein خلاصه: Become a savvy trader and make money in both up and down markets These days, the market is volatile, and you need to know how to ride the waves and navigate the changing tides. Trading For Dummies is for investors in search of a clear guide to trading stocks in any type of market. Inside, you'll get sample stock charts, position trading tips and techniques, and fresh ways to analyze trends and indicators. Learn how to make smart decisions by identifying the stocks, bonds, funds, and commodities that will net you the maximum gain. Assume more risk, reap more benefits, build a more aggressive portfolio, and enjoy the greater gains that come with short- and medium-term trading methods. Learn about due diligence, key indicator analysis, and reading market trends Trade successfully in downward market trends and during recessions Use the latest tools to create your own charts and make smart decisions Profit from ETFs, bonds, and commodities, along with good old-fashioned stocks
Islamic leviathan: Islam and the making of state power - PDF
Islamic leviathan: Islam and the making of state power - PDF
نویسندگان: Author(s): Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr خلاصه: Islamization is commonly seen as the work of Islamist movements who have forced their ideology on ruling regimes and other hapless social actors. There is little doubt that ruling regimes and disparate social and political actors alike are pushed in the direction of Islamic politics by Islamist forces. However, Islamist activism and its revolutionary and utopian rhetoric only partly explain this trend. Here, Nasr argues that the state itself plays a key role in embedding Islam in the politics of Muslim countries. Focusing on Malaysia and Pakistan, Nasr argues that the turn to Islam is a facet of the state's drive to establish hegemony over society and expand its powers and control.
From Eudoxus to Einstein: a history of mathematical astronomy - Original PDF
From Eudoxus to Einstein: a history of mathematical astronomy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: C. M. Linton خلاصه: Since man first looked towards the heavens, a great deal of effort has been put into trying to predict and explain the motions of the sun, moon, and planets. Developments in man's understanding have been closely linked to progress in the mathematical sciences. Whole new areas of mathematics, such as trigonometry, were developed to aid astronomical calculations, and on numerous occasions throughout history, breakthroughs in astronomy have only been possible because of progress in mathematics.

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