The Embedded Self, Second Edition: An Integrative Psychodynamic and Systemic Perspective on Couples and Family Therapy - Original PDF
The Embedded Self, Second Edition: An Integrative Psychodynamic and Systemic Perspective on Couples and Family Therapy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mary-Joan Gerson خلاصه: First published in 1996, The Embedded Self was lauded as "a brilliant and long overdue rapprochement between psychoanalysis and family therapy conceived by a practitioner trained and experienced in both modalities of treatment." Mary-Joan Gerson’s integrated presentation of psychodynamic and family systems theory invited therapists of either orientation to learn the tools and techniques of the other, to mutual benefit. Firmly grounded in detailed case presentations, her focus on family therapy examined its history, organizing concepts, and developmental approaches, and addressed practical questions of diagnosis, clinical interaction, and referrals. A dozen years later, the psychoanalytic community is more open to integrating perspectives, and the growth of analysts working with couples and families necessitates an update of the material presented in The Embedded Self. Similarly, the family therapy community has deepened its interest in individual dynamics within systemic patterning. From a new and revised perspective on the possibilities of integration, Gerson covers the latest research in neuroscience and the transmission of affect within intimate relationships, with a new chapter on attachment theory and emotionally focused therapy. Sections on narrative therapy and psychoanalytically-oriented family therapy are expanded as well. The Embedded Self was a sterling introduction to family systems theory and therapy, and enhanced the work of analysts and family and couples therapists alike. The second edition proves no different in its context but wider in its scope, further enhancing the work of the family therapist interested in individual dynamics, and preparing the psychodynamically-oriented therapist who seeks to extend her craft from the dyad to the triad, and beyond.
An Introduction to Family Therapy - Original PDF
An Introduction to Family Therapy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Rudi Dallos, Ros Draper خلاصه: An introduction to the theory and practice of systemic family therapy This invaluable introductory title offers an overview of the core conceptual framework of family therapy, illustrated throughout by lively examples drawn from clinical practice. The book has been carefully designed as a teaching tool and includes a set of resources that can be used by individual readers or as part of teaching workshops. This new edition has been comprehensively updated throughout. Key additions and changes include: More on the evidence base for the effectiveness of family therapy A stronger focus on attachment and psychodynamic perspectives An entirely new chapter on assessment and formulation An entirely new chapter on integrative practice For counselors, family therapists, psychologists, and students.
Health and Wellness Tourism - Original PDF
Health and Wellness Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Melanie Smith, László Puczkó خلاصه: Health and Wellness Tourism takes an innovative look at this rapidly growing sector of today's thriving tourism industry. This book examines the range of motivations that drive this diverse sector of tourists, the products that are being developed to meet their needs and the management implications of these developments.A wide range of international case studies illustrate the multiple aspects of the industry and new and emerging trends including spas, medical wellness, life-coaching, meditation, festivals, pilgrimage and yoga retreats. The authors also evaluate marketing and promotional strategies and assess operational and management issues in the context of health and wellness tourism.
Sustainable Tourism - Original PDF
Sustainable Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: David Weaver خلاصه: Sustainable Tourism comprehensively examines the theoretical and applied dimensions of contemporary sustainable tourism from a global perspective. Using international case studies and examples, it provides cutting edge coverage of the latest developments in the area, both theoretically and practically. It takes the reader through all aspects of sustainable tourism from the emergence of the paradigm to sustainability issues in all types of tourism and all components of the industry. Divided into 11 chapters it covers* ?Alternative tourism? (AT), or small-scale tourism and its associated pros and cons* Sustainable tourism within the conventional ?mass? tourism sector: the ?green consumer?, transportation, accommodation, attractions and tour operator considering issues and developments in quality control* Destination sustainability: issues of community empowerment and ideal sustainability models* Conclusions for the future of sustainable tourismThe wide variety of international case studies used include: backpacking in Australia and Spain, Volunteer tourism in the US, Six Continents and Marriott hotels, Disney World, the Grand Prix, the Grand Canyon, mountain gorilla parks in Uganda and many more.Specifically written for courses in the specific topic area of sustainable tourism, this textbook considers the needs of both students and lecturers as follows:* Ideal for a semester course (or a 42-hour course)* Global perspective throughout the chapters and in the breadth of illustrative boxed case studies;* Chapters exceptionally well-integrated through frequent cross-references* End-of-chapter questions that prompt deeper integrative thinking on the part of the reader.* Online resources for the lecturer, including PowerPoint presentations and multiple choice exercises * Global perspective throughout the chapters and includes industry as well as destinations on both a small and large scale dimension* Discusses sustainability issues in both alternative and mass tourism and associated strengths and weaknesses of each* User-friendly text ideal for a semester module and packed with learning tools for the student
Collaborative Therapy with Multi-Stressed Families, Second Edition (The Guilford Family Therapy Series) - Original PDF
Collaborative Therapy with Multi-Stressed Families, Second Edition (The Guilford Family Therapy Series) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: William C. Madsen PhD خلاصه: Not a whole lot of innovation, but some novel ideas about counseling people and families in distress. The reviews of different methodologies is comprehensive enough but not overly wordy-effective usage of language is used in the book. I found it helpful for my review to take the LSW exam recently as well.
Character Recognition Systems [OCR] - Original PDF
Character Recognition Systems [OCR] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mohamed Cheriet, Nawwaf Kharma, Cheng-Lin Liu, Ching Suen خلاصه: "Much of pattern recognition theory and practice, including methods such as Support Vector Machines, has emerged in an attempt to solve the character recognition problem. This book is written by very well-known academics who have worked in the field for many years and have made significant and lasting contributions. The book will no doubt be of value to students and practitioners." -Sargur N. Srihari, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and Director, Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR), University at Buffalo, The State University of New York "The disciplines of optical character recognition and document image analysis have a history of more than forty years. In the last decade, the importance and popularity of these areas have grown enormously. Surprisingly, however, the field is not well covered by any textbook. This book has been written by prominent leaders in the field. It includes all important topics in optical character recognition and document analysis, and is written in a very coherent and comprehensive style. This book satisfies an urgent need. It is a volume the community has been awaiting for a long time, and I can enthusiastically recommend it to everybody working in the area." -Horst Bunke, Professor, Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (IAM), University of Bern, Switzerland In Character Recognition Systems, the authors provide practitioners and students with the fundamental principles and state-of-the-art computational methods of reading printed texts and handwritten materials. The information presented is analogous to the stages of a computer recognition system, helping readers master the theory and latest methodologies used in character recognition in a meaningful way. This book covers: * Perspectives on the history, applications, and evolution of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) * The most widely used pre-processing techniques, as well as methods for extracting character contours and skeletons * Evaluating extracted features, both structural and statistical * Modern classification methods that are successful in character recognition, including statistical methods, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), structural methods, and multi-classifier methods * An overview of word and string recognition methods and techniques * Case studies that illustrate practical applications, with descriptions of the methods and theories behind the experimental results Each chapter contains major steps and tricks to handle the tasks described at-hand. Researchers and graduate students in computer science and engineering will find this book useful for designing a concrete system in OCR technology, while practitioners will rely on it as a valuable resource for the latest advances and modern technologies that aren't covered elsewhere in a single book.
Consensus Over Switching Network Topology: Characterizing System Parameters and Joint Connectivity - Original PDF
Consensus Over Switching Network Topology: Characterizing System Parameters and Joint Connectivity - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jiahu Qin, Qichao Ma, Huijun Gao, Wei Xing Zheng, Yu Kang خلاصه: This book aims to extend existing works on consensus of multi-agent systems systematically. The agents to be considered range from double integrators to generic linear systems. The primary goal is to explicitly characterize how agent parameters, which reflect both self-dynamics and inner coupling of each agent, and switching network topologies jointly influence the collective behaviors. A series of necessary and/or sufficient conditions for exponential consensus are derived. The contents of this book are as follows. Chapter 1 provides the background and briefly reviews the advances of consensus of multi-agent systems. Chapter 2 addresses the consensus problem of double integrators over directed switching network topologies. It is proven that exponential consensus can be secured under very mild conditions incorporating the damping gain and network topology. Chapter 3 considers generic linear systems with undirected switching network topologies. Necessary and sufficient conditions on agent parameters and connectivity of the communication graph for exponential consensus are provided. Chapter 4 furthers the study of consensus for multiple generic linear systems by considering directed switching network topologies. How agent parameters and joint connectivity work together for reaching consensus is characterized from an algebraic and geometric view. Chapter 5 extends the design and analysis methodology to containment control problem, where there exist multiple leaders. A novel analysis framework from the perspective of state transition matrix is developed. This framework relates containment to consensus and overcomes the difficulty of construction of a containment error. This book serves as a reference to the main research issues and results on consensus of multi-agent systems. Some prerequisites for reading this book include linear system theory, matrix theory, mathematics, and so on.
Quality Tourism Experiences - Original PDF
Quality Tourism Experiences - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gayle Jennings, Norma Nickerson خلاصه: The theme of the edited book acknowledges the multiple meanings of quality tourism experiences, the diverse contexts in which tourism occurs, and the varied stakeholders associated directly or indirectly with the phenomenon of tourism."Quality tourism experiences" is a widely used phrase in tourism and tourism-related texts and is associated with a diversity of meanings and usage. Meanings are ascribed by industry/business, government agencies, tourists, community and academics. The phrase is used to argue, for example, for positive social impacts, economic benefits, environmental protection, government policy formulation, discrimination between tourism products as well as issues associated with sustainability. Subsequently, the phrase "quality tourism experiences" is not a nomothetic term but rather one associated with multiple interpretations and meanings. The book"s overarching tenet is that "quality" is a socially constructed term (as are the terms tourism experiences). Authors investigate the role of the mass media, the role of travel providers, the role of host communities, the role of tourists, and the role of "government" at all its levels. From an academic perspective, quality tourism experiences are associated with interaction between host and guest (tourists and community perspectives), the classification of type of tourism product (tourism industry and government sector perspectives), market differentiation and development, tourist perspectives, the notion of an integrated system and benefits from an economic perspective.Similarly, quality is associated with different meanings and is used in a variety of contexts within tourism literature. For example quality is associated with service quality, quality assurance/auditing and control, perceptions of quality at an individual/business/community level, that is, stakeholder level, and in regard to product and market differentiation. The book draws together writers from different backgrounds and interdisciplinary interests and research methodologies, as a consequence, the book provides a model of the way researchers can work together to illuminate an area and to provide multiple representations and interpretations of that area. Moreover the book demonstrates interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and intradisciplinary approaches and collaborations.Kathleen Andereck, Ph.D., Arizona State University WestSue Beeton, Ph.D., La Trobe UniversityHeather E. Bowen, Ph.D., George Mason UniversityKelly S. Bricker, Ph.D., West Virginia University Barbara Carmichael, Ph.D., Wilfrid Laurier UniversityMaggie Daniels, Ph.D., George Mason UniversityGayle Jennings, Ph.D., Central Queensland UniversityClaudia Jurowski, Ph.D, Northern Arizona UniversityDeborah Kerstetter, Ph.D., Penn State UniversityNorma Nickerson, Ph.D., University of MontanaLori Pennington-Gray, Ph.D., University of Florida Carla Almeida Santos, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Betty Weiler, Ph.D., Monash University * Examines the multiple meanings of quality across a variety of settings, as well as across and between various stakeholder groups * Defines and applies theoretical frameworks and research models from a cross-disciplinary perspective* Provides international perspective through case studies, extensive references, and web resources
Prejudice, Stigma, Privilege, and Oppression - Original PDF
Prejudice, Stigma, Privilege, and Oppression - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Lorraine T. Benuto, Melanie P. Duckworth, Akihiko Masuda, William O'Donohue خلاصه: Examines the slow progress of the cultural sensitivity movement in behavioral health Provides insights for recognizing and dealing with prejudice and oppression in behavioral health settings Clinically relevant to clinical psychology and social work practice
Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama - Original PDF
Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Scott Giacomucci خلاصه: Is the first book on the intersection of the fields of social work, sociometry, and psychodrama Provides an overview of integrated sociometry and psychodrama tools into practice Summarizes Moreno’s work on sociometry, psychodrama, and group psychotherapy Is an open access book

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