A particular client, Linda, is notorious among the staff of a local mental health clinic. Mere mention of her name elicits a collective groan. She is a single parent of three children, none of whom know their different fathers. Linda came from an abusive, alcoholic family and grew up in multiple foster homes. She has an extensive drug history, wildly fluctuating mood swings, and an explosive temper. She routinely calls in crisis, and members of the crisis team refer to her as a “frequent flyer.” Numerous clinic staff members are alarmed about her parenting and view her as a “help-rejecting, hos- tile borderline in denial.” After a recent incident in which Linda ended up screaming obscenities at her son’s therapist in the waiting room, the staff is debating whether to demand an apology for her behavior or ban her from the clinic.
چکیده فارسی
یک مشتری خاص، لیندا، در میان کارکنان یک کلینیک بهداشت روان محلی بدنام است. ذکر نام او باعث ناله جمعی می شود. او یک والد مجرد سه فرزند است که هیچ یک از آنها پدرهای متفاوت خود را نمی شناسند. لیندا از خانواده ای بدسرپرست و الکلی بود و در چندین خانه پرورشی بزرگ شد. او سابقه مواد مخدر گسترده، نوسانات خلقی شدید و خلق و خوی انفجاری دارد. او به طور معمول در هنگام بحران تماس می گیرد و اعضای تیم بحران از او به عنوان "فراموشگر" یاد می کنند. تعداد زیادی از کارکنان کلینیک از فرزندپروری او نگران هستند و او را به عنوان یک "خط مرزی رد کننده کمک و خصمانه در انکار" می دانند. پس از یک حادثه اخیر که در آن لیندا در اتاق انتظار به درمانگر پسرش فریاد می زد، کارکنان در حال بحث هستند که آیا برای رفتار او عذرخواهی کنند یا او را از کلینیک منع کنند.
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A particular client, Linda, is notorious among the staff of a local mental health clinic. Mere mention of her name elicits a collective groan. She is a single parent of three children, none of whom know their different fathers. Linda came from an abusive, alcoholic family and grew up in multiple foster homes. She has an extensive drug history, wildly fluctuating mood swings, and an explosive temper. She routinely calls in crisis, and members of the crisis team refer to her as a “frequent flyer.” Numerous clinic staff members are alarmed about her parenting and view her as a “help-rejecting, hos- tile borderline in denial.” After a recent incident in which Linda ended up screaming obscenities at her son’s therapist in the waiting room, the staff is debating whether to demand an apology for her behavior or ban her from the clinic.
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