The index trading course workbook: step-by-step exercises and tests to help you master the index trading course - Original PDF
The index trading course workbook: step-by-step exercises and tests to help you master the index trading course - Original PDF
نویسندگان: George A. Fontanills, Tom Gentile خلاصه: An indispensable, hands-on companion to The Index Trading Course In The Index Trading Course , financial experts George Fontanills and Tom Gentile provide an in-depth look at the tools and techniques used to trade in this profitable market. Now, in The Index Trading Course Workbook , Fontanills and Gentile offer a wealth of practical exercises that will help further your understanding of index trading, as well as test and apply what you've learned before you take one step into the real markets-where time and money are luxuries you can't afford to lose. The media assignments found in each chapter are especially useful. They'll help you put the material you've read into action by prompting you to access some of the extensive media tools currently available to all traders-including financial papers, magazines, the Internet, and television. This hands-on companion to The Index Trading Course also includes a complete answer key for every multiple-choice question and covers a wide range of issues related to this discipline such as: Core stock market indexes along with the sector offerings from a variety of financial entities Actively traded index products, including exchange traded funds (ETFs), index options, and ETF options Options strategies used for different trends and volatility situations Indicators and systems Trade adjustments The art of risk management
The index trading course - Original PDF
The index trading course - Original PDF
نویسندگان: George A. Fontanills, Tom Gentile, Frederic Ruffy خلاصه: "George and Tom apply their considerable options trading and teaching expertise to the arena of broad-based and sector indices. Index options traders will find the techniques, systems, and strategies invaluable-and so will those who aren't yet index traders, but want to learn to be." —Larry McMillan, President, McMillan Analysis Corporation author, Profit with Options
The handbook of pairs trading: strategies using equities, options, and futures - Original PDF
The handbook of pairs trading: strategies using equities, options, and futures - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Douglas S. Ehrman خلاصه: Learn both the theory and practice of pairs trading, why it is consistently profitable, and how you can apply the strategies in your own trading with this valuable guide. Author Douglas Ehrman covers pairs trading involving stocks, options on stocks, and futures contracts, and explains how this type of trading allows you to profit from the changing price relationship of securities. In addition to a comprehensive discussion of the theories involved, he also includes practical examples that will to help you put what you've learned into practice. Douglas S. Ehrman is a hedge fund manager and a leading authority on pairs trading. He is one of the founders and the Chief Executive Officer of AlphAmerica Asset Management LLC in Chicago. He also served as the chief executive officer of AlphAmerica Financial, Inc., the company that operated PairsTrading.com prior to its merger with PairTrader.com.
Deliberate Practice in Systemic Family Therapy - Original PDF
Deliberate Practice in Systemic Family Therapy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Adrian Blow, Ryan Seedall, Deb Miller, Tony Rousmaniere, Alexandre Vaz خلاصه: Deliberate practice exercises allow students and trainees to rehearse systemic family therapy (SFT) skills to develop basic competence and hone their own personal therapeutic style. In these exercises, two or more trainees role-play couples or family therapy sessions with one trainee acting as the therapist and the others acting as clients, rotating through these roles under a supervisor’s guidance. The trainee playing the therapist improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—that reflect common problems and concerns encountered by SFT practitioners. The first 12 exercises each focus on a single skill, such as building a therapeutic alliance, deescalating conflicts, establishing rules and boundaries, and addressing diversity issues. These are followed by two comprehensive exercises—an annotated transcript and free-form mock therapy sessions—in which trainees integrate these essential skills into a single SFT session. Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
Mastering competencies in family therapy: a practical approach to theories and clinical case documentation - Original PDF
Mastering competencies in family therapy: a practical approach to theories and clinical case documentation - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gehart, Diane R خلاصه: Marriage and family therapy competencies -- Competency in family therapy -- Case conceptualization -- Clinical assessment -- Treatment planning -- Evaluating progress in therapy -- Document it: progress notes -- Marriage and family therapy theories -- Understanding the role of theory in therapy -- Philosophical foundations of family therapy theories -- Systemic and strategic therapies -- Structural therapy -- Experiential family therapies -- Intergenerational and psychoanalytical family therapies -- Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral couple and family therapies -- Solution-based therapies -- Collaborative and narrative therapies -- Group therapy with couples and families -- Closing thoughts: where to go from here? -- CACREP competency-based standards.
Socioculturally Attuned Family Therapy: Guidelines for Equitable Theory and Practice - Original PDF
Socioculturally Attuned Family Therapy: Guidelines for Equitable Theory and Practice - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Teresa McDowell, Carmen Knudson-Martin, J. Maria Bermudez خلاصه: It would be difficult to find a family therapist today who does not believe culture and societal context are important. Sometimes the effects are obvious; a woman seeks therapy for depres- sion and we quickly realize she is embedded in a relationship that strips her of dignity and voice. This woman’s plight can be linked to a broader society in which women are systemati- cally disempowered. A gay couple living in a conservative rural community turn the effects of their oppression inward, heightening conflict between them. White members of a biracial family fail to understand the full impact of racism on those they love, creating tension between them. Other times the effects are less obvious; a white, upper-middle-class, heterosexual cou- ple argue over one of their spending habits, or a teenage boy in a seemingly stable middle-class family acts out in the community
Advanced Methods in Family Therapy Research: a focus on validity and change - Original PDF
Advanced Methods in Family Therapy Research: a focus on validity and change - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Richard B Miller, Lee N. Johnson خلاصه: I (L.J.) remember when I started graduate school as a new student in the field of marriage and family therapy (MFT). One of the required classes in my first semester was statistics. I was an engineering major and I enjoy math so I thought statistics would be fun. The teacher was great, and I learned a lot. The one downside to the experience was that the course was taught in the agriculture department. The class focused mostly on analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the instructor would draw a 2 × 2 or larger plot on the chalk- board and say something like, “You can randomly assign conditions to each square in your field, and then you plant your seeds in the randomly assigned quadrant, and you can ‘see’ what happens and calculate an ANOVA.” After a few class periods of plot drawing and hearing examples from agriculture, I felt like I was starting to learn what an ANOVA was and how to calculate it. But I was missing the application to people. So, being the good graduate student that I was, I raised my hand and asked, “How do you do this with people?” The instructor replied, “You don’t.” I was dumbfounded. Why was I taking this class if I could not apply what I was learning to people? Why was I taking this class from someone who was a fine teacher but did not know how to apply this information to people? As I progressed through graduate school and took other statistics and research methods courses, I was able to fill in the gaps and learn how to apply statistics to people. I also learned how much more compli- cated research was when trying to apply what I had learned about researching individual people to researching more complex configurations that included couples and families.
The Practice of Family Therapy: Key Elements Across Models - Original PDF
The Practice of Family Therapy: Key Elements Across Models - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Suzanne Midori Hanna (Editor) خلاصه: Now in its fifth edition, The Practice of Family Therapy comes at a time when traditional approaches to psychotherapy have given way to multidimensional strategies that best serve the needs of diverse groups who are grappling with the many challenges unique to family therapy practice. With expanded coverage of different models, along with new developments in evidence-based and postmodern practices, this integrative textbook bridges the gap between science and systemic/relational approaches, as it guides the reader through each stage of family therapy. Part I lays the groundwork by introducing the first-, second-, and third-generation models of family therapy, teaching the reader to integrate different elements from these models into a systemic structure of practice. Part II explores the practical application of these models, including scripts for specific interventions and rich case examples that highlight how to effectively work with diverse client populations. Students will learn how to make connections between individual symptoms and cutting-edge family practices to respond successfully to cases of substance abuse, trauma, grief, depression, suicide risk, violence, LGBTQ families, and severely mentally ill clients and their families. Also included are study guides for each model and a glossary to review main concepts. Aligned with the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards’ (AMFTRB) knowledge and content statements, this textbook will be key reading for graduate students who are preparing for the national licensing exam in marriage and family therapy.
Elements of Mathematics for Economics and Finance - PDF
Elements of Mathematics for Economics and Finance - PDF
نویسندگان: Author(s): Vassilis C. Mavron, Timothy N. Phillips خلاصه: Based on over 15 years’ experience in the design and delivery of successful first-year courses, this book equips undergraduates with the mathematical skills required for degree courses in economics, finance, management and business studies. The book starts with a summary of basic skills and takes its readers as far as constrained optimisation helping them to become confident and competent in the use of mathematical tools and techniques that can be applied to a range of problems in economics and finance. Designed as both a course text and a handbook, the book assumes little prior mathematical knowledge beyond elementary algebra and is therefore suitable for students returning to mathematics after a long break. The fundamental ideas are described in the simplest mathematical terms, highlighting threads of common mathematical theory in the various topics. Features include: a systematic approach: ideas are touched upon, introduced gradually and then consolidated through the use of illustrative examples; several entry points to accommodate differing mathematical backgrounds; numerous worked examples and exercises to illustrate the theory and applications; full solutions to exercises, available to lecturers via the web. Vass Mavron is Professor of Mathematics in the Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Wales Aberystwyth. Tim Phillips is Professor of Mathematics and Professorial Fellow in the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University.
John Locke’s Politics of Moral Consensus - PDF
John Locke’s Politics of Moral Consensus - PDF
نویسندگان: Author(s): Greg Forster خلاصه: The aim of this highly original book is twofold: to explain the reconciliation of religion and politics in the work of John Locke and to explore the relevance of that reconciliation for politics in our own time.Confronted with deep social divisions over ultimate beliefs, Locke sought to unite society in a single liberal community. Reason could identify divine moral laws that would be acceptable to members of all cultural groups, thereby justifying the authority of government. Greg Forster demonstrates that Locke's theory is liberal and rational but also moral and religious, providing an alternative to the two extremes of religious fanaticism and moral relativism.This fresh new account of Locke's thought will appeal to specialists and advanced students across philosophy, political science, and religious studies.

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