Advanced Methods in Family Therapy Research: a focus on validity and change - Original PDF

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Author: Richard B Miller, Lee N. Johnson

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I (L.J.) remember when I started graduate school as a new student in the field of marriage and family therapy (MFT). One of the required classes in my first semester was statistics. I was an engineering major and I enjoy math so I thought statistics would be fun. The teacher was great, and I learned a lot. The one downside to the experience was that the course was taught in the agriculture department. The class focused mostly on analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the instructor would draw a 2 × 2 or larger plot on the chalk- board and say something like, “You can randomly assign conditions to each square in your field, and then you plant your seeds in the randomly assigned quadrant, and you can ‘see’ what happens and calculate an ANOVA.” After a few class periods of plot drawing and hearing examples from agriculture, I felt like I was starting to learn what an ANOVA was and how to calculate it. But I was missing the application to people. So, being the good graduate student that I was, I raised my hand and asked, “How do you do this with people?” The instructor replied, “You don’t.” I was dumbfounded. Why was I taking this class if I could not apply what I was learning to people? Why was I taking this class from someone who was a fine teacher but did not know how to apply this information to people? As I progressed through graduate school and took other statistics and research methods courses, I was able to fill in the gaps and learn how to apply statistics to people. I also learned how much more compli- cated research was when trying to apply what I had learned about researching individual people to researching more complex configurations that included couples and families.

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I recall another experience during my (L.J.) dissertation proposal meet- ing. I was developing an understanding of the complex nature of research- ing couples and families and how their shared environment contributes to the 1 INTRODUCTION The Importance of Validity, Relationships, and Change in Marriage and Family Therapy Research Lee N. Johnson and Richard B Miller LEE N. JOHNSON AND RICHARD B MILLER 2 nonindependent nature of their responses. However, I had overlooked another problem that MFT researchers need to grapple with. How do we measure and analyze change across time? My dissertation committee, (of which Rick was a member), was very helpful, and I remember having a lengthy discussion of the many ways to analyze change and how scores at the beginning of therapy may be related (the nonindependent word came up again) to scores at subsequent times during therapy. Early in my career, I (L.J.) found it difficult to find answers to these ques- tions about dealing appropriately with data from multiple family members in statistical analysis. Moreover, it wasn’t well understood how to analyze change using clinical data because couples’ and families’ responses across waves were also nonindependent. Ignoring these issues when doing MFT research leads to inac- curate results and flawed conclusions, which makes appropriately dealing with them important.

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تجربه دیگری را در طول جلسه پیشنهاد پایان نامه خود (L.J.) به یاد می آورم. من در حال توسعه درکی از ماهیت پیچیده تحقیق زوج‌ها و خانواده‌ها بودم و اینکه چگونه محیط مشترک آنها به 1 مقدمه اهمیت اعتبار، روابط و تغییر در ازدواج و تحقیقات خانواده درمانی لی ان. جانسون و ریچارد بی میلر لی کمک می‌کند. N. جانسون و ریچارد بی میلر 2 ماهیت غیر مستقل پاسخ های آنها. با این حال، من مشکل دیگری را که محققان MFT باید با آن دست و پنجه نرم کنند نادیده گرفته بودم. چگونه تغییرات را در طول زمان اندازه گیری و تحلیل کنیم؟ کمیته پایان نامه من، (که ریک یکی از اعضای آن بود)، بسیار مفید بود، و به یاد دارم که در مورد روش های متعدد تجزیه و تحلیل تغییرات و چگونگی ارتباط نمرات در ابتدای درمان (کلمه غیر مستقل دوباره مطرح شد) بحث طولانی داشتم. در زمان های بعدی در طول درمان به امتیاز می رسد. در اوایل کارم، برای من (L.J.) یافتن پاسخ برای این سؤالات در مورد برخورد مناسب با داده‌های چند عضو خانواده در تجزیه و تحلیل آماری دشوار بود. علاوه بر این، نحوه تجزیه و تحلیل تغییر با استفاده از داده‌های بالینی به خوبی درک نشده بود، زیرا پاسخ‌های زوج‌ها و خانواده‌ها در سراسر امواج نیز غیرمستقل بود. نادیده گرفتن این مسائل هنگام انجام تحقیقات MFT منجر به نتایج نادرست و نتایج ناقص می شود، که برخورد مناسب با آنها را مهم می کند.


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Author(s): Richard B Miller, Lee N. Johnson

Publisher: Routledge, Year: 2014

ISBN: 9780203084526

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CONTENTS CONTENTS viii 7 Using Questionnaires in Clinical Couple and Family Research 94 DEANNA LINVILLE, JEFF L. TODAHL, AND MAYA ELIN O’NEIL 8 Emergent Technologies in Marriage and Family Therapy Research 112 CRAIG W. SMITH, KELLY A. MAXWELL, AND LEE N. JOHNSON 9 Physiological Research in Couple and Family Therapy 124 KIM D. GREGSON AND SCOTT A. KETRING 10 Electroencephalography in Marriage and Family Therapy Research 142 TRENT S. PARKER, KRISTYN M. BLACKBURN, AND RONALD J. WERNER-WILSON SECTION III Methodologies 159 11 Cultural Adaptation Research: A Critical Opportunity for Addressing Mental Health Disparities in the Couple and Family Therapy Field 161 JOSÉ RUBÉN PARRA-CARDONA, MICHAEL R. WHITEHEAD, ANA ROCÍO ESCOBAR-CHEW, KENDAL HOLTROP, SARA N. LAPPAN, SHEENA R. HORSFORD, MELANIE M. DOMENECH RODRÍGUEZ, AND GUILLERMO BERNAL 12 Randomized Clinical Trials: Putting Marriage and Family Therapy Interventions to the Test 178 WAYNE H. DENTON 13 Single-Case Research with Couples and Families 196 KAYLA D. MENNENGA AND LEE N. JOHNSON 14 Examining Micro-Change in Clinical Populations Using a Daily Diary Approach 208 JEREMY B. YORGASON, LEE N. JOHNSON, AND NATHAN R. HARDY 15 Observational Research 230 KAREN S. WAMPLER AND JAMES M. HARPER CONTENTS ix 16 Qualitative Research for Family Therapy 247 JERRY E. GALE AND MEGAN L. DOLBIN-MACNAB 17 Mixed Methods Clinical Research with Couples and Families 266 MEGAN L. DOLBIN-MACNAB, JOSÉ RUBÉN PARRA-CARDONA, AND JERRY E. GALE 18 Community-Based Participatory Research: Where Family Therapists Can Make a Difference 282 DAVE ROBINSON, MICHAEL M. OLSON, RICHARD BISCHOFF, PAUL SPRINGER, AND JENENNE GESKE 19 Health Services Research: Optimizing Delivery of Care 298 ADRIAN BLOW AND CHRIS MARCHIONDO SECTION IV Analysis 313 20 Applied Statistical Analysis and Interpretation 315 LEE N. JOHNSON AND RICHARD B MILLER 21 Missing Data 329 COLWICK M. WILSON, RUTH HOUSTON BARRETT, AND SARAH C. STUCHELL 22 Mediation and Moderation: Conceptual Foundations and Analytical Applications 347 JARED R. ANDERSON, JARED A. DURTSCHI, KRISTY L. SOLOSKI, AND MATTHEW D. JOHNSON 23 Dyadic or Systemic Data Analysis 366 SUZANNE BARTLE-HARING, LENORE M. MCWEY, AND JARED A. DURTSCHI 24 Observing Couple and Family Relationships: Data Management and Analysis 383 RYAN B. SEEDALL 25 Statistical Analysis with Small Samples 401 RACHEL B. TAMBLING AND SHAYNE R. ANDERSON CONTENTS x 26 Integrating Costs into Marriage and Family Therapy Research 420 JACOB D. CHRISTENSON AND D. RUSSELL CRANE Author Index 437 Subject Index 456

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