A Primer for Financial Engineering: Financial Signal Processing and Electronic Trading - Original PDF
A Primer for Financial Engineering: Financial Signal Processing and Electronic Trading - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ali N. Akansu, Mustafa U. Torun خلاصه: This book bridges the fields of finance, mathematical finance and engineering, and is suitable for engineers and computer scientists who are looking to apply engineering principles to financial markets. The book builds from the fundamentals, with the help of simple examples, clearly explaining the concepts to the level needed by an engineer, while showing their practical significance. Topics covered include an in depth examination of market microstructure and trading, a detailed explanation of High Frequency Trading and the 2010 Flash Crash, risk analysis and management, popular trading strategies and their characteristics, and High Performance DSP and Financial Computing. The book has many examples to explain financial concepts, and the presentation is enhanced with the visual representation of relevant market data. It provides relevant MATLAB codes for readers to further their study. Provides engineering perspective to financial problems In depth coverage of market microstructure Detailed explanation of High Frequency Trading and 2010 Flash Crash Explores risk analysis and management Covers high performance DSP & financial computing
FX Derivatives Trader School - Original PDF
FX Derivatives Trader School - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Giles Peter Jewitt خلاصه: An essential guide to real-world derivatives trading FX Derivatives Trader School is the definitive guide to the technical and practical knowledge required for successful foreign exchange derivatives trading. Accessible in style and comprehensive in coverage, the book guides the reader through both basic and advanced derivative pricing and risk management topics. The basics of financial markets and trading are covered, plus practical derivatives mathematics is introduced with reference to real-world trading and risk management. Derivative contracts are covered in detail from a trader's perspective using risk profiles and pricing under different derivative models. Analysis is approached generically to enable new products to be understood by breaking the risk into fundamental building blocks. To assist with learning, the book also contains Excel practicals which will deepen understanding and help build useful skills. The book covers of a wide variety of topics, including: * Derivative exposures within risk management * Volatility surface construction * Implied volatility and correlation risk * Practical tips for students on trading internships and junior traders * Market analysis techniques FX derivatives trading requires mathematical aptitude, risk management skill, and the ability to work quickly and accurately under pressure. There is a tremendous gap between option pricing formulas and the knowledge required to be a successful derivatives trader. FX Derivatives Trader School is unique in bridging that gap.
Idiot's Guides: Options TradingTrading on Sentiment - Original PDF
Idiot's Guides: Options TradingTrading on Sentiment - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Logue, Ann خلاصه: Options are powerful tools for managing financial assets. They can be used to manage risk, generate income, and make money. They’re also complicated. Let’s get that upfront. As a result, too many investors shy away from options because they confuse “complication” with “risk.” Others are led astray by advisers who take advantage of the complication to recommend high- commission, low-return strategies. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. Because options are complicated, though, they are an ideal topic for a book like this. Here, I break down the terminology and function of options to help you understand how you can use them to manage risk and to make money. An option is a contract that gives you the right to buy or sell something at a predetermined price on a predetermined future date. You are not obligated to exercise the contract, so you won’t unless it is to your advantage to do so. Most options are not exercised. It sounds like a goofy thing, doesn’t it? It sounds like something that’s not quite real, not quite practical, and possibly sketchy, doesn’t it? Perhaps it sounds like something that’s used by finan- cial people just to confuse the rest of us. However, options have real value. Suppose you think about an option in another way: as insurance. Your car insurance policy gives you the right, but not the obligation, to file an accident claim up to the amount of value of the car while the policy is in force. You don’t have to file a claim, and it might not be worth your while to even file it if you do have a minor accident that will cost less to repair than to cover your deductible. And yet, that policy has real value to you even if it expires unused. An option is a form of insurance. It is written on the value of an underlying asset, such as a share of stock, a market index, or a foreign currency. Some people buy options to insure against an unfavorable price change.
Trading binary options: strategies and tactics - Original PDF
Trading binary options: strategies and tactics - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Cofnas, Abe خلاصه: Let’s get right to the point and answer the question: What are binary options? Binary options are a type of option instrument that provide a fixed deadline for expiration, with a fixed payout. Basically, it is a yes or no bet. Specifi- cally, the bet is on whether a settled price of an underlying market will be at, above, or below a target strike barrier, by a defined future time. For example, on a Monday morning, the trader is trying to answer the question: Will the S&P be at 1350 by Friday at 4 p.m.? If the trader anticipated this outcome, and turned out to be right, the payoff using the North American Deriva- tives Exchange (Nadex) binary options would be $100 per unit. If another index—the S&P 500, for example—did not reach this level, the payoff would be zero dollars. If the trader is correct, the return can approach extraordinary levels of 500 percent and more for only five days of play. This book will show you how it is possible for the average person to achieve extraordinary profits with binary option trading.
Quantitative trading with r: understanding mathematical and computational tools from a ... quant's perspective - Original PDF
Quantitative trading with r: understanding mathematical and computational tools from a ... quant's perspective - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Georgakopoulos, H خلاصه: The primary tools that quants and traders rely on to perform their daily activi- ties include intuition, data, computer hardware, computer software, mathematics, and finance. They utilize these tools in ingenious ways as a means to an end. The end, of course, is the generation of consistent profits in the financial markets. Many traders have done well for themselves by relying on intuition alone. But intuition alone, on average, will not yield superior results. A tool chest of sorts is required in order to maximize the quant/trader’s chances of producing consistent and favor- able outcomes. A programming language is one such tool. In this book, we will learn how to wield the R programming language for the purposes of manipulating data, performing math operations, automating workflows, displaying informative visualizations, creating reproducible results, and doing lots of other cool stuff. The R language R [88] is an open-source scripting language that has become very popular among statisticians, data science practitioners, and academics over the years. It is a func- tional programming language by nature, but it also supports the object oriented and imperative programming paradigms. 1 In some sense, R is both a program- ming language as well as a development framework. The framework has support for some advanced graphing capabilities and provides access to multiple state-of-the- art statistical packages. The language itself supports conditional statements, loops, functions, classes, and most of the other constructs with which VBA and C++ users are familiar. The plethora of contributed packages by third parties, a solid user-base, and a strong open-source community are some other key strengths of R. The R system can be divided into two conceptual parts:
The European Emission Trading System and Its Followers: Comparative Analysis and Linking Perspectives - Original PDF
The European Emission Trading System and Its Followers: Comparative Analysis and Linking Perspectives - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Simone Borghesi, Massimiliano Montini, Alessandra Barreca (auth.) خلاصه: Given the rapid spread of ETSs in an increasing number of countries and the important role that they are likely to play for the success or failure of the environmental policy in the years to come, this book provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the EU ETS from both the legal and economic perspectives comparing it with the other main ETSs existing worldwide, in order to assess whether the EU ETS has truly represented a prototype for the other ETSs established around the world and to investigate the current perspectives for linking them in the future.Through the years, the EU ETS has progressively gained a paramount position within the EU environmental policy and climate change legislation and currently represents the most striking flagship in this sector, with more than 11.000 installations covered by the scheme. In parallel, the EU ETS has paved the way for the establishment of many other ETSs in several other jurisdictions. Such schemes are now recognized worldwide as the “cornerstones” of the climate change policy.
Genetics and Society: A Sociology of Disease - Original PDF
Genetics and Society: A Sociology of Disease - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Anne Kerr خلاصه: Genetics and Society looks at the history of this science and the wide-ranging impact it has had on contemporary society.
Immigrant Life in the US: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Advances in Sociology, 7) - Original PDF
Immigrant Life in the US: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Advances in Sociology, 7) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Donna Gabaccia خلاصه: e examined in a series of chapters that show the great diversity of issues facing immigrants in the past and in the present. This book emphasizes the complex tapestry that is the everyday experience of life as an immigrant and turns a critical eye on the place of globalization in the everyday life of immigrants.
Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers - Original PDF
Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ronald D. Archer خلاصه: Inorganic polymers contain elements other than carbon as part of their principal backbone structure and are known to exhibit a wide range of composition and structure. Emphasizing physical properties, chemical synthesis, and characterization of inorganic polymers, Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers presents valuable and informative coverage of the field.With numerous examples of real-world practical applications and end-of-chapter exercises, Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers is suitable for use as a text in special topics in organic and polymer chemistry courses. The book features useful sections on: * Classification schemes for inorganic polymers * Synthesis of inorganic polymers, including step-growth syntheses, chain polymerizations, ring-opening polymerizations, and reductive coupling reactions * Practical inorganic polymer chemistry topics such as polymer elastomers, dental and medical polymers, lubricants, lithographic resists, pre-ceramics, and more
Real-time risk : what investors should know about FinTech, high-frequency trading, and flash crashes - Original PDF
Real-time risk : what investors should know about FinTech, high-frequency trading, and flash crashes - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Joe Duarte خلاصه: Abstract: Risk management solutions for today's high-speed investing environment Real-Time Risk is the first book to show regular, institutional, and quantitative investors how to navigate intraday threats and stay on-course. The FinTech revolution has brought massive changes to the way investing is done. Trading happens in microsecond time frames, and while risks are emerging faster and in greater volume than ever before, traditional risk management approaches are too slow to be relevant. This book describes market microstructure and modern risks, and presents a new way of thinking about risk management in today's high-speed world. Accessible, straightforward explanations shed light on little-understood topics, and expert guidance helps investors protect themselves from new threats. The discussion dissects FinTech innovation to highlight the ongoing disruption, and to establish a toolkit of approaches for analyzing flash crashes, aggressive high frequency trading, and other specific aspects of the market. Today's investors face an environment in which computers and infrastructure merge, regulations allow dozens of exchanges to coexist, and globalized business facilitates round-the-clock deals. This book shows you how to navigate today's investing environment safely and profitably, with the latest in risk-management thinking. -Discover risk management that works within micro-second trading -Understand the nature and impact of real-time risk, and how to protect yourself -Learn why flash crashes happen, and how to mitigate damage in advance -Examine the FinTech disruption to established business models and practices When technology collided with investing, the boom created stratospheric amounts of data that allows us to plumb untapped depths and discover solutions that were unimaginable 20 years ago. Real-Time Risk describes these solutions, and provides practical guidance for today's savvy investor

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