High temperature strain of metals and alloys: physical fundamentals - Original PDF
High temperature strain of metals and alloys: physical fundamentals - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Valim Levitin خلاصه: Creep and fatigue are the most prevalent causes of rupture in superalloys, which are important materials for industrial usage, e.g. in engines and turbine blades in aerospace or in energy producing industries. As temperature increases, atom mobility becomes appreciable, affecting a number of metal and alloy properties. It is thus vital to find new characterization methods that allow an understanding of the fundamental physics of creep in these materials as well as in pure metals. Here, the author shows how new in situ X-ray investigations and transmission electron microscope studies lead to novel explanations of high-temperature deformation and creep in pure metals, solid solutions and superalloys. This unique approach is the first to find unequivocal and quantitative expressions for the macroscopic deformation rate by means of three groups of parameters: substructural characteristics, physical material constants and external conditions. Creep strength of the studied up-to-date single crystal superalloys is greatly increased over conventional polycrystalline superalloys. From the contents: - Macroscopic characteristics of strain at high temperatures - Experimental equipment and technique of in situ X-ray investigations - Experimental data and structural parameters in deformed metals - Subboundaries as dislocation sources and obstacles - The physical mechanism of creep and the quantitative structural model - Simulation of the parameters evolution - System of differential equations - High-temperature deformation of industrial superalloys - Single crystals of superalloys - Effect of composition, orientation and temperature on properties - Creep of some refractory metals For materials scientists, solid state physicists, solid state chemists, researchers and practitioners from industry sectors including metallurgical, mechanical, chemical and structural engineers.
Phase Transformations of Elements Under High Pressure - Original PDF
Phase Transformations of Elements Under High Pressure - Original PDF
نویسندگان: E. Yu Tonkov, E.G. Ponyatovsky خلاصه: The study of transformations of materials under high pressures promises to yield modifications with important applications in materials science and other fields including, by way of example, the dense metallic modification of hydrogen possessing extremely high superconducting properties. This work presents recent theoretical and experimental information gathered on phase diagrams of 96 elements. Data is presented on first- and second-phase transitions, melting lines, crystal structures of the stable and metastable phases, important phase properties such as the Curie and Neel temperature, and the superconducting temperature. Information is provided on elements' liquid state, amorphization, and metallization. Temperature-pressure diagrams are given for most of the elements.
Nanocrystalline Aluminum Alloys - Original PDF
Nanocrystalline Aluminum Alloys - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Battezzati L., Pozzovivo S., Rizzi P. خلاصه: In order for a material to be defined nanocrystalline the size of its grains must be of the order of less than 100 nm. Such materials can be constituted by one or more phases distributed in one, two, or three dimensions. Examples are nanowires, layers either deposited on top of a substrate as coatings or stacked in suitable sequences, and bulk objects. If the material is fully made of nanograins the number density of crystals scales with their size (e.g., it can range from 1025 to 1021 m−3 for sizes of 5 and 100 nm respectively).
Mossbauer analysis of the atomic and magnetic structure of alloys - Original PDF
Mossbauer analysis of the atomic and magnetic structure of alloys - Original PDF
نویسندگان: V V Ovchinnikov خلاصه: The monograph indicates the key problems that have to be solved for the further development of the Mossbauer methods for analysis of the nuclear and magnetic structure of alloys, and offer solution variants for some of these problems based on the generalised results of a wide range of theoretical and experimental investigations, including original work by the author of the book and his colleagues.
Helping Teens and Young Adults with Anxiety: A Ten Session Programme - Orginal Pdf
Helping Teens and Young Adults with Anxiety: A Ten Session Programme - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Elizabeth Herrick خلاصه: Helping Teens and Young Adults with Anxiety: A Ten Session Programme Elizabeth Herrick, Barbara Redman-White, Helen Hudson
The Smart Branding Book: How to build a popular and profitable brand - Pdf
The Smart Branding Book: How to build a popular and profitable brand - Pdf
نویسندگان: Dan White خلاصه: The Smart Branding Book: How to build a popular and profitable brand (Concise Advice) by Dan White
Living with Darwin:  Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith (Philosophy in Action)[2009] - Original PDF
Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith (Philosophy in Action)[2009] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kitcher, Philip خلاصه: Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith (Philosophy in Action) 1st Edition by Philip Kitcher (Author)
Wertschöpfung hybrid gestalten Geschäftsmodellentwicklung und Arbeitsgestaltung in der Digitalisierung - Original PDF
Wertschöpfung hybrid gestalten Geschäftsmodellentwicklung und Arbeitsgestaltung in der Digitalisierung - Original PDF
نویسندگان: ifaa – Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. خلاصه: V Vorwort Die fortschreitende vernetzte und intelligente Digitalisierung verändert bestehende Möglichkeiten und eröffnet neue Chancen, um Daten in Unternehmen wertschöpfend zu nutzen. Die daraus entstehenden Informationen können dazu beitragen, Kundinnen und Kunden innovative, datenbasierte Dienstleistungen zu bieten. Diese sogenannten Smart Services sind eine zusätzliche, hybride Wertschöpfung und helfen bspw. bei der Prozess- optimierung, Ressourceneinsparung und Planungseffizienz. In dem vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Projekt „AnGeWaNt – Arbeit an geeichten Waagen für hybride Wiegeleistungen an Nutz- fahrzeugen“ wurde die Entwicklung und Gestaltung hybrider Wertschöpfung durch ein breites Konsortium aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft erforscht. Von 2019 bis 2022 wurden drei Anwendungsbetriebe bei der Entwicklung und Pilotierung hybrider Geschäftsmodelle unterstützt. Hybridisierung erfordert Digitalisierung und geht einher mit Veränderungen in der Arbeitsgestaltung in den Betrieben. Insbesondere Prozesse und organisatorische Strukturen können sich durch die Hybridisierung verändern, sodass überprüft werden sollte, ob derzeitige Führungsleitlinien sowie Zusammenarbeit und Kompetenzen zukunftsfähig sind. Darauf aufbauend dient eine ganzheitliche, sozio- technische Gestaltung, bei der die Bedarfe von Führungskräften und Beschäftigten sowie die Rahmenbedingungen des Betriebs berücksichtigt werden, als Basis für die erfolg- reiche Implementierung hybrider Geschäftsmodelle. Diese Buchpublikation soll Unternehmen und weiteren Institutionen die Vorgehens- weise zur Entwicklung von hybriden Geschäftsmodellen sowie ihrer Umsetzung im Betrieb aufzeigen. Eine soziotechnische Gestaltung hybrider Wertschöpfung sowie ein geeigneter Umgang mit Veränderungen, welche durch Digitalisierung und Hybridisierung entstehen, werden aufgezeigt. Die in diesem Werk vorgestellten Inhalte und Ergebnisse basieren auf den im Projekt AnGeWaNt gesammelten Erfahrungen und liefern Ihnen Hinweise und Methoden, mit denen eine Entwicklung, Umsetzung und Gestaltung hybrider Geschäftsmodelle unterstützt wi
Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species - Epub + Converted PDF
Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Nathaniel T Jeanson PhD خلاصه: If Darwin were to examine the evidence today using modern science, would his conclusions be the same? Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, published over 150 years ago, is considered one of history's most influential books and continues to serve as the foundation of thought for evolutionary biology. Since Darwin's time, however, new fields of science have emerged that simply give us better answers to the question of origins. With a Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson is uniquely qualified to investigate what genetics reveal about origins. The Origins Puzzle Comes Together If the science surrounding origins were a puzzle, Darwin would have had fewer than 15% of the pieces to work with when he developed his theory of evolution. We now have a much greater percentage of the pieces because of modern scientific research. As Dr. Jeanson puts the new pieces together, a whole new picture emerges, giving us a testable, predictive model to explain the origin of species. A New Scientific Revolution Begins So what comes next? Darwin's theory of evolution may be one of science's longest standing, but the latest genetics research is casting doubt on it. Are these new discoveries cause to critically reexamine Darwin's theory? Replacing Darwin asks you to give serious consideration to modern scientific advances and reevaluate the problems that have surfaced in Darwin's theory of evolution."

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