نویسندگان: Misty E. Vermaat, Susan L. Sebok, Steven M. Freund, Jennifer T. Campbell, Mark Frydenberg خلاصه: Learn to maximize the use of mobile devices, make the most of online tools for collaboration and communication, and fully utilize the web and cloud with the latest edition of DISCOVERING COMPUTERS 2018
Computing the Flow of Light: Nonstandard Fdtd Methodologies for Photonics Design
نویسندگان: James B. Cole, Saswatee Banerjee خلاصه: The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method computes the time evolution of a system at discrete time steps, and periodically visualizing the results lets us view its time evolution, yielding valuable physical insights
The Athlete's Guide to Diabetes
نویسندگان: Sheri R. Colberg خلاصه: Diabetes doesn't have to slow you down. Whether you're a recreational exerciser or a competitive athlete, The Athlete's Guide to Diabetes has the training and performance advice you need to remain active while effectively managing your condition.
Surgical Management of Maxillofacial Fractures - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Yoh Sawatari خلاصه: The facial skeleton is comprised of vertical and horizontal buttresses and the intersections they create; maxillofacial fractures occur when these buttresses sustain more force than they can withstand
SOLIDWORKS 2019 Intermediate Skills (4th edition) - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Paul Tran خلاصه: SOLIDWORKS 2019 Intermediate Skills is part of a three part series which builds on the SOLIDWORKS features learned in SOLIDWORKS 2019 Basic Tools
Formula 1 Technology
نویسندگان: Peter G. Wright خلاصه: Formula 1 Technology offers an in-depth look at the engineering, design and production of Formula 1 cars
Organisational Behaviour: Emerging Knowledge. Global Insights 6th Edition
نویسندگان: Steve McShane; Mara Olekalns; Alex Newman; Angela Martin خلاصه: The sixth edition of Organisational Behaviour inherits the rich legacy of the previous editions that have proved to be a boon for the seekers looking to enhance their knowledge and be a step ahead of their peers.
Fundamentals of Fire and Emergency Services 2nd Edition
نویسندگان: Jason B. Loyd; James D. Richardson خلاصه: Fundamentals of Fire and Emergency Services, Second Edition, is designed to introduce students to the firefighting profession as well as provide career firefighters a resource for continued learning
Firefighter Functional Fitness: The Essential Guide to Optimal Firefighter Performance and Longevity
نویسندگان: Dan Kerrigan, Jim Moss, David J Soler, Sara Jahnke Ph.D خلاصه: Firefighter Functional Fitness is the essential guide to optimal firefighter performance and longevity
Events Management 4th Edition
نویسندگان: Lynn Van der Wagen خلاصه: Events Management: for tourism, cultural, business and sporting events, 4e is a holistic text designed for the Diploma in Events Management and Advanced Diploma in Events Management and is the essential text for anyone wishing to work in the field of event management.
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