OET Physiotherapy_ Official OET Practice Book 1 - PDF
OET Physiotherapy_ Official OET Practice Book 1 - PDF
نویسندگان: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) خلاصه: OET is an international English language test that assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals seeking to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. It provides a validated, reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – with the emphasis on communication in healthcare professional settings. OET tests candidates from the following 12 health professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology and Veterinary Science. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for their OET test. Language proficiency and test taking skills For more information about OET including the latest test dates and a complete list of test locations and preparation providers, as well as access to our free test preparation package Start for Success, visit the OET website: www.occupationalenglishtest.org About the test OET assesses listening, reading, writing and speaking. There is a separate sub-test for each skill area. The Listening and Reading sub-tests are designed to assess the ability to understand spoken and written English in contexts related to general health and medicine. The sub-tests for Listening and Reading are common to all professions. The Writing and Speaking sub-tests are specific to each profession and are designed to assess the ability to use English appropriately in the relevant professional context.
OET Veterinary Science_ Official OET Practice Book - Original PDF
OET Veterinary Science_ Official OET Practice Book - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) خلاصه: OET is an international English language test that assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals seeking to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. It provides a validated, reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – with the emphasis on communication in healthcare professional settings. OET tests candidates from the following 12 health professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology and Veterinary Science. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for their OET test. Language proficiency and test taking skills For more information about OET including the latest test dates and a complete list of test locations and preparation providers, as well as access to our free test preparation package Start for Success, visit the OET website: www.occupationalenglishtest.org About the test OET assesses listening, reading, writing and speaking. There is a separate sub-test for each skill area. The Listening and Reading sub-tests are designed to assess the ability to understand spoken and written English in contexts related to general health and medicine. The sub-tests for Listening and Reading are common to all professions. The Writing and Speaking sub-tests are specific to each profession and are designed to assess the ability to use English appropriately in the relevant professional context
OET Optometry_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
OET Optometry_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
نویسندگان: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) خلاصه: OET is an international English language test that assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals seeking to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. It provides a validated, reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – with the emphasis on communication in healthcare professional settings. OET tests candidates from the following 12 health professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology and Veterinary Science. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for their OET test. Language proficiency and test taking skills For more information about OET including the latest test dates and a complete list of test locations and preparation providers, as well as access to our free test preparation package Start for Success, visit the OET website: www.occupationalenglishtest.org About the test OET assesses listening, reading, writing and speaking. There is a separate sub-test for each skill area. The Listening and Reading sub-tests are designed to assess the ability to understand spoken and written English in contexts related to general health and medicine. The sub-tests for Listening and Reading are common to all professions. The Writing and Speaking sub-tests are specific to each profession and are designed to assess the ability to use English appropriately in the relevant professional c
OET Dietetics_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
OET Dietetics_ Official OET Practice Book 1_ For tests from 31 August 2019_nodrm - PDF
نویسندگان: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) خلاصه: OET is an international English language test that assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals seeking to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. It provides a validated, reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – with the emphasis on communication in healthcare professional settings. OET tests candidates from the following 12 health professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology and Veterinary Science. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for their OET test. Language proficiency and test taking skills For more information about OET including the latest test dates and a complete list of test locations and preparation providers, as well as access to our free test preparation package Start for Success, visit the OET website: www.occupationalenglishtest.org About the test OET assesses listening, reading, writing and speaking. There is a separate sub-test for each skill area. The Listening and Reading sub-tests are designed to assess the ability to understand spoken and written English in contexts related to general health and medicine. The sub-tests for Listening and Reading are common to all professions. The Writing and Speaking sub-tests are specific to each profession and are designed to assess the ability to use English appropriately in the relevant professional c
Relaying Cinema in Midcentury Iran Material Cultures in Transit - Original PDF
Relaying Cinema in Midcentury Iran Material Cultures in Transit - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kaveh Askari خلاصه: 1 Midcentury Film companies in Iran in the early 1960s did not always pay careful attention to their design elements, but Azhir Film had the ambition to bring its films, and especially its new release Zarbat (The Strike, Khachikian, 1964), into the world of midcentury cinema with a memorable design scheme. The film’s creators did not realistically expect it to produce revenues outside of Iran, although they teased this possibility in the press as the project moved through various stages of its production. 1 The primary aim, rather, was to create a certain kind of cinematic experience when the film was released. The release called upon modern design’s global ambitions at a time when packing movie houses in Tehran still typically meant securing a well-traveled film print. A stubborn disagreement between filmmakers had left a lot riding on this particular crime thriller. Film studios in Iran tried to avoid compet- ing releases, but this time, during a coveted release slot after the start of spring and the Iranian New Year, two producers refused to compro- mise. The Strike, produced by Josef Vaezian and directed by Samuel Khachikian, each of whom was coming off of a string of successful films, would be released the same week as the rival producer and for- mer Khachikian collaborator Mehdi Missaghieh’s Ensan- ha (Human Beings, Aghamaliyan). Industry professionals debated the ethics of this in the press, but neither producer would move aside. 2 The Strike’s dis
OET Podiatry: Official OET Practice Book 1 - Original PDF
OET Podiatry: Official OET Practice Book 1 - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) خلاصه: For tests up to and including 3 August 2019.From the makers of OET.Test and build your English skills with this official OET Podiatry resource. Each Practice Test Book includes:•Three OET practice tests with answer keys•An overview of OET and how the test is scored•The Test-Taker’s Information Guide•Key assessment criteria•Useful language information.Please note that you will not be able to print out the sample tests that are in the book. If you wish to be able write on the tests, we recommend that you purchase the print book. ***Want to buy both print and kindle versions?***Buy the print book from Amazon.com and you will be given the option to purchase the kindle book at a heavily discounted price.
Taschenatlas Schnittbildanatomie  Band III: Extremitäten, Gelenke, Wirbelsäule – CT und MRT  2., überarbeitete Auflage  446 Abbildungen - Original PDF
Taschenatlas Schnittbildanatomie Band III: Extremitäten, Gelenke, Wirbelsäule – CT und MRT 2., überarbeitete Auflage 446 Abbildungen - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Torsten B. Möller Emil Reif خلاصه: Nichts ist sicherer als die Veränderung. Und doch ist es sinnvoll, das Alte mit dem Neuen zu verbinden. Deshalb bleibt diese Buchreihe der Taschenatlanten der Schnittbildanatomie auch ihrem bewährten Konzept der Gegenüberstel- lung von Bild und farbiger Zeichnung treu und fügt Neuerungen ein wo sinnvoll. Damit wird der rasanten Entwicklung der radiologischen Bildgebung Rechnung getragen, steigt doch mit den erhöhten Anforderungen an die Diagnostik bei immer selektiveren Therapien die Bedeu- tung der Anatomiekenntnisse weiter an. Die vorliegende Neuauflage – wieder mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen und aktuellen Neuerungen – besitzt wieder eine nochmals leicht verbesserte einheitliche farbige Aus- gestaltung der unterschiedlichen Strukturen. Die Leserinnen und Leser erhalten so trotz des enormen Detailreichtums der Zeichnungen übersichtlich, schnell und sicher ihre Informa- tionen. Die Aufnahme der gesamten Extremi- täten quasi als Übersicht auch in das Taschen- buchformat war vielfach gewünscht worden und erleichtert die Beschreibung gelenkferner Strukturen. Wir glauben deshalb, dass auch diese Neuauflage wieder eine weitere Verbes- serung darstellt. Umso mehr dient die Neuauflage damit auch dem ursprünglichen Erstellungszweck: die Suche nach Information soll den Leserin- nen und Lesern gleichzeitig auch viel Spaß und Freude bereiten
Taschenatlas Schnittbildanatomie  Band I: Kopf, Hals – CT und MRT  5., überarbeitete Auflage  312 Abbildungen - Original PDF
Taschenatlas Schnittbildanatomie Band I: Kopf, Hals – CT und MRT 5., überarbeitete Auflage 312 Abbildungen - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Torsten B. Möller Emil Reif خلاصه: rer als die Veränderung. Und doch ist es sinnvoll, das Alte mit dem Neuen zu verbinden. Deshalb bleibt diese Buchreihe der Taschenatlanten der Schnittbildanatomie auch ihrem bewährten Konzept der Gegenüberstel- lung von Bild und farbiger Zeichnung treu und fügt Neuerungen ein wo sinnvoll. Damit wird der rasanten Entwicklung der radiologischen Bildgebung Rechnung getragen, steigt doch mit den erhöhten Anforderungen an die Diagnostik bei immer selektiveren Therapien die Bedeu- tung der Anatomiekenntnisse weiter an. Die vorliegende Neuauflage – wieder mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen und aktuellen Neuerungen – besitzt wieder eine nochmals leicht verbesserte einheitliche farbige Aus- gestaltung der unterschiedlichen Strukturen. Die Leserinnen und Leser erhalten so trotz des enormen Detailreichtums der Zeichnungen übersichtlich, schnell und sicher ihre Informa- tionen. Die Aufnahme der Lymphknotenstatio- nen des Halses nicht nur nach Ebenen und Räumen, sondern auch entsprechend der ra- diotherapeutischen Einteilung entsprechend der Gepflogenheit internationaler Fachgesell- schaften auch in das Taschenbuchformat war vielfach gewünscht worden und erleichtert die Beschreibung insbesondere beim Tumor-Sta- ging. Wir glauben deshalb, dass auch diese Neuauflage wieder eine weitere Verbesserung darstellt. Umso mehr dient die Neuauflage damit auch dem ursprünglichen Erstellungszweck: die Suche nach Information soll den Leserin- nen und Lesern gleichzeitig auch viel Spaß und Freude bereiten.
enth Anniversary The Art of Game Design A Book of Lenses 3rd Edition - Original PDF
enth Anniversary The Art of Game Design A Book of Lenses 3rd Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jesse Schell خلاصه: I was shorter then. since that picture was taken, I’ve done a lot of different things. I’ve worked in circuses as a professional juggler. I’ve been a writer, comedian, and magician’s apprentice. I’ve worked at IbM and bell Communications Research as a software engineer. I’ve designed and developed interactive theme park rides and massively multiplayer games for the Walt Disney Company. I’ve started my own game studio, and become a professor at Carnegie Mellon University. but when peo- ple ask me what I do, I tell them that I am a game designer. I mention all this only because at various times in this book, I will be drawing examples from these experiences, since every single one of them has taught me valuable lessons about the art of game design. that might sound surprising now, but hopefully, as you read this book, it will help you see the ways that game design meaningfully connects to the many experiences in your own life
Kubernetes Programming with Go Programming Kubernetes Clients and Operators Using Go and the Kubernetes API - Original PDF
Kubernetes Programming with Go Programming Kubernetes Clients and Operators Using Go and the Kubernetes API - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Philippe Martin خلاصه: Back in 2017, I was working for a company building video streaming software. At the end of that year, a small team, including me, got assigned a new job to work on deploying the Video CDN developed by the company on Kubernetes. We decided to explore the concept of Custom Resources and Operators to deploy this CDN. The current Kubernetes release was 1.9, the concept of Custom Resource Definition had just been released in 1.7, and the sample-controller repository was the only documentation we knew of to help build an Operator. The Kubernetes ecosystem, being especially lively, had tools appearing in the following months, specifically the Kubebuilder SDK. Thus, our project was launched. From that moment on, I spent numerous days exploring how to build Operators and other programs interacting with the Kubernetes API. But the damage was done: I had started to learn Kubernetes programming from specific to general, and it took me a long time to fully understand the innards of the Kubernetes API. I have written this book in the hope that it can teach new Kubernetes developers how to program, from general to specific, with the Kubernetes API in Go

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