Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City - Original PDF
Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jan Rath خلاصه: Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City fills a gap in existing research in terms of how immigration relates to urban tourism and investigates the new theoretical insights and challenges for empirical research using informative case studies drawn from several advanced economies in Europe, North America and Australia. This enlightening book clearly explores the frontiers of knowledge on the interrelationship between tourism, migration, ethnic diversity and place. Exploring further the manifestations of ethnic diversity that have been commodified by immigrants in gateway cities, questioning how these expressions of culture can be transformed into vehicles for further developing the urban tourism economy. Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City presents a multidisciplinary approach drawing on key names from the field of geography, sociology, planning and political science and will appeal to those with an interest in any of these areas.
Biomarkers in Diabetes - Original PDF
Biomarkers in Diabetes - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Vinood B. Patel, Victor R. Preedy خلاصه: Easy-to-look-up, comprehensive handbook Provides a thorough overview on biomarkers in diabetes Offers insights into bioinformatics and network analysis of biomarkers in diabetes
The MicroRNA Quantum Code Book - Original PDF
The MicroRNA Quantum Code Book - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Yoichi Robertus Fujii خلاصه: Each chapter provides overview to provide fundamental information on the topic and broaden their understanding Describes the basic theory of biological data science for medical investigation with miRNA to its implementation Contains supplementary material on DNS and ETFS, MTES, and QCR
Django.for.Professionals.4.0 - PDF
Django.for.Professionals.4.0 - PDF
نویسندگان: William.S.Vincen خلاصه: This book covers in-depth how professional Django programmers do their job and build real-world web applications. Topics covered include Docker
Naval Warfare A Global History since 1860 - Original PDF
Naval Warfare A Global History since 1860 - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jeremy Black خلاصه: The modern age of naval warfare began with the combination of steam power, iron warships, and modern artillery in the mid-nineteenth century, to be rapidly joined by advanced mines, torpedoes, and submersible war craft. This combination launched a new period of acute naval competition. Moreover, this period was of marked international and geopolitical significance.
Modern Medical Toxicology - Original PDF
Modern Medical Toxicology - Original PDF
نویسندگان: PILLAY VV خلاصه: Brand New International Paper-back Edition Same as per description, **Economy edition, May have been printed in Asia with cover stating Not for sale in US. Legal to use despite any disclaimer on cover. Save Money. Contact us for any queries. Best Customer Support! All Orders shipped with Tracking Number
Farm animal proteomics - Original PDF
Farm animal proteomics - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Pedro Rodrigues, David Eckersall and André Martinho de Almeida خلاصه: Proceedings of the 3rd Managing Committee Meeting and 2nd Meeting of Working Groups 1, 2 & 3 of COST Action FA1002 Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal 12-13 April 2012
Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope: Transference-Focused Psychotherapy in Personality Disorders - Original PDF
Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope: Transference-Focused Psychotherapy in Personality Disorders - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Otto F. Kernberg خلاصه: Introduction The present volume continues my investigation of the psychopathology and treatment of severe personality disorders. It focuses on the analysis of particular clinical features of personality pathologies and describes contemporary psychoanalytic object relations theory as a general theoret- ical frame of treatment that allows us to conceptualize both normal per- sonality functioning and the very nature of personality disorders. This volume also includes my recent contributions to understanding the rela- tionship between neurobiological dispositions and their interaction with psychodynamic developments, again, both in normality and psychopa- thology. Finally, this volume explores the application of object relations theory to group processes, love relations, and therapists’ training. Part I of the book includes major theoretical statements. Chapter 1, “Object Relations Theory and Transference Analysis,” presents a brief, updated summary of contemporary object relations theory and its direct relevance to transference analysis, the fundamental therapeutic approach of transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP). This chapter summarizes the theoretical approach that informs the new psychotherapeutic devel- opments in the treatment of severe personality disorders that are de- scribed throughout the entire volume. Chapter 2, “Some Implications of New Developments in Neurobiology for Psychoanalytic Object Relations Theory” summarizes developments in neurobiology regarding the con- ceptualization of affect systems and their role as the motivational basis ix x HATRED, EMPTINESS, AND HOPE for establishing internalized dyadic self- and object-relations structures. This chapter shows how the underlying limbic and cortical brain struc- tures and functions contribute to embedding the fundamental concepts of self and of significant others. It proposes that the formation of such dy- adic structures is an essential task of higher levels of psychic functioning. Part II, on technique, updates empirical studies of the Personality Disorders Institute at Weill Cornell Medical College, expanding the ap- plications of TFP, exploring its relationship to standard psychoanalytic technique, and outlining a general comprehensive theory of technique that applies to both psychoanalysis and its derived psychotherapies. Chapter 3, “Extensions of Psychoanalytic Technique: The Mutual Influ- ences of Standard Psychoanalysis and Transference-Focused Psycho- therapy” presents an updated view of TFP in comparison with standard psychoanalytic technique that differentiates more sharply these two technical approaches and discusses the problems in training therapists efficiently in both modalities. Chapter 4, “Therapeutic Implications of Transference Structures in Various Personality Pathologies,” presents an overview of transference developments in different modalities of severe personality disorders and the modifications in technical approaches to transference analysis related to these structural differences. It is a highly specialized description of TFP in action. Chapter 5, “Affective Domi- nance, Dyadic Relationship, and Mentalization,” focuses on two basic premises from which the therapist enters every therapeutic session—that is, the alertness to affective dominance and the diagnosis of the predom- inant dyadic object relationship linked to it. By illustrating this approach with clinical cases, the chapter also points to similarities and differences between TFP and mentalization-based therapy (MBT), an alternative psychodynamic approach to severe personality disorders. Chapter 6, “Reflections on Supervision,” describes my personal experience as well as general controversial issues regarding the supervision of psychoan- alytic and derivative treatments. In the process, the chapter details our collective experience of training and supervising clinicians in TFP over many years at the Personality Disorders Institute. Part III, on specific psychopathologies, deals with particular disor- ders within the broad field of severe personality disorders. Chapter 7, “Psychodynamics and Treatment of Schizoid Personality Disorders,” presents our experience with these complex disorders. Schizoid struc- ture has received less attention in recent times than other types of severe personality disorders, particularly borderline and narcissistic personal- ity disorders. This chapter presents a diagnostic update and summa- rizes the specific contributions of the TFP approach to the treatment of schizoid personality. Chapter 8, “Psychotic Personality Structure,” ex- plores the differences between borderline personality organization and psychotic personality organization. It describes the development of psy- chotic features as a potential transitory regression in patients with bor- xiIntroduction derline personality organization, as well as a reflection of a psychotic structure that only emerges during treatment. It proposes correspond- ing differences in technique for transitory psychotic developments aris- ing in sessions, for transference psychosis, and for the emergence of major psychotic illness during the course of TFP. The chapter also ana- lyzes the nature and shifts in reality testing in the context of transference analysis. Chapter 9, “Narcissistic Pathology of Love Relations,” deals with the specific pathology of narcissistic personalities, the great diffi- culties of these patients in establishing and maintaining a love relation in depth, and the general study of sexuality and the capacity to love as part of the diagnostic evaluation of all patients with severe personality disorders. It also considers the influences of the therapist’s own emo- tional maturity in the assessment of this aspect of psychopathology. Part IV deals with the application of object relations theory to inpa- tient hospital treatment, to group regression and political leadership, and to psychoanalytic education. Chapter 10, “Psychoanalytic Ap- proaches to Inpatient Treatment of Personality Disorders: A Neglected Dimension,” examines the inpatient treatment of patients with person- ality disorders, a neglected therapeutic approach in the United States. Although pioneered predominantly in the United States, inpatient treat- ment has been developed in new ways in recent European experiences, with relatively extended hospital treatment of severe personality disor- ders. This chapter summarizes both the North American and recent Eu- ropean experiences with an important therapeutic instrument that, mostly for financial reasons, has been underutilized in the United States. It offers important technical tools that are relevant for the repetitive brief hospitalizations of regressed borderline patients that have replaced se- lective long-term inpatient treatment. This approach may be the basis for the development of optimal treatment of very regressed stages of illness in the future. Chapter 11, “Malignant Narcissism and Large Group Re- gression,” applies psychoanalytic object relations theory and the devel- oping knowledge of the social functioning of some personality disorders to the study of the mutual influences of severe leadership pathology in organizational and political structures and the psychological conditions that underpin large group regression. Political circumstances that foster such large group regression in social subgroups and leadership with ma- lignant narcissistic features tend to reinforce each other, with potentially damaging and dangerous consequences to the social community. This chapter is a contribution to the clarification of these potentially threaten- ing and damaging social developments. Chapter 12, “Challenges for the Future of Psychoanalysis,” applies the psychoanalytical approach that underlies this volume to the analysis of particular conditions of psycho- analysis today as a profession, an educational enterprise, and a social or- ganization within the mental health sciences. This chapter and the book end with recommendations for innovations that may strengthen the role xii HATRED, EMPTINESS,AND HOPE of psychoanalysis as a profession, a treatment approach, and a social or- ganization. It proposes solutions to organizational problems, particu- larly stressing the urgent need for development of empirical research, psychoanalytic psychotherapies, and radical renovation in its educa- tional structure.
Lavender Fields: Black Women Experiencing Fear, Agency, and Hope in the Time of COVID-19 - Original PDF
Lavender Fields: Black Women Experiencing Fear, Agency, and Hope in the Time of COVID-19 - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Julia S. Jordan-Zachery (editor) خلاصه: I start this book on African/Black women’s testimonies of living with COVID-19 by situating myself and my role in it. Over my twenty-plus years as an academician, I have evolved. I started simply wanting to be a political scientist who focused on Black women and public policy. I saw my work as an extension of me, but not in the way I do at this stage of my career. There was a shift in my approach to being an academician at some point. I started journaling about being a storyteller of Black women’s stories. Research, what I had been trained in, took a back seat, and the notion of storytell- ing became more prominent. I cannot explain this shift, and I have learned that some things need not be explained over time. Sometimes, Black women simply know (see Hill Collins 2000). Then COVID-19 hit. At some point during shelter in place—I have lost count of how long I have been at home—the Black feminine ancestors whispered to me. They called on me to undertake this project on Black women and COVID-19. I resisted. The project felt too big for me. I was worried that I could not do it and do it well. I went out into my garden. The energy of the ancestors deepened, and the call seemed to wrap itself around me in a way that would not release me. I did not feel threatened. But I resisted. I stayed in my gar- den for hours in my efforts to resist—weeding, tending, and avoiding. Finally, the heat of the day caught up to me, and I slowly made my way inside. I needed to find something else to occupy my mind, something that allowed me to continue avoiding the call for this project
When the Diagnosis Is Multiple Sclerosis: Help, Hope, and Insights from an Affected Physician - Original PDF
When the Diagnosis Is Multiple Sclerosis: Help, Hope, and Insights from an Affected Physician - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kym Orsetti Furney M.D. خلاصه: THE NAME , “MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ” I have a very hard time with the name of this illness—“multiple sclerosis.” It has such a horrific sound to it. Even after seven years, I rarely say the words multiple sclerosis aloud. I much prefer the more appealing sound of MS. In speaking to others with multiple sclerosis (MS), I have learned that I am not alone with this preference. At the time I was diagnosed, I was somewhat familiar with this illness, hav- ing intermittently cared for multiple sclerosis patients in the hospital. Most of the patients I had seen were diagnosed with MS in the 1970s or 1980s, a time when medication for relapse prevention was not yet available. Others, who were frequently in the hospital, had a variant of MS called “primary progressive multiple sclerosis,” which can lead to significant disability fairly quickly. As a physician, I thought their situations were so very sad, as many patients had developed poor functioning of their arms, legs, bladder, or speech. I rarely had the opportunity to see the MS patients who had very little disability, since they were seen in the outpatient setting. So when I finally had it con- firmed, that yes, these bizarre symptoms I had been having were in fact due to multiple sclerosis, I conjured up the worst possible images of what might happen to me. While many of you may not have had the opportunity to meet patients with more advanced stages of MS, I suspect that your reaction to the diagnosis of MS may have been quite similar to mine. Many people still carry an image of multiple sclerosis as an illness that picks an individual out of the prime of his or her life, and leaves that person wheelchair bound and severely disabled. Fortunately, for the majority of women and men who are newly diagnosed with relapsing–remitting MS in the new millennium, this is not an inevitable outcome. And yet, while we know that medications now exist to prevent relapses, this knowledge does not necessarily make the initial journey any 2 When the Diagnosis Is Multiple Sclerosis easier. We did not sign up for this club. We did not ask to play this game. The anger, the grief, and the uncertainty about the future can be overwhelming. Give yourself time. It will be possible to feel in control again.

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