Technology transfer:  A Clear and Concise Reference
Technology transfer: A Clear and Concise Reference
نویسندگان: Gerardus Blokdyk خلاصه: Do we all define Technology transfer in the same way? How can skill-level changes improve Technology transfer? Who will be responsible for documenting the Technology transfer requirements in detail?
NIV, Life Application Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Indexed, Red Letter Edition
NIV, Life Application Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Indexed, Red Letter Edition
نویسندگان: Zondervan خلاصه: What does God’s Word mean for my life today?
Arresting Citizenship:  The Democratic Consequences of American Crime Control (Chicago Studies in American Politics)
Arresting Citizenship: The Democratic Consequences of American Crime Control (Chicago Studies in American Politics)
نویسندگان: Amy E. Lerman, Vesla M. Weaver خلاصه: The numbers are staggering: One-third of America’s adult population has passed through the criminal justice system and now has a criminal record.
Flat and Corrugated Diaphragm Design Handbook
Flat and Corrugated Diaphragm Design Handbook
نویسندگان: Mario Di Giovanni خلاصه: Flat and Corrugated Diaphragm Design Handbook provides simple, useful methods for diaphragmdesign, performance evaluation, and material selection.
Singing for the Stars: A Complete Program for Training Your Voice
Singing for the Stars: A Complete Program for Training Your Voice
نویسندگان: Singing for the Stars خلاصه: What do Michael Jackson, Anita Baker, Natalie Cole and hundreds of other professionals have in common?
Fundamental Molecular Biology 2nd Edition
Fundamental Molecular Biology 2nd Edition
نویسندگان: Lizabeth A. Allison خلاصه: Unique in in its focus on eukaryotic molecular biology, this textbook provides a distillation of the essential concepts of molecular biology, supported by current examples, experimental evidence, and boxes that address related diseases, methods, and techniques. End-of-chapter analytical questions are well designed and will enable students to apply the information they learned in the chapter. A supplementary website include self-tests for students, resources for instructors, as well as figures and animations for classroom use.
When Children Kill Children:  Penal Populism and Political Culture (Clarendon Studies in Criminology)
When Children Kill Children: Penal Populism and Political Culture (Clarendon Studies in Criminology)
نویسندگان: David A. Green خلاصه: This title examines the role of political culture and penal populism in the response to the subject of child-on-child homicide.
Welcome to Your World:  How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives
Welcome to Your World: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives
نویسندگان: Sarah Williams Goldhagen خلاصه: One of the nation’s chief architecture critics reveals how the environments we build profoundly shape our feelings, memories, and well-being, and argues that we must harness this knowledge to construct a world better suited to human experience.
Set Your Voice Free:  How to Get the Singing or Speaking Voice You Want
Set Your Voice Free: How to Get the Singing or Speaking Voice You Want
نویسندگان: Roger Love, Donna Frazier خلاصه: The greatest vocal coach in the world will help you get the voice you want.
Muss Strafe sein?: Positionen der Philosophie
Muss Strafe sein?: Positionen der Philosophie
نویسندگان: Norbert Hoerster خلاصه: Soll Strafe abschrecken oder der Vergeltung dienen? Was verdient, bestraft zu werden? Genügt ein Verstoß gegen die Moral – und welche „Moral“ ist dabei gemeint? Der Philosoph Norbert Hoerster geht in diesem Buch solch elementaren Fragen nach und stellt anerkannte Positionen der Philosophie auf den Prüfstand.

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