Becoming a Neuropsychologist - Original PDF
Becoming a Neuropsychologist - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John A. Bellone , Ryan Van Patten خلاصه: ther, related professions. Provides a road map with clear steps delineating how to become a research and/or clinical neuropsychologist Disseminates practical, concrete advice for how to best navigate the neuropsychology training process and avoid common pitfalls/barriers that arise along the path Provides a resource for college professors, advisors, counselors, and mentors to assist in advising students regarding career planning
Clinical Guide to Exposure Therapy - Original PDF
Clinical Guide to Exposure Therapy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jasper A. J. Smits, Jolene Jacquart, Jonathan Abramowitz, Joanna Arch, Jürgen Margraf خلاصه: Offers evidence-based guidelines for enhanced therapist efficacy Increases therapist efficacy with evidence-based treatments Includes exploration of co-morbid disorder and psychosi
Fatigue as a Window to the Brain (Issues in Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology) - Original PDF
Fatigue as a Window to the Brain (Issues in Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John DeLuca, Simon Wessely خلاصه: Although fatigue has been actively investigated for more than 100 years, we have progressed little in either its theoretical or practical understanding. Fatigue has been considered to be both a symptom and an illness.
Families and Individuals Living with Trauma - Original PDF
Families and Individuals Living with Trauma - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Families and Individuals Living with Trauma خلاصه: What emerges from these reflections is that trauma has shaped human existence from time immemorial, and that our responses to it cannot be merely psychological. We find it decorating pottery unearthed in Attica, in monuments to fallen across the world, in the barbed wire that divides continents. What this propels us toward is the realization that because of its propensity to divide and shame and silence trauma needs its witnesses, and it should only be left in a private space at the choosing of survivors. This means that those who work in the semi-private domain of psychotherapy will be helped by partnership with witnesses outside the consulting room. There are delicate choices to be made here, for instance whether to join the march, or to write, or paint or compose or perform, or to support those that do. One of the wonderful realizations in the systemic world view is that these different perspectives are joined up at multiple levels of context. One of the tasks of therapy, when contexts are hidden from each other, is to uncover them, sometimes with the delicate patience of an archaeologist, sometimes with the explosive exuberance of performance
SAS 9.2 SQL Query Window User's Guide - Original PDF
SAS 9.2 SQL Query Window User's Guide - Original PDF
نویسندگان: SAS Publishing خلاصه: Explains how to design reports with PROC REPORT based on your output from the SQL Query Window. Covers basic query concepts, how to perform queries on single and multiple tables, how to use advanced SQL Query Window features, and how to customize the SQL Query Window environment.
Social Work Practice with Fathers - Original PDF
Social Work Practice with Fathers - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jennifer L. Bellamy, Brianna P. Lemmons, Qiana R. Cryer-Coupet, Jennifer A. Shadik خلاصه: Informs best practice on working with fathers and outlines practical guidance on how to engage with fathers Provides information for effective father-appropriate assessments Includes father perspectives within chapters
The Enigma of Money: Gold, Central Banknotes, and Bitcoin - Original PDF
The Enigma of Money: Gold, Central Banknotes, and Bitcoin - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Makoto Nishibe (auth.) خلاصه: This book provides a new way of understanding modern money and markets by stressing their self-fulfilling/self-destructive properties as institutions from evolutionary perspectives. In contrast to an unrealistic view of the neoclassical general equilibrium theory that models the price mechanism of a “concentrated market” without using money, presented here is an alternative theory of markets on how a realistic “dispersive market” using a stock of money and inventory as buffers can work as a multilayered price-quantitative adjustment system.
Severe Plastic Deformation: Methods, Processing and Properties - PDF
Severe Plastic Deformation: Methods, Processing and Properties - PDF
نویسندگان: Ghader Faraji, Hyoung Seop Kim, Hessam Torabzadeh Kashi خلاصه: All materials are composed of atoms. Depending on the order in which the atoms are arranged with one another, solid material can be classified into crystalline and noncrystalline or amorphous materials. In crystalline materials, the atoms are arranged in a repetitive or periodic array over large atomic distances, while in amorphous materials this long-range atomic order is absent. The crystalline metals with different crystal structures, such as face-centered cubic, hexagonal closed pack, or bodycentered cubic, are divided into two categories: single crystal and polycrystalline.
Key Questions In Surgical Critical Care - Original PDF
Key Questions In Surgical Critical Care - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert U. Ashford, T. Neal Evans, R. Andrew Archbold خلاصه: An understanding of critical care is vital to the modern surgeon, who is often responsible for patients requiring intensive care or high-dependency support. Key Questions in Surgical Critical Care has been designed as a companion to Surgical Critical Care, by Robert Ashford and Neal Evans, and is split into two main sections, multiple choice questions and viva topics. Based on the syllabus of the Royal College of Surgeons, each of these two sections is further subdivided into six sub-sections covering the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, other systems and multisystem failure, problems in intensive care, principles of intensive care and practical procedures. The MCQs and viva topics provided are typical of those appearing in the MRCS examination, and the authors provide detailed explanatory notes to accompany each answer, almost all of which are cross-referenced directly to the relevant pages of Surgical Critical Care, as well as other sources of further reading.
Coloniality of the U-S///Mexico Border - Original PDF
Coloniality of the U-S///Mexico Border - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Roberto D. Hernández خلاصه: National borders are often taken for granted as normal and necessary for a peaceful and orderly global civil society. Roberto D. Hernández here advances a provocative argument that borders--and border violence--are geospatial manifestations of long histories of racialized and gendered colonial violence. In Coloniality of the U-S///Mexico Border, Hernández offers an exemplary case and lens for understanding what he terms the "epistemic and cartographic prison of modernity/coloniality." He adopts "coloniality of power" as a central analytical category and framework to consider multiple forms of real and symbolic violence (territorial, corporeal, cultural, and epistemic) and analyzes the varied responses by diverse actors, including local residents, government officials, and cultural producers. Based on more than twenty years of border activism in San Diego-Tijuana and El Paso-Ciudad Juárez, this book is an interdisciplinary examination that considers the 1984 McDonald's massacre, Minutemen vigilantism, border urbanism, the ongoing murder of women in Ciudad Juárez, and anti-border music. Hernández's approach is at once historical, ethnographic, and theoretically driven, yet it is grounded in analyses and debates that cut across political theory, border studies, and cultural studies. The volume concludes with a theoretical discussion of the future of violence at--and because of--­national territorial borders, offering a call for epistemic and cartographic disobedience.

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