Stop clutter from stealing your life: discover why you clutter and how you can stop - Original PDF
Stop clutter from stealing your life: discover why you clutter and how you can stop - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mike Nelson خلاصه: This is much more than an "organizing" book. It is written for clutterers by a reformed clutterer who understands why it is so hard to let go of the things that clog our lives. This is the only book that addresses cluttering as a psychological, spiritual and physical blockage in our lives.
نویسندگان: Milad Manafi خلاصه: Artificial insemination is used instead of natural mating for reproduction purposes and its chief priority is that the desirable characteristics of a bull or other male livestock animal can be passed on more quickly and to more progeny than if that animal is mated with females in a natural fashion. This book contains under one cover 16 chapters of concise, up-to-date information on artificial insemination in buffalos, ewes, pigs, swine, sheep, goats, pigs and dogs. Cryopreservation effect on sperm quality and fertility, new method and diagnostic test in semen analysis, management factors affecting fertility after cervical insemination, factors of non-infectious nature affecting the fertility, fatty acids effects on reproductive performance of ruminants, particularities of bovine artificial insemination, sperm preparation techniques and reproductive endocrinology diseases are described. This book will explain the advantages and disadvantages of using AI, the various methodologies used in different species, and how AI can be used to improve reproductive efficiency in farm animals.
Principles of Tissue Engineering Fifth Edition - Original PDF
Principles of Tissue Engineering Fifth Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Joseph Vacanti, Anthony Atala خلاصه: Now in its fifth edition, Principles of Tissue Engineering has been the definite resource in the field of tissue engineering for more than a decade. The fifth edition provides an update on this rapidly progressing field, combining the prerequisites for a general understanding of tissue growth and development, the tools and theoretical information needed to design tissues and organs, as well as a presentation by the world’s experts of what is currently known about each specific organ system. As in previous editions, this book creates a comprehensive work that strikes a balance among the diversity of subjects that are related to tissue engineering, including biology, chemistry, material science, and engineering, among others, while also emphasizing those research areas that are likely to be of clinical value in the future. This edition includes greatly expanded focus on stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, stem cell niches, and blood components from stem cells. This research has already produced applications in disease modeling, toxicity testing, drug development, and clinical therapies. This up-to-date coverage of stem cell biology and the application of tissue-engineering techniques for food production – is complemented by a series of new and updated chapters on recent clinical experience in applying tissue engineering, as well as a new section on the emerging technologies in the field.
Practice as Research in the Arts (and Beyond): Principles, Processes, Contexts, Achievements (2nd Edition) - Orginal Pdf
Practice as Research in the Arts (and Beyond): Principles, Processes, Contexts, Achievements (2nd Edition) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Robin Nelson خلاصه: Practice as Research in the Arts (and Beyond): Principles, Processes, Contexts, Achievements 2nd Edition by Robin Nelson
Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species - Epub + Converted PDF
Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Nathaniel T Jeanson PhD خلاصه: If Darwin were to examine the evidence today using modern science, would his conclusions be the same? Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, published over 150 years ago, is considered one of history's most influential books and continues to serve as the foundation of thought for evolutionary biology. Since Darwin's time, however, new fields of science have emerged that simply give us better answers to the question of origins. With a Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson is uniquely qualified to investigate what genetics reveal about origins. The Origins Puzzle Comes Together If the science surrounding origins were a puzzle, Darwin would have had fewer than 15% of the pieces to work with when he developed his theory of evolution. We now have a much greater percentage of the pieces because of modern scientific research. As Dr. Jeanson puts the new pieces together, a whole new picture emerges, giving us a testable, predictive model to explain the origin of species. A New Scientific Revolution Begins So what comes next? Darwin's theory of evolution may be one of science's longest standing, but the latest genetics research is casting doubt on it. Are these new discoveries cause to critically reexamine Darwin's theory? Replacing Darwin asks you to give serious consideration to modern scientific advances and reevaluate the problems that have surfaced in Darwin's theory of evolution."
Messverfahren und Klassifikationen in der muskuloskelettalen Radiologie - Original PDF
Messverfahren und Klassifikationen in der muskuloskelettalen Radiologie - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Simone Waldt Matthias Eiber Klaus Wörtler خلاصه: Vorwort „Die besten Bücher sind die, von denen jeder Leser meint, er hätte sie selbst machen können.“ Blaise Pascal, französischer Mathematiker, Physiker und Philosoph (1623–1662) In kaum einer Subdisziplin der klinischen Medizin findet man wohl eine solch verwirrende Vielzahl von Messver- fahren und Klassifikationssystemen wie in der orthopädi- schen Diagnostik. Ganz sicher aber sind es genug, um als Radiologe, Orthopäde oder Unfallchirurg nicht immer alle Methoden und Referenzwerte „im Kopf“ haben zu können. Dieses Problem ist, wie auch die Idee zu diesem Buch, nicht neu. Als ich während meiner Ausbildung an der Universität Münster begann, mich mit der orthopädischen Radiologie zu beschäftigen, existierte an unserem radiologischen Skelettarbeitsplatz als wichtiges Utensil ein Aktenordner, der als Loseblattsammlung Kopien aus unterschiedlichs- ten Lehrbüchern und Zeitschriften enthielt. Die von mei- nen Vorgängern zusammengetragenen Blätter fassten in ungeordneter Folge wichtige Messungen und Klassifika- tionen zusammen, die zwar mehr oder weniger häufig eingesetzt wurden, aber offensichtlich nur schwer in das Langzeitgedächtnis des jeweiligen Befunders zu überfüh- ren waren. Das im Laufe der Jahre durch Gebrauchsspuren recht unansehnlich gewordene Lehrwerk wurde von mei- nen damaligen Kollegen und mir schlicht der „Ordner“ genannt, als unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel angesehen, arg- wöhnisch gehütet und ständig um weitere Seiten und An- merkungen ergänzt. Eine ganz ähnliche Sammlung, allerdings in elektroni- scher Form, wurde später an der Technischen Universität München von Assistenzärzten des Skelettarbeitplatzes er- stellt. Diese erreichte zwar nach meinem persönlichen Empfinden nie den Charme des alten „Ordners“, hatte je- doch bezüglich Modernität, Ordnung und Verfügbarkeit und letztlich auch unter hygienischen Gesichtspunkten Vorteile. Außerdem stellt sie den direkten Vorläufer dieses Buches dar. In diesem Buch werden verschiedenste Messverfahren und Klassifikationssysteme aus allen Bereichen der mus- kuloskelettalen Radiologie mit Ausnahme der Frakturleh- re (damit ließe sich ein weiteres Buch füllen) dargestellt, ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit zu erheben. Die Auto- ren haben versucht, nach Möglichkeit auf die Originalpu- blikationen zurückzugreifen, um Fehler durch inkorrekte „Überlieferung“ gebräuchlicher Methoden zu vermeiden. Neben der Erläuterung von Messverfahren und Klassifika- tionskriterien wurde der Versuch unternommen, den tat- sächlichen praktischen Stellenwert der einzelnen Metho- den zu beleuchten. Weitgehend veraltete Verfahren und Systeme wurden gar nicht oder nur mit entsprechenden Anmerkungen in die Sammlung aufgenommen.
Rethinking Economics Starting from the Commons Towards an Economics of Francesco - Original PDF
Rethinking Economics Starting from the Commons Towards an Economics of Francesco - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Valentina Rotondi • Paolo Santori خلاصه: What would happen if the economics courses taught in universities focused on the topic of the commons rather than of private goods? What if the former became the main subject of study and the latter the exception in the study of economic science? What if social business, rather than being considered a hybrid form, became the typical approach, with ethical and green finance taking over the financial sector? Is it possible to move away from the primacy of consumers to the preeminence of ethical consumers who express their daily preferences for an inclusive, sustainable, and worker-friendly economic system? These and other questions are the basis of this book, which aims to systematize the academic contribution to the development of the Economy of Francesco (henceforth EOF). EOF is a global movement of young (under 35 years) economists, entrepreneurs, and changemakers who, in 2019, answered Pope Francis’ call to gather in Assisi to rethink and change the global economy. The three pillars of the EOF are Pope Francis, with his social and economic magisterium; the Franciscan economic thought of the late Middle Ages, which is a source of precious knowledge with which to imagine a new economy; and the ideas of the young people thinking, working, and living a new economy. EOF is also a forum for youth-driven inclusive dialogue, stimulating a vibrant global change toward a new economic system, one that should serve everyone, regardless of income, gender, race, class, family, or background, and one in which everyone can thrive and feel included. To achieve this goal, EOF has been structured since the very beginning along 12 thematic “villages,” i.e., working sessions rooted in topics critical for today’s economy. Each thematic village contains a tension in its title, representing the already contemporary eco- nomic systems and the not-yet economy for which the movement advocates (i.e., Agriculture and Justice, Work and Care, Co2 of Inequalities, Women for Economy, Policies and Happiness, and many more)
The Economics of Optimal Growth Pathways Evaluating the Health of the Planet’s Natural and Ecological Resources - Original PDF
The Economics of Optimal Growth Pathways Evaluating the Health of the Planet’s Natural and Ecological Resources - Original PDF
نویسندگان: S. Niggol Seo خلاصه: If you are a natural resource manager of, say, four acres of cropland or two hectares of forest stand, how would you manage it over your planning time horizon? This is the first and most fundamental question you have to answer in your brain before you get your hands and feet down and dirty. Any reasonable answer would encompass many future time periods, that is, beyond the single present time period, as well as a possibility of convert- ing it to another land use at one future period or even selling it (Ricardo 1817; von Thunen 1826; Faustmann 1849). The economics of optimal growth pathways, the book in your hands or on your kindle presently, is written to provide a rational answer to this question faced by the respective natural resource manager. The scope of this book is, however, far greater than cropland farming or forest manage- ment. This book starts with “four acres” of cropland in Chap. 2, continues to the nation’s economy from Chap. 8 onwards, and ends big with the planet’s atmosphere and the global economy from Chap. 11. The purview of this book falls on the planet’s resources and the economic systems built upon it.
Environmental Regulations and Industrial Competitiveness Case Studies of Toxic Industries in Southern California - Original PDF
Environmental Regulations and Industrial Competitiveness Case Studies of Toxic Industries in Southern California - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ward Thomas • Paul Ong خلاصه: 1 Chapter 1 Environmental Regulations and Industrial Competitiveness Abstract Industries in the U.S. emit billions of pounds of toxic chemicals into the environment every year, resulting in a major risk to human health. Many economists and policy makers, however, are strongly opposed to environmental regulations based on an assumption that regulations lead to a loss of jobs and a declining stan- dard of living for U.S. citizens. The empirical literature on this question has pro- duced mixed results, and this chapter critically assesses several conceptual and methodological issues that are embedded in this literature. Our thesis is that strin- gent environmental regulations have the potential to effectively and efficiently reduce toxic emissions from polluting firms and industries while having a negligible impact on the economic competitiveness of firms and industries. We investigate this thesis through three empirical case studies of polluting industries in Southern California that are highly regulated by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD): metal finishing, wood furniture, and dry cleaning. We also attempt to reveal the institutional process by which firms comply with environmen- tal regulations. Keywords Environmental regulations · Economic competitiveness · Environmental pollution · Economic externalities · Market failure · Environmental compliance · Technological uncertainty · Innovation · Adoption Introduction Over the last half century, the US federal government has played an active role in regulating the emission of toxic chemicals from polluting firms and industries (Rosenbaum, 2019; Telsey, 2016). Congress passed the Clean Air Act of 1970 “to protect and enhance the quality of the nation’s air resources so as to promote the public health and welfare and the productive capacity of the population” (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2007, p. 2). Congress also created the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1970 to implement and enforce the nation’s environmental law
Rethinking Management and Economics in the New 20’s The 2022 Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) Conference - Original PDF
Rethinking Management and Economics in the New 20’s The 2022 Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) Conference - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Eleonora Santos · Neuza Ribeiro · Teresa Eugénio خلاصه: This study was developed using scientometrics tools and the purpose was to identify and evaluate the scientific production in hedge accounting until the year 2021. The investigation describes a quantitative overview of published studies focusing on hedge accounting and provides information on the performance of arti- cles, journals, and authors of the collected sample. This article contributes to the literature by exploring through maps and graphs the expressions and words most used by the authors in order to identify the main fields of investigation and try to observe the changes in the guidelines of the studies over the years. Through the results of the sample analysis, it is possible to suggest the incorporation and development of new trends in the fields of investigations related to hedge accounting over the years. The results obtained in the regression model corroborate the idea of evolution in the theme of this research field. Finally, the results showed that the annual scientific productions published showed non-constant growth. A study published in 1995, prior to the publication of IAS 39, is the most influential of the sample in terms of total citations and citations per year, corroborating the idea that despite the emergence of new directions in research, main investigations are used as a matrix in the search field

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