Learn Algorithmic Trading: Build and deploy algorithmic trading systems and strategies using Python and advanced data analysis - Original PDF
Learn Algorithmic Trading: Build and deploy algorithmic trading systems and strategies using Python and advanced data analysis - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Sebastien Donadio, Sourav Ghosh خلاصه: Understand the fundamentals of algorithmic trading to apply algorithms to real market data and analyze the results of real-world trading strategies Key Features • Understand the power of algorithmic trading in financial markets with real-world examples • Get up and running with the algorithms used to carry out algorithmic trading • Learn to build your own algorithmic trading robots which require no human intervention Book Description It's now harder than ever to get a significant edge over competitors in terms of speed and efficiency when it comes to algorithmic trading. Relying on sophisticated trading signals, predictive models and strategies can make all the difference. This book will guide you through these aspects, giving you insights into how modern electronic trading markets and participants operate. You'll start with an introduction to algorithmic trading, along with setting up the environment required to perform the tasks in the book. You'll explore the key components of an algorithmic trading business and aspects you'll need to take into account before starting an automated trading project. Next, you'll focus on designing, building and operating the components required for developing a practical and profitable algorithmic trading business. Later, you'll learn how quantitative trading signals and strategies are developed, and also implement and analyze sophisticated trading strategies such as volatility strategies, economic release strategies, and statistical arbitrage. Finally, you'll create a trading bot from scratch using the algorithms built in the previous sections. By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with electronic trading markets and have learned to implement, evaluate and safely operate algorithmic trading strategies in live markets. What you will learn • Understand the components of modern algorithmic trading systems and strategies • Apply machine learning in algorithmic trading signals and strategies using Python • Build, visualize and analyze trading strategies based on mean reversion, trend, economic releases and more • Quantify and build a risk management system for Python trading strategies • Build a backtester to run simulated trading strategies for improving the performance of your trading bot • Deploy and incorporate trading strategies in the live market to maintain and improve profitability Who this book is for This book is for software engineers, financial traders, data analysts, and entrepreneurs. Anyone who wants to get started with algorithmic trading and understand how it works; and learn the components of a trading system, protocols and algorithms required for black box and gray box trading, and techniques for building a completely automated and profitable trading business will also find this book useful.
The Art of Currency Trading: A Professional’s Guide to the Foreign Exchange Market - Original PDF
The Art of Currency Trading: A Professional’s Guide to the Foreign Exchange Market - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Brent Donnelly خلاصه: Now you can master the art of foreign exchange trading While most currency trading and foreign exchange books focus on international finance theory or simplistic chart-based strategies, The Art of Currency Trading is a comprehensive guide that will teach you how to profitably trade currencies in the real world. Author Brent Donnelly has been a successful interbank FX trader for more than 20 years and in this book, he shares the specific strategies and tactics he has used to profit in the forex marketplace. The book helps investors understand and master foreign exchange trading in order to achieve sustainable long-term financial success. The book builds in intensity and depth one topic at a time, starting with the basics and moving on to intermediate then advanced setups and strategies. Whether you are new to currency trading or have years of experience, The Art of Currency Trading provides the information you need to learn to trade like an expert. This much-needed guide provides: ● an insider’s view of what drives currency price movements; ● a clear explanation of how to combine macro fundamentals, technical analysis, behavioral finance and diligent risk management to trade successfully; ● specific techniques and setups you can use to make money trading foreign exchange; and ● steps you can take to better understand yourself and improve your trading psychology and discipline. Written for currency traders of all skill levels, international stock and bond investors, corporate treasurers, commodity traders, and asset managers, The Art of Currency Trading offers a comprehensive guide to foreign exchange trading written by a noted expert in the field.
An Introduction to C & GUI Programming - Original PDF
An Introduction to C & GUI Programming - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Simon Long خلاصه: The popular C programming language is used for a huge range of applications, from the tiny microcontrollers used in toasters and watches up to complete operating systems. The first half of this book is an introduction to C, and covers the basics of writing simple command-line programs. The second half of the book shows how to use the GTK user interface toolkit with C to create feature-rich GUI applications which can be run on the desktop. No previous experience of C or GTK is required – even if you are an absolute beginner, this book will teach you all you need to know to ... ■ Create simple command-line C programs ■ Control flow with conditions and loops ■ Handle variables, strings, and files ■ Design graphical user interface applications in C ■ Handle user input with buttons and menus ■ Use advanced UI features such as data stores and dialogs
Algorithmic Trading Methods: Applications Using Advanced Statistics, Optimization, and Machine Learning Techniques - Original PDF
Algorithmic Trading Methods: Applications Using Advanced Statistics, Optimization, and Machine Learning Techniques - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Kissell خلاصه: Algorithmic Trading Methods: Applications using Advanced Statistics, Optimization, and Machine Learning Techniques, Second Edition, is a sequel to The Science of Algorithmic Trading and Portfolio Management. This edition includes new chapters on algorithmic trading, advanced trading analytics, regression analysis, optimization, and advanced statistical methods. Increasing its focus on trading strategies and models, this edition includes new insights into the ever-changing financial environment, pre-trade and post-trade analysis, liquidation cost & risk analysis, and compliance and regulatory reporting requirements. Highlighting new investment techniques, this book includes material to assist in the best execution process, model validation, quality and assurance testing, limit order modeling, and smart order routing analysis. Includes advanced modeling techniques using machine learning, predictive analytics, and neural networks. The text provides readers with a suite of transaction cost analysis functions packaged as a TCA library. These programming tools are accessible via numerous software applications and programming languages.
Derivatives: Theory and Practice of Trading, Valuation, and Risk Management - Original PDF
Derivatives: Theory and Practice of Trading, Valuation, and Risk Management - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jiří Witzany خلاصه: This book helps students, researchers and quantitative finance practitioners to understand both basic and advanced topics in the valuation and modeling of financial and commodity derivatives, their institutional framework and risk management. It provides an overview of the new regulatory requirements such as Basel III, the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), Interest Rate Risk of the Banking Book (IRRBB), or the Internal Capital Assessment Process (ICAAP). The reader will also find a detailed treatment of counterparty credit risk, stochastic volatility estimation methods such as MCMC and Particle Filters, and the concepts of model-free volatility, VIX index definition and the related volatility trading. The book can also be used as a teaching material for university derivatives and financial engineering courses.
Positional Option Trading: An Advanced Guide - Original PDF
Positional Option Trading: An Advanced Guide - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Euan Sinclair خلاصه: You know nothing, Jon Snow. —Ygritte in A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin. He is not the only one. We are not in a time where reason is valued. In economics, the idea that marginal tax cuts pay for themselves is still advanced, even though all evidence says they don't. Forty percent of Americans do not believe in evolution. Forty-five percent believe in ghosts. These beliefs are not based on any evidence. They are manifestations of another philosophy, whether it is economic, religious, or sociological. Usually these opinions reveal more about what people want to be true rather than any facts that they know. And many people know few facts anyway. Evidence is seen as irrelevant and arguments are won by those who shout loudest and have the best media skills
molecular biology of the cell fifth edition - Original PDF
molecular biology of the cell fifth edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Bruce Alberts (Author), Alexander Johnson (Author), Julian Lewis (Author), Martin Raff (Author), Keith Roberts (Author), Peter Walter خلاصه: For nearly a quarter century Molecular Biology of the Cell has been the leading cell biology textbook. This tradition continues with the new Fifth Edition, which has been completely revised and updated to describe our current, rapidly advancing understanding of cell biology. To list but a few examples, a large amount of new material is presented on epigenetics; stem cells; RNAi; comparative genomics; the latest cancer therapies; apoptosis (now its own separate chapter); and cell cycle control and the mechanics of M phase (now integrated into one chapter). The hallmark features of Molecular Biology of the Cell have been retained, such as its consistent and comprehensive art program, clear concept headings, and succinct section summaries. Additionally, in response to extensive feedback from readers, the Fifth Edition now includes several new features. It is now more portable. Chapters 1-20 are printed and Chapters 21-25, covering multicellular systems, are provided as PDF files on the free Media DVD-ROM which accompanies the book.* And for the first time, Molecular Biology of the Cell now contains end-of-chapter questions. These problems, written by John Wilson and Tim Hunt, emphasize a quantitative approach and the art of reasoning from experiments, and they will help students review and extend their knowledge derived from reading the textbook. The Media DVD-ROM, which is packaged with every copy of the book, contains PowerPoint® presentations with all of the figures, tables and micrographs from the text (available as JPEGs too). Also included is the Media Player, which plays over 125 movies―animations, videos, and molecular models―all with voice-over narration. A new reader-friendly feature is the integration of media codes throughout the text that link directly to relevant videos and animations. The Media DVD-ROM holds the multicellular systems chapters (21-25) of the text as well. By skillfully extracting the fundamental concepts from this enormous and ever-growing field, the authors tell the story of cell biology, and thereby create a coherent framework through which readers may approach and enjoy this subject that is so central to all of biology. * There is also a reference edition of Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition (ISBN 978-0-8153-4111-6) that contains Chapters 1-25 entirely in printed format.
The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds - Original PDF
The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael Lewis خلاصه: “Brilliant. . . . Lewis has given us a spectacular account of two great men who faced up to uncertainty and the limits of human reason.” —William Easterly, Wall Street Journal
Textile and laundry in hotel industry (1st ed) - Original PDF
Textile and laundry in hotel industry (1st ed) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: D.K. Aggarwal. خلاصه: Laundering is one of the most important part of housekeeping operations. Almost every large hotel has in house laundry facility. In the good old days laundry was done with soaps scrub boards wash tubs and lots of elbow grease. Today's advanced washing machines hi tech detergents and laundry additives make wash days easier and more successful especially with the array of fabrics used in contemporary clothing. This book is an indispensable guide to caring for all cloth in a hotel from kitchen rags to bedding hand washables and table clothes to window curtains. It offers detailed guidance on selecting and maintaining hotel clothing and fabrics installing carpets curtains and rugs arranging table linens removing stains and making environmentally informed choices. It also provides readers with a seamless combination of reliable information time saving guidelines and fascinating narratives on textile and laundry in the hotel industry.
Structure and mechanics of woven fabrics - Original PDF
Structure and mechanics of woven fabrics - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jack Hu خلاصه: This book introduces fundamental and advanced fabric structure and mechanics. There are 10 chapters covering the general features of textile structure and mechanics. All the simple modes of deformation such as tensile, bending, shear and compression, and the complex, particularly drape deformation of fabrics (mainly woven), are discussed. Testing methods for the objective/ instrumental measurement of fabric mechanical properties and structure parameters are also included.

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