Positional Option Trading: An Advanced Guide - Original PDF

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Author: Euan Sinclair

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You know nothing, Jon Snow. —Ygritte in A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin. He is not the only one. We are not in a time where reason is valued. In economics, the idea that marginal tax cuts pay for themselves is still advanced, even though all evidence says they don't. Forty percent of Americans do not believe in evolution. Forty-five percent believe in ghosts. These beliefs are not based on any evidence. They are manifestations of another philosophy, whether it is economic, religious, or sociological. Usually these opinions reveal more about what people want to be true rather than any facts that they know. And many people know few facts anyway. Evidence is seen as irrelevant and arguments are won by those who shout loudest and have the best media skills

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17INTRODUCTION You know nothing, Jon Snow. —Ygritte in A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin. He is not the only one. We are not in a time where reason is valued. In economics, the idea that marginal tax cuts pay for themselves is still advanced, even though all evidence says they don't. Forty percent of Americans do not believe in evolution. Forty-five percent believe in ghosts. These beliefs are not based on any evidence. They are manifestations of another philosophy, whether it is economic, religious, or sociological. Usually these opinions reveal more about what people want to be true rather than any facts that they know. And many people know few facts anyway. Evidence is seen as irrelevant and arguments are won by those who shout loudest and have the best media skills. The idea that opinions are as valid as facts also affects trading and investing. Many investors rely on methods that are either unproven or even proven to be ineffective. The few of these investors who keep records will see that they are failing but rely on cognitive dissonance to continue to believe in their theories of how the markets behave. One would think that losing money would prompt reexamination, but the persistence of losers is remarkable. And even when some people give up or are forced out, there is always new money and new participants to replace the old. The only way to learn about anything is through the scientific method. This is an iterative procedure where theory is modified by evidence. Without evidence we are just in the realm of opinion. Most of what I present here is backed by evidence. There are also some opinions. My justification for this is that experience is also a real thing. But I'm no less prone to self-delusion than anyone else, so feel free to pay less attention to these ideas. Trading is fundamentally an exercise in managing ignorance. Our ability to judge whether a situation presents a good opportunity will always be based on only a simplified view of the world, and it is impossible to know the effects of the simplification.

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17مقدمه، جان اسنو، تو چیزی نمی دانی. - ایگریت در طوفان شمشیر اثر جورج آر آر مارتین. او تنها نیست. ما در زمانه ای نیستیم که عقل بها داده شود. در علم اقتصاد، این ایده که کاهش‌های مالیاتی حاشیه‌ای برای خود هزینه می‌کنند، هنوز مطرح است، حتی اگر همه شواهد نشان دهند که اینطور نیست. چهل درصد آمریکایی ها به تکامل اعتقاد ندارند. چهل و پنج درصد به ارواح اعتقاد دارند. این باورها بر اساس هیچ مدرکی نیست. آنها مظاهر فلسفه دیگری هستند، چه اقتصادی، چه دینی و چه جامعه شناختی. معمولاً این نظرات بیشتر در مورد آنچه مردم می‌خواهند حقیقت داشته باشد به جای هر واقعیتی که می‌دانند، آشکار می‌کند. و به هر حال بسیاری از مردم حقایق کمی را می دانند. شواهد بی ربط تلقی می شوند و کسانی که با صدای بلند فریاد می زنند و بهترین مهارت های رسانه ای را دارند، برنده استدلال می شوند. این ایده که نظرات به اندازه حقایق معتبر هستند نیز بر تجارت و سرمایه گذاری تأثیر می گذارد. بسیاری از سرمایه گذاران به روش هایی تکیه می کنند که یا اثبات نشده یا حتی ثابت شده است که ناکارآمد هستند. تعداد معدودی از این سرمایه گذارانی که سوابق خود را حفظ می کنند، خواهند دید که شکست می خورند، اما برای ادامه باور به نظریه های خود در مورد نحوه رفتار بازارها، بر ناهماهنگی شناختی تکیه می کنند. کسی فکر می کند که از دست دادن پول باعث بررسی مجدد می شود، اما تداوم بازنده ها قابل توجه است. و حتی زمانی که برخی افراد تسلیم می‌شوند یا مجبور به خروج می‌شوند، همیشه پول جدید و شرکت‌کنندگان جدید برای جایگزینی قدیمی‌ها وجود دارد. تنها راه یادگیری در مورد هر چیزی از طریق روش علمی است. این یک روش تکراری است که در آن نظریه با شواهد اصلاح می شود. بدون شواهد ما فقط در قلمرو عقیده هستیم. بیشتر آنچه در اینجا ارائه می‌دهم با شواهدی پشتیبانی می‌شود. نظراتی نیز وجود دارد. توجیه من برای این این است که تجربه نیز یک چیز واقعی است. اما من کمتر از دیگران مستعد خودفریبی نیستم، پس با خیال راحت کمتر به این ایده ها توجه کنید. تجارت اساساً تمرینی برای مدیریت جهل است. توانایی ما برای قضاوت در مورد اینکه آیا موقعیتی فرصت خوبی را ارائه می دهد، همیشه تنها بر اساس یک دیدگاه ساده شده از جهان است، و دانستن تأثیرات این ساده سازی غیرممکن است.


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Author(s): Euan Sinclair

Series: Wiley Trading

Publisher: Wiley, Year: 2020

ISBN: 1119583519,9781119583516


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5INDEX END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT List of Tables Chapter 1 TABLE 1.1 Statistics for the Short One-Year ATM Daily Hedged Straddle With and W... Chapter 3 TABLE 3.1 Thirty-Day Volatility Forecasts for the S&P 500 from 1990 to t... TABLE 3.2 Thirty-Day Volatility EWMA Forecasts for the S&P 500 from 1990 ... Chapter 4 TABLE 4.1 Summary Statistics for the S&P 500 Variance Premium TABLE 4.2 Summary Statistics for the Dow Jones, NASDAQ 100, and Russell 2000 Var... TABLE 4.3 Summary Statistics for the VIX Sorted by Quintiles TABLE 4.4 The Size and Significance of the Variance Premium in Commodity Options TABLE 4.5 The Correlation of the Variance Premium Within Commodity Sectors TABLE 4.6 The Correlation of the Variance Premium Between Commodity Sectors TABLE 4.7 The Average Return to a Short 1-Month Variance Swap for Stock Options ... Chapter 5 TABLE 5.1 Postulated Risk and Behavioral Reasons for the Smart Beta Factors Chapter 6 TABLE 6.1 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Fairly Priced Short Straddle 6TABLE 6.2 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Fairly- Priced Short Strangle TABLE 6.3 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Mispriced Short Straddle TABLE 6.4 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Poorly Priced Short Strangle TABLE 6.5 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Short Straddle When Our Direct... TABLE 6.6 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Short Strangle When Our Direct... TABLE 6.7 Comparing Results for Straddles and Strangles if the Underlying Has th... TABLE 6.8 Comparing Results for Straddles and Strangles When Hedging Daily TABLE 6.9 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Fairly- Priced Butterfly TABLE 6.10 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Fairly Priced Condor TABLE 6.11 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Badly Priced Butterfly TABLE 6.12 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Badly Priced Condor TABLE 6.13 Summary Statistics of S&P 500 Returns from 1990 to 2018 TABLE 6.14 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for the Straddle Spread and... TABLE 6.15 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for the Straddle Spread and... TABLE 6.16 Summary Statistics for the Returns of a Strangle with an Implied Vola... TABLE 6.17 The Results for Both the Flat Skew Condor and the Skewed Case TABLE 6.18 The Put Prices of the SPY June 2020 Expiration on July 30, 2019 (Down... 7TABLE 6.19 The Summary Statistics from Selling $1000 Vega of the 210/360 SPY Str... TABLE 6.20 The Dollar Premium of Options Over Their Being Priced at the ATM Vola... TABLE 6.21 The Summary Statistics from Selling $1000 Vega of 260/335 SPY Strangl... TABLE 6.22 Prices and Strikes of Possible Hedging Options for Our Short 260 Put ... Chapter 7 TABLE 7.1 A Comparison of Risk-Neutral and Subjective Option Prices TABLE 7.2 Projected Performance Numbers for Long Positions in Different Strike 3... TABLE 7.3 Projected Performance Numbers for Long Positions in Different Strike 3... Chapter 8 TABLE 8.1 Summary Statistics for 100 Shares of a $100 Stock with a 20% Return (V... TABLE 8.2 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a 1-Year ATM Call Option... TABLE 8.3 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a 1-Year ATM/20-Delta Ca... TABLE 8.4 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a Short 1-Year ATM Put O... TABLE 8.5 Summary Statistics for BXM and the S&P 500 TABLE 8.6 Summary Statistics for BXY, BXMD, and the S&P 500 from June 1988 ... TABLE 8.7 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a Short 1-Year ATM/20-De... TABLE 8.8 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a Short 1-Year ATM/20-De... TABLE 8.9 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a 1-Year 20-Delta Risk R... 8TABLE 8.10 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a 1-Year 20-Delta Risk ... TABLE 8.11 Results for a Short Put–Long Call 20-Delta Risk Reversal for Various ... TABLE 8.12 Summary Statistics of the PL Distribution for a 1-Year 20-Delta Risk ... TABLE 8.13 The Risk Slide for the Single 241 Put TABLE 8.14 The Risk Slide for the 258/266 One-By-Two Put Spread Chapter 9 TABLE 9.1 Summary Statistics for the Option Trade TABLE 9.2 Fractional Schemes Corresponding to Various Probabilities of Over-Bett... TABLE 9.3 Fractional Schemes Corresponding to Various Probabilities of Over-Bett... TABLE 9.4 A Comparison of Trading at Quarter Kelly and Trading Full Kelly in Sub... Appendix 3 TABLE A3.1 The Order Book of All Bids and Offers for UVXY (ProShares Ultra VI... List of Illustrations Chapter 1 FIGURE 1.1 The implied volatility surface for SPY on September 10, 2019. FIGURE 1.2 The terminal PL distribution of a single short one-year ATM strad... FIGURE 1.3 The terminal PL distribution of a single one- year ATM straddle th... FIGURE 1.4 The standard deviation of the terminal PL distribution of a singl... Chapter 3 9FIGURE 3.1 The rolling 30-day close-to-close volatility of Maximus, Inc. FIGURE 3.2 Term structure of forecast volatility for SPY using GARCH(1,1) (s... Chapter 4 FIGURE 4.1 Profit from selling 1 front-month VIX future. FIGURE 4.2 The VIX index from June 2015 to October 2019. FIGURE 4.3 Profit from selling 1 front-month VIX future when the term struct... FIGURE 4.4 The VIX and the subsequent 30-day realized S&P 500 volatility. FIGURE 4.5 The S&P 500 variance premium (VIX minus realized volatility). FIGURE 4.6 The S&P 500 variance premium distribution. FIGURE 4.7 Performance of the CNDR index. FIGURE 4.8 Performance of the BFLY index. FIGURE 4.9 The three different positive return paths. FIGURE 4.10 The three different negative return paths. FIGURE 4.11 The P/L for a short put, with a stock jump at expiration. FIGURE 4.12 The P/L for a long call, with a stock jump at expiration, Chapter 5 FIGURE 5.1 Results of the long straddle strategy. FIGURE 5.2 Results of the short straddle strategy. Chapter 6 FIGURE 6.1 The profit distribution of the short straddle. FIGURE 6.2 The profits of the short strangle. FIGURE 6.3 The returns of the short straddle when our forecast was poor. 10FIGURE 6.4 The returns of the short strangle when our forecast was poor. FIGURE 6.5 The returns of the short 100 straddle when the underlying has the... FIGURE 6.6 The returns of the short 85/134 strangle (10- delta call and put) ... FIGURE 6.7 The returns of the short straddle when hedging daily. FIGURE 6.8 The returns of the short 70/130 strangle when hedging daily FIGURE 6.9 Vega as a function of underlying price for the straddle (solid li... FIGURE 6.10 The profit distribution of the fairly priced butterfly (long the... FIGURE 6.11 The profit distribution of the fairly priced condor (long the 70... FIGURE 6.12 The profit distribution of the poorly priced butterfly (long the... FIGURE 6.13 The profit distribution of the poorly priced condor (long the 70... FIGURE 6.14 The P/L of the straddle spread at expiry of the front-month opti... FIGURE 6.15 The profit distribution of a strangle with an implied volatility... Chapter 7 FIGURE 7.1 Probability of the 3-month 150 strike call expiring in the money.... FIGURE 7.2 Probability of the 3-month calls expiring in the money when the r... FIGURE 7.3 Ninetieth percentile of the profit of the 3- month 100-strike call... Chapter 8 FIGURE 8.1 The PL distribution for 100 shares of a $100 stock with a 20% ret... 11FIGURE 8.2 The PL distribution for a 1-year ATM call option on a $100 stock ... FIGURE 8.3 The PL distribution for a 1-year ATM/20- delta call spread on a $1... FIGURE 8.4 The PL distribution for a short 1-year ATM put option on a $100 s... FIGURE 8.5 The payoff of the covered call as a function of stock price at ex... FIGURE 8.6 The performance of the CBOE BuyWrite Index compared to that of th... FIGURE 8.7 The total profit of the covered call and how much comes from equi... FIGURE 8.8 The PL distribution for a short 1-year ATM/20-delta put spread on... FIGURE 8.9 The PL distribution for a 1-year 20-delta risk reversal on a $100... FIGURE 8.10 The PL distribution for a 1-year ATM/20- delta risk one-by-two ca... Chapter 9 FIGURE 9.1 Growth rate as a function of f (p1=0.55,p2=0.45,W1=1, ... FIGURE 9.2 Growth rate as a function of f (P1 = 0.55, P2 = 0.44, P3 = 0.01, ... FIGURE 9.3 The optimal investment fraction as a function of skewness (return... FIGURE 9.4 The approximate investment fraction as a function of skewness (re... FIGURE 9.5 The distribution of the option trade results. FIGURE 9.6 The dependence of growth rate on the fractional Kelly ratio. FIGURE 9.7 The growth rate to drawdown ratio as a function of the scaling fa... FIGURE 9.8 The probability of reaching 200% before being stopped out at 0% w... 12FIGURE 9.9 The expected time to reach 200% before being stopped out at 50% w... FIGURE 9.10 The return distribution of our trading strategy. FIGURE 9.11 The hoped-for distribution when a stop has been added. FIGURE 9.12 The true distribution when a stop has been added. FIGURE 9.13 The return distribution of the simulated trade when using a trai... FIGURE 9.14 The distribution of the final account after 10,000 simulations o... FIGURE 9.15 The distribution of the final account after 10,000 simulations o... FIGURE 9.16 The distribution of the final account after 10,000 simulations o... Chapter 10 FIGURE 10.1 The price of Bitcoin in USD in 2018. Appendix 1 FIGURE A1.1 The daily VIX changes from 2000 to 2018. FIGURE A1.2 The daily 1-year rate changes from 2000 to 2018. FIGURE A1.3 The standard deviation pf the P/L for an option hedged with an i... FIGURE A1.4 S&P 500 30-day volatility from January 2000 through to the end o...

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