Zufallsbefunde in der Skelettradiologi - Original PDF
Zufallsbefunde in der Skelettradiologi - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jürgen Freyschmidt خلاصه: Vorwort Die sich in der Radiologie schon längst etablierte und ständig weiter zunehmende Bilderflut sowie die Modalitäten und Erfolge der Krebstherapien mit ausgedehnten prätherapeutischen und langfristigen Nachsorgeuntersuchungen führen zwangsläufig zur Aufdeckung von immer mehr Zufalls- und Nebenbefunden, die vor allem dem Nichtspezialisten in der Skelettradiologie erhebli- che interpretatorische Probleme bereiten können. Doch wie geht man damit um? Sicherlich nicht, indem man die Bilderflut durch mehr oder weniger ungezielte zusätzliche Unter- suchungsverfahren ausweitet und damit unter Umständen neue Zufallsbefunde kreiert. Das gilt besonders für hoch sensitive aber weniger spezifische Modalitäten. Der anspruchsvolle und präzise Radiologe wird vielmehr ein ergänzendes Verfahren einsetzen, das – an der anatomischen Struktur des Zufallsbefunds orientiert – eine höhere Spezifität besitzt und zu einer begründeten und klinisch brauchbaren Diagnose führt. Der häufig angewendete Trick, sich der Verantwortung zu entziehen und eine histologi- sche Abklärung zu empfehlen, sollte gemieden werden. Denn die histologische Interpretation des Pathologen kann in der Skelett- radiologie nur so gut sein, wie der radiologische Befund klar und richtungsweisend ist. Ich betätige mich seit vielen Jahren als Konsiliarius in der Ske- lettradiologie. Das eingesandte Krankengut besteht zu etwa 50 % aus klinisch asymptomatischen Zufallsbefunden, hinter denen benigne Knochentumoren und tumorähnliche Läsionen, Erkran- kungen im Frühstadium, Teile einer systemischen Erkrankung, ungewöhnliche Normvarianten und vieles mehr stecken können. Es wird an mehr als 160 Fällen und fast 100 differenzialdiag- nostisch passenden Kasuistiken aufgezeigt, wie man professionell an solche Befunde unter Einbeziehung der individuellen Situation des Patienten herangeht, welche Relevanz sie haben und welche sinnvollen Empfehlungen man zum weiteren Prozedere geben kann. Mein Dank für die Überlassung der besonderen Fälle gilt den Kollegen CA Dr. med. Jürgen Wiens, Wolfsburg (Fall 22), Dr. med. Thomas Grieser, Augsburg (Fall 30), Professor Dr. med. Michael Laniado, Dresden (Fälle 34, 61), Privt.-Doz. Dr. Sönke Langner, Greifswald (Fall 45) und CA Dr. med. Nils H. Goecke, Wildes- hausen (Fall 131).
Radiologische Diagnostik Abdomen und Thorax - Original PDF
Radiologische Diagnostik Abdomen und Thorax - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gabriele A. Krombach Andreas H. Mahnken خلاصه: Ultraschall, CT (Computertomografie) und MRT (Magnetreso- nanztomografie) sind die wichtigsten Modalitäten zur Unter- suchung der Kopf-Hals-Region. Gemäß den Leitlinien der Deut- schen Röntgengesellschaft (AG Kopf-Hals-Diagnostik) wird die MRT bei Verdacht auf suprahyoidale Tumoren aufgrund ihres gu- ten Weichteilkontrasts eingesetzt. Die CT kommt bei infrahyoidal gelegenen Tumoren zur Anwendung, da sie aufgrund der gerin- gen Untersuchungszeit im Vergleich zur MRT deutlich weniger artefaktanfällig ist. ●HMerke Bei der CT führt ein langes Zeitintervall nach Kontrastmittelinjek- tion (60–80 s) zur besseren Darstellung von Tumoren. Für die MRT ist gemäß den Empfehlungen der AG Kopf-Hals- Diagnostik der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft die Durchführung mindestens folgender Sequenzen erforderlich: ● koronare fettunterdrückte T2w (T2-gewichtete) Sequenz (STIR [Short-Tau Inversion-Recovery]) mit einer Schichtdicke von 3–5 mm ● axiale T2w Sequenz mit Fettunterdrückung mit einer Schicht- dicke von 3–4 mm ● axiale und koronare native T1w (T1-gewichtete) SE-Sequenz (Spin-Echo-Sequenz) ohne Fettsättigung mit einer Schichtdicke von 3–4 mm ● axiale und koronare fettunterdrückte T1w SE-Sequenz nach i. v. (intravenöser) Kontrastmittelinjektion
Marketing Strategy (8th Edition) BY Ferrell - Orginal Pdf
Marketing Strategy (8th Edition) BY Ferrell - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: O. C. Ferrell خلاصه: Marketing Strategy 8th Edition by O. C. Ferrell (Author), Michael Hartline (Author), Bryan W. Hochstein
Educating the 'Right' Way: Markets, Standards, God, and Inequality (2nd Edition) - Orginal Pdf
Educating the 'Right' Way: Markets, Standards, God, and Inequality (2nd Edition) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Michael W. Apple خلاصه: Educating the 'Right' Way: Markets, Standards, God, and Inequality, Second Edition Michael W. Apple
GENERATIVE AI AND PROMPT BASIS RULES FOR BEGINNERS: How generative artificial intelligences like chatgpt work and the basic prompt rules for using them - Pdf
GENERATIVE AI AND PROMPT BASIS RULES FOR BEGINNERS: How generative artificial intelligences like chatgpt work and the basic prompt rules for using them - Pdf
نویسندگان: Michael Gordon Cohen خلاصه: GENERATIVE AI AND PROMPT BASIS RULES FOR BEGINNERS: How generative artificial intelligences like chatgpt work and the basic prompt rules for using them by Michael Gordon Cohen
GENERATIVE AI AND PROMPT BASIS RULES FOR BEGINNERS: How generative artificial intelligences like chatgpt work and the basic prompt rules for using them - Pdf
GENERATIVE AI AND PROMPT BASIS RULES FOR BEGINNERS: How generative artificial intelligences like chatgpt work and the basic prompt rules for using them - Pdf
نویسندگان: Michael Gordon Cohen خلاصه: GENERATIVE AI AND PROMPT BASIS RULES FOR BEGINNERS: How generative artificial intelligences like chatgpt work and the basic prompt rules for using them by Michael Gordon Cohen
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
نویسندگان: C.R. Snyder خلاصه: This Handbook of Hope simply would not have happened without a small army of graduate students who, over the past decade, have come into my office one by one and suggested yetanother angle from which we could view hope. In that sense, what has come to be called hope theory has been like a gemstone that, when held to the light, sends shimmers of ideas about yet other possible implications or experiments. I have produced previous theories about reactions to personal feedback, uniqueness seeking, excuse making, and reality negotiation, hue none of chose have continued co produce the sufficiently intriguing questions to get me revved up for yet another experiment. Hope theory has been a great energizer at a time in my life when I have needed it. For the past seven years I have had a severe, unrelenting, and undiagnosed chest pain that is with me from my fim waking moments to the time th.at I slip off into sleep. Although I have been taking powerful pain killers, I think that none of those pills matches the positive effects of my getting lost in theory and research and work- ing with my students. At age 55 (by the time this book is published), I still enjoy the theory and bench science to the same degree that I did as a brand new 27-year- old assistant professor here at Kansas. And so, I have much for which to be th:.ink- ful.
Handbook on Smart Battery Cell Manufacturing: The Power of Digitalization - Orgianl Pdf
Handbook on Smart Battery Cell Manufacturing: The Power of Digitalization - Orgianl Pdf
نویسندگان: Kai Peter Birke خلاصه: Handbook on Smart Battery Cell Manufacturing: The Power of Digitalization by Kai Peter Birke (Editor), Max Weeber (Editor), Michael Oberle
History of Economic Ideas From Adam Smith to Paul Krugman - Original PDF
History of Economic Ideas From Adam Smith to Paul Krugman - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Panayotis G. Michaelides خلاصه: xv Introduction Economic Science is the Social Science that studies the activities of people associ- ated with the creation of goods and services, with the real-world economic and financial transactions, both at the individual and collective levels. Economic Science is based on one or more theories, which are shaped, co-constructed or replaced with each other with the aid of quantitative analysis (mathematics, statistics, economet- rics, experiments, etc.). Economic Theory, in turn, is an abstract description of the functioning of the extremely complex real world, where new scientific knowledge does not emerge from ‘nowhere’ but arises out of existing knowledge, in a dialectical relationship with the ‘existing’ and very often to its negation. Therefore, science develops and evolves as a ‘living organism’, and often one scientific theory is followed by another in continuity, extension or even opposition to the previous one. Therefore, in order to have a body of knowledge for understanding Economics, we must delve into the various individual ‘truths’ of each theory and, therefore, we must look back to the work of earlier thinkers, within a science that is constantly evolving. This journey of the formation of Economic Theory cannot be seen independently of its social context, since it is within this context that Economic Science has devel- oped, in response to the social conditions that prevailed and their evolution. Therefore, an Economic Theory without knowledge of the deeper internal as well as external causal relationships that have shaped the existing theories would lead to a sterile view.
Rudolf Hilferding What Do We Still Have to Learn from His Legacy? - Original PDF
Rudolf Hilferding What Do We Still Have to Learn from His Legacy? - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Judith Dellheim • Frieder Otto Wolf خلاصه: Editors and authors are, of course, grateful for the interest of our readers that has made it possible to realise a second edition now. We have made use of this happy occasion to correct mistakes we had overlooked in the first edition, to actualise the texts wherever needed, and to add four texts: one by Michael R. Krätke on the still unpublished notes of Hilferding’s last manuscript which had been published post-humously (discussed as such by F. O. Wolf), and another one, also by Krätke, on Hilferding’s cor- respondence; plus a presentation of Krzywicki, the Polish ‘equivalent’ to Hilferding, by Toporowski, as well as a contribution by the editors open- ing a perspective on Varga. We hope to fuel the incipient debate on Hilferding by providing access to these materials—which are not merely of biographical relevancy. We also have added a contribution on Eugen Varga, leading on to the next collection of texts planned in this series. All authors have had the occasion to revise their texts according to the need they could see for this. Accordingly, the new edition will serve as a use- ful tool for further developing the debate on Hilferding, after it had been unblocked from political fetters resulting from older political antagonisms. We have become aware that there is an important and specific debate on Hilferding in Japan. Minoru Kurata and Masaaki Kurotaki should at least be mentioned here. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find a Japanese author for presenting this debate authentically, for which we only Preface to the second edition xviii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION have passing references in the volume. This remains an open challenge for further research and debate.1 In finishing this volume, while the terrible ‘military operations’ gener- ated especially by Putin and his narrow power circle are unfolding, we want to underline the deep internationalist character of our work aiming at strengthening critical thinking and emancipatory-solidarity

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