Innovation and Growth in Tourism - Original PDF
Innovation and Growth in Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development خلاصه: The objectives of the conference were to learn more about the characteristics and dynamics of the innovation process in tourism; to deepen mutual understanding into current practices of the industry and strategies of governments aiming to enhance innovation and co-operation processes in tourism (innovation in the field of product and marketing, how to rejuvenate the offer); and to exchange views on policies and initiatives to put in place to promote innovation in the tourism industry.
Rural Tourism And Sustaninable Business - Original PDF
Rural Tourism And Sustaninable Business - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Hall D. (ed.,), Kirkpatrick I. (ed.), Mitchell M. (ed.) خلاصه: Sustainability here refers to the environment, to the tourism industry in rural areas, and to individual businesses within the industry. The problem addressed is that rural tourism depends largely on small businesses that people have started without the background in business or the environmental and social concerns that have been infiltrating the large companies over the past few years. Contributors from various earth sciences and business fields in both tourist donor and tourist host countries, cover strategic considerations; networks, partnerships, and community support; and quality sustainable business. Distributed in the US by UTP Distribution. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
The UnCommunist Manifesto : A Message of Hope, Responsibility and Liberty for All. - Original PDF
The UnCommunist Manifesto : A Message of Hope, Responsibility and Liberty for All. - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Aleksandar Svetski, Mark Moss خلاصه: Humanity is at a crossroads. Never have we had so much potential to do good in the world or literally transform our civilization into transnational gulags. Almost 175 Years have passed since the Communist Manifesto was written and circulated by Marx and Engels. Some statistics point to it being one of the most widely read and distributed works of political science and economics, despite the core ideology that has led to hundreds of millions of murders worldwide at the hands of those who fervently 'believed' and 'reformed' society by its decrees. It's about time something was written to help challenge and potentially unwind some of the moral, intellectual, social, and economic damage done since. Why is it that an idea with a consistent failure rate draws more young people to it than ever before? What is it about the original book that's so infectious that it continues to influence people around the world almost two centuries later? What elements of the original text are accurate observations, and what conclusions are drawn ignorant of human psychology and praxeology that lead to devastating consequences? We wrote The UnCommunist Manifesto to answer these questions and much more. We emulated the format and length of the Communist Manifesto, so it is a sharp, concise and lucid read, but the message contained is a reminder for people to reach upward and become better versions of themselves instead of renouncing individual responsibility by classifying themselves into static groups and intellectually validating their desire to bring others down to their level. One goal was to change the axis of the “struggle.” Marx and Engels outlined it as “a struggle between two classes’, whom an individual is arbitrarily assigned to based on their material wealth. We reject this and assert that the real struggle is between individual autonomy, sovereignty, and responsibility versus the collectivist tendency toward group identity politics, rights, entitlements, and co-dependencies. Between cooperation and coercion. It always has been. We hope to see it used as an inspirational text in the years ahead as Individuals seek to maintain autonomy and claim sovereignty while the collective seeks to coerce. Our longer-term hope is that this text can be a beacon of hope, sanity, and sense in a world being swallowed up by the envy inherently justified by Marxist doctrine. Humanity is at a crossroads. Never have we had so much potential to do good in the world or literally transform our civilization into transnational gulags. The siren call of Marxist entropy is stronger than ever. The greatness and sanctity of the individual and the soul must counter it. May this book be not just an answer to the misguided, nihilistic, and often dangerous ideology that is Marxism, but a message of hope, responsibility, and liberty for all. This is the first edition, and we hope that you find deep meaning within it. Aleks Svetski & Mark Moss
Servant-Leadership, Feminism, and Gender Well-Being: How Leaders Transcend Global Inequities through Hope, Unity, and Love - Original PDF
Servant-Leadership, Feminism, and Gender Well-Being: How Leaders Transcend Global Inequities through Hope, Unity, and Love - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jiying Song (editor), Joe Walsh (editor), Kae Reynolds (editor), Jennifer Tilghman-Havens (editor), Shann Ray Ferch (editor), Larry C Spears (editor) خلاصه: In a world where leaders and organizations face global pandemics and power conflicts, gender dualism still prevails, and gender stereotyping and the glass ceiling continue to affect humanity's conceptualizations of leadership. How can we integrate the lost aspects of ourselves, often socialized by gender, so as to recover wholeness? How can we discern and develop the feminine and masculine within every leader? Servant-Leadership, Feminism, and Gender Well-Being offers grace, strength, and hope by providing evidence of servant-leaders crossing gender boundaries and integrating gendered traits and behaviors. Feminist ways of knowing, honoring both feminine and masculine giftedness, deepen the holistic foundation of servant-leadership. By integrating female perspectives with male perspectives, a paradigm shift in leadership theory through avenues inherent to servant-leadership can move organizations from hierarchy-driven, rules-based, and authoritative models to value-driven, follower-oriented, and participative models.
Making Space for Justice: Social Movements, Collective Imagination, and Political Hope - Original PDF
Making Space for Justice: Social Movements, Collective Imagination, and Political Hope - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michele Moody-Adams خلاصه: From nineteenth-century abolitionism to Black Lives Matter today, progressive social movements have been at the forefront of social change. Yet it is seldom recognized that such movements have not only engaged in political action but also posed crucial philosophical questions about the meaning of justice and about how the demands of justice can be met. Michele Moody-Adams argues that anyone who is concerned with the theory or the practice of justice―or both―must ask what can be learned from social movements. Drawing on a range of compelling examples, she explores what they have shown about the nature of justice as well as what it takes to create space for justice in the world. Moody-Adams considers progressive social movements as wellsprings of moral inquiry and as agents of social change, drawing out key philosophical and practical principles. Social justice demands humane regard for others, combining compassionate concern and robust respect. Successful movements have drawn on the transformative power of imagination, strengthening the motivation to pursue justice and to create the political institutions and social policies that can sustain it by inspiring political hope. Making Space for Justice contends that the insights arising from social movements are critical to bridging the gap between discerning theory and effective practice―and should be transformative for political thought as well as for political activism.
Pastoral Care for the Incarcerated: Hope Deferred, Humanity Diminished? - Original PDF
Pastoral Care for the Incarcerated: Hope Deferred, Humanity Diminished? - Original PDF
نویسندگان: David Kirk Beedon خلاصه: This book explores and formulates a response to the question: How best can those held in modern systems of mass incarceration be cared for pastorally when many prisons diminish both hope and humanity? Employing the multi-disciplinary approach of practical theology, this ethnographic enquiry will be a guide for chaplains and all who strive to embody compassion wherever human flourishing is undermined. The book’s structure follows the pastoral cycle method from practical theology, remaining context-based and practice-focused throughout. Pastoral insights are illustrated with personal, poetic and movingly reflective material drawn from the lived experience of indeterminately sentenced men who did not know if or when they would be ever released. The author, a former prison chaplain, remains reflexively and humanely present in the text, modelling the profound humane regard and pastoral presence that is central to this work. This book will take the reader deeply into penal spaces on a journey of both compassion and hope.
The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean Regime - PDF
The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean Regime - PDF
نویسندگان: Bradley Hope خلاصه: Once his family had moved north to San Diego, Adrian had spent most of his life in Chula Vista just to the city’s south. The area had a distinctly low-key vibe: palm trees, strip malls, and the beach. Adrian had a high-octane personality, but he would occasionally let his SoCal origins slip through, talking in the laid-back, overly familiar manner of a Chula Vista “bro.” “Ah, the glorious life of a bachelor,” he wrote on his Xanga page one afternoon while at Yale. “Sitting on a couch watching dvds alone, eating out of a can sigh.” Those around Adrian back then recall a confidence about him that was offset by a strong sense of empathy. Fellow students would remember for years his ability to notice one person whose voice was being drowned out by louder students, taking them aside afterward and letting them know he heard what they were trying to say. And even from a young age, Adrian had seemed to hunger for something bigger than the chilled-out suburb he called home. Together with his best friend in high school, who would go on to become a key member of Adrian’s clandestine work, he’d speak with fervor about civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr.
Blessed Motherhood, Bitter Fruit: Nelly Roussel and the Politics of Female Pain in Third Republic France - Original PDF
Blessed Motherhood, Bitter Fruit: Nelly Roussel and the Politics of Female Pain in Third Republic France - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Elinor Accampo خلاصه: One of French feminism's most courageous public figures has received relatively little in-depth mention until now: Nelly Roussel's crusade gave women control over their own bodies and sexuality and Blessed Motherhood Bitter Fruit reveals her sacrifices and accomplishments during the process. Roussel was an actress and beauty who defined parameters of the women's movement which would not be realized for over seventy years: she was the first feminist spokeswoman for birth control in Europe and her lectures, essays, and speeches promoted then-radical ways of thinking. Her biographer does an outstanding job of linking Roussel's life and thoughts to her times and the evolving history of the women's movement as a whole, making it a top pick for any definitive women's history collection. Diane C. Donovan California Bookwatch
Junkers Ju-87 Stuka - Part 1 - PDF
Junkers Ju-87 Stuka - Part 1 - PDF
نویسندگان: Manfred Griehl خلاصه: A book about German ju-87
Unholy war_ terror in the name of Islam - Original PDF
Unholy war_ terror in the name of Islam - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John L. Esposito خلاصه: h e tragedy of Septem ber 11, 2001, brough t Am erican s togeth er as a n ation , un ited in grief an d in resolve. At th e sam e tim e, Am erican s from every walk of life began askin g som e h ard question s about Am erica, global terrorism , an d th e Muslim world. More th an a decade ago, in th e wake of th e fall of th e Soviet Un ion an d Saddam Hussein ’s call for a jih ad again st th e West in th e 1991 Gulf war, I wrote The Islam ic Threat: Myth or Reality?, respon din g to th e growin g propen sity am on g sen ior govern m en t officials, political com - m en tators, an d th e m edia to see a n ew “evil em pire” replacin g th e commun ist th reat.

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