Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide - Original PDF
Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jack Palmer خلاصه: This book offers a novel sociological examination of the historical trajectories of Burundi and Rwanda. It challenges both the Eurocentric assumptions which have underpinned many sociological theorisations of modernity, and the notion that the processes of modernisation move gradually, if precariously, towards more peaceable forms of cohabitation within and between societies. Addressing these themes at critical historical junctures – precolonial, colonial and postcolonial – the book argues that the recent experiences of extremely violent social conflict in Burundi and Rwanda cannot be seen as an ‘object apart’ from the concerns of sociologists, as it is commonly presented. Instead, these experiences are situated within a specific route to and through modernity, one ‘entangled’ with Western modernity. A contribution to an emerging global historical sociology, Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide will appeal to scholars of sociology and social theory with interests in postcolonialism, historical sociology, multiple modernities and genocide.
Encyclopedia of Tourism (Routledge World Reference) - Original PDF
Encyclopedia of Tourism (Routledge World Reference) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jafar Jafari خلاصه: Tourism is travel for pleasure also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours. Tourism may be international, or within the travelers country. The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go «beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only «, as people «traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes»
The Sociology of Tourism European Origins and Developments (Tourism Social Science) - Original PDF
The Sociology of Tourism European Origins and Developments (Tourism Social Science) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: G. Dann خلاصه: Currently there is abundant evidence of the quasi-total domination of the sociology and anthropology of tourism by academics from the English-speaking world, a situation that appears to be aided and abetted by the publishers of books and articles in that language. This volume is the first attempt of its kind to familiarise readers in the US, UK, Australia and the English speaking regions of Africa and Asia with such evolutionary thinking. In such a manner, also, it will be possible to discern, contextualize and better appreciate the European roots of subsequent theorising in the Anglophone world, thereby enabling a more accurate assessment of its hitherto unchallenged claims to originality.
Tourism in Turbulent Times: Towards Safe Experiences for Visitors (Advances in Tourism Research) - Original PDF
Tourism in Turbulent Times: Towards Safe Experiences for Visitors (Advances in Tourism Research) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jeff Wilks, Donna Pendergast, Peter Leggat خلاصه: Tourism in Turbulent Times presents an international review of the challenges faced by the world's largest industry and governments around the world to provide safe and enjoyable experiences for visitors. The book draws on the background and expertise of contributors from 11 countries, representing scholars, government officers and industry practitioners. It addresses traditional concerns for tourism (such as crime) as well as emerging challenges posed by the global movement of infectious disease and terrorism. These topics are examined by specialists who share a view that tourism can weather turbulent times through adopting appropriate risk management strategies and continuing to provide quality service for customers. This book differs from other texts on the market by including a large group of tourism industry practitioners as contributors. These writers practice the principles they espouse and have critical insight into the real world issues facing the tourism industry. They are also very committed to finding best practice solutions to the challenges facing their industry. The book will therefore be of particular interest to tourism managers and policy makers since it provides relevant information for the important decisions they need to make.Throwing the net wide to include medicine, law, psychology, sociology, education and hard science means that a wide range of perspectives are available to address global business, insurance, security, and policy questions in this emerging area of tourism. Shocks such as the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, SARS and the more recent Asian Tsunami have made the tourism industry very conscious of the need to protect its customers. This book highlights the positive responses made by various sectors of the industry at destination, national and international levels. It also examines the growing adventure tourism market, characterised by small operators who need good risk management practices to weather adverse global events, as well as run a financially viable small business. Such a wide set of perspectives will be very valuable to both students and tourism professionals. - Focus on the real world business, including medicine, the international tourism industry and government. - Includes unique industry material that is not usually found in academic texts or journal articles- Written by government and industry experts who have access to interesting and timely facts and figures that would not otherwise appear in the public domain
What Can I Do Now!: Travel and Tourism - Original PDF
What Can I Do Now!: Travel and Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ferguson Publishing خلاصه: "While the landscape for private equity is being redrawn, an original roadmap is offered in this new book by Cyril Demaria. Combining academic grounding ...
The Media and the Tourist Imagination: Converging Cultures - Original PDF
The Media and the Tourist Imagination: Converging Cultures - Original PDF
نویسندگان: David Crouch, Rhona Jackson, Felix Thompson خلاصه: Tourism studies and media studies both address key issues about how we perceive the world. They raise acute questions about how we relate local knowledge and immediate experience to wider global processes, and they both play a major role in creating our map of national and international cultures. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, this book explores the interactions between tourism and media practices within a contemporary culture in which the consumption of images has become increasingly significant. A number of common themes and concerns arise, and the contributions included are divided between those: written from media studies awareness perspective, concerned with the way the media imagines travel and tourism written from the point of view of the study of tourism, considering how tourism practices are affected or altered by the media that attempt a direct comparison between the practices of tourism and the media. Incorporating case study material from the UK, the Caribbean, Australia, the US, France and Switzerland, this significant text - ideal for students of culture, media and tourism studies - discusses tourism and the media as separate processes through which identity is constructed in relation to space and place.
Tourism and Tourism Spaces - Original PDF
Tourism and Tourism Spaces - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Professor Gareth Shaw, Professor Allan M Williams خلاصه: This is a critical introduction to the relations between tourism, tourists, and tourism spaces. It fuses economic and cultural perspectives to explain how tourism is dependent on place and space, while at the same time as defining those places and spaces. Examining different levels of scale - from local to global - Tourism and Tourism Spaces is informed by the discussion of three key processes: - production and consumption of tourist spaces - consumption and commodification of tourist experiences - construction and reconstruction of tourist spaces Each chapter engages with different theoretical perspectives; is illustrated with comparative examples and case studies; uses tables, boxes and figures throughout; and concludes with a summary. An integrated and systematic review of a range of theoretical positions - that integrates economic and cultural - Tourism and Tourism Spaces will be a key resource for students of geography, sociology, management studies, hospitality studies, and leisure studies.
Tourism, Mobility & Second Homes: Between Elite Landscape and Common Ground - Original PDF
Tourism, Mobility & Second Homes: Between Elite Landscape and Common Ground - Original PDF
نویسندگان: C. Michael Hall, Dieter K. Muller خلاصه: Second homes are an integral component of tourism in rural and peripheral areas. This volume represents a major international review of second homes for over 25 years. The volume represents helpful information for those interested in rural regional development processes.
Cultural Attractions and European Tourism - Original PDF
Cultural Attractions and European Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Greg Richards خلاصه: Cultural tourism has been identified as one of the most important of the global tourism markets. Europe hosts a vast treasure house of cultural attractions and the level of competition between cities, regions and nations to attract cultural tourists is increasing. This book reviews the cultural tourism market in Europe, based on recent surveys. It analyzes the way in which cultural attractions are produced for and used by cultural tourists and pays attention to specific types of cultural attractions including museums, art galleries, monuments and heritage attractions and the management, marketing and cultural issues surrounding them.
The Economics of Tourism Destinations - Original PDF
The Economics of Tourism Destinations - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Norbert Vanhove خلاصه: The measurement of tourism is not an easy task. The Economics of Tourism Destinations provides a succinct guide to the economic aspects of tourism for students and practitioners alike to decipher the methods of measurement of supply, demand, trends and impacts. In nine chapters, The Economics of Tourism Destinations takes the reader through the economic characteristic of the tourism sector, to methods of measurement, tourism demand and supply, impacts and forecasting all with the focus on tourism destinations. International case studies are used throughout including tourism surveys in the UK and other European countries, congress centre in Bruges and income generation in several destinations. Aimed at year three undergraduates and postgraduate students, this text is suitable for those on master levels courses and practitioners already in the industry. * Emphasises new aspects such as measurement of tourism (e.g. Tourism Satellite Account), supply trends, competition models, and the role of tourism in a development strategy. * All economic aspects of tourism dealt with in one succinct text * Combines theory and practice to focus on the central theme of tourism destinations

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