نویسندگان: Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni خلاصه: Global imperial designs, which have been in place since conquest by western powers, did not suddenly evaporate after decolonization. Global coloniality as a leitmotif of the empire became the order of the day, with its invisible technologies of subjugation continuing to reproduce Africa’s subaltern position, a position characterized by perceived deficits ranging from a lack of civilization, a lack of writing and a lack of history to a lack of development, a lack of human rights and a lack of democracy. The author’s sharply critical perspective reveals how this epistemology of alterity has kept Africa ensnared within colonial matrices of power, serving to justify external interventions in African affairs, including the interference with liberation struggles and disregard for African positions. Evaluating the quality of African responses and available options, the author opens up a new horizon that includes cognitive justice and new humanism.
Coloniality of the U-S///Mexico Border - Original PDF
Coloniality of the U-S///Mexico Border - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Roberto D. Hernández خلاصه: National borders are often taken for granted as normal and necessary for a peaceful and orderly global civil society. Roberto D. Hernández here advances a provocative argument that borders--and border violence--are geospatial manifestations of long histories of racialized and gendered colonial violence. In Coloniality of the U-S///Mexico Border, Hernández offers an exemplary case and lens for understanding what he terms the "epistemic and cartographic prison of modernity/coloniality." He adopts "coloniality of power" as a central analytical category and framework to consider multiple forms of real and symbolic violence (territorial, corporeal, cultural, and epistemic) and analyzes the varied responses by diverse actors, including local residents, government officials, and cultural producers. Based on more than twenty years of border activism in San Diego-Tijuana and El Paso-Ciudad Juárez, this book is an interdisciplinary examination that considers the 1984 McDonald's massacre, Minutemen vigilantism, border urbanism, the ongoing murder of women in Ciudad Juárez, and anti-border music. Hernández's approach is at once historical, ethnographic, and theoretically driven, yet it is grounded in analyses and debates that cut across political theory, border studies, and cultural studies. The volume concludes with a theoretical discussion of the future of violence at--and because of--­national territorial borders, offering a call for epistemic and cartographic disobedience.
Microwave Receivers with Electronic Warfare Applications - Original PDF
Microwave Receivers with Electronic Warfare Applications - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Tsui, James Bao-Yen خلاصه: This book provides an introduction to microwave receivers and is written at a level appropriate for advanced undergraduates and first-year graduate students. The advance in microwave receiver development can be considered to be a result of device and logic circuit research. On the other hand, many of the new microwave devices and new ideas in microwave systems are developed as by-products of specific receiver designs. Therefore, this book is written primarily for both microwave receiver engineers and microwave device engineers. The book is divided into two parts, the general properties and the structures of microwave receivers. The properties of microwave receivers are discussed in Chapters 1-3 and in 12. The structures of different receivers are discussed in Chapters 4-11. The basic properties of microwave devices used in receivers are discussed where appropriate.
Communications, Radar and Electronic Warfare - Original PDF
Communications, Radar and Electronic Warfare - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Adrian Graham خلاصه: A practical guide to the principles of radio communications for both civilian and military applications In this book, the author covers both the civilian and military uses of technology, focusing particularly on the applications of radio propagation and prediction. Divided into two parts, the author introduces the basic theory of radio prediction before providing a step-by-step explanation of how this theory can be translated into real-life applications. In addition, the book presents up-to-date systems and methods to illustrate how these applications work in practice. This includes systems working in the HF bands and SHF. Furthermore, the author examines the performance of these systems, and also the effects of noise, interference and deliberate jamming, as well as the performance of jamming, detection and intercept systems.
Emotions, Language and Identity on the Margins of Europe - Original PDF
Emotions, Language and Identity on the Margins of Europe - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kyra Giorgi خلاصه: When a word describing an emotion is said to be untranslatable, is that emotion untranslatable also? This unique study focuses on three word-concepts on the periphery of Europe, providing a wide-ranging survey of national identity and cultural essentialism, nostalgia, melancholy and fatalism, the production of memory and the politics of hope.
Imperial Childhoods and Christian Mission Education and Emotions in South India and Denmark - Original PDF
Imperial Childhoods and Christian Mission Education and Emotions in South India and Denmark - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Karen Vallgårda خلاصه: Making an important addition to the highly Britain-dominated field of imperial studies, this book shows that, like numerous other evangelicals operating throughout the colonized world at this time, Danish missionaries invested remarkable resources in the education of different categories children in both India and Denmark.
Colonialism and Modern Social Theory - Original PDF
Colonialism and Modern Social Theory - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gurminder K. Bhambra and John Holmwood خلاصه: Modern society emerged in the context of European colonialism and empire. So, too, did a distinctively modern social theory, laying the basis for most social theorising ever since. Yet colonialism and empire are absent from the conceptual understandings of modern society, which are organised instead around ideas of nation state and capitalist economy. Gurminder K. Bhambra and John Holmwood address this absence by examining the role of colonialism in the development of modern society and the legacies it has bequeathed. Beginning with a consideration of the role of colonialism and empire in the formation of social theory from Hobbes to Hegel, the authors go on to focus on the work of Tocqueville, Marx, Weber, Durkheim and Du Bois. As well as unpicking critical omissions and misrepresentations, the chapters discuss the places where colonialism is acknowledged and discussed – albeit inadequately – by these founding figures; and we come to see what this fresh rereading has to offer and why it matters. This inspiring and insightful book argues for a reconstruction of social theory that should lead to a better understanding of contemporary social thought, its limitations, and its wider possibilities.
The History of Emotions - Original PDF
The History of Emotions - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jan Plamper خلاصه: The history of emotions is one of the fastest growing fields in current historical debate, and this is the first book-length introduction to the field, synthesizing the current research, and offering direction for future study. The History of Emotions is organized around the debate between social constructivist and universalist theories of emotion that has shaped most emotions research in a variety of disciplines for more than a hundred years: social constructivists believe that emotions are largely learned and subject to historical change, while universalists insist on the timelessness and pan-culturalism of emotions. In historicizing and problematizing this binary, Jan Plamper opens emotions research beyond constructivism and universalism; he also maps a vast terrain of thought about feelings in anthropology, philosophy, sociology, linguistics, art history, political science, the life sciences; from nineteenth-century experimental psychology to the latest affective neuroscience; and history, from ancient times to the present day.
Global Coloniality of Power in Guatemala Racism, Genocide, Citizenship - Original PDF
Global Coloniality of Power in Guatemala Racism, Genocide, Citizenship - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Egla Martínez Salazar خلاصه: In this engaged critique of the geopolitics of knowledge, Egla Martínez Salazar examines the genocide and other forms of state terror such as racialized feminicide and the attack on Maya childhood, which occurred in Guatemala of the 1980s and '90s with the full support of Western colonial powers. Drawing on a careful analysis of recently declassified state documents, thematic life histories, and compelling interviews with Maya and Mestizo women and men survivors, Martinez Salazar shows how people resisting oppression were converted into the politically abject. At the center of her book is an examination of how coloniality survives colonialism—a crucial point for understanding how contemporary hegemonic practices and ideologies such as equality, democracy, human rights, peace, and citizenship are deeply contested terrains, for they create nominal equality from practical social inequality. While many in the global North continue to enjoy the benefits of this domination, millions, if not billions, in both the South and North have been persecuted, controlled, and exterminated during their struggles for a more just world.
EW 103: Tactical battlefield communications electronic warfare - Original PDF
EW 103: Tactical battlefield communications electronic warfare - Original PDF
نویسندگان: David L. Adamy خلاصه: The third book in the bestselling "Artech House EW 100" series is dedicated entirely to the practical aspects of electronic warfare against enemy communication. Like its predecessors, EW 103 presents a series of highly informative and easy-to-comprehend tutorials, along with insightful introductory and connective material that helps practitioners understand how each aspect fits together. From communications math, receiving systems, and signals, to communications emitter location, intercept, and jamming, this comprehensive volume covers all the key topics in the field.

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