Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City - Original PDF
Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jan Rath خلاصه: Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City fills a gap in existing research in terms of how immigration relates to urban tourism and investigates the new theoretical insights and challenges for empirical research using informative case studies drawn from several advanced economies in Europe, North America and Australia. This enlightening book clearly explores the frontiers of knowledge on the interrelationship between tourism, migration, ethnic diversity and place. Exploring further the manifestations of ethnic diversity that have been commodified by immigrants in gateway cities, questioning how these expressions of culture can be transformed into vehicles for further developing the urban tourism economy. Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City presents a multidisciplinary approach drawing on key names from the field of geography, sociology, planning and political science and will appeal to those with an interest in any of these areas.
Tourism, Development and Growth: The Challenge of Sustainability - Original PDF
Tourism, Development and Growth: The Challenge of Sustainability - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John J. Pigram, Salah Wahab خلاصه: Distinguishing between sustainable development and sustainable tourism, the authors examine whether, and in what form, tourism can contribute to sustainable development and growth. Focusing on different types of tourism appropriate to particular situations, the team of leading contributors draws on examples from around the world - Canada, USA, Spain, Belgium, UK, Australia - to explore tourism's contribution to the economic, social, political and environmental advancement of developing countries and the importance of tourism in industrialised nations. This book examines the new policies and initiatives established by both the private sector and the state to pursue sustainable tourism growth and identifies the opportunities and challenges inherent in achieving it.
Classic Reviews In Tourism - Original PDF
Classic Reviews In Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Chris Cooper خلاصه: Drawing together some of the leading authors in tourism, this text provides state-of-the-art reviews of research in fields of tourism. The text also revisits classic reviews which first appeared in ''Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management'' series, over a decade before the publication of this title. Topics covered include gender, alternative tourism, urban tourism, heritage tourism and environmental auditing.
Tourism Local Systems And Networking - Original PDF
Tourism Local Systems And Networking - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Lazzeretti L. (ed.), Petrillo C.S. (ed.) خلاصه: This book focuses on the role of networking, cooperation and partnership in destination management in response to the changing environment of the tourism industry.Firms and institutions are nowadays required to implement drastic management changes: they must adopt a systemic approach and become actively involved in formal and informal networks in order to increase efficiency and product quality, to gain a sustainable edge and face the competitive context.The work is dedicated to deepening the topics of the ''Networking and Tourism Local System'' session of the 12th ATLAS 2004 Annual Conference, ''Networking & Partnership in Destination Development & Management'', held in Naples.From a theoretical point of view, the papers included herein relate to two macro reference areas: applied economics and managerial sciences. The analysis range from national to local levels and focus on strategies, policies, and project experiences.Several cases from different areas (Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden) are examined and provide features and issues that can be applied beyond the cultural and economic contexts.
Tourism and Social Identities: Global Frameworks and Local Realities - Original PDF
Tourism and Social Identities: Global Frameworks and Local Realities - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Peter M. Burns, Marina Novelli خلاصه: The making and consuming of tourism takes place within a complex social milieu, with competing actors drawing into the 'product' peoples' history, culture and lifestyles. Culture and people thus become part of the tourism product. The implications are not fully understood, though the literature ranges the arguments along a continuum with culture being described on one hand as vulnerable and fixed, waiting to be 'impacted' by tourism and on the other being seen as vibrant and perfectly well capable of dealing with globalization and modernity trends. Some of the answers are likely to focus around ideas of social identities. The intention of this book is to make a contribution to the theoretical framework of tourism through a series of international case studies. The overall purpose of the edited book is to assemble a series of essays enabling the dissemination of ideas on the critical discourse of tourism and tourists as they relate to social and cultural identities.
Tourism And Intercultural Exchange: Why Tourism Matters - Original PDF
Tourism And Intercultural Exchange: Why Tourism Matters - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gavin Jack خلاصه: ''This book asks the question: Why is it that tourism matters? It answers this question by looking at how it is we do tourism and learn to be tourists when we are on holiday. Tourism, according to Gavin Jack and Alison Phipps, is a dynamic way of being that may facilitate or hinder intercultural exchange. The ways in which we do tourism and the places in which we are tourists raise practical, material and emotional questions about tourist life. These questions are at the heart of this book.'' To address these issues the authors examine the ways in which intercultural exchange is fostered. They draw on both empirical work and a range of theoretical frameworks, arguing that tourism matters precisely because of the lessons it can teach us about living everyday life with others.
Tourism and the Less Developed World: Issues and Case Studies - Original PDF
Tourism and the Less Developed World: Issues and Case Studies - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Harrison D. خلاصه: This multi-author book covers tourism and development issues from less developed societies and countries from around the world, with chapters on specific, regions and more specific themes that emerge from the interaction of tourism with such societies. Chapters include studies from South Africa, India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Ecuador, Oceania and the Caribbean.
Tourism Forecasting and Marketing - Original PDF
Tourism Forecasting and Marketing - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Wong K. (ed.), Song H. (ed.) خلاصه: Tourism Forecasting and Marketing presents vital, up-to-date research on the latest practice and applications of tourism demand modeling and forecasting. The book addresses both econometric and time series approaches to forecasting, focusing on the concepts, model specification, data analysis, and methodologies used in day-to-day tourism planning. An international panel of practitioners and academics call on a diverse range of empirical research findings to discuss commonly used theoretical frameworks for forecasting and future directions tourism demand is likely to take.Tourism Forecasting and Marketing presents research findings from the United States, the United Kingdom, Asia, and Australia that are invaluable for guiding government and private sector tourism investment and development decisions. The book addresses traditional versus modern forecasting techniques; evaluations of current and past forecasting methods; modeling and forecasting destination choice; and the impact of forecasting and marketing on tourism demand. Topics include: * using time series models to forecast inbound tourism demand for China and Greece * determining the economic factors that influence tourism demand in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Malaysia * examining domestic travel expenditures in South Korea * developing a model to forecast ski tourism * using the Palmore cohort analysis for tourism forecasting * and much more!Tourism Forecasting and Marketing is an important textbook for educators and students working in tourism policy planning and management, and tourism marketing. The book is equally effective as a reference for travel and tourism researchers, and for professionals dealing with tourism demand analysis and forecasting.
Tourism Demand Modelling and Forecasting: Modern Econometric Approaches - Original PDF
Tourism Demand Modelling and Forecasting: Modern Econometric Approaches - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Song H., Witt S.F. خلاصه: The phenomenal growth of both the world-wide tourism industry and academic interest in tourism over the last thirty years has generated great interest in tourism demand modelling and forecasting from both sectors. However, the tendency for researchers and practitioners engaged in quantitative causal tourism modelling and forecasting to run many regression equations and try to choose the 'best' model based on various parametric and non-parametric criteria has been widely criticised as failing to provide credible results. The aim of this book is to present the recent advances in econometric modelling methodology within the context of tourism demand analysis at a level that is accessible to non-specialists, and to illustrate these new developments with actual tourism applications.The book begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of tourism demand analysis, before addressing the problems of traditional tourism demand modelling and forecasting, i.e. data mining and spurious regression due to common trends in the time series. Three chapters explore the general-to-specific approach to tourism demand modelling and forecasting, including the use of autoregressive distributed lag processes, cointegration analysis and error correction models. The time varying parameter model together with the use of the Kalman filter as an estimation method is a useful tool for examining the effects of regime shifts on tourism demand elasticities: this is explored next. The panel data approach is introduced as a way of overcoming the problem of estimation and forecasting biases caused by insufficient time series data. The book concludes by evaluating the empirical forecasting performance of the various models and putting forward some general conclusions.
The Making of Salem: The Witch Trials in History, Fiction and Tourism - Original PDF
The Making of Salem: The Witch Trials in History, Fiction and Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robin Derosa خلاصه: The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 are a case study in hysteria and group psychology, and the cultural effects still linger centuries later. This critical study examines original trial transcripts, historical accounts, fiction and drama, film and television shows, and tourist sites in contemporary Salem, challenging the process of how history is collected and recorded. Drawing from literary and historical theory, as well as from performance studies, the book offers a new definition of history and uses Salem as a tool for rethinking the relationships between the truth and the stories people tell about the past.

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