Electrical Wiring Practice : A Blended Learning Package
نویسندگان: Pethebridge, Keith; Neeson, Ian; Low, Paul خلاصه: The 8th edition of Electrical Wiring Practice has been streamlined into a handy, single-volume textbook and carefully revised to meet the needs of electrotechnology students and professionals looking to further advance their trade competencies.
Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism (4th Edition))
نویسندگان: Robert E. Taylor, Eric J Fritsch, Michael R. Saylor, William L. Tafoya خلاصه: Revised edition of the authors' Digital crime and digital terrorism, [2015]
Nutrition & Diet Therapy (12th Edition) - Image pdf with Ocr
نویسندگان: Ruth A Roth; Kathy L Wehrle خلاصه: Providing a solid foundation, NUTRITION & DIET THERAPY, 12E delivers a completely up-to-date introduction to the essentials of nutrition concepts, good health, and client care.
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