Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition 11th Edition
Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition 11th Edition
نویسندگان: Sharon Rady Rolfes; Kathryn Pinna; Eleanor Noss Whitney خلاصه: UNDERSTANDING NORMAL AND CLINICAL NUTRITION, 11e, presents the fundamentals of nutrition and nutrition therapy, along with their practical applications today. Starting with normal nutrition, chapters introduce nutrients and their physiological impacts, and nutritional guidelines for good health and preventing disease. Later chapters explore clinical nutrition, including pathophysiology and dietary changes for treating a variety of medical conditions, from obesity and pregnancy to diabetes and HIV. Known for a consistent and student-friendly narrative, UNDERSTANDING NORMAL AND CLINICAL NUTRITION, 11e, also offers resources to help students apply content to their daily lives and in clinical settings. Such features include systematic "How To" discussions, clinical case studies, end-of-chapter questions, in-depth "Highlight" sections, and the MindTap digital learning supplement that enhances student understanding and performance in your nutrition course.
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition: A Functional Approach (Mosby Nutrition) - Does not come with access code 5th Edition
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition: A Functional Approach (Mosby Nutrition) - Does not come with access code 5th Edition
نویسندگان: Gordon M Wardlaw; Anne M Smith; Angela Collene خلاصه: Offers an unique approach by organizing vitamins and minerals within the context of physiological functions and the health conditions they influence. This book provides students who lack a strong science background the ideal balance of reliable nutrition information and practical consumer-oriented knowledge.
Personal Nutrition (10th Edition) - Image pdf with ocr
Personal Nutrition (10th Edition) - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Marie A. Boyle خلاصه: Become a smarter consumer with Boyle's PERSONAL NUTRITION, 10th Edition.
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition 11th Edition
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition 11th Edition
نویسندگان: Gordon M Wardlaw; Anne M Smith; Angela Collene; Colleen K Spees خلاصه: In the preparation of each edition, we have been guided by the collective wisdom of reviewers who are excellent teachers. They represent experience in community colleges, liberal arts colleges, institutions, and universities. We have followed their recommendations, while remaining true to our overriding goal of writing a readable, student-centered text.
The Iranian Crisis and the Birth of the Cold War:  The Bridge to Victory
The Iranian Crisis and the Birth of the Cold War: The Bridge to Victory
نویسندگان: Benjamin F. Harper خلاصه: This study examines the Iranian crisis of 1946 and its role in shaping the dynamics of the Cold War. The author uses the encounter as a case study to analyze how the United States used its atomic monopoly to achieve its international objectives in the early postwar era.
At the Dawn of the Cold War:  The Soviet-American Crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan, 1941-1946 (The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series)
At the Dawn of the Cold War: The Soviet-American Crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan, 1941-1946 (The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series)
نویسندگان: Jamil Hasanli خلاصه: For half a century, the United States and the Soviet Union were in conflict. But how and where did the Cold War begin? This book attempts to answer this question.
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
نویسندگان: Stuart Turton خلاصه: A brilliantly original high concept murder mystery from a fantastic new talent: Gosford Park meets Inception, by way of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express One of Stylist Magazine's 20 Must-Read Books of 2018 One of Harper's Bazaar's 10 Must-Read Books of 2018 One of Marie Claire, Australia's 10 Books You Absolutely Have to Read in 2018 'Somebody's going to be murdered at the ball tonight. It won't appear to be a murder and so the murderer won't be caught.
Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence (Old Version) - Epub + Converted pdf
Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence (Old Version) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Ellis Silver خلاصه: An evaluation of the evidence for and (mostly) against man’s evolution on Planet Earth, by a leading environmentalist and ecologist.
Disaster Response SMARTbook 2 - Incident Command System (ICS)
Disaster Response SMARTbook 2 - Incident Command System (ICS)
نویسندگان: Kyle Ferlemann خلاصه: Disaster can strike anytime, anywhere. It takes many forms--a hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado, a flood, a fire or a hazardous spill, or an act of terrorism. An incident can build over days or weeks, or hit suddenly, without warning
Materials Selection for Hydrocarbon and Chemical Plants
Materials Selection for Hydrocarbon and Chemical Plants
نویسندگان: Hansen خلاصه: This book is intended for engineers involved in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of plant facilities. Its purpose is to assist these engineers in the selection of materials of construction suitable for piping and equipment. Reflecting the authors’ experience, the focus is on hydrocarbon and chemical process plants.

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