Materials Selection for Hydrocarbon and Chemical Plants

دانلود کتاب Materials Selection for Hydrocarbon and Chemical Plants

Author: Hansen

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توضیحات کتاب :

This book is intended for engineers involved in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of plant facilities. Its purpose is to assist these engineers in the selection of materials of construction suitable for piping and equipment. Reflecting the authors’ experience, the focus is on hydrocarbon and chemical process plants.

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Describes the systematic procedure for using process and mechanical design information to select construction materials suitable for a range of chemical and hydrocarbon processing plants. The volume features tables for locating the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) product form specifications for construction materials that have code-allowable design stresses. It analyzes threshold values for degradation phenomena involving thermal damage.

چکیده فارسی

روند سیستماتیک استفاده از اطلاعات طراحی فرآیند و مکانیکی برای انتخاب مصالح ساختمانی مناسب برای طیف وسیعی از کارخانه‌های فرآوری شیمیایی و هیدروکربن را شرح می‌دهد. این حجم دارای جداولی برای مکان یابی مشخصات فرم محصول انجمن آمریکایی تست و مواد (ASTM) برای مصالح ساختمانی است که دارای تنش های طراحی مجاز با کد هستند. این مقادیر آستانه را برای پدیده های تخریب که شامل آسیب حرارتی است تجزیه و تحلیل می کند.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Materials Selection for Hydrocarbon and Chemical Plants 
نویسنده:    Hansen
ناشر: CRC Press; 1 edition (August 8, 1996)
زبان: English
شابک: 9780824797782
حجم: 24 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Preface; Contents; Chapter 1 MATERIALS SELECTION TEMPLATE; A. Introduction; B. Materials Selection Criteria; 1. Mandatory Requirements; 2. Design Conditions; 3. Design Temperatures; 4. Process Requirements; 5. Special Requirements; 6. Template Information; References; Chapter 2 BASIC MATERIALS ENGINEERING; Part 1: Corrosion; A. Introduction; B. Corrosion Basics; 1. Cathodes; 2. Anodes; C. Corrosion Control; 1. Barrier Coatings: Interrupt or Reduce the Flow of Current; 2. Cathodic Protection: Make Everything into a Cathode. 3. Anodic Protection: Make Everything into an Anode4. Passivation; 5. Polarization; Part 2: Materials; A. Metallurgical Definitions; 1. Heat Treatments; 2. Microstructural Terms; 3. Metallurgical Terms; B. Alloy Designations; C. Manufacturing Effects; D. Metals and Alloys; 1. Cast Irons; 2. Carbon Steels; 3. Microalloyed Steels; 4. Low-Alloy Steels; 5. High Alloys; E. Non-Metallic Materials; 1. Plastics; 2. Elastomers; 3. Carbon and Graphite; 4. Glass; 5. Cement; 6. Refractories; 7. Wood; F. Coatings and Linings; 1. Introduction; 2. Thick Dielectric Barrier Coatings. 3. Thin Dielectric Barrier Coatings4. Thick Metallic Barrier Coatings; 5. Thin Metallic Barrier Coatings; 6. Sprayed Metal Coatings; 7. Galvanizing; 8. Other Metallic Coatings; References; Chapter 3 FAILURE MODES; Part 1: Embrittlement Phenomena; A. Introduction; B. Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels; 1. Temper Embrittlement; 2. Creep Embrittlement; 3. Strain Ageing; 4. Hydrogen Embrittlement; 5. Caustic Embrittlement; 6. Low-Temperature Embrittlement; C. Stainless Steels; 1. Ferritic Stainless Steels: 885°F (475°C) Embrittlement; 2. Martensitic Stainless Steels. 3. Austenitic Stainless Steels: Sigma Phase Embrittlement4. Duplex Stainless Steels; D. High Alloys; E. Hydriding; Part 2: High-Temperature Effects; A. Mechanical Effects; 1. Introduction; 2. Creep; 3. Stress Rupture; B. Metallurgical Effects; 1. Sensitization; 2. Spheroidization and Graphitization of Carbon Steels; 3. Welding; C. Chemical Effects; 1. Carburization; 2. Fuel Ash Corrosion; 3. Hydrogen Gas; 4. Nitriding; 5. Oxidation; 6. Sulfidation and Sulfidic Corrosion; D. High-Temperature Alloys; Part 3: Corrosion; A. Corrodents; 1. Acids, General; 2. Inorganic Acids; 3. Organic Acids. 4. Acid Salts5. Amines; 6. Ammonia; 7. Carbon Dioxide; 8. Caustics; 9. Chlorides; 10. Flue Gas; 11. Hydrogen Sulfide; 12. Insulation; 13. Oxidants; 14. Water; 15. Seawater; B. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion; 1. Introduction; 2. Effect on Materials of Construction; 3. Mitigation Methods; C. Stress Corrosion Cracking; 1. Introduction; 2. Crack-Inducing Agents; D. Wet Sour Service; 1. Low-Risk Service; 2. Simple Wet Sour Services; 3. Severe Wet Sour Services; E. Corrosion Allowance; 1. Design Life; 2. Vessels, Heat Exchangers and Tanks; 3. Piping; References; Chapter 4 CORROSION TESTING.

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