نویسندگان: Dr. Martin I. Boyer M.D. MSc FRCS(C) خلاصه: Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product
Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Fourth Edition
نویسندگان: Ronet D. Bachman, Raymond Paternoster خلاصه: Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice, Fourth Edition offers students a practical and comprehensive introduction to statistics and highlights the integral role research and statistics play in the study of criminology and criminal justice
Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach 3rd Edition
نویسندگان: Michael McKinley Dr., Valerie O'Loughlin, Theresa Bidle خلاصه: McKinley/O'Loughlin/Bidle's Anatomy and Physiology: An Integrative Approach 3e brings multiple elements of the study of A&P together in unique ways that maximize understanding
McGraw-Hill Education SAT 2019 1st Edition
نویسندگان: Christopher Black, Mark Anestis خلاصه: Improve your score and ace the SAT with this essential study guide packed with targeted instruction and valuable practice tests
Safety Culture: Building and Sustaining a Cultural Change in Aviation and Healthcare
نویسندگان: Manoj S. Patankar, Jeffrey P. Brown, Edward J. Sabin, Thomas G. Bigda-Peyton خلاصه: In "Safety Culture: Building and Sustaining a Cultural Change in Aviation and Healthcare", the four authors draw upon their extensive teaching, research and field experience from multiple industries to describe the dynamic nature of a culture-change process, particularly in safety-critical domains
Constructing Interpersonality: Multiple Perspectives on Written Academic Genres
نویسندگان: Alan Collins خلاصه: With in-depth coverage of a wide range of issues--from terrorism, inter-state conflict, and nuclear deterrence to environmental security, health, and organized crime--Contemporary Security Studies, Fifth Edition is the definitive introduction to security studies
نویسندگان: Anthony Sequeira خلاصه: CCENT ICND1 100 -105 Exam Cram is the perfect study guide to help you pass the 100-105 ICND1 exam, providing coverage and practice questions for every exam topic.
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, Global Edition (8th edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Dee Unglaub Silverthorn خلاصه: For courses in Human Physiology. Move beyond memorization: Prepare students for tomorrow's challenges Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach is the #1 best-selling 1-semester human physiology text world-wide.
Gastrointestinal Imaging: A Core Review
نویسندگان: Wendy C. Hsu MD, Felicia P. Cummings MD خلاصه: Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
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