Contemporary Security Studies 5th Edition

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Author: Alan Collins

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With in-depth coverage of a wide range of issues--from terrorism, inter-state conflict, and nuclear deterrence to environmental security, health, and organized crime--Contemporary Security Studies, Fifth Edition is the definitive introduction to security studies

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With in-depth coverage of a wide range of issues--from terrorism, inter-state conflict, and nuclear deterrence to environmental security, health, and organized crime--Contemporary Security Studies, Fifth Edition is the definitive introduction to security studies. Bringing together leading scholars, it provides a student-friendly guide to critical theoretical approaches and the most important issues that dominate the modern security agenda.

Throughout the text, students are encouraged to question their own preconceptions and to use their own judgement to critically evaluate key approaches and ideas. To help them achieve this, each chapter is punctuated with helpful learning features including "key ideas", "think points" and case studies which demonstrate the real world applications, relevance, and implications of the theory.

The book is supported by online resources designed to help students take their learning further.

For students:
- Explore relevant security issues in greater depth with additional online case studies.
- Test your understanding of the key ideas and themes in each chapter with self-marking multiple-choice questions.
- Expand your knowledge of the subject with web links to additional reliable sources.

For registered lecturers:
- Use the adaptable PowerPoint slides as the basis for lecture presentations, or as hand-outs in class.

چکیده فارسی

با پوشش عمیق طیف وسیعی از مسائل - از تروریسم، درگیری بین دولتی، و بازدارندگی هسته‌ای گرفته تا امنیت محیطی، بهداشت، و جرایم سازمان‌یافته--مطالعات امنیتی معاصر، پنجم نسخه مقدمه قطعی مطالعات امنیتی است. با گرد هم آوردن دانشمندان برجسته، راهنمای دانشجویی برای رویکردهای نظری انتقادی و مهم ترین موضوعاتی که بر دستور کار امنیتی مدرن تسلط دارند، ارائه می دهد.

در سرتاسر متن، دانش‌آموزان تشویق می‌شوند تا پیش‌فرض‌های خود را زیر سوال ببرند و از قضاوت خود برای ارزیابی انتقادی رویکردها و ایده‌های کلیدی استفاده کنند. برای کمک به آنها در دستیابی به این هدف، هر فصل با ویژگی‌های یادگیری مفید از جمله "ایده‌های کلیدی"، "نکات فکری" و مطالعات موردی که کاربردهای دنیای واقعی، ارتباط، و پیامدهای نظریه را نشان می‌دهد، نقطه‌گذاری می‌شود.

این کتاب توسط منابع آنلاین طراحی شده برای کمک به دانش آموزان برای پیشبرد یادگیری خود پشتیبانی می شود.

برای دانش آموزان:
- با مطالعات موردی آنلاین اضافی، مسائل امنیتی مرتبط را با عمق بیشتری بررسی کنید.
- درک خود را از ایده ها و مضامین کلیدی در هر فصل با سوالات چند گزینه ای خود علامت گذاری کنید.
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- از اسلایدهای سازگار با پاورپوینت به عنوان پایه ارائه سخنرانی یا به عنوان دستی در کلاس استفاده کنید.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Contemporary Security Studies
نویسنده: Alan Collins
ناشر: Oxford University Press; 5 edition (February 1, 2019)
زبان: English
شابک: 0198804105, 978-0198804109
حجم: 9 Mb
فرمت: Epub + Converted pdf

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Cover Half Title Title Page Copyright Preface Acknowledgements New to this Edition Brief Contents Detailed contents Notes on Contributors List of Figures List of Tables List of Boxes How to use this book Online Resources 1 Introduction: What is Security Studies? Introduction Definition of security Structure Conclusion PART 1 Approaches to Security 2 Realism Introduction What is realism? Waltz’s structural realism Offensive realism Defensive realism Motivational realism Realism and war Conclusion 3 Liberalism and Liberal Internationalism Introduction Characteristic features of liberalism and liberal internationalism Central elements in liberalism thinking: commercial liberalism Pursuit of human rights Liberalism and international organizations Liberalism and democracy Tracing liberal internationalism’s rise and fall: the Cold War and after Liberalism and liberalist internationalism now—under severe strain Conclusion 4 Historical Materialism An overview of historical materialism Capitalism and neoliberalism: insecurity for labour, security for capital Historical materialism, (in)security, and Security Studies: an alternative, not just a critique Conclusion 5 Peace Studies Introduction The early years Evolution amidst controversy What is peace studies now? Responding to the new security challenges Conclusion 6 Social Constructivism Introduction Definitions and key concepts Wendt’s three cultures of anarchy Conventional and critical constructivism Critiques of constructivism Conclusion 7 Critical Security Studies: A Schismatic History Introduction: ‘Follow the sign of the gourd’ Toronto desire: Critical Security Studies Copenhagen distinctions Aberystwyth exclusions Constructing security Everyone’s other: poststructuralism and security Beyond divisions? CASEing the joint or returning the gift? Conclusion 8 Poststructural Insights: Making Subjects and Objects of Security Introduction Secret agents and power bases The subject of ‘smart’ bombs Complicated subjects: children Indigenous peoples and a cautionary tale Conclusion 9 Postcolonialism Introduction A view from elsewhere: genealogies of the postcolonial Security and the colonizer’s view of the world Decolonizing security: strategies Conclusion: should we ‘forget security studies’? 10 Human Security Introduction Arguments for human security The genealogy of human security: what’s new? Critiques of human security Conclusion 11 Gender and Security Introduction Representations Practical context I: war Practical context II: civilian life Practical context III: the post-conflict environment Multiple perceptions, same realities? Conclusion 12 Securitization Introduction Securitization model Empirical research and limitations of the securitization model Cases of securitization Conclusion PART 2 Deepening and Broadening Security 13 Military Security Introduction Approaches to military security Traditional military-security studies War Alliances and neutrality Deterrence Cooperative security and arms control The cost of military security Conclusion 14 Regime Security Introduction Public versus regime security Threats to regime security The regime insecurity loop Security strategies of patrimonial regimes Anatomy of a weak state: Assad’s Syria Prospects for regimes in the developing world Conclusion: The need for sustainable governance 15 Societal Security Introduction A duality of state and societal security Society and societal identity Threats to societal identity Defending societal identity Conclusion 16 Environmental Security Introduction The origins of environmental security Major interpretations of environmental security Environmental change and violent conflict Environmental change and national security Armed forces and the environment Environmental change and human security Environment or security? Conclusion 17 Economic Security Introduction Economic science of security Economic tools of security policy Conclusion 18 Globalization, Development, and Security Introduction Globalization as a neoliberal ideology for development Neoliberalism and the fostering of inequality Global inequality as a threat to global security Conclusion PART 3 Traditional and Non-Traditional Security 19 Coercive Diplomacy: Countering War-Threatening Crises and Armed Conflicts Introduction What is coercive diplomacy? Requirements for success The challenge of defining success The importance of the strategic context Conclusion 20 Weapons of Mass Destruction Introduction Nuclear weapons Chemical weapons Biological weapons Conclusion 21 Terrorism Introduction Concepts and definitions Types and causes of terrorism Security measures Conclusion 22 Humanitarian Intervention Introduction The case for humanitarian intervention The case against humanitarian intervention The Responsibility to Protect Conclusion 23 Energy Security Introduction The problem of energy security Energy security and International Relations theory Energy security and human insecurity Energy security and the United States Conclusion 24 The Weapons Trade Introduction History and shifting dynamics of the defence trade Contemporary trends in the weapons trade The illicit arms trade Controlling the weapons trade Conclusion 25 Health and Security Introduction Health and human security Health and national security Health and bio-security Conclusion 26 Transnational Crime Introduction Definitions and key concepts The increase in transnational crime Transnational crime and terrorism Assessing the threat Government responses Conclusion 27 Cyber-Security Introduction Information security Three interlocking cyber-security discourses Reducing cyber-in-security The level of cyber-risk: overstated? Conclusion 28 After the Return to Theory: The Past, Present, and Future of Security Studies Introduction The origins and institutional structure of security studies The Golden Age of security studies Institutionalization and stagnation Disciplinary questioning and theoretical relaunch Conclusion: the powers of theory and the challenges of the future Glossary References Index

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